Rhea, you're skipping over the issues I raised earlier regarding the character and the credibility of those who espouse assisted death for the dying. I must include you among those I don't believe. I don't trust any of you any farther than I can throw a Mack truck. Posting a lot of assertions won't change my mind.
Aaaah. I see.
It seems like you are here proclaim your truth and decline to even discuss the issue. A one-way communication. You talk, and you choose to do no hearing. You speak without listening. You have my story. You know already what I did and did not do. But you did not hear the story, you call it untrustworthy.
Very well. I hear you and I believe you.
So my further comments on this topic are for those who are here to discuss, and it sounds like that’s not you, Unknown Soldier; so you can continue to ignore my opinions, my story, my posts. For those who have an interest in discussing and exploring this very personal and emotional topic, in order to expand their ability to see how others view it, I shall continue in that conversation with those people. You, unknown soldier, I will no doubt see in court, when you try to take away my rights and I fight you tooth and nail.
Back to the discussion of the topic at hand.
A point was raised that those affected are the ones that have a valid story. And indeed that is true, and they are the ones to listen to carefully. Some issues that are of interest:
- The point that the percent of the population that seeks death with dignity, in the face of an unavoidable prognosis, is fairly constant in a wide variety of cultures.
- The point that the laws enacted so far have created a system of checks for the person seeking treatment to change their mind, or to express concerns over coercion.
- The point that there are people who make the choice in advance and put their wishes in writing.
Several states in the US and european countries have enacted laws that permit people to choose the manner of their death and avoid the torture of terminal disease. Are those laws well written? Are there cases of people rescued from mis-application? I know there are cases of those prevented from using the laws, so there is definitely some error-on-the-side-of-extending-life that is occurring. I’m sure that by now there are analyses of how these laws are working.