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Democrats 2020

Elections lost because of a third party exodus do sometimes result in changes to main party policy. Complacency breeds corruption, and voter power is only power when it is exercised.
Elizabeth Warren offers to explain her wealth tax to Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the selfless philanthropist who only wants to help human civilization, will not commit to rejecting Donald Trump, a white nationalist who wants to date his own daughter. Why? Because of money:

Speaking at the New York Times DealBook conference on Wednesday, Bill Gates balked at Warren’s tax policies. “I’ve paid over $10bn in taxes. I’ve paid more than anyone in taxes,” he said. “If I had to pay $20bn, it’s fine.” “But when you say I should pay $100bn, then I’m starting to do a little math over what I have leftover.”

Despite being a vocal critic of Donald Trump, Gates also wouldn’t commit to supporting Warren in a hypothetical race between her and Trump: “I’m not going to make political declarations. But I do think no matter what policy somebody has in mind … whoever I decide will have the more professional approach in the current situation, probably is the thing I will weigh the most. And I hope that the more professional candidate is an electable candidate.”

Warren's response demonstrates exactly why she shouldn't be our next President:

Warren, who has proposed a 6% tax on wealth over 10 figures, reassured Gates that he wouldn’t have to pay $100bn, and offered to meet with him to explain.

This conciliatory attitude toward someone who is worried about being worth only six billion dollars and considering voting for Trump to prevent that, is not how to confront structural inequality and its beneficiaries.
And now Bloomberg? Don't know much about him, but...
One thing I'd like to see - Mikey B on a stage with teh Donald. What's that guy worth - $50 billion plus?

"I'm the REAL billionaire here. Donald lied about being a billionaire. Contrary to what he says, he desperately needs all the money he can suck out of the presidency and more, just to satisfy his Russian creditors. His refusal to release his tax returns proves it! Now he's running away from his failed NY property to hole up in his (actually Russian-owned) state-tax-free dump in the Florida swamp, to hang out with the rest of the swamp creatures."

It could go on mercilessly...
A millennial who has a land line and time to answer a poll questionaire is probably unemployed...

These days polls aren't all based on land lines anymore. I received a call from a pollster before an election a few years ago. It was on my caller ID, but I didn't want to be bothered to answer, so I didn't, and I'm old. I have no idea who answers these polls these days. I don't think most of us want to be bothered.

Telephone polling, both cellphone or landline have become almost useless. Even political savvy observers can't be bothered answering a few minute survey.
Can’t imagine very many Bernie Bros voting for Michael Bloomberg.

I can't imagine many Democrats voting for Bloomberg. What are these old white men thinking?

You do know that you answered that question yourself, right? "Of course he's far superior to Trump"
If those are the only two viable choices I will certainly vote for Mikey. And I caucused for Bernie in 2016.
Q for TV&C; if it came to Donny vs Mikey, do you think the Bernie Bros would stay home, put on their tinfoil hats and await The End?? Doubting that you meant that, so I assume you meant in the primary, right?
I'm not a card-carrying Bernie bro. Still like his ideas but don't believe he'd be an effective president unless he had super-majorities in both houses, and that ain't likely. Don't want to see Cheato claiming that he won in 2020, but that is going to happen even if he only gets 30 percent of the popular vote. So I'll probably back Liz or Pete in the primary...
Can’t imagine very many Bernie Bros voting for Michael Bloomberg.

I can't imagine many Democrats voting for Bloomberg. What are these old white men thinking?

You do know that you answered that question yourself, right? "Of course he's far superior to Trump"
If those are the only two viable choices I will certainly vote for Mikey. And I caucused for Bernie in 2016.
Q for TV&C; if it came to Donny vs Mikey, do you think the Bernie Bros would stay home, put on their tinfoil hats and await The End?? Doubting that you meant that, so I assume you meant in the primary, right?
I'm not a card-carrying Bernie bro. Still like his ideas but don't believe he'd be an effective president unless he had super-majorities in both houses, and that ain't likely. Don't want to see Cheato claiming that he won in 2020, but that is going to happen even if he only gets 30 percent of the popular vote. So I'll probably back Liz or Pete in the primary...

I'm thinking about the number of Bernie supporters who refused to vote for Hillary, about 25% and considering Bloomberg's strong capitalist leanings, he would very much keep corporate America in the driver seat.
Can’t imagine very many Bernie Bros voting for Michael Bloomberg.

I can't imagine many Democrats voting for Bloomberg. What are these old white men thinking? Of course he's far superior to Trump, but I can't imagine him winning the nomination.

He's the only centrists moderate in a field of left winger nut cases that haven't got a hope in hell of beating the Trumpet come election day.
If it's not working for Steyer, why would it work for him?

Well, there's the little matter of Bloomberg being worth around 30 times what Steyer is worth. Republican coffers are stuffed with more than a half billion already, and will surpass a billion long before the election heats up. Might get over 2-3 billion at the end of the day. 2 billion is more than Steyer's total net worth (1.6b), but less than 1/25th of Bloomberg's (>50b).
I was just watching CNBC for a few minutes. They were saying that Bloomberg has moved too far to the left. This was based on is soda tax idea when he was mayor of New York. WTF!


WASHINGTON — Democrats in the country’s most pivotal general election battlegrounds prefer a moderate presidential nominee who would seek common ground with Republicans rather than pursue an ambitious, progressive agenda, according to a New York Times/Siena College poll of primary voters across six states.

As the Democratic candidates intensify their argument over how best to defeat President Trump, their core voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona and Florida are counseling them to pursue a political middle ground.

A majority of those surveyed said they wanted a Democratic nominee who is more moderate than most Democrats, and they overwhelmingly preferred one who would bridge the partisan divide in Washington.

Something to think about. I really don't care that much who the nominee ends up being, as long as that person can win in the general. I don't understand those who insist on having a particular candidate. What's the point if that person has no chance of defeating Trump?

Right now, the idiot Trump is ranting about how corrupt the entire state of New York is......projecting again, I guess. He's so fucking unhinged.
If it's not working for Steyer, why would it work for him?

Well, there's the little matter of Bloomberg being worth around 30 times what Steyer is worth. Republican coffers are stuffed with more than a half billion already, and will surpass a billion long before the election heats up. Might get over 2-3 billion at the end of the day. 2 billion is more than Steyer's total net worth (1.6b), but less than 1/25th of Bloomberg's (>50b).

So what we need is to finally find the Democrat rich enough to buy the election properly?
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