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Democrats 2020

Based on seeing them speak. Demmings does not seem as sharp as Abrams to me.

I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams. Biden may not choose her as his running mate, but imo, based on what I know about her, having voted for her after reading her goals and plans extensively and attended one of her rallies in person, I think Abrams is one of the most brilliant, charismatic people who has ever run for a political office. Naturally, not everyone will agree with me. If she's not chosen as Biden's running mate, I hope she will be offered an important cabinet position in a Biden administration.
Based on seeing them speak. Demmings does not seem as sharp as Abrams to me.

I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams. Biden may not choose her as his running mate, but imo, based on what I know about her, having voted for her after reading her goals and plans extensively and attended one of her rallies in person, I think Abrams is one of the most brilliant, charismatic people who has ever run for a political office. Naturally, not everyone will agree with me. If she's not chosen as Biden's running mate, I hope she will be offered an important cabinet position in a Biden administration.

I would dearly love to see her on a stage with Mikey Pence - she wouldn't win over a lot of trumpsucking dullards (no non-white is going to do that), but it would be fun to see her reveal Mikey for the mental midget he is.
Based on seeing them speak. Demmings does not seem as sharp as Abrams to me.

I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams. Biden may not choose her as his running mate, but imo, based on what I know about her, having voted for her after reading her goals and plans extensively and attended one of her rallies in person, I think Abrams is one of the most brilliant, charismatic people who has ever run for a political office. Naturally, not everyone will agree with me. If she's not chosen as Biden's running mate, I hope she will be offered an important cabinet position in a Biden administration.

I would dearly love to see her on a stage with Mikey Pence - she wouldn't win over a lot of trumpsucking dullards (no non-white is going to do that), but it would be fun to see her reveal Mikey for the mental midget he is.

You're right. But, while she may not appeal to trump sucking dullards, she did appeal to people from all kinds of backgrounds. I was pleasantly surprised when I attended her rally to see so many older white men in attendance.

There was one young woman from the Kemp campaign who stood near the group holding up a Kemp sign. People think younger folks are mostly all progressives but nothing could be further from the truth. The majority may be fairly progressive, but young conservatives are very common in many parts of the country. They are often Christians who are still hung up on the abortion issue. I read that some young conservative Christians who don't like Trump will still support him because of this one issue. I've never understood one issue voters.

Perhaps you've read that people over 65 now support Biden over Trump by about 10 percent. Yay for us old farts!
Just saw that Susan Rice is under consideration for VP. I said earlier she would make an excellent choice.

Wish I had saved the article to share.
I would dearly love to see her on a stage with Mikey Pence - she wouldn't win over a lot of trumpsucking dullards (no non-white is going to do that), but it would be fun to see her reveal Mikey for the mental midget he is.

You're right. But, while she may not appeal to trump sucking dullards, she did appeal to people from all kinds of backgrounds. I was pleasantly surprised when I attended her rally to see so many older white men in attendance.

There was one young woman from the Kemp campaign who stood near the group holding up a Kemp sign. People think younger folks are mostly all progressives but nothing could be further from the truth. The majority may be fairly progressive, but young conservatives are very common in many parts of the country. They are often Christians who are still hung up on the abortion issue. I read that some young conservative Christians who don't like Trump will still support him because of this one issue. I've never understood one issue voters.

Perhaps you've read that people over 65 now support Biden over Trump by about 10 percent. Yay for us old farts!

Stacey is beyond impressive. Of course she doesn't have the looks of the inflatable sex doll that say, a McEnany offers, but on the upside, she doesn't offer the brains of an inflatable sex doll that McEnany offers...

In my personal view, Stacey is more attractive than that inflatable sex doll or her protege. But, as a. heterosexual woman, my perspective isn't sexual. I just think she's cute, sassy and has gorgeous skin.

Of course this does beg the question.....why do people seem to think it's okay to evaluate a woman based on her looks, but rarely are men evaluated that way? We have one of the ugliest, obese men in the WH, but it's rare to hear people talk about his appearance. Plus, according to someone in the know, his dick looks like a mushroom. With his makeup and combover, there is nothing physically attractive about that man, nor does he have the brains or sense of humor that many women find more attractive than appearance. Melania doesn't even seem to like to hold his hand. I don't blame her.

But, since I'm joining you in your snark, since when do we vote for candidates based on their fuckability? If we must, Joe Biden is far more fuckable than Trump. The man is in great shape. I've heard he can do a lot of pushups and jog for miles. Trump has to use a golf cart to even move a block and he's several years younger than good old Joe. Dr. Jill Biden seems satisfied with him, and she oughta know.
I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams.
Really? What has she said that was so exceptionally sharp?

What I dislike about her, other than her lack of experience, is that she seems to be very identity-politics minded.

Stacey Abrams’s new essay on identity politics reveals why she’s a rising star

She as Veep would make the racial polarization between Republicans/Democrats worse than it already is, imho. And making a US party system a de facto racial one would be a bad thing for US democracy.
I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams.
Really? What has she said that was so exceptionally sharp?

