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Europe submits voluntarily

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So what you are saying is that to avoid problems, Europe should treat muslims with the same kindness and acceptance that England has afforded to the Irish in the past 200 years or so?

Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.
You are trying to argue it both ways. If Europe follows the same path with muslims as England did with the Irish, then we can infer from history that islam will not take over Europe, but there is likely going to be terrorism and strife. If Europe does not follow the same path, then we can't say for sure whether Islam will overrun Europe.
Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.

Irish don't follow an ideology that thinks Sharia superior to all other Western Cultures or Democratic ideology.

No they don't. Most Irish people don't even think Roman Catholicism is superior to all other cultures. Nor do most Muslims think Islam is superior.

But there were Irish extremists (many of whom were not devout Catholics, but who wished to defend Irish Catholics from oppression) who were prepared to use terrorism to get their way.

And many Muslims today feel the same.

The solution to Irish Nationalist terrorism didn't involve more oppression of Irishmen. Why do you imagine that the solution to Islamic terrorism involves more oppression of Muslims?
Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.
You are trying to argue it both ways. If Europe follows the same path with muslims as England did with the Irish, then we can infer from history that islam will not take over Europe, but there is likely going to be terrorism and strife. If Europe does not follow the same path, then we can't say for sure whether Islam will overrun Europe.

And we also can't say for sure whether it would be a bad thing if it did.

The ONLY thing we can say for sure is that the future will be different from the present; and that it will be up to the people of the future to decide whether they like it.

The people who fought and died on the Western Front in 1914 would mostly be horrified by today's society - that they fought and died to enable. Just as we would be horrified by being made to live in the fashion that they saw as perfectly normal.

The past is another country. So is the future. Neither has any interest in the opinions of outsiders.
People bring their cultures with them. The Europe we've know for the past half century will likely fade away.

Exactly. But mainly driven by technology. The idea that cultures are stable has always been a fantasy. They've always been in constant change. Anybody who would jump into a time machine and travel back or forward 50 years wouldn't recognise themselves

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Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.

Irish don't follow an ideology that thinks Sharia superior to all other Western Cultures or Democratic ideology.

What makes you think Muslims do? How could you possibly know this?
Irish don't follow an ideology that thinks Sharia superior to all other Western Cultures or Democratic ideology.

No they don't. Most Irish people don't even think Roman Catholicism is superior to all other cultures. Nor do most Muslims think Islam is superior.

But there were Irish extremists (many of whom were not devout Catholics, but who wished to defend Irish Catholics from oppression) who were prepared to use terrorism to get their way.

And many Muslims today feel the same.

The solution to Irish Nationalist terrorism didn't involve more oppression of Irishmen. Why do you imagine that the solution to Islamic terrorism involves more oppression of Muslims?

Where are Muslims been oppressed? There are Muslims playing the victim card, and Christianity being oppressed in most Muslim majority nations, but Muslims oppressed? Perhaps you're referring to the many false claims of oppression by Muslims themselves!
Exactly. But mainly driven by technology. The idea that cultures are stable has always been a fantasy. They've always been in constant change. Anybody who would jump into a time machine and travel back or forward 50 years wouldn't recognise themselves

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Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.

Irish don't follow an ideology that thinks Sharia superior to all other Western Cultures or Democratic ideology.

What makes you think Muslims do? How could you possibly know this?

Just read the hadiths of profit Mohammed!
No they don't. Most Irish people don't even think Roman Catholicism is superior to all other cultures. Nor do most Muslims think Islam is superior.

But there were Irish extremists (many of whom were not devout Catholics, but who wished to defend Irish Catholics from oppression) who were prepared to use terrorism to get their way.

And many Muslims today feel the same.

The solution to Irish Nationalist terrorism didn't involve more oppression of Irishmen. Why do you imagine that the solution to Islamic terrorism involves more oppression of Muslims?

Where are Muslims been oppressed? There are Muslims playing the victim card, and Christianity being oppressed in most Muslim majority nations, but Muslims oppressed? Perhaps you're referring to the many false claims of oppression by Muslims themselves!

Ehe...are you fucking blind? Muslims are a constant target for all kinds of bullshit. Non-Muslims suck at telling moderate Muslims apart from ISIS. Just the posts you make indicate that you have trouble with just this. Your whole insane rant about terror babies I think is bunching them all up as the same thing.

Oppression might be a strong term. But they're definitely marginalised. There's been studies of getting just called to interviews in Sweden based on if your name sounds Middle-Eastern. They don't have it easy. That's not playing the victim card.

I should also remind you that individual Muslims can only be held responsible for what they personally do. They are under no obligation to represent or take responsibility for what any of the rest of them do. That's kind of the whole basis for the Western world. You know, individualism
Exactly. But mainly driven by technology. The idea that cultures are stable has always been a fantasy. They've always been in constant change. Anybody who would jump into a time machine and travel back or forward 50 years wouldn't recognise themselves

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Sure, because that worked out so well for them, and nipped any idea of terrorism by Irish Nationalists in the bud.

