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Democrats 2020

Meanwhile, here's Real Politics latest polling on the race for the WH.


ALL of which show Biden clearly beating Trump.

As it can be clearly seen. Hillary was in double figures clear of the Trump in 2016 around the same time before the election.


And she won. The only reason Trump became President was due to a less than 1% voting differential in a few key counties in just three key states due to conditions that don't exist anymore.

To whit:

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Those are FOX NEWS polls, no less.
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Meanwhile, here's Real Politics latest polling on the race for the WH.


ALL of which show Biden clearly beating Trump.

As it can be clearly seen. Hillary was in double figures clear of the Trump in 2016 around the same time before the election.


And she won. The only reason Trump became President was due to a less than 1% voting differential in a few key counties in just three key states due to conditions that don't exist anymore.

To whit:

View attachment 27470

Those are FOX NEWS polls, no less.

What that amounts to is advance notice that if the election is held, it will have been rigged according to the Trump Crime Family mob.
Meanwhile, here's Real Politics latest polling on the race for the WH.


ALL of which show Biden clearly beating Trump.

As it can be clearly seen. Hillary was in double figures clear of the Trump in 2016 around the same time before the election.


And she won. The only reason Trump became President was due to a less than 1% voting differential in a few key counties in just three key states due to conditions that don't exist anymore.

To whit:

View attachment 27470

Those are FOX NEWS polls, no less.

Then you're starting the celebrations already?
That's fatal. I still have the slip of paper I was jotting down notes on, the night before the '16 election. One notation reads "Princeton 99%". A political scientist from Princeton came on Lawrence O'Donnell's show and stated that his polling gave Hillary a 99% certainty of prevailing the next day.
Abso-damn-lutley. I say the more rigging the better.

I think the Democrat plan for rigging is to encourage Trump to shoot off his mouth to spite himself if necessary.

IOW, do nothing?
Trump shooting his mouth off is the default state. Convincing his drooling sycophants that he is a daughter-raping mobster who would just as soon off them as look at them is going to take more than that. And even if they know it, the stance will be "yeah he's a daughter-raping mobster but he's OUR daughter-raping mobster! Not like O-bummer!"
Abso-damn-lutley. I say the more rigging the better.

I think the Democrat plan for rigging is to encourage Trump to shoot off his mouth to spite himself if necessary.

IOW, do nothing?
Trump shooting his mouth off is the default state. Convincing his drooling sycophants that he is a daughter-raping mobster who would just as soon off them as look at them is going to take more than that. And even if they know it, the stance will be "yeah he's a daughter-raping mobster but he's OUR daughter-raping mobster!"

The additional problem being that many of them have those fantasies and some have actually raped their daughters. The fact that he is a daughter-raping mobster who would just as soon off them as look at them is the appeal.

The better approach would be to reveal all of his cowardice and show him for the cuck that he is. Trump supporters understand what a cuck is, because most of them are cucks. That’s why that slur became so popular with them and why they look to Trump as their hero, because the message that’s been drilled into their heads is that he’s the alpha male none of them are and all of them desperately want to be.

They would all KILL to pay a pornstar to fuck them and see absolutely nothing wrong with a thrice married man doing so on a regular basis. That’s literally their primary fantasy every time they jerk it to porn. Well, raping them or paying them to fuck. Samey samey.

Showing pictures of Melania getting fucked by Trudeau, for example, would be good. Anything that attacks his vanity and incompetence, also good. Pictures of him sucking off Putin while Kim fucks his ass and/or getting gang-banged by a bunch of guys would be good. And, of course, constant emphasis on all of his fuckups that effect his base (white moderately wealthy males with little higher education) should just be a non-stop dissemination.
That's fatal. I still have the slip of paper I was jotting down notes on, the night before the '16 election. One notation reads "Princeton 99%". A political scientist from Princeton came on Lawrence O'Donnell's show and stated that his polling gave Hillary a 99% certainty of prevailing the next day.

And he was right. She won.

Again, what happened had nothing to do with the polls being wrong (they weren’t) and everything to do with conditions that were unique to that election and no longer exist.

It’s like saying you fear the same meteorite is going to fall the same way and hit the same guy at the same time as it did four years ago. It can’t and it was a .01% chance it ever did it the first time.

Actually, it’s not quite like that, because a meteorite is a natural phenom and what happened in 2016 was a combination of artificially contrived influences, none of which exist today and all of which played minuscule parts in artificially moving the needle a minuscule percentage.

But it took a MASSIVE effort to get that needle to artificially move a minuscule percentage; an effort that has none of the same advantages and all of the trappings. Yes, it’s still in place and still desperately trying to have the same effect, but it can’t for the simple reason that we know it exists. And knowing it exists significantly diminishes its already severely limited effectiveness.

