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Democrats 2020

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Matt Duss and Faiz Shakir off the top of my head.

They are no more bigoted than you.

If a majority of Americans, or for that matter, Western World people think like that, then it's just a matter of time before Islam and sharia law will be the morn not the exception!

What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.
Wow, that would be terrible.


There's a huge price to pay for such reforms. Would you be willing to pay double or even triple the taxes you're paying right now? I somehow doubt it, unless you're already living off welfare payments, which of course excludes you as you already don't pay any taxes besides sales and consumer taxes.

I already live in a country with single payer health care. So do many here. We pay taxes. It isn't nearly as bad as American and Australian doomsayer prophesies. It's actually something few here would want to give up. It would be political suicide to run against here.

What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.

They are very well integrated. NOT!
What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.

They are very well integrated. NOT!
View attachment 25621

You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.
You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.

Look at the countries where most of the Islamic mass migrants who are colonizing Western countries are actually coming from. Countries like Iraq, Affghanistan, Pakistan. Huge majorities support the Shariah Law.
You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.

Look at the countries where most of the Islamic mass migrants who are colonizing Western countries are actually coming from. Countries like Iraq, Affghanistan, Pakistan. Huge majorities support the Shariah Law.
View attachment 25623

...which is likely why the minority who don't are fleeing to the west.

You appear not to have finished thinking about this - it's usually a poor choice to stop thinking as soon as you are able to support your existing biases.
You know bloody goddamn well your pissant little examples aren't representative of the majority. I hope to never hear a complaint of identity politics from you ever again.

Look at the countries where most of the Islamic mass migrants who are colonizing Western countries are actually coming from. Countries like Iraq, Affghanistan, Pakistan. Huge majorities support the Shariah Law.

Color me gobsmacked that MUSLIMS would like to see the laws in their Holy Text applied to their countries' legal system.
Now - what makes them any different from the Republican Christian Evangelical Taliban? Which should we consider a more imminent threat (phrase du jour) here in America?

57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion

The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law
...which is likely why the minority who don't are fleeing to the west.

Those "fleeing" to the west are mostly economic migrants, attracted by generous benefits in countries like Germany, Sweden or UK. Those countries take them in without any vetting whatsoever. The Afghan mass migrant who raped and murdered a German young woman had a criminal conviction in Greece for a violent crime, and had raped a 12 year old in Iran, but Germany does not do even cursory vetting of these so-called "asylum seekers" before it is too late. So much for Merkelian "Willkommenskultur". :rolleyes:

Once these Islamic mass migrants colonize those countries, they start to demand Shariah Law.

You appear not to have finished thinking about this - it's usually a poor choice to stop thinking as soon as you are able to support your existing biases.
..and another thread goes spinning of into "my way or the highway" land.

I think bilby nailed it for many of us here who actually think about things, gather information and present informed replies.

It does seem unreasonable those seeking asylum in the US from Sharia lands are dong so because they '"want to make 'merica another sharia land".

I appreciate elixer's citing of statistics showing our glass house. But so doing doesn't make things any more rational.

Rather doing so takes a strong objection to tribalist claims about why people are immigrating here and why we should encourage or discourage them from doing so into an "Allah said Christ said" public shitting contest.

It is reasonable to presume those wanting to come here, rather than actually being stalking horses for religious invasion and takeover, they are actually doing so because they want more of what America means to them.

What Iran is doing in the ME, supporting militant insurgencies, is what exporting one's faith looks like.

That's not at all anything like what the US is facing from current immigration putsches from Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. We are either seeing poor or educated groups attempting to gain access to the US for obvious economic and social reasons pertinent to their well being. These are not politically motivated activists banging on our doors.
...which is likely why the minority who don't are fleeing to the west.

Those "fleeing" to the west are mostly economic migrants, attracted by generous benefits in countries like Germany, Sweden or UK. Those countries take them in without any vetting whatsoever. The Afghan mass migrant who raped and murdered a German young woman had a criminal conviction in Greece for a violent crime, and had raped a 12 year old in Iran, but Germany does not do even cursory vetting of these so-called "asylum seekers" before it is too late. So much for Merkelian "Willkommenskultur".

Those fleeing are first political refugees as the revolution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, provide bitter testimony. War isn't just a kerfuffle it's based on deep differences among peoples where such is going on. Many seek refuge for social reasons such as rights for women and children and, yes, economic freedom and access to education. That Europe is in the position of having to augment it's work forces to sustain economic progress offers opportunity for those fleeing from a primarily drought based religious/racist contraction and out of control population explosion that has driven average age in those countries down into the mid-late twenties.

Your framing, Derec, is so racist as to be pamphlet like. There is no such thing as an Afghan mass migrant. It is a lone migrant from Afghanistan that you've chosen tar an entire group. To take this fear and push it seems to be your ploy. Taking singular examples of egregious behavior to tar an entire group is a act suitable to a Nazi or Klansman. It s not anything like rational discourse.

I find it particularly odious that you take a natural grasping to traditional values when segregated in to more or less gulag conditions as reason to reject those coming to work and live better. Had your thinking prevailed during the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds in the US we would now be in Catholic Protestant war in the States.

Other than that. Fine. So what?
The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law
It is notable that you think imaginary Christian Shariah Law is more of a threat than the very real Islamic Shariah Law.

It's amazing that you think that some nutbar yak herders on the other side of the world are more of a threat to Americans than the group that has been responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks carried out in the US. Trump has been obscuring right-wing terrorism in the US, where right-wing terror attacks outnumber Islamist and left-wing attacks combined.
What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.

