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Europe submits voluntarily

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remove kebab
Memetic euphemism for ethnic cleansing directed against Bosnian Turks specifically (kebab is a regional food) and adherents of Islam generally. Originated in Serbia.
1. "REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. ..." - copypasta "Tupac Serbia” 2010

2. "She just want to remove kabab and stop immigration, stupid british cunt."

The Greeks eat kebabs so it's not entirely a Turkish or Arabic domain.

We encountered them in Iran, although it wasn't the same thing as in parts farther west.
They don't need to have terrorist links. They just need a copy of the koran!

The way ISIS and Al Qaeda work is they can be coordinated or individuals or groups can do their own thing. So there is no need to find links, and writing this off as an individuals actions would be true in some cases but in the name of ISIS etc.

I notice in the BBC report, it says "So Called Islamic State." That's its name.
If Christians wanted to commit terror attacks they could also use the old testament. :)

The "So Called Christian Crusades"...
The way ISIS and Al Qaeda work is they can be coordinated or individuals or groups can do their own thing. So there is no need to find links, and writing this off as an individuals actions would be true in some cases but in the name of ISIS etc.

I notice in the BBC report, it says "So Called Islamic State." That's its name.
If Christians wanted to commit terror attacks they could also use the old testament. :)

The "So Called Christian Crusades"...

The So called kings and the so called Pope were also responsible for instigating these in the name of So called Jesus.
The way ISIS and Al Qaeda work is they can be coordinated or individuals or groups can do their own thing. So there is no need to find links, and writing this off as an individuals actions would be true in some cases but in the name of ISIS etc.

I notice in the BBC report, it says "So Called Islamic State." That's its name.
If Christians wanted to commit terror attacks they could also use the old testament. :)

The "So Called Christian Crusades"...

In xtianity there's been a reformation, something Islam doesn't want or look as if it's coming any time soon!
The "So Called Christian Crusades"...

In xtianity there's been a reformation, something Islam doesn't want or look as if it's coming any time soon!

It is a very slow process leading into the late 20th Century. There are reformists in Islam but at the moment very little influence overall. In the UAE they surprisingly have excellent labour laws (excluding domestic and household employees) but they are poor on enforcement and preventing abuses. This however is mainly from corrupt contractors from countries outside the region.

Perhaps if Islam spread in the West and Islam spread in Europe we would have a problem with Christianity.

Many Islamic communities are in backward areas where they are told what to believe as they can't read for themselves. There is saying that knowledge is power, hence in many communities women are not permitted to learn to read and write.
Many jihadists are college graduates, also poverty has been proven to be a furphy as Osama bin Laden was a millionaire. There isn't a pope or a head of a Protestant church in islam. There's a grand Caliph who's only purpose is to ensure Sharia is followed as the terrorist Mo left instructions to predecessors.
Many jihadists are college graduates, also poverty has been proven to be a furphy as Osama bin Laden was a millionaire. There isn't a pope or a head of a Protestant church in islam. There's a grand Caliph who's only purpose is to ensure Sharia is followed as the terrorist Mo left instructions to predecessors.

There are many educated people in the Middle East. However the countries are mainly undeveloped with high levels of iliteracy especially among womenstock. This means the masses can easily be led those privelidged few. Further in such situations it means a society such as Saudi cannot develop by using undeveloped thinking.
Development is only possible with Western knowledge and technology in Islamic countries because most are anti science. There's no separation of church and state.
Islamic schools everywhere is based of Koranic teaching. Nothing of worth for the betterment of mankind has come from Islamic countries for centuries. Islamic leaders like Erdogan know that and is why he came out with the absurd statement that Muslims were the first men to land on the moon.
Development is only possible with Western knowledge and technology in Islamic countries because most are anti science. There's no separation of church and state.
Islamic schools everywhere is based of Koranic teaching. Nothing of worth for the betterment of mankind has come from Islamic countries for centuries. Islamic leaders like Erdogan know that and is why he came out with the absurd statement that Muslims were the first men to land on the moon.

In some cases this is true metaphorically speaking. Another expression could be on another planet. Democracy and Human rights are taken for granted by Westerners, while in countries without it, I find people in countries such as India, and the Middle East, do not really understand it. It's rather like teaching sex to a virgin. How could the Arab Spring have worked if democracy and freedom of speech was never really experienced. However, some Muslims on a BBC live show were very much more forward thinking, including accepting criticism and even cartoons of the Profit. The few Arabs I have met and who have lived in the West and are not too stuck on the literal wording of the Koran don't seem to have a problem with Democracy and separation of Church from State. Nor are they all anti Jewish but some are anti Zionist. However I have not met a lot.
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.

The Jews at peace with a continuing state in the Middle East, and on good terms with a Palestinian state (and not grabbing land) would be an asset to the area.
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.

The Jews at peace with a continuing state in the Middle East, and on good terms with a Palestinian state (and not grabbing land) would be an asset to the area.
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.

The Jews at peace with a continuing state in the Middle East, and on good terms with a Palestinian state (and not grabbing land) would be an asset to the area.

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you:

I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.

The Jews at peace with a continuing state in the Middle East, and on good terms with a Palestinian state (and not grabbing land) would be an asset to the area.

It's not going to happen--that state would be intolerable to the Islamists and undesirable to all the governments who use Israel as EastAsia.
The Jews at peace with a continuing state in the Middle East, and on good terms with a Palestinian state (and not grabbing land) would be an asset to the area.

It's not going to happen--that state would be intolerable to the Islamists and undesirable to all the governments who use Israel as EastAsia.

Islamists, National Socialists but with mainstream governments using common sense it should work, but we may have to wait some time. What is meant by use as East Asia?
A reading of a koran would explain immediately why islamic nations will never tolerate a Jewish state amongst them. It's humiliation to them in the extreme.
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.
Do you have an answer why 500 million Europeans are afraid of a couple of million immigrants?
I have met more than a few who blame America and Israel for all their problems. When I ask why 1.6 billion muslims are afraid of around 20 million Jews they don't have an answer.
Do you have an answer why 500 million Europeans are afraid of a couple of million immigrants?

Muslims or anyone else are not a threat but terrorist cells are. Radicals who support them though more of a nuisance do attract a small but vocal groups. Most of Europe is crowded and can just about cope with Asylum seekers. Recent spates of attacks indicate a tightening of security both internally and at the border are a threat. 10,000 people may fear one man on the loose in a truck or with a machine gun.

Israel under its current policy is a threat to local Arabs where when it allows settlers to take over properties and build towns in such areas sometimes cutting off small communities with their no go areas. Jews of course are not a threat to anyone despite some conspiracy theories.
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