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Democrats 2020

You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

The self-proclaimed libertarians here do make a compelling case for eugenics. I am having none of it though. My undying faith in humanity dictates that I simply bear the sadness of their stupidity and await the day when sheer numbers of rational people overwhelm the selfish impulses of the conservo-libtards, and reinstate what used to be American ideals.
You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

The self-proclaimed libertarians here do make a compelling case for eugenics. I am having none of it though. My undying faith in humanity dictates that I simply bear the sadness of their stupidity and await the day when sheer numbers of rational people overwhelm the selfish impulses of the conservo-libtards, and reinstate what used to be American ideals.

Are those libtards actually in opposition to what "used to be" American ideals, though, are or have they simply shone a light on what have actually been the American ideals all along?
You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

The self-proclaimed libertarians here do make a compelling case for eugenics. I am having none of it though. My undying faith in humanity dictates that I simply bear the sadness of their stupidity and await the day when sheer numbers of rational people overwhelm the selfish impulses of the conservo-libtards, and reinstate what used to be American ideals.

You have to just face the fact that in the US there is a lot of ignorance.

And people who can't see a quality mind from a showman.

But the young wanted Bernie over Hillary or Trump.

There are reasons for optimism.

Hillary Clinton struggles to win over millennial voters loyal to Bernie Sanders

Your opinion is total shit.

You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

Is it okay with you if I rate your judgement of Warren against your own personal credibility? You say she is good, but how good are you ad judgements> Remember, although you rate her highly, any number multiplied by zero (how well you rate) results in zero.
Your opinion is total shit.

You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

Is it okay with you if I rate your judgement of Warren against your own personal credibility? You say she is good, but how good are you ad judgements> Remember, although you rate her highly, any number multiplied by zero (how well you rate) results in zero.

That you think a Harvard Law professor who goes from there to the Senate is ordinary shows you to be inferior.
Your opinion is total shit.

You wouldn't know a quality mind if your life depended on it.

Is it okay with you if I rate your judgement of Warren against your own personal credibility? You say she is good, but how good are you ad judgements> Remember, although you rate her highly, any number multiplied by zero (how well you rate) results in zero.

That you think a Harvard Law professor who goes from there to the Senate is ordinary shows you to be inferior.

I'm saying your endorsement drags her down. That you failed to understand that when I discussed your credibility and compared it to multiplying her value by zero, shows you to be an illiterate NPC.
That you think a Harvard Law professor who goes from there to the Senate is ordinary shows you to be inferior.

I'm saying your endorsement drags her down. That you failed to understand that when I discussed your credibility and compared it to multiplying her value by zero, shows you to be an illiterate NPC.

My credibility is intact here.

My credibility is I recognize the talent in somebody that can teach the law at Harvard.

You don't like her positions. You don't understand the law or real world economics near her level.
What you think about it is not important.

You should be concerned. If your endorsement hurts her, and you want to help her, the logical thing to do is to endorse someone you hate.

Wait, is that what you are doing?

The people I endorse lose because the nation is filled with religious fundamentalists and racists and bigots and the uneducated.
Michael Avenatti Won’t Run for President After Stormy Daniels Spat, Domestic-Violence Arrest
His prospective presidential campaign came to a sudden halt in November when LAPD officers took Avenatti into custody over accusations he physically assaulted an ex-girlfriend named Mareli Miniutti. Avenatti denied the claims, saying it was part of a plot by right-wing activists to smear him.

Last week, Avenatti had a public spat with his famous client who accused him of filing a defamation lawsuit against Trump without her permission. Daniels also accused him of not disclosing how money he solicited for her legal defense was being spent.
Just as well.

Kamala Harris gives timeline on decision for a 2020 presidential run - SFGate
"It's a very serious decision," Harris said. "It will ultimately be a family decision. Over the holiday, I will make that decision with my family."
So we should know by the end of this month or a bit later.
Kennedy should be on that list. I can see an O'Rourke-Kennedy ticket being very powerful, especially against Pence.

As to Trump, it doesn't matter. He either won't be around to run (i.e., jail or "early retirement") or won't have a chance in hell to win as none of the conditions that gave him his miracle in 2016 exist anymore and since then it's only been radically down-hill from that miracle to begin with. A pair like O and K (OK!TM) would easily garner the now (finally) energized Gen Z/Millen "youth" voters as well as the 12% Independents that swung Dem during the midterms.

And they wouldn't hurt in regard to the swing white male Dem vote that Trump seemed to pull in the rust belt, but then, they've already corrected that nonsense in the midterms.

Unfortunately, I don't think it's time to have another female on the ticket and anyone associated with Sanders needs to stay far far away, but the pointless noise from the Sanders fringe won't go away like it should, so an OK ticket would appease them well enough to get them to help instead of hurt for a change.

