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Europe submits voluntarily

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You ain't seen nothing yet! Think how much worse it will get by the fact that Germany for the first time since WW2 has stationed troops in the streets of some towns.
You ain't seen nothing yet! Think how much worse it will get by the fact that Germany for the first time since WW2 has stationed troops in the streets of some towns.

I haven't seen that yet but given there seem to be police shortages this is a logical step in order is in danger of being out of control. Unlike WW2 they are stationed only in Germany and not outside it.
You just spent a week arguing it wouldn't be immoral to murder Donald Trump! For what? For speaking out on public policy, and for a majority of voters maybe voting for him. You only care about the free speech of people when they say what you want them to say, and you only care about democracy when the voters vote the way you want. How much more against personal freedom and democracy could you be? If that makes the SD very bad people, what does it make you?

Lol. No, I didn't. I recommend reading the thread again. It was the most hypothetical what ifs imaginable. And the justification assumes that he really does become Hitler 2 and Trump really does kill democracy. Which we couldn't possibly know until after the fact.

Here's what you wrote:

At heart I'm a pragmatist. If killing Trump might save us from a third world war against Russia and the Islamic world, one little bullet to the head is a small price to pay. I am serious. Trump is saying all the wrong words. That stuff needs to be taken seriously. I couldn't think of a more obvious candidate for Hitler 2.
Not "If killing Trump really does". "If killing Trump might". Well, killing Trump might. Your justification assumed that he really might become Hitler 2; it didn't assume he really does become Hitler 2.

Here's what else you wrote:

The best argument I can think of against killing Trump is that I don't want violence to be part of the political process. It was precisely this shift in public opinion that led to the fall of the Roman Republic. If killing him is the start of a pattern we all know the liberals will lose.
Your objection to killing Trump isn't a moral objection; you're just concerned there may be consequences you don't want. Like you said, you're a pragmatist. When Underseer raised a moral objection, you called the idea "laughably stupid".

Which makes this entire rant you did above stupid. If you have a point to make about something I wrote in another thread, why not write it in that thread instead?
Excuse me? If I'd made my point in the other thread you'd have said exactly the same thing. When you take two diametrically opposed positions in two different threads, I'm going to have to reference one thread in the other in order to point it out.

You accuse Trump of being Hitler 2. If you want to preach that voters' getting to elect their choice and Trump getting to speak his mind aren't things that matter morally, knock yourself out.

You accuse the Sweden Democrats of thinking democracy and freedom aren't things that matter morally. If you want to preach that this means the Sweden Democrats are very bad people, knock yourself out.

But when you do both, I'm going to call you on your hypocrisy. See how it works?

(I don't mean to imply, though, that there's no difference between you and the SD. The SD didn't ask "If killing Hitler would be moral, does that mean it would moral to kill the Muslims?".)
French authorities cancelled two major events over security fears , following last month's Nice truck attack that killed 85 people and injured many
One of Europe's biggest flea markets, the Grande Braderie De Lille in northern French City of Lille, was cancelled, while the European road cycling championships, which were due to be held in Nice from September 14-18 were also called off.
Many traditional and cultural festivities have been either downsized or cancelled altogether, with defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian saying the series of jihadist attacks in France put the country In a "war situation."
It would seem that the islamists have already won the war of cultures.
French authorities cancelled two major events over security fears , following last month's Nice truck attack that killed 85 people and injured many
One of Europe's biggest flea markets, the Grande Braderie De Lille in northern French City of Lille, was cancelled, while the European road cycling championships, which were due to be held in Nice from September 14-18 were also called off.
Many traditional and cultural festivities have been either downsized or cancelled altogether, with defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian saying the series of jihadist attacks in France put the country In a "war situation."
It would seem that the islamists have already won the war of cultures.

I think this is just normal military precaution. During 1940 not many Londoners went sightseeing when a raid was imminent. Later I think these will be back to normal with better security. France is technically a war zone but not in terms of troop movements and territory. It's a war without borders or territory. If anything it makes the population more resilient but had led to a sharp rise of the right; the very thing the 4th Reich (sorry EU) was supposed to remove.
remove kebab
Memetic euphemism for ethnic cleansing directed against Bosnian Turks specifically (kebab is a regional food) and adherents of Islam generally. Originated in Serbia.
1. "REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. ..." - copypasta "Tupac Serbia” 2010

2. "She just want to remove kabab and stop immigration, stupid british cunt."
I like this Israeli. I hope she supports the same thing for Europe

Instead Germany does this:

remove kebab
Memetic euphemism for ethnic cleansing directed against Bosnian Turks specifically (kebab is a regional food) and adherents of Islam generally. Originated in Serbia.
1. "REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. ..." - copypasta "Tupac Serbia” 2010

2. "She just want to remove kabab and stop immigration, stupid british cunt."

The Greeks eat kebabs so it's not entirely a Turkish or Arabic domain.
remove kebab
Memetic euphemism for ethnic cleansing directed against Bosnian Turks specifically (kebab is a regional food) and adherents of Islam generally. Originated in Serbia.
1. "REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. ..." - copypasta "Tupac Serbia” 2010

2. "She just want to remove kabab and stop immigration, stupid british cunt."

The Greeks eat kebabs so it's not entirely a Turkish or Arabic domain.

Best kebab I've ever had here was from a greek kebab shop.
The Greeks eat kebabs so it's not entirely a Turkish or Arabic domain.

Best kebab I've ever had here was from a greek kebab shop.

At one time London was full of these (from Cypriot Greeks) but these have declined in the past 20 or so years. In Milan there are several Turkish Kebab (called Kebap) shops. One is very popular among the Italians but the others are more like take aways with a few chairs and tables.
Further proof that Europe, and the pc brigades have destroyed a once advanced civilisation on the altar of political correctness.

Belgium's PM will meet the country' security services after an attack by a machette-wielding man on two female police officers that left one of them with deep facial wounds.
Belgium authorities had not released information on the assailant, who shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the attack outside the main police station in Charleroi.
Police spokesman David Quinaux said the attacker carried the weapon in a sports bag and pulled it out as he arrived at a security checkpoint outside police headquarters in the southern Belgium City.
He was shot and killed by police.
Further proof that Europe, and the pc brigades have destroyed a once advanced civilisation on the altar of political correctness.

Belgium's PM will meet the country' security services after an attack by a machette-wielding man on two female police officers that left one of them with deep facial wounds.
Belgium authorities had not released information on the assailant, who shouted "Allahu Akbar" during the attack outside the main police station in Charleroi.
Police spokesman David Quinaux said the attacker carried the weapon in a sports bag and pulled it out as he arrived at a security checkpoint outside police headquarters in the southern Belgium City.
He was shot and killed by police.

The name of the attacker is given as KB. Thus it could delay anyone coming forward who may have more details, or perhaps know others who may be involved. Maybe there is a reason for this so we cannot speculate on this. In the UK names are released quite quickly once they are known.
It is a 33 Algerian man with a criminal record. Committing crimes should be a deportable offence.


Belgian officials say a man who wounded two policewomen with a machete was a 33-year-old Algerian with a criminal record but no known terror links.
They don't need to have terrorist links. They just need a copy of the koran!

The way ISIS and Al Qaeda work is they can be coordinated or individuals or groups can do their own thing. So there is no need to find links, and writing this off as an individuals actions would be true in some cases but in the name of ISIS etc.

I notice in the BBC report, it says "So Called Islamic State." That's its name.
If Christians wanted to commit terror attacks they could also use the old testament. :)
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