Irish don't follow an ideology that thinks Sharia superior to all other Western Cultures or Democratic ideology.

What makes you think Muslims do? How could you possibly know this?

Just read the hadiths of profit Mohammed!

The Quran defines Muslims about as much as the Bible defines Christians. They all cherry pick. Last week I was out drinking beer with a Muslim. Imagine that? Today I had lunch with a Hindu. He ate beef.
No, I am not oblivious to that particular insane conspiracy theory. You Sir are bonkers.
What you call "insane" and "conspiracy theory" is anything but. It's islamism by demographic means. If Europe in general and Sweden in particular continues to allow mass migration of Muslims Europe will become increasingly more Muslim until Muslims become the majority. Take what happened in Kosovo with mass migration (and high birth rates) of Albanians and extrapolate it to the whole continent.

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A brief century or two ago, the EXACT same argument was used to prove that the Irish were a menace who would turn England Catholic.
How's that coming along? Is Catholic dominated England overrun by Irishmen today?
Because the threat posed by Islam is now equally important, urgent, and worrying.

Bullshit. The numbers were never nearly as big and culture of Ireland, being an European country neighboring England, was much closer to English culture than European culture is to Afghanistan etc.
Exactly. But mainly driven by technology. The idea that cultures are stable has always been a fantasy.
There is a difference between cultures changing of their own accord and an alien culture being imposed through a foreign invasion, which is what Europe is experiencing right now.
They've always been in constant change.
That does not mean all possible changes are equivalent.
Anybody who would jump into a time machine and travel back or forward 50 years wouldn't recognise themselves
That doesn't mean that we should allow to be dragged 1400 years back.

A few posts you called this "insane" and a "conspiracy theory". Now you seem ok with your new Islamic overlords.

What makes you think Muslims do? How could you possibly know this?

You have defended mass migration from places like Afghanistan. But 99% of Afghan Muslims (which constitute 99.7% of the country) support Sharia law. That means that 99% of Afghans are incompatible with Western society and should not be allowed to immigrate.

You compared the mass migration of third world Muslims to much lesser scale immigration from Bosnia (and you used decidedly non-Muslim names as examples too). But only 15% of Bosnian Muslims support the Sharia law and 50% of Bosnia is Muslim. It was even less before the war, but Clinton-supported foreign mujaheddin fighting in said war contributed to some radicalization. Still, there are many more Bosnian Muslims who would be compatible with living in Western Europe than Afghans or Pakistanis or Iraqis.
What you call "insane" and "conspiracy theory" is anything but. It's islamism by demographic means. If Europe in general and Sweden in particular continues to allow mass migration of Muslims Europe will become increasingly more Muslim until Muslims become the majority. Take what happened in Kosovo with mass migration (and high birth rates) of Albanians and extrapolate it to the whole continent.

Are you equating taking in refugees with a bona-fide violent invasion by an Islamic empire?

You sound like you're afraid of your shadow.

BTW, there's been a lot written about Sweden's no-go zones. I found a great cheap apartment smack bang in the epicentre of the most infamous area. I've been living here for six months now.

Every media report about this place 100% bullshit. It's like a running joke among the people who live here. It's a very quiet and safe area 24/7. Even walking home drunk at night is perfectly safe. Women feel safe.

Yet, this is supposedly one if the worst areas in Europe. All nonsense.
Are you equating taking in refugees with a bona-fide violent invasion by an Islamic empire?
The only reason the invasion is non-violent is because Europe is not fighting, yet.
As Ghaddafi said:

Europe needs the second coming of Charles Martel.

You sound like you're afraid of your shadow.
No, just not burying my head in the sand, pretending that Islamization is not a clear and present danger to Europe.

BTW, there's been a lot written about Sweden's no-go zones. I found a great cheap apartment smack bang in the epicentre of the most infamous area. I've been living here for six months now.
That explains why you, for one, welcome your new Islamist overlords. :rolleyes:

Every media report about this place 100% bullshit. It's like a running joke among the people who live here. It's a very quiet and safe area 24/7.
Yeah, sure. Because everything loud is banned as unislamic.

I know these zones are in UK, but same principle applies.

Women feel safe.
As long as they look like this.

If they don't, they get raped by guys who get probation and no deportation because they are "refugees".
Yemeni Man Rapes 13-Year-Old Girl In Sweden, Receives 18 Months Probation

US took a lot of fundamentalist Islamist migrants too. In Georgia, most of them settled in a suburban town called Clarkston. When I have to drive through there it looks like Middle East. Women wearing burkas, men wearing long, non-hipster beards and mosques and halal stores on every corner. Makes one long for taco trucks, at least there's cervezas. :)
There is a difference between cultures changing of their own accord and an alien culture being imposed through a foreign invasion, which is what Europe is experiencing right now.

Yes, there's a huge difference. By comparing us today with a hundred years back all cultural change has been driven by technological changes. The alien influences ( and we've always had them. People have always been moving around) is pretty minor. Such will the case be even this time
The only reason the invasion is non-violent is because Europe is not fighting, yet.
As Ghaddafi said:
Wait, we are believing the insane rantings of Gaddafi now? The guy never said one thing that was true, except this??