What I dislike about her, other than her lack of experience, is that she seems to be very identity-politics minded.

Stacey Abrams’s new essay on identity politics reveals why she’s a rising star

She as Veep would make the racial polarization between Republicans/Democrats worse than it already is, imho. And making a US party system a de facto racial one would be a bad thing for US democracy.
Ms Abrams is no more identity-politics minded than you or Mr. Trump or most of the GOP.
In my personal view, Stacey is more attractive than that inflatable sex doll or her protege.
Who is the protege?

I just think she's cute, sassy and has gorgeous skin.
Well she certainly has the more politically correct skin color.
Also, I am not sure "cute" and "sassy" are qualifications for the office of Vice President exactly.

Of course this does beg the question.....why do people seem to think it's okay to evaluate a woman based on her looks, but rarely are men evaluated that way?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Men's appearance is evaluated every day in politics. None more than Trump of course - the talk about his obesity, his orange skin, his hair is literally incessant.
But he is not the only one. There is much talk about Bernie's hair, and on the other end of the spectrum about John Kerry's and John Edwards' expensive coiffures.
Many a commentator has noted the physical attractiveness of male politicians like Obama and Clinton, just as they have noted the fatness of the likes of Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee, or the Keebler Elf-like appearance of Dennis Kucinich.
In NYC, Michael Bloomberg's shortness was as much
And the list goes on. It's ridiculous, and frankly sexist, to insist, against a plethora of evidence, that a woman's looks matter in politics but men's appearance doesn't. If anything, it's exactly the opposite. If somebody comments of a woman's appearance, they can expect an angry response from an army of rabid radfems, so many commentators are self-censoring.

We have one of the ugliest, obese men in the WH, but it's rare to hear people talk about his appearance.
People talk about Trump's appearance literally all the fucking time. You just commented about his appearance while insisting it is rarely discussed. SMFH!

Plus, according to someone in the know, his dick looks like a mushroom.
See, even derogatory comments about male politicians' genitals are considered fair game.
And yet, you would probably lose your shit if somebody wrote about a fungus Hillary's or Stacey Abrams' labia resembled. :rolleyes:

With his makeup and combover, there is nothing physically attractive about that man,
See what I was saying about comments about Trump's appearance being many and frequent?
If a male politician's combover is fair game, what about a female politician's weaves or something?

Melania doesn't even seem to like to hold his hand. I don't blame her.
And Bill was seeking sexual release from an intern rather than from Hillary. Can't blame him either. :)
Oh, was that unacceptable because it was a crack at a female politician's expense?

But, since I'm joining you in your snark, since when do we vote for candidates based on their fuckability?
We shouldn't, but let's not pretend there is not a double standard about men and women here. And what's the worst thing about the double standard is that the feminist insist that up is down, wet is dry and freedom is slavery. :rolleyes:

If we must, Joe Biden is far more fuckable than Trump.
Not much of a contest, that.
Stacey is beyond impressive.
I do not know what is that impressive about winning some elections when there is nobody opposing you because your district is a very safe blue district, and furthermore very monochromatic demographically.

Of course she doesn't have the looks of the inflatable sex doll
Depends on the sex doll. They come in all shapes, sizes and skin colors.

that say, a McEnany offers,
McEnany is a press secretary. She is not in the running for Veep.

And I guess Democratic Party maxim about not attacking a woman's appearance only applies to Democratic women, right? :)

but on the upside, she doesn't offer the brains of an inflatable sex doll that McEnany offers...
McEnany graduated from Georgetown and Harvard. And unlike Abrams, she did not have the advantage of racial discrimination (aka "affirmative action") in her favor either.
In my personal view, Stacey is more attractive than that inflatable sex doll or her protege. But, as a. heterosexual woman, my perspective isn't sexual. I just think she's cute, sassy and has gorgeous skin.

I agree in all those regards, except that I had not noticed the gorgeous skin. I think she's "funny looking', overweight for my tastes etc.. but when she opens her mouth, it all changes. She is among the most natural, beautiful speakers I have ever heard in the political arena. Economy of words, concise conveyance of thoughts and depth of inflection give her the nod for me. I almost wouldn't care if she was a Republican, if there was one that honest.

Of course this does beg the question.....why do people seem to think it's okay to evaluate a woman based on her looks, but rarely are men evaluated that way?
Surely you studied evolution? Women have long selected men according to their assessment of a man's ability to enable her to reproduce successfully. Nothing has changed. That ability is very strongly correlated with money, as has been the case since money came to exist. Men have likewise selected women according to their assessment of a woman's ability to produce viable offspring. And that hasn't changed either. Of course none of those assessments is a conscious process - it's instinct, right down to the molecular level.

But, since I'm joining you in your snark, since when do we vote for candidates based on their fuckability?

See above! Since The Beginning. :)
I've heard that some people consider pirate ships to be the first example of True Democracy. I don't think the reproductive drive had as much play there as perhaps sheer survival instinct. But pretty much ever since...