Plus, Trump simply does not have the number of voters necessary to overcome ours. They don’t exist, so unless they have come up with a way to move the needle not by .01%, but by 10-15% (which would require a literal miracle from an actual God), it’s insurmountable.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t going to try every dirty trick in the book like they always do, of course, but to make that work would be to take steps that would have to be openly visible—like their pathetic attempt at blackmailing Ukraine to create a fake investigation/evidence against Biden that was revealed, leaving them with nothing better than “creepy Joe.”

That is how desperate they are. That is how low they understand their chances are in a “fair” fight.

Iow, what they are already doing reveals the fact that they know they don’t have the numbers or the support for a direct, fair fight. So they have no other choice but to take these huge gambles that are so large they blow up in their faces. And to be clear, by my saying they blow up in their faces, I mean that the very nature of the attempt overwhelms it and it self destructs.

Basically, all Biden needs to do is pick a smart VP and not die and he’ll win.
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That's fatal. I still have the slip of paper I was jotting down notes on, the night before the '16 election. One notation reads "Princeton 99%". A political scientist from Princeton came on Lawrence O'Donnell's show and stated that his polling gave Hillary a 99% certainty of prevailing the next day.

And he was right. She won.

Again, what happened had nothing to do with the polls being wrong (they weren’t) and everything to do with conditions that were unique to that election and no longer exist.

It’s like saying you fear the same meteorite is going to fall the same way and hit the same guy at the same time as it did four years ago. It can’t and it was a .01% chance it ever did it the first time.

Actually, it’s not quite like that, because a meteorite is a natural phenom and what happened in 2016 was a combination of artificially contrived influences, none of which exist today and all of which played minuscule parts in artificially moving the needle a minuscule percentage.

But it took a MASSIVE effort to get that needle to artificially move a minuscule percentage; an effort that has none of the same advantages and all of the trappings. Yes, it’s still in place and still desperately trying to have the same effect, but it can’t for the simple reason that we know it exists. And knowing it exists significantly diminishes its already severely limited effectiveness.

Plus, Trump simply does not have the number of voters necessary to overcome ours. They don’t exist, so unless they have come up with a way to move the needle not by .01%, but by 10-15% (which would require a literal miracle from an actual God), it’s insurmountable.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t going to try every dirty trick in the book like they always do, of course, but to make that work would be to take steps that would have to be openly visible—like their pathetic attempt at blackmailing Ukraine to create a fake investigation/evidence against Biden that was revealed, leaving them with nothing better than “creepy Joe.”

That is how desperate they are. That is how low they understand their chances are in a “fair” fight.

Iow, what they are already doing reveals the fact that they know they don’t have the numbers or the support for a direct, fair fight. So they have no other choice but to take these huge gambles that are so large they blow up in their faces. And to be clear, by my saying they blow up in their faces, I mean that the very nature of the attempt overwhelms it and it self destructs.

Basically, all Biden needs to do is pick a smart VP and not die and he’ll win.

Had it not been for the Chinese virus, I'd give you odds of 100 to one that Trump would win in November by an even bigger margin than he beat crooked Killery. But because of COVID-19 all bets are off because of the simple fact that most people vote through their hip pocket. And the economy has no chance of getting back to a pre virus status by November. It's not a matter of the pedo groper beating Trump. it's just a matter of fact that even if an apple was placed as Trump's opponent, the apple would win.
"The Economy" is an abstraction. People vote based on how it has been presented to them, not based on how it is. In November, Trump will tell his followers that the economy has recovered faster under his rule than any economy has ever recovered before. And even if they are eating their own shoes to survive, they will believe him. I've already met several people who claim, illogically and counter to all seeming evidence, that a thousand dollar check with his name on it temporarily resolved their financial issues.
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They're even more cuckoo than that. Years of hearing that the media is lying to them has made them immune to any message than that provided by their party and its mentally impaired leader. It follows that anyone/everyone who disagrees with Orange Fatty is part of a deep dark all-encompassing conspiracy. Yes, a conspiracy that even enlisted the help of the Italians, who gutted their economy and health system to fight O.F.
"The Economy" is an abstraction. People vote based on how it has been presented to them, not based on how it is.

Stupid people do, certainly.

In November, Trump will tell his followers that the economy has recovered faster under his rule than any economy has ever recovered before. And even if they are eating their own shoes to survive, they will believe him. I've already met several people already who claim, illogically and counter to all seeming evidence, that a thousand dollar check with his name on it temporarily resolved their financial issues.

Well, here is the latest YouGov Trump approval poll by party:

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61% of Independents are in the "disapprove" camp, with only 18% "strongly approve." In general, you can look to the "strongly approve" numbers as the strongest indicator of a more or less reliable vote in your candidate's favor.

