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DeSantis signs bill requiring FL students, professors to register political views with state

I'm sorry. I should have known better than to think that violence against the LGBTQ community was a thing of the past, even if I was aware it wasn't the too distant past. I am so horrified at the violence that is still continuing and at my ignorance. And I'm so sorry for what all of you and your loved ones have experienced.
Check out the Monkeypox thread. They're spinning up for a new "gay panic".
Haven't delved yet.
Cambodia? Thank you Kissinger and Nixon. And the GOP.
:consternation2: Are you a Noam Chomsky-style Khmer Rouge apologist? Did American bombs blow Cambodians' heads off into tidy piles?

The US secretly bombed Cambodia, and helped Pol Pot rise to power.
:consternation2: The Khmer Rouge is who we were bombing! The Khmer Republic would have fallen a lot sooner without our military support.

Then was anti-Viet Nam when they invaded Cambodia to eliminate the Khmer Rouge. Stupidity on stupidity on stupidity.
True but irrelevant. That was after the Cambodian genocide; therefore it didn't cause it.

Anyway, you're proving my point: "Never again!" is only for the ingroup, not for the outgroup, and apologists for "Punch a Nazi" become apologists for left-wing genocide. First the left-wingers will come for the Nazis the same way first the Nazis came for the left-wingers. Who you come for first isn't a sign of moral superiority.
The secret bombing of Cambodia started because North Vietnam was using Cambodian territory to move military supplies. Google is your friend. Many innocent civilians died in these bombing campaigns.
Is there any more in group than morons waving Swastika flags, chanting "Jews will not replace us!" And vandalizing synagogues? While leaders of the GOP remain silent?

Credit where credit is due.

They invented tinfoil hats even before the Jewish space lasers!
The secret bombing of Cambodia started because North Vietnam was using Cambodian territory to move military supplies.
With Khmer Rouge participation -- they were friends back then.

Google is your friend.
Tell it to a mirror.

Many innocent civilians died in these bombing campaigns.
Certainly; and the U.S. ought not to have done that. But that's not why the Khmer Rouge won the civil war, it's not why the Khmer Rouge were genocidal psychopaths, and it's not where the piles of skulls came from.
Google operation menu. The secret bombing campaign in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge was a small organiztion that grew as a direct result of our bombing and its destruction.

‘Ensures that all students, employees, alumni, and affiliates are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived name on university-issued identification documents and in UC’s information systems’
The 10-campus University of California system is implementing a statewide policy requiring that an individual’s gender identity is fully recognized on college campuses and even within the UC’s medical facilities.
The “Gender Recognition and Lived Name” policy mandates universities acknowledge individuals’ gender identity and preferred name on all university-issued documents by the end of December 2023.
“This policy applies to all university campuses, locations, laboratories, medical centers and health systems, as well as satellite offices, affiliates, and other units controlled by the Regents of the University of California,” the policy states.
The 12-page policy, approved in November 2020, highlights how it will require each university to comply, spelling out detailed guidance on the collection and reporting of gender identity, lived names and sexual orientation.

How shockingly intrusive of the University, to collect information like that.

Oh wait, no, it's okay. Because UC isn't doing it anonymously, and it's compulsory, which means it's not intrusive.
I doubt that wulod pass a constitutional challenge.

Yes, this was not explicitly mandated by the legislation. This is exactly the reaction that many in this thread predicted: schools reduce exposure to legal challenges or condemnation. And only the clueless would think this will be the only example.

You're overlooking, in your treatment of "clueless", the "gormless": those who will still pretend that there are no examples even still.
Certain people here who are on vacation at the moment said this would never happen.

MIAMI — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has made it clear how he views public schools and what they're teaching children: He doesn't trust them.

At a recent news conference, he returned to a familiar theme.

"Following woke indoctrination in our schools, that is a road to ruin for this country," he said. "And we're not going to let it happen in Florida."

Since becoming governor in 2019, DeSantis has become known for taking combative positions on controversial issues, including education. He recently signed a number of measures aimed at preventing the sort of "indoctrination" he and his Republican supporters fear is taking place.

His "Stop Woke" act sets limits on how issues involving race may be taught. And it allows parents to sue teachers and school districts that violate it.

Another measure, the Parental Rights in Education Act, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by critics, bans any instruction involving sexual orientation or gender identity in the earliest grades and says beyond that it must be "age appropriate."

In a June interview with the Christian fundamentalist group, Focus on the Family, DeSantis said he believes there's a "concerted effort to inject ... gender ideology and sexuality into the discussions with the very youngest kids."

Critics of the law say that's not true. They believe the law is part of an effort by DeSantis and Republicans to mobilize the party's conservative base by targeting the LGBTQ community.

Robert Cassanello, an associate professor of History at the University of Central Florida, says although the law just took effect this month, it's already had an impact.

"There have been high school teachers that have reported to me that they have been told by their superiors don't mention gay, lesbian or any sexuality on class," he says. "Don't even approach this with 11th and 12th graders. And these were things they had previously taught."
How are Floridians not storming the castle??

MIAMI — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has made it clear how he views public schools and what they're teaching children: He doesn't trust them.

At a recent news conference, he returned to a familiar theme.

"Following woke indoctrination in our schools, that is a road to ruin for this country," he said. "And we're not going to let it happen in Florida."

Since becoming governor in 2019, DeSantis has become known for taking combative positions on controversial issues, including education. He recently signed a number of measures aimed at preventing the sort of "indoctrination" he and his Republican supporters fear is taking place.

His "Stop Woke" act sets limits on how issues involving race may be taught. And it allows parents to sue teachers and school districts that violate it.

Another measure, the Parental Rights in Education Act, dubbed "Don't Say Gay" by critics, bans any instruction involving sexual orientation or gender identity in the earliest grades and says beyond that it must be "age appropriate."

In a June interview with the Christian fundamentalist group, Focus on the Family, DeSantis said he believes there's a "concerted effort to inject ... gender ideology and sexuality into the discussions with the very youngest kids."

Critics of the law say that's not true. They believe the law is part of an effort by DeSantis and Republicans to mobilize the party's conservative base by targeting the LGBTQ community.

Robert Cassanello, an associate professor of History at the University of Central Florida, says although the law just took effect this month, it's already had an impact.

"There have been high school teachers that have reported to me that they have been told by their superiors don't mention gay, lesbian or any sexuality on class," he says. "Don't even approach this with 11th and 12th graders. And these were things they had previously taught."

No surprise there at all. School administrators are so risk averse they are easily intimidated. Which is what Gov. Desantis and the Florida legislature expected. They did not have to explicitly say anything.
How are Floridians not storming the castle??
Because they agree with him. DeSantis is more popular than ever.
It is unexpected that parents prefer schools teach the usual academics rather than indoctrinate their children in a political ideology. Stupid parents.
All schools indoctrinate students in political ideology. It is should be obvious to any observant bystander that one of the goals of Gov. Desantis and the GOP legislature is for the public schools to teach their preferred political ideology. Even if that means teaching half-truths or lies and harming vulnerable adolescents.
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