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Election Fraud Evidence Thread


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Please post evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential election here.
Not intended as a debating thread, this a repository for actual first hand accounts and links to objective evidence of election fraud, including arrests made or indictments served.

I'll go first:

Jack Stollsteimer, the district attorney of Delaware County, accused Bruce Bartman of Marple Township, Pa., of illegally voting in place of his deceased mother in the general election. In addition to his mother, Mr. Bartman registered his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Weihman, who died in 2019, as a voter, according to the district attorney’s office, but is not accused of voting for her. He also cast a ballot under his own name. ...
Samuel Stretton, a lawyer for Mr. Bartman, said: “He’s admitted everything. He’s cooperated.” Mr. Stretton added that he was negotiating a guilty plea

In light of a recent assertion on this forum that 75,000 people were aware of evidence of voter fraud that was never submitted to any court, I hope this thread can help us here a TFT - and good folks all across this great nation - to get to the truth behind all these allegations of fraud. So far, we have identified possibly two fraudulent votes. That's a start!
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Please correct the spelling of your thread title. With 3 more letters attached to the front of the fourth word, the title would describe Trump or Guiliani, and that's distracting.
Our elections are a low-key fraudulent enterprise to the core, meant to mollify the public by allowing them to imagine their "Parties" wield absolute power over their state and nation on their behalf, while actually disenfranchising most of them as individuals. Trump's election should never have been a possibility, and never would have been in a truly democratic system as presidential and partisan politics would never have coincided in such a way as to oblige the Republicans to endorse someone they secretly despise and at his behest publically spread rumors they know to be untrue.

Electoral College History - from Archives.gov
Reference sources indicate that over the past 200 years more than 700 proposals have been introduced in Congress to reform or eliminate the Electoral College. There have been more proposals for Constitutional amendments on changing the Electoral College than on any other subject. The American Bar Association has criticized the Electoral College as “archaic” and “ambiguous” and its polling showed 69 percent of lawyers favored abolishing it in 1987. But surveys of political scientists have supported continuation of the Electoral College. Public opinion polls have shown Americans favored abolishing it by majorities of 58 percent in 1967; 81 percent in 1968; and 75 percent in 1981.
Our elections are a low-key fraudulent enterprise

Evidence please.
Maybe you can move this to one of the discussions about the EC?

It's more than just the EC, although that's a big one.

There's also the state voter suppression efforts. The gerrymandering.
I remember a story from the biggest newspaper in Florida, the Tallahassee something or other, back in 2000.
The state's governor was brother to candidate Bush. On election day, the state police put up a DUI roadblock. It was on the busy street that just happened to be the only access to the polling place in a heavily Democratic and black precinct. It tied up traffic all around. Voting in that precinct was down 40% over the 1996 election. Had that precinct had the same turnout as in the previous presidential election, with the same numbers, Florida would have elected Gore on election day.

That's the kind of voting fraud I'm talking about.
And it's Republicans doing it because they are far to the right of the American people as a whole. Without rigging elections they're going down the tubes.
Our elections are a low-key fraudulent enterprise

Evidence please.
Maybe you can move this to one of the discussions about the EC?

It's more than just the EC, although that's a big one.
There's also the state voter suppression efforts. The gerrymandering.
I remember a story ...

Those are assertions, and no more substantive than "The election fraud was out there for all 75 million of us to see!"
This thread is asking for EVIDENCE for fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.

To clarify, assertions the existence of fraud, even if true, are NOT evidence of fraud. Descriptions of mechanisms of fraud are not evidence of fraud.
Further, the absence of evidence for fraud is not alone evidence of the absence of fraud.

Evidence of absence of fraud would be direct, verifiable quotes from nominally responsible parties in voting offices who certify ballots and counts, that their policies and procedures were followed per statute, reviewed (or recounted) and found to be fair and accurate. That would "prove" at minimum, that the personnel at that local office were willing to risk severe penalty should they be found to be lying. But I'm not asking for that.

Here, I'm asking for evidence of fraud, not against it - evidence that is loudly asserted to exist by some posters.
This thread is an opportunity for them to produce.
"Thank you for calling Dominion Voting Systems, a subsidiary of Smartmatic. All our voter fraud associates are busy assisting other elections. Please hold for the next available Kraken. If you'd like to speak to a representative in person, please visit our offices located in Hugo Chavez Plaza, 100 South Maduro Avenue, Caracas, Venezuela. Thank you for using us for all your election fraud needs, and have a nice day."
Those are assertions, and no more substantive than "The election fraud was out there for all 75 million of us to see!"
This thread is asking for EVIDENCE for fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.

