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Europe submits voluntarily

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Why wouldn't you want more Merkel Youth to come to Europe?

No doubt he is one of those secular/moderate US backed rebels. After Assad (and Russia) crushes the revolt, he will be granted asylum either in Europe or the USA and greeted with open arms by the "Migrants Welcome" committee.
The multi-cultural experiment has gone tits up in Rochdale;

Community leaders paint a bleak picture for young Muslims living in the borough of Rochdale on the outskirts of Greater Manchester. They have grave concerns that Muslim youth are increasingly turning to anti-western sentiment and extreme interpretations of Islam. In recent months the peace in the narrow streets sitting in the shadow of the impressive Jalalia Jaame mosque has been shattered.

The number of anti-Ahmadiyya attacks more than tripled over the last year, from nine to 29, according to the monitoring group Tell Mama. In total, there have been 40 recorded incidents of sectarian violence this year, the figures show, up from 24 last year.


My goodness, "islamophobia" is rife in Rochdale.
The multi-cultural experiment has gone tits up in Rochdale;

Community leaders paint a bleak picture for young Muslims living in the borough of Rochdale on the outskirts of Greater Manchester. They have grave concerns that Muslim youth are increasingly turning to anti-western sentiment and extreme interpretations of Islam. In recent months the peace in the narrow streets sitting in the shadow of the impressive Jalalia Jaame mosque has been shattered.

The number of anti-Ahmadiyya attacks more than tripled over the last year, from nine to 29, according to the monitoring group Tell Mama. In total, there have been 40 recorded incidents of sectarian violence this year, the figures show, up from 24 last year.


My goodness, "islamophobia" is rife in Rochdale.

This is the problem when high numbers are driven into the UK by EU policies. There is conflict amongst different sects of Islam. In the past a lower amount coming in who could be absorbed (rather than integrated which suggests conformity) caused virtually no problems.
Even moderate [are there any] Moslems refuse to i integrate, let alone assimilate. There lays the problem!

Many are okay. Surprisingly to some the Palestinians and Lebanese used to settle anywhere very well. My friends from there are indistinguishable from Americans and Italians where they live. We have radicalisation in the air which seeks to polarize people. The real problem is we are flooding in unqualified and sometimes uneducated people with no skils who are often automatically polarized (perhaps in part from their own societies). We also have some criminals coming in, such as from Morroco and robbing people in Italy (hence I carry a steel defence umbrella which I have used in the past when attacked). Then I wonder if a small minority are over to radicalise the local population.
Some Muslims don't accept the behavour of such radicals. In fact the National Front in France is now courting some Muslim groups. Many who came over years ago want to work productively and not get tangled in politics.

While in France I met several working at EMERSON and until I saw their names you didn't know they are Arabic. However flooding in people from backward areas often where there is a lot internal hostility is not the answer for their problems. It's certainly not doing anything for Europe.

So the EU was once the pipe dream of a corporate run continent eliminating fascism, when in fact Austria Germany and other countries are swinging to the right.

It's good to reactiviate this thread again as the US elections are somewhat boring these days.
"The French City of Marseilles has an estimated 30-40% Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous City in Europe. Riots, violence and rapes don't even make the news any longer, but are accepted as the norm! "
World Independent News
"The French City of Marseilles has an estimated 30-40% Muslim population and has been ranked as the most dangerous City in Europe. Riots, violence and rapes don't even make the news any longer, but are accepted as the norm! "
World Independent News

This is what happens when people are being piled into Europe in unprecedented levels which are incomparble with previous figures. Some are also third generation who have not succeeded in education and finding productive jobs.

Even though my wife is from the Philippines I also know if you pushed 1,000,000 Filipinos from Manila and any other places without any checks, into one part of France, the area will be turned into a rubbish dump. Few houses in the Philippines are even built with hot water taps and garbage in many areas is simply fly tipped everywhere. Drug pushing is rampant so naturally drug pushers would under an open border policy be the first to come over as asylum seekers. In fact there is a drug war all over the main cities now with gangs killing rivals (and saying it was the police) and police doing the same and saying it is gang warfare.

However because they also speak English very well and have a reasonably high standard of education, the level of Filipinos entering Europe has not caused any problems. A lot live in Manila and work productively as a community. Despite corruption in that country Filipinos also understand what democracy is, with a very free press. However removing the requirements and encouraging a mass influx could as history shows cause problems.
What I find amazing is the blinkered acceptance of the hundreds of thousands of these people into a Western Europe who on the whole, many of the natives find are totally alien to their culture and expect a smooth transition of acceptance from them. The people are left being afraid of the future for themselves and their children, so they turn to parties and politicians who promise to halt the invasion! Who can blame them, although it may be too little too late.
This is rather interesting that this made the news, but with no photos of the guys or descriptions:


This is after the rape (not explicit):

View attachment 9636

For once the Daily mail got it right. Still not sure why you posted in this thread. The fact that the perpetrators are brown doesn't prove that the European Caliphate is near.

Do you think it does?

I should also mention the degree of idiocy in this rape. They live stream a rape on a public profile on Facebook They also show off an illegal firearm.

Not only are they rapists but the dumbest fucks on the planet. What does this have to say about Islam? Brown people? Immigration? If you do you're basically saying that this group are predominantly idiots. Are you?
Did some research. None of these facts are official. So please take them with a pinch of salt.

The three rapists were 18-24. All three born in Sweden. Two from Afghani parents and one from Iranian parents. All three with extremely troubled and dysfunctional families. One of the rapist is on disability pay for "a mental illness". The 24 year old is in college. Hm... no brainiac. One of the rapists will likely not get harshly convicted because he was just a flat mate and was dependent on one of the other rapists financially. Aparently tried to disuade the others. None of them have written anything about religion on their Facebook pages

These just seem like standard troubled youths IMHO. Still horrible people and does not excuse the crime. But I find it hard to connect the dots to any great Islamic immigrant threat.

Edit: and to point out the obvious unless it's not clear. These guys are all drug addicts. This includes the girl.
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