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Democrats 2020

That remains to be seen if the commie Sanders continues to poll well now that creepy Joe has nominated. I very much doubt mainstream America would vote for such a rabid commie like Sanders and his ilk. It may be Creepy VS the Trumpet if it comes to that.
You're a big Archie Bunker fan, aren't you.
Reminds me of when I learned of Rush Limbaugh. He seemed to me like a real-life Archie Bunker -- and he still does.
Trump and Biden take shots at each other's age - YouTube
‘Sleepy’ or ‘Hyper’? Biden, Trump spar over age and energy - POLITICO
“I just feel like a young man. I’m so young. I can’t believe it,” the president told reporters. “I’m the youngest person — I am a young, vibrant man. I look at Joe. I don’t know about him. I don’t know.”
In a Tweet, Trump called his opponent "Sleepy Joe".

16 Candidates Now Qualify For The First Democratic Primary Debates | FiveThirtyEight The first two debates will be capped at 20 candidates each, with each debate being split over two nights if there are more than 10 qualifying candidates for it.

The qualifications are sufficiently high polling and receiving enough donations. How the candidates stack up:
  • Both (6): PB, KH, BOR, BS, EW, AY
  • Polls (9): JB, CB, JC, JD, KG, JH, JI, AK, TR
  • Donors (1): TG
  • Neither (3): SM, ES, MW
There must be a lot of resentment with Biden entering (relatively) late and immediately becoming the front runner. Poor Inslee.
Yes, I watched the Fox town hall. That is a big reason I am leaning towards Bernie.

Bernie Bros are specific people. To them, it's either Bernie or I'll fuck everything up. It's the same reaction as a toddler. Thus the immature monicker.

I don't actually think the type of person you're describing exists in any substantial number.

Sanders Supporters Viciously Attack Bernie Sanders After He Criticizes Mistakes Of 2016 Sanders Campaign
There must be a lot of resentment with Biden entering (relatively) late and immediately becoming the front runner. Poor Inslee.

I've noticed right-wingers have a tendency to think that everyone else would react to something the same way they would.
There must be a lot of resentment with Biden entering (relatively) late and immediately becoming the front runner. Poor Inslee.

Sure, some younger people and those who are much further to the left are likely unhappy, but he has a lot of support from the black community, as well as from center left and moderate voters. About 45% of Democrats consider themselves to be moderates, and while Biden is actually about mid center left, he has a lot of appeal among more centrist voters, as well as center left voters.


At Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books in the Germantown neighborhood of North Philadelphia, black empowerment was on prominent display via titles like “White Fragility” and “What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Blacker.”

But when the talk turned to presidential politics, patrons universally said Mr. Biden was at or near the top of their list, in no small part because of his eight-year partnership with President Barack Obama.

“Just to be in the house and assisting Barack when he was in the house, he would already have my vote for that alone,” said Ciarra Walker, 30, a small-business owner.

Kerry Chester, 53, a network engineer working at his laptop, said he voted for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the 2016 Pennsylvania primary. But for 2020 he thinks it is so important to defeat Mr. Trump that Mr. Biden is preferable, even compared to the two top African-American candidates, Senators Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kamala Harris of California.

Neither Mr. Chester nor other black voters interviewed said Mr. Biden’s record of championing anti-crime bills — as a Delaware senator in the 1980s and ’90s — that led to mass incarceration were impediments to their support.

“That was 20 years ago,” Mr. Chester said. “I can’t hold everything against him.” He added that compared with other candidates, “I trust him a lot more.”

Nasya Jenkins, 21, who works at a Boys and Girls Club and is an aspiring influencer on Instagram, said she did not penalize Mr. Biden for his treatment of Anita Hill in her 1991 Senate Judiciary Committee testimony. Mr. Biden called Ms. Hill recently to address some of her concerns, a conversation she said left her dissatisfied.

“I’m not really so caught up on what happened in the past,” Ms. Jenkins said. “We’re here now, with all the problems we have. What do you plan on doing to change that — period?”

I know that Biden has strong support among my black female friends. They like him and they feel he may be the only one who can draw enough support from moderates to be able to beat Trump. I guess we will see if his popularity remains strong as the campaign continues. Most of the people who I know are concerned about one thing, and that one thing is having a candidate that can win.
Sure, some younger people and those who are much further to the left are likely unhappy, but he has a lot of support from the black community, as well as from center left and moderate voters. About 45% of Democrats consider themselves to be moderates, and while Biden is actually about mid center left, he has a lot of appeal among more centrist voters, as well as center left voters.