For Republicans, it's only 62% overall that strongly approve.

Now look at the breakdown of the approval measurement, which is asked only of those who approve (which, presumably, would be a combination of "strongly approve" and "somewhat approve" or a total of 91%):

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Only 31% are in the blind devotion camp, so 31% of 91% would be 34% overall that are in the he can do no wrong Kookoo Koolaid Kamp. 34% of 62% is 21% overall. So that's his core diehard drink his cum happily and suck for thirds camp. 21% of Republicans overall are simply unreachable no matter what.

Which means 79% are--to varying degrees--reachable. So, it's a matter of how much? We can safely cut out at least half as not reachable enough and, because it's Trump, let's shave even closer, so we've looking at about 30% now let's say for a good conservative haircut to start us off.

From the poll data we see that a total of 9% are in the disapprove/not sure column. When it comes to Trump, a "not sure" nod is effectively a timid disapproval, so we can shave some of that and call it 8% as either a vote against or, more likely, a not going to bother voting percentage. Either way, samey samey.

So now we're looking at around 20-22% of Republicans that could either swing or, more likely, simply not vote. Of that lot, let's be overly cautious and cut it in half again in Trump's favor.

Down to 10% that are the most vulnerable/viable potential swing/non-voters. But it's Trump, so let's cut that in half again in Trump's favor.

Now we're looking at 5% most vulnerable/most likely to at least not bother to vote.

But that gets combined with the 8% disapproval we already can count in that category, so we're at about 13% of Republicans--Republicans--that are low hanging fruit in regard to how close they are to simply not voting. We'll just toss away the idea of swing voting and focus only on apathy (non)votes.

But, it's Trump, so, again, let's just cut that in half in Trump's favor and even round down and we're left with a fairly solid 6% of Republicans that are more than likely just not going to vote at all.

Now do the same thing for Independents, half of which are "right" leaning and all of which make up the largest voting bloc in America today, so they are the more important indicator.

Their disapproval/not sure column is as large as Trump's strongly approve, at 61%, with only 39% in the combined approval column (to Republicans 91%). But, Republicans only make up 27% of the total voting bloc to Independent's 39% (Dems are 31%), so, we're looking at a much larger percentage of right-leaning Independents in the likely just won't vote low hanging fruit column, but, again, it's Trump so let's merely double the Republican number and add a point or two to compensate and we're up to around 15% vulnerability, let's say.

That's, again, the lowest of the low hanging fruit; the percentage of both Republicans and right-leaning Independents that most likely will simply not vote for Trump again. Even if we shave it again to REALLY try to account for the impossible Trumpian bullshit misperception of teflon-Don and lower it to 10%, that's a death knell.

There is no way for Trump to win again if he can't surmount that extremely conservative 10% non-voter vulnerability. And remember, that percentage isn't sitting on the fence waiting to jump back into Trumpland; that percentage represents those who voted for him in 2016 that have left him behind specifically because of the shitty job he's done since.

Even with all of the Republican dirty tricks--gerrymandering; poll closings; Russian influence (still in play)--all of the cheating Trump has to desperately rely on, the best case scenario for Trump already happened in 2016 and the only way he became President was by razor thin margins in blue states that are now firmly blue again.

The way that happened was due primarily to the Russian influence suppressing black voter turnout by 4%, which won't happen again, but even if it did, that STILL won't compensate for the right non-voters who, once again, are likely not going to vote for Trump again because of the last three years of gross and prolonged incompetence.

That conservative estimate are people who drank the koolaid once, woke up with the hangover and are not going to drink it again and are expressing that sentiment and have been expressing that sentiment consistently over the last three years. Those numbers are pretty much steady state starting after Trump's first year and certainly have been consistent over the past 18 months at least as this is not the first time I've broken this shit down.

So we're not talking about the 20% kum-guzzlers. They're irrelevant. We're talking about AT LEAST 10% previous Trump voters that are already most likely not going to vote again for Trump no matter what.

Which is why, of course, Trump has gone to such extreme measures--impeachable measures--to try to destroy Biden, not just tarnish him or insult him in the same manner as Hillary.

And before anyone regurgitates idiocy again, Hillary WON the election. She lost the WH, but she won the votes, with upwards of ten million in express preference, but no matter how you count the votes (actual or preference), she was undeniably the preferred candidate by the largest number of overall voters, NOT Trump.

He has never surmounted that fact and has only lost voters ever since--again, most notably in the largest voting bloc, the Independents, but ALSO among Republicans (from 68% strong approval in 2016 to 62% strong approval now)--not gained them.

