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Democrats 2020

I would have thought the choice is pretty straight forward. A strong militarily, economic America centered President that puts America first and foremost to one who would hand over power to a corrupt UN, and open it's borders to one and all whether deserving of American generosity or not.
Neither of those two deluded fantasies are running in 2020.

What? Are you questioning the suitability of not just the Trump, but Creepy Joe as well? But that's what Iv'e been saying all along! That out of 330 million inhabitants, surely just two suitable combatants who are head and shoulders above these two could be found to run for the leadership of the free world?
Neither of those two deluded fantasies are running in 2020.

What? Are you questioning the suitability of not just the Trump, but Creepy Joe as well? But that's what Iv'e been saying all along! That out of 330 million inhabitants, surely just two suitable combatants who are head and shoulders above these two could be found to run for the leadership of the free world?

Then what was the point of the two "straightforward choices" you just proposed?
How history predicts the 2020 election (and the next 40 years)
Political scientist Steven Skowronek has proposed that
Misha Leybovich proposes a cyclic theory much like SS's but with more president types:
  • Transformer: Founder of the Era, from Party A.
  • Continuer: Sidekick from Party A carrying the torch.
  • Triangulator: Party B adjusting.
  • Reimaginer: Party A’s second wind.
  • Precursor: Party B’s next Era preview.
  • Ender: Party A winding down the Era.
The next President of the United States will be a transformational progressive. This person will shape American politics for the next 40 years. Here’s why.

I started by framing elections in terms of disruptive cycles, and which presidents represented a transformational era change. The ones who defined the political conversation for the next several decades. Going backwards, it seems like the consensus is: Reagan (1980), FDR (1932), TR (~1900), Lincoln (1860), Jackson (1828), and Washington (1788).
He then filled in the blanks, Skowronek fashion. He also gave one-word names to the eras, eras that roughly correspond to party systems.

  • Founding Era (40 yrs): Washington none Tfm, JAdams F Ctn, Jefferson DR Tra, Madison DR Rei, Monroe Prc DR, JQAdams DR End
  • Populist Era (32 yrs): Jackson D Tfm, VanBuren D Ctn, WHarrison, Tyler W Tra, Polk D Rei, Taylor, Fillmore W Prc, Pierce, Buchanan D End
  • Realignment Era (40 yrs): Lincoln, AJohnson R Tfm, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur R Ctn, Cleveland D Tra, BHarrison R Rel, Cleveland D Prc, McKinley R End
  • Progressive Era (32 yrs): TRoosevelt R Tfm, Taft R Ctn, Wilson D Tra, Harding, Coolidge R Rei, Hoover R End
  • Collectivist Era (48 yrs): FDRoosevelt D Tfm, Truman D Ctn, Eisenower R Tra, Kennedy, LBJohnson D Rei, Nixon, Ford R Prc, Carter D End
  • Individualist Era (40 yrs): Reagan R Tfm, Bush R Ctn, Clinton D Tra, BushII R Rei, Obama D Prc, Trump R End
  • Humanist Era (?): D Tfm?
I would have thought the choice is pretty straight forward. A strong militarily, economic America centered President that puts America first and foremost to one who would hand over power to a corrupt UN, and open it's borders to one and all whether deserving of American generosity or not.

Only a buffoon drunk on the dumbest, basest forms of conservative propaganda could believe this.
Ocasio-Cortez blasts New York elections board for canceling presidential primary | TheHill
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) issued an executive order last week sending postage-paid absentee ballot applications to all voters in New York amid the pandemic. He also signed a bill earlier this month allowing all New Yorkers to vote absentee in the state's primary without an excuse as normally required by the state.

New York Democratic officials on the board of elections said Monday they were canceling the state’s June 23 presidential primary, citing the coronavirus pandemic.

Congressional and state-level primary contests will still be held on June 23 as planned. The presidential primary had already been postponed from April 28 due to the pandemic.

LWV of New York on Twitter: "The State Board of Elections Democratic Commissioners have voted to cancel the Presidential Primary Election in New York.
Voters registered in a party will still have the opportunity to vote for Congressional and State representatives in the June primary. https://t.co/mRiryiR1PU" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It is completely wrong for the BOE to cancel New York’s Presidential Primary.
This decision is not informed by public health: the state is still holding elections for every other seat that day, & so far the only way your ballot will 100% be counted in NY is to vote in person! https://t.co/l8iT7mxm9c" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Again: NY is still holding primary elections on June 23rd. This decision does not change the fact that people will still be going outside to vote.
If NY doesn’t want to risk possibly millions of ppl voting in-person, we need to mail everyone a ballot. Not an application for one." / Twitter
New York Board of Elections Cancels Democratic Presidential Primary - The New York Times

