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Democrats 2020

Booker drops out and no one notices.

I knew that this morning but was too lazy to post it here. Booker was my original choice but when not a single one of my black friends said they would support him, I figured he didn't have a chance. I've just followed his career for many years since I grew up in a town that bordered on Newark. I was always impressed by his compassion and willingness to live among his people when he was the mayor of Newark. But, another one bites the dust.....
Debate coming up, with Yang and Tulsi on the off the stage but not having dropped out. I wonder how much longer they will keep in it and if the debate will make any real difference to them. I'll laugh if the debate tanks hard and they get declared the winners of the debate for not being in it lol. Bloomberg also will be missing from the stage, despite having the polling the qualify (he lacks the donations because he's self funded).
Booker drops out and no one notices.

I knew that this morning but was too lazy to post it here. Booker was my original choice but when not a single one of my black friends said they would support him, I figured he didn't have a chance. I've just followed his career for many years since I grew up in a town that bordered on Newark. I was always impressed by his compassion and willingness to live among his people when he was the mayor of Newark. But, another one bites the dust.....

Becoming president isn't about being a genuinely good person, alas!
Booker drops out and no one notices.

I knew that this morning but was too lazy to post it here. Booker was my original choice but when not a single one of my black friends said they would support him, I figured he didn't have a chance. I've just followed his career for many years since I grew up in a town that bordered on Newark. I was always impressed by his compassion and willingness to live among his people when he was the mayor of Newark. But, another one bites the dust.....

Becoming president isn't about being a genuinely good person, alas!

Being a genuinely good person isn't a sufficient qualification but imo, it is a necessary one.

My top candidates have been Warren, Harris, Booker and Klobuchar. Obviously very different candidates with some differing points of view but each with a core of decency about them and the ability to work well with others and possessing a mindset of public servant. The only downside is that I think each of these candidates is very necessary and useful in the Senate.
Becoming president isn't about being a genuinely good person, alas!

Being a genuinely good person isn't a sufficient qualification but imo, it is a necessary one.

My top candidates have been Warren, Harris, Booker and Klobuchar. Obviously very different candidates with some differing points of view but each with a core of decency about them and the ability to work well with others and possessing a mindset of public servant. The only downside is that I think each of these candidates is very necessary and useful in the Senate.

Yes, it depresses me that we're emptying the Senate of powerful statespersons right when we're likely to need them more than ever. But it tends to go that way. Governors and Senators are the popular picks as a rule.
So... ???

Indeed... So?

I just stated we pay taxes. I wrote that to note that we pay taxes to fund our health care system along with our other social programs. It's affordable it's actually cheaper on the whole. We wouldn't have it otherwise. It works. It's civilization. What's wrong with that?

It makes Ayn Rand cry.
I'm posting a load of crap? The figures are freely available online by such polling orgs as Pew and others. Ask your average " well adjusted" to western values muslim what he supports above all else, Islam or Western culture and it's values.

You brought it up. You cite them.

Do I really need to? Sorry, but I keep forgetting that many on this otherwise great forum are blinker wearing leftists! But your wish is my command!

This debate is bad news for Democrats 2020. The front runner is still the front runner, okay, but all the discussion is about the rivalry between the two people vying for second place and how the stage was old, white, and rich. That there is no discussion of the front-runner is bad. That Warren feels so threatened that she lied about Bernie being a sexist is bad. That she wouldn't even shake his hand is bad.

That they'll have a hell of a time coming up with a way to make the base enthused about the ignored front runner will be the real issue eventually.

Perhaps it is good that Biden didn't make the news, it means he didn't mess up and start into a senile rambling.

New York Post debate analyst Peter Kauffmann is the founder and principal of Bluejacket Strategies, a public affairs firm in New York. During the 2016 election cycle, he was an adviser to Priorities USA, the primary super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. He has also served as a senior campaign adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, press secretary for Sen. Clinton and spokesman for the DNC.

“Preseason is over,” Kauffmann said. “The Democratic race got real tonight, and these candidates started to realize that only one of them is leaving Iowa with a W.”

Having only six candidates on stage means: “They have the time to make their points in a way that they haven’t before.”

New York Post debate analyst Peter Kauffmann is the founder and principal of Bluejacket Strategies, a public affairs firm in New York. During the 2016 election cycle, he was an adviser to Priorities USA, the primary super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. He has also served as a senior campaign adviser to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, press secretary for Sen. Clinton and spokesman for the DNC.

“Preseason is over,” Kauffmann said. “The Democratic race got real tonight, and these candidates started to realize that only one of them is leaving Iowa with a W.”