He, of course, paints a picture of himself on top of Mt. Everest as he always has (and the kum guzzling 20% he always surrounds himself with to distort the picture lap it up), but the reality is that he's never made it beyond base camp and that was when he had all the advantages that he no longer has in his favor.

Iow, he didn't have the numbers in 2016 and has only lost more since, so absent truly extraordinary vote tally manipulation methods this time (which I don't put past him in the slightest), he simply does not have the numbers and knows it.
"The Economy" is an abstraction. People vote based on how it has been presented to them, not based on how it is. In November, Trump will tell his followers that the economy has recovered faster under his rule than any economy has ever recovered before. And even if they are eating their own shoes to survive, they will believe him. I've already met several people who claim, illogically and counter to all seeming evidence, that a thousand dollar check with his name on it temporarily resolved their financial issues.

To be fair, 1200 dollar check has in fact done much to help me in my financial wellbeing.

That said,no and anyone with half a brain will realize that the calls for these checks came from the left, it was done by congress, with Senate republicans repeatedly trying to gut or reduce or otherwise remove payments to those most vulnerable, with various attempts being made to fuck over the poor. Some of those attempts succeeded.

Trump had nothing to do with this. Literally the only thing he did was get out of the way and sign the bill and the bill itself STILL is throwing massive amounts of money towards corrupt businesses and those in collusion with the administration.

But if the next round of layoffs in my come put my job of 6 years on the block, that one check will do fuck all for me.

And of course, it was the republicans who fought tooth and nail to keep the stimulus to a single check and guarantee that those of us who are affected by the layoffs will get fucked over hard
And he was right. She won.
No, she didn't. Not any more than an NBA team which plays 3-4 in the finals "won" just because they scored more total points by running up the score in one of the seven games.
This is not 'Nam. This is bowling elections. There are rules.

Again, what happened had nothing to do with the polls being wrong (they weren’t) and everything to do with conditions that were unique to that election and no longer exist.
Electoral college has been repealed?
One of the reasons Hillary lost is because she (and those in her orbit) were so sure that she could not lose.
In other words, it was ...


It’s like saying you fear the same meteorite is going to fall the same way and hit the same guy at the same time as it did four years ago. It can’t and it was a .01% chance it ever did it the first time.
Nate Silver's final pre-election prediction gave Trump 28.6% chance of winning. That means his victory was a reasonably expectable outcome, and not the equivalent of a meteor strike.
Who will win the presidency?

Plus, Trump simply does not have the number of voters necessary to overcome ours. They don’t exist, so unless they have come up with a way to move the needle not by .01%, but by 10-15% (which would require a literal miracle from an actual God), it’s insurmountable.

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win
Even before you get to his campaign’s incompetence and lackluster fundraising, the numbers just aren’t on his side.

Famous last words.
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Referring back to #4453 a third state has now had a ranked-choice primary: Kansas. Its results:

Tulsi Gabbard 1.1%, Uncommitted 3.2%, Elizabeth Warren 8.7%, Bernie Sanders 23.1%, Joe Biden 76.9%

The next preferences:
  • Tulsi Gabbard: almost equal, with a bit more for EW
  • Elizabeth Warren: very close to equal, with a bit more for JB

Hawaii is up next, on May 22.
No, she didn't.

Yes, she did.

Koy is right that Hillary won the popular vote, and that is all that the polls predicted. They were not set up to predict an electoral winner, because that would have required comparable polling in many of the states. In fact, 538 was doing a running commentary on the chances of Trump pulling off an electoral victory. I don't recall the odds, but they got better for Trump as the election date approached. I think that they predicted something like one in four odds that Trump would win, and the election timing just happened to be at its most favorable for Trump, thanks to Comey's intervention in the politics of the election.
Before the election, the results are a "sure thing" according to the best calculations by the smartest people.

After the election, you're an illiterate idiot if you don't know that statistics and polls have only limited predictive power.
No, she didn't.

Yes, she did.

Koy is right that Hillary won the popular vote, and that is all that the polls predicted. They were not set up to predict an electoral winner, because that would have required comparable polling in many of the states. In fact, 538 was doing a running commentary on the chances of Trump pulling off an electoral victory. I don't recall the odds, but they got better for Trump as the election date approached. I think that they predicted something like one in four odds that Trump would win, and the election timing just happened to be at its most favorable for Trump, thanks to Comey's intervention in the politics of the election.

Hillary won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college - see, no ambiguity.

But at the risk of wading into an idiotic semantic argument, yes, 538's final prediction of the electoral outcome was around 72-28 in Clinton's favor:


Certainly, the cable news reporting of 99% chance was simply lazy and uncritical analysis. But by no means was the loss like a meteor striking a person to anyone looking at the polling data in detail, like 538.
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