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Europe submits voluntarily

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Why did you post it? Did you post it because you thought the article proved or demonstrated something? What in that case?

He posted it because he's a fucking bigot who doesn't give two shits about the truth. He reads the Daily Fail and regurgitates it here because it fits into his worldview, not because it's anything close to factual. Don't waste your time trying to fact-check this garbage.
I have just a few words. Unholy alliance with the left and radical Islam is determined to destroy Western, capitalist democracy from within, and seeing from posts here and elsewhere, it's succeeding!
I have just a few words.

We're about 500 pages into this abomination of a thread, kept alive mainly by you and a few other propagandists. So no, you've had more than a few words at this point. And all of them have been stupid.

Research has shown virtually no support for the enduring assumption that increases in immigration are associated with increases in crime.

Immigration-crime research over the past 20 years has widely corroborated the conclusions of a number of early 20th-century presidential commissions that found no backing for the immigration-crime connection. Although there are always individual exceptions, the literature demonstrates that immigrants commit fewer crimes, on average, than native-born Americans.

Also, large cities with substantial immigrant populations have lower crime rates, on average, than those with minimal immigrant populations.

Research has shown virtually no support for the enduring assumption that increases in immigration are associated with increases in crime.

Immigration-crime research over the past 20 years has widely corroborated the conclusions of a number of early 20th-century presidential commissions that found no backing for the immigration-crime connection. Although there are always individual exceptions, the literature demonstrates that immigrants commit fewer crimes, on average, than native-born Americans.

Also, large cities with substantial immigrant populations have lower crime rates, on average, than those with minimal immigrant populations.
All those terrorist attacks here and in Europe daily that are blamed on Muslims are dead wrong, in reality they are Catholics! :p
All those terrorist attacks here and in Europe daily that are blamed on Muslims are dead wrong, in reality they are Catholics! :p

You put your finger on it. Blame is just blame. We can blame whoever for whatever. But it doesn't have to be any truth to it. Right now there's an irrational fear of Islam, so click-bait publications produce articles that feeds that fear. Making shit up. And you repost it here. It still not based on reality. The only thing that is real is that lots of people in the west have an irrational fear of Islam and it's causing them to behave in odd ways.

I like history. In the west we've always had one big bogey-man. Something which everybody is worried about. After the siege of Vienna, it was the Ottoman empire and Islam and their insatiable greed and ambition. After Napoleon it was France and their instatiable greed and ambition. Then it was Hitler and the Germans. Then it was Stalin and the communists. Then it was the drugs and the insatiable greed of drug pushers. When the war on drugs was seen as a failure we moved back to Islam.

But our fear of Islam today is just stupid. Back in the 15'th century the Islamic caliphate were richer than us and had more advanced weaponry. They were united. A couple of fractured angry Arabs frustrated about the insecurities of modern life and lashing out is nothing to be afraid of.

If we in the west need one big bogey man I suggest we pick global warming deniars. Those pose an actual threat to western values and the western way of life. Well... any human life. How about getting all worked up about that instead? What do you say, Angelo? Wouldn't that be a better bogey man?
All those terrorist attacks here and in Europe daily that are blamed on Muslims are dead wrong, in reality they are Catholics! :p

A number of Britons go to Turkey via Syria and then periodically return. The recent attack in Social Security payments funded the Brussels attack:

Belgian financial investigators looking into recent terror plots have discovered a disturbing trend: Some of the suspects were collecting welfare benefits until shortly before they carried out their attacks.

Europeans travel to Turkey through open borders and unless it changed, pour into Turkey with fake Syrian Passports.
The UK and Europe have sharply increased their intake of migrants with less checks. There is no plan to stop the flow of these.