They are very well integrated. NOT!
One could make a good case from your posts about race, integration, women, rape, and prostitution that you are not well integrated into USA values and culture.
One could make a good case from your posts
No. Not a good case. Just a laughing dogesque case, which is the opposite of a good case.
about race,
For: racial equality
Against: racism, including coming from black people; preferential treatment based on race


Against. Also against false rape accusations.
For: the principle that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. A very American position.

and prostitution
For. But prostitution is as American as apple pie! Sex work has thrived here long before I came here.

In fact, it is the Prohibition of sex work that is quintessentially un-American. It goes against values of individualism, personal autonomy and free enterprise.

that you are not well integrated into USA values and culture.
All my positions of these matters are well in tune with "USA values and culture".
It's amazing that you think that some nutbar yak herders on the other side of the world are more of a threat to Americans
Those nutbar yak herders sell some of their yak herding land to pay smugglers to get their sons to the West. It is a very common practice in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

than the group that has been responsible for the majority of terrorist attacks carried out in the US.
Not that cherry-picked canard again!
Those fleeing are first political refugees as the revolution in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, provide bitter testimony. War isn't just a kerfuffle it's based on deep differences among peoples where such is going on. Many seek refuge for social reasons such as rights for women and children and, yes, economic freedom and access to education.
I am not saying the West should not accept ANY migrants from those regions. I am saying that the West needs to be a LOT more selective.

In Europe right now, if you make it through the borders (including if you are adrift in a dinghy in the Mediterranean and a NGO boat picks you up) you are in and it is virtually impossible to deport you. That is a completely untenable situation. Needless to say, many Islamists came to Europe that way. Including imams that founded Islamist/Salafist mosques that are now a very big problem throughout the EU.

That Europe is in the position of having to augment it's work forces to sustain economic progress offers opportunity for those fleeing from a primarily drought based religious/racist contraction and out of control population explosion that has driven average age in those countries down into the mid-late twenties.
The population explosion is due to Islam. Due to mass migration and mass breeding, Muslims will become a majority in Europe - first in big cities, then overall. That is not fear-mongering. It is a common result of mass migrations. European culture is under threat from the Muslim invasion as much as the Brition culture was under threat by the Anglo-Saxon influx in the 5th through 7th centuries CE.

Your framing, Derec, is so racist as to be pamphlet like.
First of all, it is not about race but about culture. Second, I am not against all migration, but it needs to be
- limited in numbers
- migrants should be vetted for criminal history and extremist (e.g. Islamist) views.

There is no such thing as an Afghan mass migrant.
Of course there are. Many millions of Afghans have come to EU over the last 10 years. Mostly young men. A significant portion of

It is a lone migrant from Afghanistan that you've chosen tar an entire group.
He was an example for the lax attitude EU authorities have toward vetting so-called "asylum seekers". And he is hardly the only one who has engaged in rape and or murder once safely inside EU. There was also this case, as just another example.
Germany: Migrant jailed for murdering ex-girlfriend, 15

To take this fear and push it seems to be your ploy. Taking singular examples of egregious behavior to tar an entire group is a act suitable to a Nazi or Klansman. It s not anything like rational discourse.
Nonsense! I am not saying all Afghans are bad, but their culture is antithetical to European or US culture. 99% support Shariah. Many are also violent.
I've Worked with Refugees for Decades. Europe's Afghan Crime Wave Is Mind-Boggling.
And this author is pro-migration!

It will not do to accuse people of being like Nazis of Klansmen just because they raise politically incorrect issues.

I find it particularly odious that you take a natural grasping to traditional values when segregated in to more or less gulag conditions as reason to reject those coming to work and live better. Had your thinking prevailed during the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds in the US we would now be in Catholic Protestant war in the States.

I find it particularly odious that you refuse to acknowledge differences between cultures. Traditional Afghan or Pakistani or Somali culture is incompatible with the West. If somebody wants to immigrate to EU or US they need to adapt to Western values, not the other way around. EU is far further gone that US but even in US mistakes were made with "refugee resettlement" of Islamists. People, like many in Clarkston, Georgia, who keep their womenfolk in burqas. Or have the tendency to join ISIS or Al Shabab.

Oh, and one more thing. Just because somebody may be fleeing their government does not mean they are freedom-loving folk. Many who seek asylum are Islamists from countries like Egyopt where the governments are against Islamism. Imagine being too Islamist for a Muslim country but being able to pursue such radicalism because of useful idiots in EU, US or Canada! That's basically how Ahmed Khadr, an Al Qaeda terrorist and father of Omar Khadr, was able to immigrate into Canada in the 80s and become citizen of convenience.
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Wow, that would be terrible.


There's a huge price to pay for such reforms. Would you be willing to pay double or even triple the taxes you're paying right now? I somehow doubt it, unless you're already living off welfare payments, which of course excludes you as you already don't pay any taxes besides sales and consumer taxes.

I already live in a country with single payer health care. So do many here. We pay taxes. It isn't nearly as bad as American doomsayer prophesies. It's actually something few here would want to give up. It would be political suicide to run against here.

I also live in a country with a public health system that's partly paid for a Medicare levy which only pays a fraction of it's cost. The rest is paid out of consolidated revenue. In other words. Taxpayers.
If a majority of Americans, or for that matter, Western World people think like that, then it's just a matter of time before Islam and sharia law will be the morn not the exception!

What a load of crap. The vast majority of muslims in western countries have incorporated themselves into western cultures quite well. Just because cowardice has taken over your psyche doesn't make your fears real.

I'm posting a load of crap? The figures are freely available online by such polling orgs as Pew and others. Ask your average " well adjusted" to western values muslim what he supports above all else, Islam or Western culture and it's values.
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