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Democrats 2020

...which is likely why the minority who don't are fleeing to the west.

Those "fleeing" to the west are mostly economic migrants, attracted by generous benefits in countries like Germany, Sweden or UK. Those countries take them in without any vetting whatsoever. The Afghan mass migrant who raped and murdered a German young woman had a criminal conviction in Greece for a violent crime, and had raped a 12 year old in Iran, but Germany does not do even cursory vetting of these so-called "asylum seekers" before it is too late. So much for Merkelian "Willkommenskultur".

Those fleeing are first political refugees as the revolution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, provide bitter testimony. War isn't just a kerfuffle it's based on deep differences among peoples where such is going on. Many seek refuge for social reasons such as rights for women and children and, yes, economic freedom and access to education. That Europe is in the position of having to augment it's work forces to sustain economic progress offers opportunity for those fleeing from a primarily drought based religious/racist contraction and out of control population explosion that has driven average age in those countries down into the mid-late twenties.

Your framing, Derec, is so racist as to be pamphlet like. There is no such thing as an Afghan mass migrant. It is a lone migrant from Afghanistan that you've chosen tar an entire group. To take this fear and push it seems to be your ploy. Taking singular examples of egregious behavior to tar an entire group is a act suitable to a Nazi or Klansman. It s not anything like rational discourse.

I find it particularly odious that you take a natural grasping to traditional values when segregated in to more or less gulag conditions as reason to reject those coming to work and live better. Had your thinking prevailed during the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds in the US we would now be in Catholic Protestant war in the States.

Other than that. Fine. So what?

Unfortunately your arguments fails the smell test. No, not all Muslims are terrorist and rapists, but most terrorist and rapists in Western Europe are Muslims!
You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.

Look at the countries where most of the Islamic mass migrants who are colonizing Western countries are actually coming from. Countries like Iraq, Affghanistan, Pakistan. Huge majorities support the Shariah Law.
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...which is likely why the minority who don't are fleeing to the west.

You appear not to have finished thinking about this - it's usually a poor choice to stop thinking as soon as you are able to support your existing biases.

A minority are fleeing because they're getting away from sharia? That's what leftists would have you believe. But these figures say otherwise.

In Germany, 47% of Muslims believe Sharia is more important than German law. In Sweden, 52% of Muslims believe that Sharia is more important than Swedish law.

The studies are supported by European intelligence reports. In Germany, intelligence agencies warned in the early fall of 2015 that, "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law."

A recent Belgian study, in which 4,734 Belgians were polled, showed that two-thirds of Belgians feel that their nation is being "increasingly invaded".
You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.

Look at the countries where most of the Islamic mass migrants who are colonizing Western countries are actually coming from. Countries like Iraq, Affghanistan, Pakistan. Huge majorities support the Shariah Law.

Color me gobsmacked that MUSLIMS would like to see the laws in their Holy Text applied to their countries' legal system.
Now - what makes them any different from the Republican Christian Evangelical Taliban? Which should we consider a more imminent threat (phrase du jour) here in America?

57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

Sharia as you must know, or are pretending you don't know, is not just a religious tenet of sharia, it's a whole alien to Western values way of life. Do you agree adulterers should be stoned to death, gays thrown from high buildings, cutting off of limbs for stealing, death for criticism of the terrorist prophet Mo, etc, etc, etc?
But attempting to get this thread to back on topic. The GOP would be foolish not to run their November election advertising reminding voters of the last time the treasonous Dems inhabited the White House.


Just out of curiosity, how many more fucking times are you going to spew the "Obama gave billions to Iran" bullshit? And if you were genuinely worried about funding terrorism, you'd be furious with Trump giving $350 billion worth of next gen weaponry to a country that murders journalists and is the birthplace of Al-Qaeda. Compared to that, 1.3 billion is indeed a small amount. So fuck off with your "Trump is the better option with regards to stability and security" bullshit. It doesn't even stand up to 3 seconds of scrutiny.
But attempting to get this thread to back on topic. The GOP would be foolish not to run their November election advertising reminding voters of the last time the treasonous Dems inhabited the White House.