We need more security in the UK but the current government will not do anything about this any time soon.
Two Afghans have been arrested after allegedly trapping two girls in a swimming pool water-chute and sexually abusing them.
One of the men had allegedly stopped himself halfway down so that he could grab the two girls and his friend then followed behind them so that they could pin their victims between them to carry out the sex attacks.
Last year, a secret police document was leaked in Duesseldorf voicing the 'grave concern' of police chiefs about soaring sex crimes carried out by refugees at public swimming baths. A month later, the professional swimming association in Germany wanted to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.


They really have gone bonkers in Germany.
Two Afghans have been arrested after allegedly trapping two girls in a swimming pool water-chute and sexually abusing them.
One of the men had allegedly stopped himself halfway down so that he could grab the two girls and his friend then followed behind them so that they could pin their victims between them to carry out the sex attacks.
Last year, a secret police document was leaked in Duesseldorf voicing the 'grave concern' of police chiefs about soaring sex crimes carried out by refugees at public swimming baths. A month later, the professional swimming association in Germany wanted to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.


They really have gone bonkers in Germany.

By mistake you linked to a Daily Mail article again. Try to stop spreading lies. K thanks.
Two Afghans have been arrested after allegedly trapping two girls in a swimming pool water-chute and sexually abusing them.
One of the men had allegedly stopped himself halfway down so that he could grab the two girls and his friend then followed behind them so that they could pin their victims between them to carry out the sex attacks.
Last year, a secret police document was leaked in Duesseldorf voicing the 'grave concern' of police chiefs about soaring sex crimes carried out by refugees at public swimming baths. A month later, the professional swimming association in Germany wanted to reduce escalating sex attacks by refugees at public baths by training migrants to become pool lifeguards.


They really have gone bonkers in Germany.

You are aware of course that there is no offence such as rape in Moslem majority countries? But there is such an offence as adultery which rape is categorised as?

- - - Updated - - -

By the way! Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11 stands as of this moment and counting at 30288.
You are aware of course that there is no offence such as rape in Moslem majority countries? But there is such an offence as adultery which rape is categorised as?

Not true. They have rape laws. It's just that they also have adultery laws. And rape victims fall under the adultery laws. But it's not Moslem majority that's the key. We had the same situation in the west. It has to do with how far liberalisation and women's rights have gone. The "Islamic world" are about 100 years behind us. But they are catching up. And it's going fast now. Just these last decades liberal laws protecting women have been coming at a steady pace all over the Islamic world. It's still pretty pathetic. But they started in the 70'ies. We started ca 1880'ies.

A good example to compare with is Eastern Europe. These are supposedly Christian cultures. Their women's lib didn't start until they became communist. So they were about 50 years behind the west. They're still catching up, albeit continuously one step behind. And now Russia past a law that legalises physical abuse inside the marriage. So it's not a straight line.

The take away is that female oppression has nothing to do with religion. It has to do with the economy. If the economy is industrial more women are working and making their own money. Money is power. Over time they'll demand more rights.

You really need to study your own cultures history more. Our ancestors just a couple of generations back had more in common with the Islamic world of today than we have with them.

There's another take away. Since it's linked to economy and not religion. If we move Middle-Eastern Muslims to a modern western economy their values should shift. Which is exactly what happens. It might take a generation. But it happens. If you don't see that you really need get out more.
Well, I wish they would hurry up and catch up a little more. Meanwhile we we have widespread reports of female genital mutilation, polygamy and child marriages by Muslims residing in Western cultures and officials sometimes turning a blind eye.
Well, I wish they would hurry up and catch up a little more. Meanwhile we we have widespread reports of female genital mutilation, polygamy and child marriages by Muslims residing in Western cultures and officials sometimes turning a blind eye.

Genital mutilation isn't a Muslim thing. It's a West African thing. Something with the Christian and Muslim communities are about as enthusiastic about. It's only legal in Somalia and Sudan (I think). And those countries have just been through a prolonged civil war. I think they have other things to worry about at the moment. This is a practice that is already rapidly becoming taboo all over the world and will soon die out, without us having to doing anything about it.

It's the same as with "honor killings". It's a regional thing that spans every religion in those regions. Again... it dies with industrialisation.