From Bernie Sanders's campaign:
“Today’s decision by the State of New York Board of Elections is an outrage, a blow to American democracy, and must be overturned by the D.N.C.,” said Jeff Weaver, a senior adviser to the Sanders campaign. “Just last week Vice President Biden warned the American people that President Trump could use the current crisis as an excuse to postpone the November election. Well, he now has a precedent thanks to New York state.”
From the Board of Elections:
“What the Sanders campaign wanted is essentially a beauty contest that, given the situation with the public health emergency, seems to be unnecessary and, indeed, frivolous,” Mr. Kellner said.
From Our Revolution, associated with BS:
“We will not stand by and allow New York Democrats to be denied the opportunity to influence their party and its platform at the convention in August,” the group’s chair, Larry Cohen, said in a statement on Monday. “We will be forced to go to the credentials committee and challenge any delegates that New York sends to the convention.”

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Our campaign statement on the New York State Board of Elections decision to cancel the state’s presidential primary: https://t.co/BzylNaqCaS" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Read this statement.
No matter who you support, it is extremely dangerous that New York is establishing a precedent of cancelling elections citing COVID. Ballots were certified & neither candidate asked for this.
The decision should be overturned immediately. #LetUsVote https://t.co/ehgJlmXkMj" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Primary results matters beyond who wins 1st place. Sen. Sanders explicitly stated that he intended on continuing to collect delegates in order to advance wage, healthcare, climate & other priorities into the platform at the convention.
The @DNC should respond to this decision." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As I have said: unity isn’t a feeling, it’s a process.
Undemocratic, unilateral decisions that disenfranchise millions of progressive voters &volunteers is extremely destructive to the process of unifying the party for Nov.
Dems must take this seriously. This is the wrong call." / Twitter
New York cancels June 23 presidential primary over coronavirus concerns - Vox - "New York has canceled its June 23 presidential primary, but congressional and state primaries will continue."
In addition to New York, 15 other states and Puerto Rico have pushed back the dates of their elections or switched to a vote-by-mail system with an extended deadline to get ballots in: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Getting states more federal money to expand vote-by-mail ahead of November is one of the agenda items for Democrats in the next round of negotiations for a coronavirus relief package. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has suggested she’d like to see about $4 billion dedicated to vote-by-mail efforts.
This may be the break the DNC needs.

Without these primaries happening, the votes may not actually be tied up. That would have a large unallocated block that prevents Biden from securing an absolute majority of delegates.

Therefore it becomes possible for the DNC to replace Biden in a relatively blameless way.

Of course if they do replace him and don't choose Bernie, you know the Bernie supporters will go nuts. They'll burn the city down.

Another aspect of this campaign, I've seen the name Stacey Abrams floated as a potential running mate ... and she likes Ayn Rand.

Stacey Abrams: Pragmatic Democrat in a Red State

As for listing the Ayn Rand novel “Atlas Shrugged,” as one of her favorites – an admittedly unusual choice for a Democrat, Abrams says that she rejects the author’s “selfishness theory,” but nevertheless says: 'When we stop celebrating innovation and genius and thought and creativity … then we run very real risks as humans.'

Suddenly, I want Biden to name Stacey Abrams as his veep. Can anyone imagine another Democratic politician saying something this thoughtful and nuanced? Yeah, I know she'll probably apologize (maybe already has) but she still said it. Also, compare to all the times people insist on reminding me that Paul Ryan aspires to be Wesley Mouch.
Yang sues over New York canceling Democratic primary | TheHill

Four states are using ranked-choice voting in their primaries. Here they are with their dates:
The AK and WY ones are the ones that have been held so far, and in both of them, Joe Biden won, beating the only other survivor, Bernie Sanders.
AK: JB 55%, BS 45%
WY: JB 72%, BS 28%

Many of the voters voted for other candidates, and the pattern of dropping out is interesting.

AK: Undeclared 0.3%, Tom Steyer 0.3%, Michael Bloomberg 0.5%, Tulsi Gabbard 0.7%, Amy Klobuchar 0.8%, Pete Buttigieg 1.7%, Elizabeth Warren 8.2%, Bernie Sanders 44.7%, Joe Biden 55.3%
WY: Tom Steyer 0.3%, Tulsi Gabbard 0.9%, Undeclared 1.0% Amy Klobuchar 1.1%, Michael Bloomberg 1.2%, Pete Buttigieg 2.5%, Elizabeth Warren 5.8%, Bernie Sanders 27.8%, Joe Biden 72.2%

The next preferences had some interesting patterns.
  • Tom Steyer: mainly JB with BS a bit behind
  • Tulsi Gabbard: mainly BS in AK, equally JB & BS in WY
  • Michael Bloomberg: mostly JB
  • Amy Klobuchar: JB, EW, PB
  • Pete Buttigieg: JB, EW
  • Elizabeth Warren: about half-half, with a bit more BS in AK and a bit more JB in WY
It'll be interesting if these patterns hold up in KS and HI.
In that Gallop poll Obongo is hardly sighted as compared to Reagan. what was it, 19% to a measly 7%?

