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Democrats 2020

I'm fond of the Heinlein suggestion: All wars must be approved by popular vote, only those eligible to serve can vote for war, and voting 'yes' also volunteers you for the duration.
Elizabeth Warren Switched From Republican to Democrat After Watching Banks Destroy Families Through Bankruptcy
A former colleague of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren said she shifted from conservative to liberal in a Damascene conversion after years of watching bankrupt families pushed to the brink by big banks.

Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, is a former finance professor at Harvard Law School and the University of Texas at Austin. But for many years she was a Republican, until the mid-1990s, when she registered as a Democrat.

Warren refers to herself as a capitalist but rails against the actions of big business and calls for better regulation of markets. According to her campaign website, she wants corporations to pay more taxes; strong enforcement of antitrust rules; an "Ultra-Millionaire Tax" on America's richest 75,000 families; and a crackdown on lobbying.

Back in 2014, Warren spoke to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos about her transition from GOP to Democrat. "I was an independent. I was with the GOP for a while because I really thought that it was a party that was principled in its conservative approach to economics and to markets. And I feel like the GOP party just left that," she said, Think Progress reported.
In her class on contract law, she would sometimes offer to sell her wristwatch for $20, and then continue from there to explain how markets work.
Yeah, my Beto feeling has long since gone cold.

It's kinda funny ... anyone who is completely unknown (like Beto prior to his celebrity) can be extremely strident, and get a positive response. But once you've seen the show, the arm waving, body thrusting and other accessories of emphasis a few times, it gets tiresome VERY quickly. (Unless you're a trumpsucker who just can't get enough of Cheato's accordian playing).
I think that Biden might very well end up as the Dem nominee simply because of his consistently calm demeanor and vanilla flavored (or lack of) showmanship. Most people who are not of the trumsucking variety have limited tolerance for bombastic enthusiasm, raised angry voices etc..
Just a terrible idea from a man wholly out of his depth

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With wannabee candidates such as these, the Trumpet is almost assured of a second term!

That is rather stupid, especially considering that universal single payer healthcare would cover this entirely, and much more. Is he against single payer?

All the candidates are against single payer except Sanders, Gravel, and maybe Williamson. Warren used to support it but has backed off. We'll see what she says about it tonight.
A recent poll asking who voters would vote for versus who they want to be president. Understanding Electability — Avalanche


Biden leads with who people would vote for, but Warren leads with who people really prefer. I am about there myself, Warren is my fave right now, but I have doubts about her winning.
I agree with Bill Maher. If the Dems want to secure the election, then its Oprah for the win.
Biden leads with who people would vote for, but Warren leads with who people really prefer. I am about there myself, Warren is my fave right now, but I have doubts about her winning.

21% vs. 19% for Biden and Sanders is within MOE surely. Not to say that she is not popular, she is, but all three of them are neck-and-neck as far as magic wand choice.
First debate tonight. 496 days to go. Stay strong, take plenty of liquids.
Biden leads with who people would vote for, but Warren leads with who people really prefer. I am about there myself, Warren is my fave right now, but I have doubts about her winning.

Yeah, me too. I like Warren's expressed policies very much. But if the defeat of Trump is the prime directive, I'd be asking who polls best among moderate republicans - the ones who are least likely to be genuine trumpanzees.
Most of the anti-trump electorate will show up and vote against him even the nominee is somewhere right of Ronald Reagan. Of course there would be a lot of hand-wringing after the victory, thoughts that someone left of AOC could have won...
What Biden has going for him mostly is name recognition. I do think that Biden, Sanders and Warren are all too old but Sanders is showing his age badly. Also, Warren and Biden are much more accomplished politicians and much more effective legislators. Sanders just has that grumpy old man vibe going for him and I really don't get it. He's incapable of working with others and we already have that albeit in a different direction. We do not need any more crazy.
So tonight is the first of two debates, each debate having ten candidates. At 2 hours, that means that if time is distributed equally they each get 12 minutes to talk.

The only "front runner" in this debate is Elizabeth Warren. Is this recognition that she isn't actually a front runner, or a way of boosting her by not having her have to debate the other front runners?
The melding of the Dems with their close cousins the Commy Party of America.


Jesus christ, Angelo. Will you please stop posting blind links? You do know how to copy and paste a quote, don't you?

I think he does that because most of his links are shit. I read the first one, nothing but a crazy, far right rag claiming that Democrats are being influenced by those dirty commies. Yawn.
Jesus christ, Angelo. Will you please stop posting blind links? You do know how to copy and paste a quote, don't you?

I think he does that because most of his links are shit. I read the first one, nothing but a crazy, far right rag claiming that Democrats are being influenced by those dirty commies. Yawn.

Hey, gotta be careful about the commies, man. If we do nothing, they might win the Cold War!

At the very least, we have to be vigilant against the Russkies. Can you imagine if Moscow managed to get their stooge in the White House?
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