Oh my god. Are you feel real? Did you read my previous posts that were replies to your posts? If not, please let me know so that I can stop wasting my time and put you on ignore. For the last time, Iran and the US agreed to the sale of US F-16s for Iranian dollars. Iran made the down payment. It was $400 million dollars. For various reasons, the deal was cancelled. The F-16's were never delivered. Sorry, but you don't get to keep a down payment if you don't deliver. That's how it is.

Let's be more specific. The US agreed to return the money back to Iran. It was transferred into an escrow account. Shortly after the transfer, the US froze the Iranian assets. Again, they were Iranian assets.
Those fleeing are first political refugees as the revolution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, provide bitter testimony. War isn't just a kerfuffle it's based on deep differences among peoples where such is going on. Many seek refuge for social reasons such as rights for women and children and, yes, economic freedom and access to education. That Europe is in the position of having to augment it's work forces to sustain economic progress offers opportunity for those fleeing from a primarily drought based religious/racist contraction and out of control population explosion that has driven average age in those countries down into the mid-late twenties.

Your framing, Derec, is so racist as to be pamphlet like. There is no such thing as an Afghan mass migrant. It is a lone migrant from Afghanistan that you've chosen tar an entire group. To take this fear and push it seems to be your ploy. Taking singular examples of egregious behavior to tar an entire group is a act suitable to a Nazi or Klansman. It s not anything like rational discourse.

I find it particularly odious that you take a natural grasping to traditional values when segregated in to more or less gulag conditions as reason to reject those coming to work and live better. Had your thinking prevailed during the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds in the US we would now be in Catholic Protestant war in the States.

Other than that. Fine. So what?

Unfortunately your arguments fails the smell test. No, not all Muslims are terrorist and rapists, but most terrorist and rapists in Western Europe are Muslims!

I have no idea if what you've said about European Muslims is true or not, but in the US, most terrorists are white males. Sure, there are others who do terroristic acts, but if you consider all the mass shootings as terrorism, like I do, it's the white males that have committed most. Most of the Muslims here are rather moderate or even liberal. We have a much bigger problem with white supremacy here than we do with Muslims. The religion that is the most extreme in the US is Christianity. Not all sects of Christianity of course, but quite a few tend to be extremists and potentially harmful to the nation.
I already live in a country with single payer health care. So do many here. We pay taxes. It isn't nearly as bad as American doomsayer prophesies. It's actually something few here would want to give up. It would be political suicide to run against here.

I also live in a country with a public health system that's partly paid for a Medicare levy which only pays a fraction of it's cost. The rest is paid out of consolidated revenue. In other words. Taxpayers.

So... ???
If a majority of Americans, or for that matter, Western World people think like that, then it's just a matter of time before Islam and sharia law will be the morn not the exception!

What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.

I'm posting a load of crap? The figures are freely available online by such polling orgs as Pew and others. Ask your average " well adjusted" to western values muslim what he supports above all else, Islam or Western culture and it's values.

You brought it up. You cite them.
I already live in a country with single payer health care. So do many here. We pay taxes. It isn't nearly as bad as American doomsayer prophesies. It's actually something few here would want to give up. It would be political suicide to run against here.

I also live in a country with a public health system that's partly paid for a Medicare levy which only pays a fraction of it's cost. The rest is paid out of consolidated revenue. In other words. Taxpayers.

So... ???

Indeed... So?

I just stated we pay taxes. I wrote that to note that we pay taxes to fund our health care system along with our other social programs. It's affordable it's actually cheaper on the whole. We wouldn't have it otherwise. It works. It's civilization. What's wrong with that?
BTW what is a medicare levy? I'm pretty sure we don't have anything like that in Canada. Our healthcare system is paid entirely through our taxes. And again, that's how we think it should be. If you disagree, why? What's your best argument against that?