What's wrong with polygamy now? Also, rare in the Muslim world. They've got all manner of legal constraints and customs making it unattainable for regular people. It may help if we understand what it's for. The point of Middle-Eastern polygamy is to make sure that kings have at least one healthy male heir. It's way older than Islam. Something which the Christian west probably should have kept going since it does make monarchies a hell of a lot more politically stable = everybody wins. It's a hold over from an ancient time. They keep it legal since it has no cost. Polygamy isn't a problem in the Muslim world. It's rare.

And there's no reason to think that women suffer because of polygamy. In the west now there's a polyamorous trend. People often like living in triads. Why should we stop them? What is your thinking here? How do you suffer because other people enjoy living in unorthodox relationships?

Child marriages is yet another thing that was common in the west which died out with industrialisation and feminism. It will die in the Muslim world as soon as women are employed rather than housewives.


Here's a great podcast episode which exemplifies this. It's about the Bangladeshi workers who make cheap clothing for the west. Bangladesh is a Muslim country. It focuses on two sisters born in the country but having moved to the big city to earn money. One who got married before she left the village and another who didn't. The second sister has a hell of a lot more options. The first sisters husband behaves very badly, because he can. His wife regrets marrying him. She wants to divorce him. The second sister, when she shops around for a husband she ignores tradition and is going for a more modern husband. Why? Because her parents in the rural village is poor and dependent on her money to survive. Because she's the one with the money she gets the power. Money is power.

The driver behind European social change for the benefit for women wasn't culture. It wasn't religion. It was just that our economy changed.

Yes, it happens that immigrants to Europe try to marry off daughters as children and there's much commotion about this. But it's always first generation immigrants. This is a practice that dies really fast.

They really have gone bonkers in Germany.

You are aware of course that there is no offence such as rape in Moslem majority countries? But there is such an offence as adultery which rape is categorised as?

Huh? Muslim countries recognize rape as an offense. The problem is some of them apply a totally unreasonable burden of proof which makes prosecution effectively impossible--add to this adultery being a crime and you have a situation in which women won't come forward. It's insane but it doesn't mean there's no such offense.
If push comes to shove, a good little Muslim will always choose islam over Western democracy every time!
Winston Churchill observed: " individual Muslims may have splendid qualities but the influence of their religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." End quote.
Can anyone name any benefit that Muslims have brought to Western Cultures?
If push comes to shove, a good little Muslim will always choose islam over Western democracy every time!

Is this the Muslim in your head that you invented? How could you possibly know this?

Winston Churchill observed: " individual Muslims may have splendid qualities but the influence of their religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." End quote.

He was talking about the Ottoman empires desintegration into chaos and anarchy. When societies collapse they tend to turn to militant and extreme religion. When a society is stable they turn more secular. The Ottoman empire at it's height was quite secular indeed. A lot more secular than Europe at that time.

Can anyone name any benefit that Muslims have brought to Western Cultures?

The alphabet? Mathematics? Astronomy? The list of benefits that Muslim science has given the west is actually pretty long.

But then the Mongol hordes happened (half of which were Christian btw) and completely ruined everything.

Have you ever read a book?
If push comes to shove, a good little Muslim will always choose islam over Western democracy every time!
Winston Churchill observed: " individual Muslims may have splendid qualities but the influence of their religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world." End quote..

Fuck Winston Churchill.

Can anyone name any benefit that Muslims have brought to Western Cultures?

A hell of a lot more than your ignorant ass ever will.
A migration expert warns that there are more than 50 million Muslims willing to accept violence and support those who carry out terror attacks to defend their religion. Professor Ruud Koopmans of the Netherlands warned the EU on Monday to block the entry of any refugees whose identity cannot be categorically confirmed. Koopmans said that of the 1billion adult Muslims in the world, 'half of them are attached to an arch-conservative Islam which places little worth on the rights of women, homosexuals, and people of other faiths'.


This will not deter Merkel in the slightest.
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