If we must, Joe Biden is far more fuckable than Trump. The man is in great shape. I've heard he can do a lot of pushups and jog for miles. Trump has to use a golf cart to even move a block and he's several years younger than good old Joe.

I'll take your word for it. Biden does appear to be in much better shape... anyhow, besides money per se, power is the other proxy for reproductive advantage. It can be used by either gender to appeal to the other. But more commonly used by men, who rarely want to be seen as #2 in a "power couple".

Dr. Jill Biden seems satisfied with him, and she oughta know.

Well that's one positive thing. At least it won't be so ... fucking weird.
I really don't enjoy seeing the torment and anguish in Malaria's eyes whenever she's around Jabba the President.
Even though COVID-19 is a huge minus for the Trump, I'm surprised by this poll, if it's correct.


CNN Poll Shows Trump Crushing Biden in 15 Battleground States.
LOL - a rightwing crazy site reporting on a report from another rightwing crazy site with no link to the actual poll results.

I love that RWC on RWC crap. :D
"Stay home Bubba - we GOT this!"

Also from angelo's "source" :


Are you sure that's not a parody site, angelo? :hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
You gonna eat some brains now?
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I've never known any politician who is as sharp as Abrams.
Really? What has she said that was so exceptionally sharp?

What I dislike about her, other than her lack of experience, is that she seems to be very identity-politics minded.

Stacey Abrams’s new essay on identity politics reveals why she’s a rising star

She as Veep would make the racial polarization between Republicans/Democrats worse than it already is, imho. And making a US party system a de facto racial one would be a bad thing for US democracy.

But identity politics does not seek to polarize us. It seeks to exploit the democratic process by calling for inclusiveness and equality. Those who would call it out as divisive either do not recognize or worse seek to protect their advantaged position in society.
No? What's this, pork chops? ...................................https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/13/politics/cnn-poll-2020/index.html

That is a news article that wasn't referenced in either the link you originally provided or the Breitbart article. Which leads me to ask a question. Why do you post crap when you clearly understand what a primary source is?

What's the difference where the news source comes from. in this and many other instances It's true isn't it?
No? What's this, pork chops? ...................................https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/13/politics/cnn-poll-2020/index.html

That is a news article that wasn't referenced in either the link you originally provided or the Breitbart article. Which leads me to ask a question. Why do you post crap when you clearly understand what a primary source is?

What's the difference where the news source comes from. in this and many other instances It's true isn't it?

Can you please let this person know it doesn't matter what the source is then for me please. You know, if you truely believe it doesn't matter what the source is if it's true. Also, you need to go back to high school if you think tangential sources are as credible as primary sources
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Elixer said:
Surely you studied evolution? Women have long selected men according to their assessment of a man's ability to enable her to reproduce successfully. Nothing has changed. That ability is very strongly correlated with money, as has been the case since money came to exist. Men have likewise selected women according to their assessment of a woman's ability to produce viable offspring. And that hasn't changed either. Of course none of those assessments is a conscious process - it's instinct, right down to the molecular level.

Sure, that's what I've heard, but I don't see the correlation when it comes to politics. As I said. yesterday, we aren't voting for who is the sexiest in appearance. We're voting for who we feel is best qualified for the job. There are plenty of women in powerful positions who men probably didn't vote for based on their physical attractiveness.

I don't want to get into a long social science discussion here, but I think in contemporary times, things are a lot more complicated than what you've stated. :).

But, at least we both agree that Stacey is an amazing, intelligent person with a special talent for public speaking and answering questions almost spontaneously. I love the way she has with words. Plus, she's very warm and caring. She is a politician for the people, but she's also very pragmatic and knows that you must work with those who think differently from yourself if you want to make progress. Progress being the key goal.

I think there's somebody here who doesn't seem to recognize her unusual abilities. Someone doesn't seem to understand how complicated and motivated she can be. When she ran for governor in Georgia, she personally visited every single county of our vast state. My town has about 25,000 residents. She visited us and held a rally here. She appeals to a wide variety of people, young, old, white, black etc., highly educated, not very educated. Although they didn't agree with her policies, she had the respect of the Republicans when she was the minority leader in the Georgia House. She started up an organization to facilitate voting rights for all of the people, and it's currently active in 18 states, states which have a questionable history regarding voter suppression. Of course, as a woman, I can probably relate to her better than some men can. She's awesome, but of course there will be some who don't get it, and others who will listen to lies and conspiracy theories about her. Sady, too many people are taken in by such things. Idiocracy has landed in the US.

I know that politics have always been divisive but I never thought it would be as bad as it is in the age of Trump. Never in my wildest imagination did I realize that my fellow citizens would elect a lying, corrupt, sleazy, real estate con who suffers from malignant narcissism and who knows what else! Sad. It's bigly sad. But, I digress.
What's the difference where the news source comes from. in this and many other instances It's true isn't it?

Can you please let this person know it doesn't matter what the source is then for me please. You know, if you truely believe it doesn't matter what the source is if it's true. Also, you need to go back to high school if you think tangential sources are as credible as primary sources

I gave you the primary source, remember?
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