Europe needs the second coming of Charles Martel.

You sound like you're afraid of your shadow.
No, just not burying my head in the sand, pretending that Islamization is not a clear and present danger to Europe.
Perhaps you should visit Europe and take a look before pronouncing this nonsense. It's very different from how you imagine.
BTW, there's been a lot written about Sweden's no-go zones. I found a great cheap apartment smack bang in the epicentre of the most infamous area. I've been living here for six months now.
That explains why you, for one, welcome your new Islamist overlords. :rolleyes:

Every media report about this place 100% bullshit. It's like a running joke among the people who live here. It's a very quiet and safe area 24/7.
Yeah, sure. Because everything loud is banned as unislamic.

I know these zones are in UK, but same principle applies.
Clearly you don't know shit. There are no such zones in the UK; this is pure propaganda, put out by neo-fascist morons (you know, the ones who prefer the PC term 'alt-right'). You are being lied to.
Women feel safe.
As long as they look like this.

If they don't, they get raped by guys who get probation and no deportation because they are "refugees".
Yemeni Man Rapes 13-Year-Old Girl In Sweden, Receives 18 Months Probation

US took a lot of fundamentalist Islamist migrants too. In Georgia, most of them settled in a suburban town called Clarkston. When I have to drive through there it looks like Middle East. Women wearing burkas, men wearing long, non-hipster beards and mosques and halal stores on every corner. Makes one long for taco trucks, at least there's cervezas. :)

Your paranoia and devotion to propaganda do not make things real. Go and look. Get a passport, get in a plane, have a holiday in Europe, and see for yourself.

There's plenty of great stuff to do while you are there, so once you have satisfied yourself that you are completely wrong, you should be able to have a nice vacation - so it won't be a wasted journey.

Europe is nothing like the caricature that is painted by neo-fascist rags such as the Daily Fail, and insane bloggers like jihadwatch. If you won't believe those of us who actually lived there, then go see for yourself.
A 16-year-old girl who stabbed a German police officer after being ordered to carry out an 'act of martyrdom' for ISIS has been jailed for six years. The teenage extremist, identified only as Safia S. under German privacy regulations, launched the attack on the policewoman in Hanover's main train station last February. She was jailed for the attack after appearing at Celle state court today.
One officer received a huge knife wound in her throat and was only saved through an emergency operation lasting several hours. 'It is a miracle that she survived at all,' added the spokesman. 'The attacker was ice cold. Her only worry was that her headscarf was rumpled and she wanted to put it straight. It was nothing to her if the police officer lived or died.'


Indeed, allah does not like rumpled hajibs.
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
History appears to be unfolding all about me, and I think it should be stopped!
My beliefs are the only truth, anything different is simply WRONG.
Religions may have swept across the planet like consuming fires,
Ideologies may have laid waste to vast tracts of antiquity, and created a zillion orphans,
But I'd like it all to stop now .... please?

Or we could look for reasons to be cheerful, be nice to our neighbours, and ignore the media hype about scary Muslims, like we do with scary Evangelicals, and not let our lives be soured by the fear of bogey-men.

Here in Andalucia, the Muslims conquered centuries ago. They did wonders for the architecture, and still run the best cafe in town.

Anything which prevents the people of this planet moving freely around this planet is anathema to me.
No matter what they believe.
Europe will absorb, as always.
Voluntarily or not.
A 16-year-old girl who stabbed a German police officer after being ordered to carry out an 'act of martyrdom' for ISIS has been jailed for six years. The teenage extremist, identified only as Safia S. under German privacy regulations, launched the attack on the policewoman in Hanover's main train station last February. She was jailed for the attack after appearing at Celle state court today.
One officer received a huge knife wound in her throat and was only saved through an emergency operation lasting several hours. 'It is a miracle that she survived at all,' added the spokesman. 'The attacker was ice cold. Her only worry was that her headscarf was rumpled and she wanted to put it straight. It was nothing to her if the police officer lived or died.'


Indeed, allah does not like rumpled hajibs.

You know, there was once a magical time in logic-based discourse where people didn't base their perceptions of entire groups of people on anecdotal stories.

This is nothing more than cognitive bias wank.

Indeed, allah does not like rumpled hajibs.

You know, there was once a magical time in logic-based discourse where people didn't base their perceptions of entire groups of people on anecdotal stories.

This is nothing more than cognitive bias wank.

I hear that someone from California once shot a cop.

It is therefore unacceptable to allow Californians to move to Europe.
There is a difference between cultures changing of their own accord and an alien culture being imposed through a foreign invasion, which is what Europe is experiencing right now.

Yes, there's a huge difference. By comparing us today with a hundred years back all cultural change has been driven by technological changes. The alien influences ( and we've always had them. People have always been moving around) is pretty minor. Such will the case be even this time

Do you ever come up for air from the hole in the ground your head is buried in?
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