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Democrats 2020

What's the difference where the news source comes from. in this and many other instances It's true isn't it?

Can you please let this person know it doesn't matter what the source is then for me please. You know, if you truely believe it doesn't matter what the source is if it's true. Also, you need to go back to high school if you think tangential sources are as credible as primary sources

I gave you the primary source, remember?



After your initial post turned out to be complete bullshit.

Which begs the question. Why don't you cut the bullshit and just link the primary source in the first place?
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Seeking: Big Democratic Ideas That Make Everything Better - The New York Times - "By the end of primary season, the Democratic Party had all but settled on a conventional center-left agenda. But the pandemic is forcing the Biden campaign and other leaders to redraw plans for 2021."

Then the six policy task forces.
But in several areas there are already strong signs of consensus within Mr. Biden’s party, as once-cautious electoral and legislative tacticians shed their opposition to huge price tags and disruptive change amid a crisis that has melted traditional obstacles to government action.

Democratic leaders say that if they hold power next January, they must be prepared to move to pump trillions more into the economy; enact infrastructure and climate legislation far larger than they previously envisioned; pass a raft of aggressive worker-protection laws; expand government-backed health insurance and create enormous new investments in public-health jobs, health care facilities and child care programs.

Discussions are also underway, some of them involving Republicans, about policies that would ban stock buybacks and compel big corporations to share more of their profits with workers.
They are doing all this work now so they can act fast if they get into power.
The party’s moderates, Mr. Warner said, had begun to think “exponentially bigger” about a legislative vision for overhauling the economy.

“The coronavirus has pushed to the front the need for real change,” said Ms. Warren, a contender to be Mr. Biden’s running mate. “Families need more economic security and we need an economy over all that has more resilience and more protection built in for helping each other in a time of crisis.”
Surely you studied evolution? Women have long selected men according to their assessment of a man's ability to enable her to reproduce successfully. Nothing has changed. That ability is very strongly correlated with money, as has been the case since money came to exist. Men have likewise selected women according to their assessment of a woman's ability to produce viable offspring. And that hasn't changed either. Of course none of those assessments is a conscious process - it's instinct, right down to the molecular level.

It's also instinctive to be xenophobic and to behave aggressively toward the "other tribe". But we don't tolerate or excuse that behavior in modern society. Why should we tolerate or excuse "instinctive" behavior toward women?
...especially kiddy diddler, hair sniffer pedo and senile Biden.

Honestly, why are you calling Biden a pedophile and a kiddy diddler? Hair sniffer, I get. Senile, I can understand. But where is the pedophile accusation coming from?

Seriously? Have you never read any other post angelo has ever posted? I envy you.
...especially kiddy diddler, hair sniffer pedo and senile Biden.

Honestly, why are you calling Biden a pedophile and a kiddy diddler? Hair sniffer, I get. Senile, I can understand. But where is the pedophile accusation coming from?

Seriously? Have you never read any other post angelo has ever posted? I envy you.

I've read several, although there are probably a lot that I've ignored. Mostly, I just see him calling him a pedophile... but no explanation or anything to back that up.
Seriously? Have you never read any other post angelo has ever posted? I envy you.

I've read several, although there are probably a lot that I've ignored. Mostly, I just see him calling him a pedophile... but no explanation or anything to back that up.

The problem is that people are calling HIS pedophile a pedophile, and so the only way to get away from it seems to be the "NO, U" defense since the evidence is overwhelming. Because republicans don't care, and democrats do, it adds just enough doubt to be effective
I gave you the primary source, remember?



After your initial post turned out to be complete bullshit.

Which begs the question. Why don't you cut the bullshit and just link the primary source in the first place?

You must be a very hard person to live with. And here I was thinking my partner was hard to live with!
Are all Democrats so hard to live with, or are you an exception?
...especially kiddy diddler, hair sniffer pedo and senile Biden.

Honestly, why are you calling Biden a pedophile and a kiddy diddler? Hair sniffer, I get. Senile, I can understand. But where is the pedophile accusation coming from?

Haven't you seen him invading little girls space and making them uncomfortable? I've posted images here before if you care to look.

Here, just for you! One of many.

...especially kiddy diddler, hair sniffer pedo and senile Biden.

Honestly, why are you calling Biden a pedophile and a kiddy diddler? Hair sniffer, I get. Senile, I can understand. But where is the pedophile accusation coming from?

Haven't you seen him invading little girls space and making them uncomfortable? I've posted images here before if you care to look.
Yeah about that, we've been meaning to have a discussion with you about your obsession of watching guys making girls uncomfortable.
Never seen lips move that far from the face before. He must have a lot of practice trying to lay smooches on people trying to evade smooches.

And for clarity sakes, this was 2016.
Never seen lips move that far from the face before. He must have a lot of practice trying to lay smooches on people trying to evade smooches.

Well, being a celebrity they just let him do it. Except for the children. He has to put in more effort--and does--to kiss them.
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