It was actually 8%. And it wasn’t a Gallop poll, it was a 2014 Quinnipiac Poll, but why should you know any of this? You just used it as your source several times.

In the 2018 Quinnipiac poll, however, Obama is at 24% and:

President Trump is fifth on the list, with 7 percent


Far behind Reagan though! That must get up the nose of loyal Dems who think the sun shone out of Obongo's ass!
Timeline shows media, Dems' different approach to Tara Reade accusation after Kavanaugh free-for-all

Compare Kavanaugh's dismissal of well evidenced, serious charges to the "misdemeanor at worst" Al Franken case resulting in immediate resignation. That gives a more relevant comparison of how media - especially FOX Entertainment - deal with sexual assault cases, and what sexual assault actually consists of.
Another aspect of this campaign, I've seen the name Stacey Abrams floated as a potential running mate ... and she likes Ayn Rand.

Stacey Abrams: Pragmatic Democrat in a Red State

As for listing the Ayn Rand novel “Atlas Shrugged,” as one of her favorites – an admittedly unusual choice for a Democrat, Abrams says that she rejects the author’s “selfishness theory,” but nevertheless says: 'When we stop celebrating innovation and genius and thought and creativity … then we run very real risks as humans.'

Suddenly, I want Biden to name Stacey Abrams as his veep. Can anyone imagine another Democratic politician saying something this thoughtful and nuanced? Yeah, I know she'll probably apologize (maybe already has) but she still said it. Also, compare to all the times people insist on reminding me that Paul Ryan aspires to be Wesley Mouch.

It's nice to see a Democratic politician not being overly reactionary to Ayn Rand. I liked her books, in the exact same way I liked George Orwell. They're cautionary tales of what could happen at the extreme edges of a philosophy. Liking the stories doesn't mean that I wholeheartedly swallow Objectivism as dogmatic truth - I don't, because people simply aren't that one dimensional. But I end up a little bit concerned about people who are so threatened by the mere concepts presented in her *fiction* that they vilify the books themselves.
It was actually 8%. And it wasn’t a Gallop poll, it was a 2014 Quinnipiac Poll, but why should you know any of this? You just used it as your source several times.

In the 2018 Quinnipiac poll, however, Obama is at 24% and:


Far behind Reagan though!

You cling to that little clubber. Meanwhile, Obama is second on the list at 24% (only 4% behind Reagan, so, no, not “far behind” in the slightest) with Trump being the one that actually only gets a measly 7%.

Looking at the best president since 1945, 28 percent say Ronald Reagan. Another 24 percent list Barack Obama, with 10 percent each for Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

President Trump is fifth on the list, with 7 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.

You cling to that little clubber. Meanwhile, Obama is second on the list at 24% (only 4% behind Reagan, so, no, not “far behind” in the slightest) with Trump being the one that actually only gets a measly 7%.

Looking at the best president since 1945, 28 percent say Ronald Reagan. Another 24 percent list Barack Obama, with 10 percent each for Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

President Trump is fifth on the list, with 7 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.


Why the fuck are we taking the findings of a poll that is subjective as fuck as gospel? Polls like this are just clickbait for the most recent Presidents in memory. I bet everything that I own, everything that I have owned and everything that I will ever own that the people polled couldn't name one defining characteristic that separated Taft, Hoover or Harding's Presidency - and that's just 20th century Presidents.
You cling to that little clubber. Meanwhile, Obama is second on the list at 24% (only 4% behind Reagan, so, no, not “far behind” in the slightest) with Trump being the one that actually only gets a measly 7%.

Looking at the best president since 1945, 28 percent say Ronald Reagan. Another 24 percent list Barack Obama, with 10 percent each for Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

President Trump is fifth on the list, with 7 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.


Do you have your garlic and crucifix ready? I'm opening Dracula's coffin and letting him out again! The Evil Called Obongo..................................................https://cms.frontpagemag.com/fpm/20...obama-and-genocidal-slaughter-raymond-ibrahim

Header.............................The 'Evil Called Barack Obama' and the Genocidal Slaughter of Nigerian Christians
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