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Democrats 2020

The more logical conclusion to draw from that town hall is that the GOP/Russians are looking to "weaponize" Sanders again to drive the same wedge between Dems they exploited so well in 2016.

Hmmm yes, very normal and logical conclusion to draw

It is, actually. Why would Fox News give a flying fuck about promoting Bernie Sanders unless it were because he was so useful in causing a bitterly divisive civil war in our primaries in 2016 and they wish to continue to use him in that manner? Brainwashed Republicans now just suddenly want to vote for a commie Jew and Fox News has suddenly jettisoned its mandate and become not only an actual news organization, but a part of the "liberal" mainstream media?

I don't think they wanted to promote him. They wanted to humiliate him in front of their own audience. The very first question was loaded and given by a known campus conservative activist. The whores hosting the event made dishonest points and Bernie took it all with aplomb.

The whole thing backfired on Fox, bigly.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.
Right click, open in icognito window.

It's a BS article written by a GOP establishment hack. Not exactly unbiased opinion.

I've never heard the term "Tyranny of the majority" before.

I'll say this about small town voters (I live in a small town): My community lives in a bubble and does not see the economic engine that drives my country (Canada). Nor do they see the diversity that makes it happen. Last year a majority of my town voted based on a local (tiny) bridge that people thought was too narrow.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.

It's an opinion piece entitled Trump isn’t the biggest threat to the Constitution. Democrats are. written by right wing tool from the American Enterprise Institute.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.
Right click, open in icognito window.
I tried that, and I got notified that I was using an adblocker. All that I saw was a picture of Pete Buttigieg.
It's a BS article written by a GOP establishment hack. Not exactly unbiased opinion.
I wouldn't be surprised. Was it all Republicans good, Democrats bad? Sort of like four legs good, two legs bad.
Right click, open in icognito window.
I tried that, and I got notified that I was using an adblocker. All that I saw was a picture of Pete Buttigieg.
It's a BS article written by a GOP establishment hack. Not exactly unbiased opinion.
I wouldn't be surprised. Was it all Republicans good, Democrats bad? Sort of like four legs good, two legs bad.

You didn't miss anything. It was written in March by one of WaPo's conservative editorialists. The Post tries to give both sides in its opinion sections. The piece was making an argument as to why the electoral college is important to our democracy. I'm pretty sure if the coastal states were heavily populated by Republicans, they would be the first to scream that the electoral college must go.
The piece was making an argument as to why the electoral college is important to our democracy.
A lot of such defenses seem to imply that the EC is some great committee of experts. But it isn't. It's a rubber-stamp body, with electors who refuse to do their rubber-stamp duty getting disparaged as "faithless" electors.
I'm pretty sure if the coastal states were heavily populated by Republicans, they would be the first to scream that the electoral college must go.
I recall that some Republicans were preparing a campaign to discredit the Electoral College back in 2000, when there was a chance that Al Gore would win the electoral vote but not the popular vote. Likewise, about Trump and the EC wen there was a chance that Obama might win in that way back in 2012.
So Biden wins the primaries and the Bernie Bros and Gals revolt; Trump wins. Or Sanders is able to edge out grope-y Joe and win the primaries; Trump wins. Heh.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.

It would be spot on. The danger to America is the Dems in their present guise of a sharp turn left ala Cuba, Venezuela type socialism.
So Biden wins the primaries and the Bernie Bros and Gals revolt; Trump wins. Or Sanders is able to edge out grope-y Joe and win the primaries; Trump wins. Heh.

Sanders is polling better than Trump in all the states that got Trump the win in 2016 though. It's early yet, sure. But Trump is actually scared of Sanders' support, you can see it in how he reacted to the Fox Town Hall as some kind of deep betrayal.
So Biden wins the primaries and the Bernie Bros and Gals revolt; Trump wins. Or Sanders is able to edge out grope-y Joe and win the primaries; Trump wins. Heh.

Sanders is polling better than Trump in all the states that got Trump the win in 2016 though. It's early yet, sure. But Trump is actually scared of Sanders' support, you can see it in how he reacted to the Fox Town Hall as some kind of deep betrayal.

That remains to be seen if the commie Sanders continues to poll well now that creepy Joe has nominated. I very much doubt mainstream America would vote for such a rabid commie like Sanders and his ilk. It may be Creepy VS the Trumpet if it comes to that.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.

It would be spot on. The danger to America is the Dems in their present guise of a sharp turn left ala Cuba, Venezuela type socialism.

LOL! You have clearly never so much as met someone from Cuba, if you think the DNC is anything like the Castro regime in ideology, goals, or methods.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.

It would be spot on. The danger to America is the Dems in their present guise of a sharp turn left ala Cuba, Venezuela type socialism.

So Biden wins the primaries and the Bernie Bros and Gals revolt; Trump wins. Or Sanders is able to edge out grope-y Joe and win the primaries; Trump wins. Heh.
Or Biden loses due to something not related to accusations of groping, e.g., bad health, or Anita Hill, or Pete Buttigieg out-debates everyone else in the primaries by a mile, or some other factor.
I can imagine the adds run by the GOP come election time. Americans, like most democracy, freedom loving rational middle class people world wide will in the end steer clear of extremists ideology such as that espoused by the present Democratic Party.

What is in that article? It's paywalled. But its title seems to be "Trump Isn't The Biggest Threat To The Constitution. Democrats Are." Whatever that might be.
It's not (entirely) paywalled - it's just slightly easier to access if you pay. However, if you use Click&Clean to erase cookies, cache, local storage, etc., you should have no trouble reading it (I do not know what exactly one needs to erase, because I just have a Chromium profile with C&C set to erase everything for cases like this, so that I can read articles without having to bother checking for each site what it is that one needs to erase).

Kamala Harris owns a handgun. That's disqualifying for a 2020 Democrat in my book.

So Biden wins the primaries and the Bernie Bros and Gals revolt; Trump wins. Or Sanders is able to edge out grope-y Joe and win the primaries; Trump wins. Heh.

Sanders is polling better than Trump in all the states that got Trump the win in 2016 though. It's early yet, sure. But Trump is actually scared of Sanders' support, you can see it in how he reacted to the Fox Town Hall as some kind of deep betrayal.

That remains to be seen if the commie Sanders continues to poll well now that creepy Joe has nominated. I very much doubt mainstream America would vote for such a rabid commie like Sanders and his ilk. It may be Creepy VS the Trumpet if it comes to that.

You're a big Archie Bunker fan, aren't you.
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