As I've noted before, I seriously doubt HRC will actually run again, but if she does, then it would mean either she bows out almost immediately (iow, she realizes right at the start that she's lost it), OR she shows us a side of her that we've never seen before, in which case, GREAT, because that will mean a fierce and uncompromising leader instead of the complaints of shallow style over substance so many around here have lobbed in the past.

But my guess is she won't even go beyond where she is now.
Michael Avenatti Won’t Run for President After Stormy Daniels Spat, Domestic-Violence Arrest
His prospective presidential campaign came to a sudden halt in November when LAPD officers took Avenatti into custody over accusations he physically assaulted an ex-girlfriend named Mareli Miniutti. Avenatti denied the claims, saying it was part of a plot by right-wing activists to smear him.

Last week, Avenatti had a public spat with his famous client who accused him of filing a defamation lawsuit against Trump without her permission. Daniels also accused him of not disclosing how money he solicited for her legal defense was being spent.
Just as well.

Kamala Harris gives timeline on decision for a 2020 presidential run - SFGate
"It's a very serious decision," Harris said. "It will ultimately be a family decision. Over the holiday, I will make that decision with my family."
So we should know by the end of this month or a bit later.

Michael Avenatti was thinking of running for President?

Your country is weird.
All this hemming and hawing about who the Dems should put forth is a waste of time.
What we need is a REAL fascist independent to get in the race. Not another mealy-mouthed Confederate flag waver, but a real live NAZI flag waver who can suck the alt-whiteists right out of the Republican party.
Divide and conquer, just as Pootie did with the Hill&Bernie show.
Kennedy should be on that list. I can see an O'Rourke-Kennedy ticket being very powerful, especially against Pence.
What makes O'Rourke a great candidate for President, exactly? He ran a great campaign against an asshole... and lost. Jones at least won the Senate race against the creepy mall judge in Ala Fucking Bama.

Some people seem to want to edge towards a person with charisma more than ability to lead.

As I've noted before, I seriously doubt HRC will actually run again, but if she does, then it would mean either she bows out almost immediately (iow, she realizes right at the start that she's lost it), OR she shows us a side of her that we've never seen before, in which case, GREAT, because that will mean a fierce and uncompromising leader instead of the complaints of shallow style over substance so many around here have lobbed in the past.
HRC and Sanders need to bow out gracefully. They can back someone else, but neither of them should even consider running.
HRC and Sanders need to bow out gracefully. They can back someone else, but neither of them should even consider running.

Agreed. And the earlier the better!
Meanwhile - seriously - a independent who could bleed off the most extreme right wing of the Republican party would be an even better thing than a good Dem candidate.
Some people seem to want to edge towards a person with charisma more than ability to lead.

The job of the President is no longer one of "leadership." That died with the internet (and some might argue TV). Plus, I'm not sure losing a tight race that should have never been tight in the first place (i.e., for a Republican in Texas), necessarily equates with not being a leader.

As to charisma, the job has always been one of charisma first and foremost. That's what is required of the head diplomat, after all. We've had great Presidents that weren't very charismatic in front of crowds (or other people, for that matter), but I think those have been the exceptions, not the rule.

Second to that is that the job requires an excellent administrator. I think O'Rourke and Kennedy would make a great team for precisely that reason. Now more than ever we need to unfuck everything Trump and the Bush cabal fucked us with in the first place. Obama never really got much of a chance to permanently unfuck anything the Bush cabal boobytrapped, as the Republicans took over too quickly.

If we have the House and the Senate (as things may actually go down) and also then win the WH we will have that same Obama honeymoon, only without any of the healthcare debacle. And we could actually push through some version of single payer (so long as it is a change to the ACA and not some idiotic complete do-over). And finally repeal the AUMF and restructure the balance of power that has only been kept in check by Obama's beneficence and Trump's incompetence.

As I've noted before, I seriously doubt HRC will actually run again, but if she does, then it would mean either she bows out almost immediately (iow, she realizes right at the start that she's lost it), OR she shows us a side of her that we've never seen before, in which case, GREAT, because that will mean a fierce and uncompromising leader instead of the complaints of shallow style over substance so many around here have lobbed in the past.
HRC and Sanders need to bow out gracefully. They can back someone else, but neither of them should even consider running.

Agreed in general, but, again, if she has anything new to give that we haven't already seen, then I'm all for it. The number one complaint I've always seen about her is how phony she seems onstage as opposed to how differently she carries herself irl. It's a lot like Gore. Neither of them ever seemed very comfortable giving stump speeches. If--IFF--we see an HRC that truly doesn't give a flying fuck about how she carries herself and is just as genuine onstage as she is off--iow, gloves completely off and bare knuckles flying--then I would very much like to see that candidate Clinton run.

But, that isn't likely.
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