Neither Mr. Chester nor other black voters interviewed said Mr. Biden’s record of championing anti-crime bills — as a Delaware senator in the 1980s and ’90s — that led to mass incarceration were impediments to their support.

“That was 20 years ago,” Mr. Chester said. “I can’t hold everything against him.” He added that compared with other candidates, “I trust him a lot more.”

Nasya Jenkins, 21, who works at a Boys and Girls Club and is an aspiring influencer on Instagram, said she did not penalize Mr. Biden for his treatment of Anita Hill in her 1991 Senate Judiciary Committee testimony. Mr. Biden called Ms. Hill recently to address some of her concerns, a conversation she said left her dissatisfied.

“I’m not really so caught up on what happened in the past,” Ms. Jenkins said. “We’re here now, with all the problems we have. What do you plan on doing to change that — period?”

I know that Biden has strong support among my black female friends. They like him and they feel he may be the only one who can draw enough support from moderates to be able to beat Trump. I guess we will see if his popularity remains strong as the campaign continues. Most of the people who I know are concerned about one thing, and that one thing is having a candidate that can win.

It certainly appears to me that Biden will attract the majority of votes in the middle. He probably has the greatest chance of beating Trump as it sits now.
It would be spot on. The danger to America is the Dems in their present guise of a sharp turn left ala Cuba, Venezuela type socialism.

LOL! You have clearly never so much as met someone from Cuba, if you think the DNC is anything like the Castro regime in ideology, goals, or methods.

Exactly, because both major parties are and have been to a large degree somewhat center. The present rabble of Dems presidential nominations of " lefties " like Sanders and his ilk would steer America towards Cuban style socialisms which I doubt rational Americans would vote for.
The reason Creepy Joe has shot straight to the front in popularity of the mostly commie thinking other nominations.
The reason Creepy Joe has shot straight to the front in popularity of the mostly commie thinking other nominations.

View attachment 21195

I would throw a lot of space to the other side of that graphic, too. We are a pretty centrist nation at the end of the day. Our bipolarism may turn violent at times, but it does prevent the excesses many other nations slide into. Many of the men Trump admires would immediately set about trying to dismantle the electoral system itself, and jail their political opponents. He has repugnant choice in role models, but our democracy shuns such men at the end of the day. Even if his presidency is the worst it can be, Trump will still leave office - voluntarily, or in shackles - in eight year's time.
Well, five and a half years time. Five and a half LONNNNNG years. The environment, the Supreme Court, standards of discourse...buried in my lifetime.
I hate to imagine it, but this unspeakable scoundrel may very well be reinstated. (The word reelected does not apply.)
Well, five and a half years time. Five and a half LONNNNNG years. The environment, the Supreme Court, standards of discourse...buried in my lifetime.
I hate to imagine it, but this unspeakable scoundrel may very well be reinstated. (The word reelected does not apply.)

I think it is likely, much though I hope for the alternative. The people who elected him love him still, and I see no equal passion for any of the opposing candidates. Also, he is quite tall. We like tall presidents. No one ever said democracy doesn't have downsides.
Trump will still leave office - voluntarily, or in shackles - in eight year's time.

I hope you meant "within five and a half years time."

The fact is that only about a third of the electorate think he is okay or better, and almost half of the electorate would vote for a pet rock over another tRump term.
The two ways he could get another term are if the Dems nominate another Hillary (Joe?), and/or if Putin, MBS et al are a lot better at election meddling than they were in 2016.
If I were to assume, as you seem to, that Trump will be around until 2024, I would also assume that there will be no elections that year, as Trump will have had time by then to entirely dismantle the electoral system.
It would be spot on. The danger to America is the Dems in their present guise of a sharp turn left ala Cuba, Venezuela type socialism.

LOL! You have clearly never so much as met someone from Cuba, if you think the DNC is anything like the Castro regime in ideology, goals, or methods.

Exactly, because both major parties are and have been to a large degree somewhat center. The present rabble of Dems presidential nominations of " lefties " like Sanders and his ilk would steer America towards Cuban style socialisms which I doubt rational Americans would vote for.

You are wrong.


The only ones that don't support Medicare-for-all, Bernie's prime policy, is the shrinking population of Republicans. And everyone knows they're just morons.
I see your Medicare for All survey and raise you a general economic survey:

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