Having only six candidates on stage means: “They have the time to make their points in a way that they haven’t before.”

Only a tiny percentage of Americans even bother to watch these stupid debates, so I don't think it's the debates that will hurt the candidates. The problem is that the Democrats need to emphasize that the most important thing the country needs is a new president, not a bunch of ideas, just someone who has much better ideals than the one who currently holds the office. People who are so stupid or childish that they won't vote for anyone but their favorite candidate are, imo, complicit with Trump. IF the Dems don't keep emphasized the important of removing Trump, they may very well lose this race. If those on the far left keep insulting the moderates, they are only hurting themselves. The Democrats need to unite behind whoever the nominee ends up being. We don't need a revolution right now. We need a return to sanity.

And, you think Biden is the senile one? Seriously? Have you bothered to listen to any of Trump's totally crazy rants and claims. Now, he says he has no idea who Parnis is despite the fact that there are photos of the two together. So, if he lying or is he senile? He mis pronounces words, can't spell or use proper grammar. Is he stupid or senile? He doesn't act like a president. He acts like a thug.

Biden does gaffe, but it's more due to the problem he had with severe stuttering than it is with his age. I will support whoever becomes the candidate and I'm disgusted with Democratic voters who keep eating their own.

And, anyone who thinks some of the candidates are too far left, calm down, hold your nose and support that person. Any of the utopian plans will never become law in my life time. If things change, it will take decades for those changes to come. I'm not an idealist. I'm a realist, and I know the country is far more moderate than a few of the candidates. Even Bloomberg, one of the most moderate of the candidates, has said he will support Bernie if he becomes the nominee. Bloomberg is a very smart, experienced man. He knows that any of the candidates is far superior to Trump. That's what we need to be focus on.
And, you think Biden is the senile one? Seriously? Have you bothered to listen to any of Trump's totally crazy rants and claims. Now, he says he has no idea who Parnis is despite the fact that there are photos of the two together. So, if he lying or is he senile? He mis pronounces words, can't spell or use proper grammar. Is he stupid or senile? He doesn't act like a president. He acts like a thug.

More than one person can be senile at the same time.
Interesting. One of their own losing hope doesn't bode well for the future of this busload of clowns!


CNN contributor Van Jones laments how “dispiriting” the Bernie Sanders-Elizabeth Warren argument at the CNN-moderated presidential debate in Iowa was to watch.

“Women get punished when they play hardball so I thought what she did was extraordinary,” Jones said Tuesday. “What I love about Elizabeth Warren in those moments, she never stopped being the educator in chief. She didn’t just say, hey, listen, I’m a woman, I can do it, rah rah rah. She made the case that women have been winning in the Trump era and have been leading this moment.”

“As a progressive, to see those two have that level of vitriol was very dispiriting,” Jones said. “I want to say that tonight for me was dispiriting. Democrats have to do better than what we saw tonight. There was nothing I saw tonight that would be able to take Donald Trump out.”

“I want to see a Democrat in the White House as soon as possible,” he said. “There was nothing tonight that if you’re looking at this thing, are any of these people prepared for what Donald Trump is going to do to us? And to see further division is very dispiriting.”
And, you think Biden is the senile one? Seriously? Have you bothered to listen to any of Trump's totally crazy rants and claims. Now, he says he has no idea who Parnis is despite the fact that there are photos of the two together. So, if he lying or is he senile? He mis pronounces words, can't spell or use proper grammar. Is he stupid or senile? He doesn't act like a president. He acts like a thug.

More than one person can be senile at the same time.

Of course, they can, but as a former nurse who spent more than half of my career caring for people who had dementia, aka senile dementia, I don't see any symptom of dementia in Biden, if that was your implication.

Trump either lies, or has some severe memory issues, because every time someone implicates him in a crime or misdeed, he denies that he ever knew that person. Sure, there are numerous photos of me with him, but that doesn't mean that I know him, is his typical reply. He just said it again when Parnis said that he and Trump had known each other for quite awhile. Soon, he will probably say that he never knew Rudy G very well. He is seriously disturbed.
Sort of like Stalinist analog-picture Photoshopping. Officials who fell out of favor would get painted out of official pictures. There is a whole book about this: "The Commissar Vanishes".
What will count in the end is the Dems shenanigans will no doubt backfire on them come November.


You're pretty ignorant with how savage Primaries are in US elections, aren't you?
Trump vs every other Republican nominee in 2016
Obama vs Hillary in 2008
Bush jnr vs McCain in 2000
Clinton vs Cuomo in 1992

All had savage primaries. And each one won the Presidency. Your arguments are based on bullshit. Maybe they should consist of something more than ctrl-c/ctrl-v
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