Canada falls short when it comes to dental and eye glasses. Bernie's plan would include those as well, leapfrogging the US over and ahead of us.
BTW what is a medicare levy? I'm pretty sure we don't have anything like that in Canada. Our healthcare system is paid entirely through our taxes. And again, that's how we think it should be. If you disagree, why? What's your best argument against that?

Canada falls short when it comes to dental and eye glasses. Bernie's plan would include those as well, leapfrogging the US over and ahead of us.

Medicare levy is a fancy way of saying income tax. Once your income reaches $90,000, 2% of what you earn is taxed to fund the medicare system.
Yes, another one bites the dust.
Cory Booker Drops Out of 2020 Presidential Race - The New York Times
Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Monday, ending a nearly yearlong quest built around a message of peace and unity that failed to resonate with voters eager for a more aggressive posture against President Trump.

“I got in this race to win, and I’ve always said I wouldn’t continue if there was no longer a path to victory,” Mr. Booker said in a statement to supporters. “Our campaign has reached the point where we need more money to scale up and continue building a campaign that can win — money we don’t have, and money that is harder to raise because I won’t be on the next debate stage and because the urgent business of impeachment will rightly be keeping me in Washington.”
He never got more than 5.7% in the polls, and he was usually at 2 - 3% and sometimes less.
Booked it, did he?

His major problem is that he never really seemed to have much to say.

Agreed. He didn't distinguish himself. Similar to Klobuchar, who I expect to be dropping out after the next debate. So long as Pete, Biden, and Bloomberg are running, she has no path to the presidency. She's 4th in polling of her likeminded alternates.

I wonder how long Steyer will stick around before he realizes it just isn't going to happen for him. He's got the money to stick in there till the end, but surely at SOME point he'll realize its not to be? Same with Bloomberg.
Why Marianne Williamson’s Unconventional Presidential Bid Didn’t Catch On | FiveThirtyEight
Author Nathaniel Rakich speculates on why.
Maybe one reason why Williamson didn’t fare better in the polls is that the more voters got to know her, the less they liked her. ...

Williamson may have hoped that her New Age rhetoric (“I’m going to harness love for political purposes”) would help her appeal to the spiritual side of the Democratic Party, but it looks like it just turned voters off. As my colleague Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux wrote in September, although “spiritual but not religious” people make up around one-third of the Democratic Party, they are not a cohesive group, do not vote as a monolith and tend to prioritize shared values and policy positions over a shared spiritual identity. They also tend to be more highly educated than the broader public, which might disabuse them of a candidate who has heterodox views on vaccines and antidepressants or who ridiculed the idea that “wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country.” Ultimately, it was harder than Williamson probably expected to get, as she once quipped, “everyone who has a yoga mat” to vote for her.
I found it curious that MW dressed in a pantsuit. I sort of expected her to wear a stereotypical priestess outfit, like a fancy gown.
Why Marianne Williamson’s Unconventional Presidential Bid Didn’t Catch On | FiveThirtyEight
Author Nathaniel Rakich speculates on why.
Maybe one reason why Williamson didn’t fare better in the polls is that the more voters got to know her, the less they liked her. ...

Williamson may have hoped that her New Age rhetoric (“I’m going to harness love for political purposes”) would help her appeal to the spiritual side of the Democratic Party, but it looks like it just turned voters off. As my colleague Amelia Thomson-DeVeaux wrote in September, although “spiritual but not religious” people make up around one-third of the Democratic Party, they are not a cohesive group, do not vote as a monolith and tend to prioritize shared values and policy positions over a shared spiritual identity. They also tend to be more highly educated than the broader public, which might disabuse them of a candidate who has heterodox views on vaccines and antidepressants or who ridiculed the idea that “wonkiness is going to deal with this dark psychic force of the collectivized hatred that this president is bringing up in this country.” Ultimately, it was harder than Williamson probably expected to get, as she once quipped, “everyone who has a yoga mat” to vote for her.
I found it curious that MW dressed in a pantsuit. I sort of expected her to wear a stereotypical priestess outfit, like a fancy gown.

She was such a breath of fresh air. Definitely wish she was still in the debates.
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