Sorry I upset you. I totally apologize for derailing your thread.
Those are assertions, and no more substantive than "The election fraud was out there for all 75 million of us to see!"
This thread is asking for EVIDENCE for fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.

Sorry I upset you. I totally apologize for derailing your thread.

Lol! No worries. I figure this is going to need to be bumped as often as possible, or it will end up on page 110 before the accusers can come up with any of the promised evidence.
If there ever was a thread to get sticky in this sub, it's this one.
Wow. Fourteen posts and exactly one, I repeat one, indication of fraud provided. At this rate it will take 75000 x 14 posts to get the number claimed, 75000, at the outset.

Actually it will take many times the multiplier to get to such a number. That might be enough in one state to get a revote. Even if it were CA they'd still be 40 EV's shy of changing the over all outcome

Fools errand sez skeptic FDI.

Let's update it this way: Trump has been exposed as a failure in stealing the election from Biden.
I'm gonna cheat and paste in a comment I posted elsewhere...

Here's how you know this "voter fraud" stuff isn't real:

If there were any merit whatsoever to this conspiracy theory, then the Republican Party - not just some nut cases at the fringes - would be 100 percent behind it.

Why? Because if it were true, they could not just overturn the results of the election and return Trump to power, but they'd be able to destroy the Democratic Party for the the next 20 years and perhaps forever. Biden would be removed from office, and any Democratic politician down ballot would be stained with the "party of voter fraud" label for a generation if not longer. If this stuff were true, it would ensure Republican rule for decades. Yet instead of going to the wall with voter fraud claims, they've pretty much given up. The party that stands the most to gain from proving widespread voter fraud is not pursuing the case.

Let that sink in.
I'm gonna cheat and paste in a comment I posted elsewhere...
I also have been accused of plagiarizing, but it was just repurposing my own work. Probably a goid call to be ip front with it

The party that stands the most to gain from proving widespread voter fraud is not pursuing the case.
probably should be on a tshirt.
Wow. Fourteen posts and exactly one, I repeat one, indication of fraud provided. At this rate it will take 75000 x 14 posts to get the number claimed, 75000, at the outset.

Actually it will take many times the multiplier to get to such a number. That might be enough in one state to get a revote. Even if it were CA they'd still be 40 EV's shy of changing the over all outcome

Fools errand sez skeptic FDI.

Let's update it this way: Trump has been exposed as a failure in stealing the election from Biden.

Wow. Look away for a day, and see what happens; almost two whole pages of evidence! Just a sec.... oops, that's two posts, not pages. And one of them was the OP.

No, fromder. There are actually TWO posts with at least shreds of specific evidence. Both involve Republicans cheating.
The OP was a typo - I think RVonse said it was 75 million people (an exaggeration of the number that Trump claims voted for him - 74,222,959)
Could be wrong about that.
But I think at least ONE piece of credible evidence should be available if even only 75,000 people were privy to it.
I'm sure RVonse and his at least 74,999 friends are working on it, even as I type this.
Well, at least this thread is here to point to if someone tried to pretend there is voter fraud.

Just like in the court cases - they are invited to bring the evidence, and they have zip.
RVONSE said they never got to show their “evidence” but they had lots of chances, and just simply had nothng to show.
Ballotpedia lists the following categories of Voter Fraud that can arise. Perhaps this list may serve as a helpful starting point for those interested in looking for evidence:

  • Voter registration fraud (i.e lying about where you live)
  • Ballot stuffing (voting multiple times)
  • Felon vote fraud (Felons attempting to vote)
  • Absentee ballot vote fraud (violating State requirements for voting absentee)
  • Voter suppression (selectively setting up obstacles for targeted groups of people to be able to cast a vote - i.e. Gerrymandering)
  • Voter caging and purging (selectively targeting groups of ballots or voter registrations to invalidate)
  • Votes cast in the names of deceased people (dead people are not allowed to vote)
  • Voter impersonation (casting a ballot in another person's name without authorization)
  • Fraudulent signatures (same as Impersonation)

I observed Trump engaging in (attempted) Voter Caging and Purging by attempting to have State Legislators selectively invalidate ballots, and Voter Suppression by "poisoning the well" prior to the election, resulting in many Republicans choosing not to cast a vote. Evidence: https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...68e0cc-4ddd-11eb-83e3-322644d82356_story.html

Other Republicans have engaged in Voter Registration Fraud (Lin Wood). Evidence: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/20...-investigation-potential-voter-fraud-n1256554
One Republican voter engaged in Fraud by casting a ballot from a deceased person. Evidence: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/23/technology/Pennsylvania-voter-fraud-bartman.html
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