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Democrats 2020

Only Democrats give a shit if someone is a sexual predator. Republicans ARE all sexual predators so they’re just voting for their next Grand Wizard and line up their own wives to get fucked by him while they pathetically pull at their impotent dicks watching from the closet.

Biden and Trump are tied in Texas and Georgia. Those two states have been Republican for a very long time, but I think it might be time to swing back in the other direction.
Joe Biden and Stacy Abrams are going to be on The last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell to night at 10pm eastern on MSNBC. Maybe a hint of something?
Joe Biden and Stacy Abrams are going to be on The last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell to night at 10pm eastern on MSNBC. Maybe a hint of something?

I hope not! She would be a horrible choice!

Agreed. I would not be happy.

Why do you say that? I've already seen what Derec says.

Personally, from what I've seen of her, though llittle, I am impressed, much more so than for Val Demmings whom Derec ballyhoos as preferable to Abrams.

yeah i said ballyhoo, bringing it back
Agreed. I would not be happy.

Why do you say that? I've already seen what Derec says.

Personally, from what I've seen of her, though llittle, I am impressed, much more so than for Val Demmings whom Derec ballyhoos as preferable to Abrams.

yeah i said ballyhoo, bringing it back

Agreed. I would not be happy.

Why? I'm very impressed with her.

I just don't think she has enough experience to be president.
Personally, from what I've seen of her, though llittle, I am impressed, much more so than for Val Demmings whom Derec ballyhoos as preferable to Abrams.

Based on what exactly? Her losing the only contested election she ever stood for? :tonguea:

yeah i said ballyhoo, bringing it back
Based on seeing them speak. Demmings does not seem as sharp as Abrams to me.
I think the Dems are digging their own grave if this is correct! This takes care of the moderates who I'm certain will now think twice before voting for the pedo now!

Even though COVID-19 is a huge minus for the Trump, I'm surprised by this poll, if it's correct.


CNN Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden in 15 Battleground States.

In case you are wondering why angelo doesn't link to the actual CNN poll that shows these results there are several reasons why:

1)angelo doesn't understand or doesn't care about the importance of primary sources

2)The poll doesn't exist. If you want to descend into the rabbit whole that is right wing bullshit, you'll find that this article is linked to Brietbart whose sole evidence of this "poll" is an anonymous tweet not at all related to CNN

However, the Brietbart article also points out that Trump's approval rating is at an all time high of 45%. All time high, and that's their reasoning why Trump is "popular"

This is why you shouldn't get your information from right wing bigoted propaganda sites. You come off looking like a dumb cunt every time. However, I am sure angelo only highlighted this article to show how misinformed right wingers are. Yes, I'm sure that was his motive.
Even though COVID-19 is a huge minus for the Trump, I'm surprised by this poll, if it's correct.


CNN Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden in 15 Battleground States.

In case you are wondering why angelo doesn't link to the actual CNN poll that shows these results there are several reasons why:

1)angelo doesn't understand or doesn't care about the importance of primary sources

2)The poll doesn't exist. If you want to descend into the rabbit whole that is right wing bullshit, you'll find that this article is linked to Brietbart whose sole evidence of this "poll" is an anonymous tweet not at all related to CNN

However, the Brietbart article also points out that Trump's approval rating is at an all time high of 45%. All time high, and that's their reasoning why Trump is "popular"

This is why you shouldn't get your information from right wing bigoted propaganda sites. You come off looking like a dumb cunt every time. However, I am sure angelo only highlighted this article to show how misinformed right wingers are. Yes, I'm sure that was his motive.

No? What's this, pork chops? ...................................https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/13/politics/cnn-poll-2020/index.html
I think the Dems are digging their own grave if this is correct!
Nah, the virus is still a big wild car, for now favoring the Democrats.

That's my view as well. Had not COVID-19 thrown a big spanner into the works, I believe Trump would have crushed ALL, but especially kiddy diddler, hair sniffer pedo and senile Biden.
Even though COVID-19 is a huge minus for the Trump, I'm surprised by this poll, if it's correct.


CNN Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden in 15 Battleground States.

In case you are wondering why angelo doesn't link to the actual CNN poll that shows these results there are several reasons why:

1)angelo doesn't understand or doesn't care about the importance of primary sources

2)The poll doesn't exist. If you want to descend into the rabbit whole that is right wing bullshit, you'll find that this article is linked to Brietbart whose sole evidence of this "poll" is an anonymous tweet not at all related to CNN

However, the Brietbart article also points out that Trump's approval rating is at an all time high of 45%. All time high, and that's their reasoning why Trump is "popular"

This is why you shouldn't get your information from right wing bigoted propaganda sites. You come off looking like a dumb cunt every time. However, I am sure angelo only highlighted this article to show how misinformed right wingers are. Yes, I'm sure that was his motive.

No? What's this, pork chops? ...................................https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/13/politics/cnn-poll-2020/index.html

That is a news article that wasn't referenced in either the link you originally provided or the Breitbart article. Which leads me to ask a question. Why do you post crap when you clearly understand what a primary source is?
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