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DeSantis signs bill requiring FL students, professors to register political views with state

I asked for your definition of those terms because you made a major point out of the differences between Left, Far Left, Right, and Far Right.
I made a point that Loren's comparison was asymmetrical. It didn't even rely on my own definitions of those words, except inasmuch as 'left' and 'far left' are different to each other as is 'right' and 'far right'.

No one could deny that Far Left and Far Right violence both exist.
Well, I wonder if Loren denies it. He didn't speak about the far left at all. Only the far right.
Where are these Far Left areas in the US?
I didn't speak about far left areas, but far left people. I'm not sure how 'far right' or 'far left' any place could go given the multiple levels of government and the American Constitution.
The difference between the far left and the far right has historically been which homes they grew up in.

There has been a steady utilization of tactics to indoctrinate leftist woowoos to be right wing woowoos, using the CT community. Distrust of the system and "the man", of the weakly minded, leads to CT mindsets. CT mindsets are effectively organized today around GOP interests and "libertarianism". And so a number of woowoos can be steered rightward.

The ones that can't? They're the things that the GOP vilifies! Religious minorities? SaTaNiSm! Immigration? Godless foreigners! Sexual minorities? Perverts after ThE ChiLdREn.

It's a co-option of every groupthink dynamic and it's fucking disgusting.
In large parts of the US, it is risky to even express leftist points of view.
This. The far right doesn't fear showing itself in leftist areas. The left fears showing itself in far right areas.
Are you aware of the asymmetry you baked into that sentence?

You compared the far right going into leftist areas but the left going into far right areas.

And I've seen what the far left is willing to do at protests.
We haven't seen the far left kill anyone at a protest.
You did not respond about the asymmetry you used in your above statement.
Where do we even have far left areas to make a comparison?
Oy gevalt. You don't understand your asymmetry even when I've spelled it out.

Your asymmetric comparison:
far right going into leftist area vs left going into far right area

An example of a symmetric comparison:
far right going into leftist area vs far left going into rightist area

you described how the behaviour of the 'far right' is worse than 'the left'. Why did you not compare the far left to the far right?

Because we have no pattern of far left behavior to compare it to. There is no area with enough far left people for it to matter.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
Well, his first claim isn't true. Richard Spencer (called a fascist and Nazi by the left) was punched in the head while he was on the street. Leftists on Facebook and other social media were happy to claim that punching Nazis was good.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.

Yes. Check FBI statistics for hate crimes. Anti-gay violence in the U.S. is rampant. Google is your friend.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
Well, his first claim isn't true. Richard Spencer (called a fascist and Nazi by the left) was punched in the head while he was on the street. Leftists on Facebook and other social media were happy to claim that punching Nazis was good.

Never again! That's why.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
Well, his first claim isn't true. Richard Spencer (called a fascist and Nazi by the left) was punched in the head while he was on the street. Leftists on Facebook and other social media were happy to claim that punching Nazis was good.

Never again! That's why.
The ethics of punching people in the face are not being discussed. I am addressing Loren's false claim that 'an obvious Nazi' was safe 'anywhere'.
Well, his first claim isn't true. Richard Spencer (called a fascist and Nazi by the left) was punched in the head while he was on the street. Leftists on Facebook and other social media were happy to claim that punching Nazis was good.
Never again! That's why.
Lenny - Listen, genocide can happen again if we’re not vigilant. It must never happen again.

Shane - It has happened again.

Lenny - What are you talking about?

Shane - Genocide. In Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia.

Lenny - No, no. To Jews. It must never happen again to Jews.

- Weeds
Well, his first claim isn't true. Richard Spencer (called a fascist and Nazi by the left) was punched in the head while he was on the street. Leftists on Facebook and other social media were happy to claim that punching Nazis was good.
Never again! That's why.
Lenny - Listen, genocide can happen again if we’re not vigilant. It must never happen again.

Shane - It has happened again.

Lenny - What are you talking about?

Shane - Genocide. In Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia.

Lenny - No, no. To Jews. It must never happen again to Jews.

- Weeds

The U.S. did fight Serbian Genocide in thr Balkans. And is sending weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian genocide there. Meanwhile, in the U.S. Nazis flying swastika flags are harassing Jews. With little pushback from the GOP who are more concerned with Hunter Biden's laptop.` Cambodia? Thank you Kissinger and Nixon. And the GOP. We have the rise of anti-Asian attacks in the U.S.. The GOP, silence. And "Hunter Biden's laptop!".
Cambodia? Thank you Kissinger and Nixon. And the GOP.
:consternation2: Are you a Noam Chomsky-style Khmer Rouge apologist? Did American bombs blow Cambodians' heads off into tidy piles?

Yes. The US secretly bombed Cambodia, and helped Pol Pot rise to power. Then was anti-Viet Nam when they invaded Cambodia to eliminate the Khmer Rouge. Stupidity on stupidity on stupidity. And until recently, president Trump and the spineless GOP supported Pootie's land grab in Ukraine.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
Yes MANY. My TG son can attest. Even a PERFORMING ARTS school.
I did not get your point either, but now it makes some sense.

This why, IMO. Because the US has no Far Left to speak of. Which means that Far Left in the US corresponds just plain Left, even moderate Left Social Democrats.

There is nothing, for example, like the Shining Path in the US. Or even the old Weatherrmen, of long ago, hippie days. Those truly Far Leftist indeed are cut from the same mold as those on the Far Right. A few of the modern so-called Antifa active in Portland, etcetera, might qualify as true Far Left. Those people are few.
Few enough that they are not a meaningful factor in any area. An obvious Nazi walking down the street will be safe anywhere. Plenty of places were an obviously LGBTQ person walking down the street would not be safe.
Is this really true? There are places in the IS where a member of the LGBTQ community would be unsafe walking down the street? I mean, because they are LGBTQ.
Yes MANY. My TG son can attest. Even a PERFORMING ARTS school.
Hell, a few blocks from where I live some ne'er-do-wells harassed my husband and were casually approaching him with the intent to do violence as he scrambled into his car and drove off.

And now with the MonkeyPox thing starting to be leveraged into the new "gay disease", it's going to escalate.
It's easier to list the places where it is safe to be publically gay than where it isn't; more than a thousand LGBTQ targeted assaults are reported each year. Straights just don't see any hate crimes happen, so they assume that they don't, or that the crimes that they do hear about are "exceptions to the rule" and therefote not to be worried about. I've never met a out gay or trans person who has never been harassed for same, and a non trivial number have been victims of more serious crimes. Albeit, usually at the hands of family members rather than random strangers.
I'm sorry. I should have known better than to think that violence against the LGBTQ community was a thing of the past, even if I was aware it wasn't the too distant past. I am so horrified at the violence that is still continuing and at my ignorance. And I'm so sorry for what all of you and your loved ones have experienced.
I'm sorry. I should have known better than to think that violence against the LGBTQ community was a thing of the past, even if I was aware it wasn't the too distant past. I am so horrified at the violence that is still continuing and at my ignorance. And I'm so sorry for what all of you and your loved ones have experienced.
Check out the Monkeypox thread. They're spinning up for a new "gay panic".
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