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Europe submits voluntarily

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Maybe, just making sure LP is aware he is advocating for authoritarianism.
Liberalism is not a suicide pact. Defense of one's society is not authoritarianism.

Didn't say it was, and didn't say it was. What I did say was that downgrading citizenship from absolute right to privilege is authoritarian. Which it is.
Is dual citizenship a right or a privilege?

It's more a privilege to get a second citizenship but once held it is a right with exceptions. If a British person held dual citizenship with a country that requires he does National service, British citizenship does not protect him from arrest if he violates this law.
This is a rather interesting group singing about the great replacement:

I wonder if it is blocked all across Europe.
We have a better approach--taking up arms hostile to the US can strip someone of citizenship. (We make an exception for a dual citizen subject to mandatory service, though.)

1) How are you going to prove it?
2) how's that going to hurt ISIS? Aren't you telling fighters who want to defect that they've burned their ships, so their only option is to fight to the death? Like, for example, entering USA with a fake passport and doing a terrorist attack.
She admitted "multiculturalim" failure long time ago. As for the politics, then who the fuck are you to ignore majority of people in Europe? King of Europe?

ha ha ha. On that topic. Merkel isn't the queen of Europe. She can't decide that the research on the topic is wrong. Like it or not multiculturalism is the new reality of the world. Our new global economy demands it. I'm right now sitting in IKEA's head office in Sweden completely surrounded by Indians. Why, you may ask? Because the talent doesn't exist here. We have to import it.

Sweden has to chose between multiculturalism or a tanking economy. The choice is simple. Nobody wants to be poor.

The economist Richard Florida has studied the relation between how many homosexuals were uncloseted and how well the economy was doing. Turns out the more gays were open about it the better the economy did. Conclusion, the more tolerant a society is with people who break the norm the better the economy does. But it's not just gays. All successful trading hubs around the world are such because they adopted multiculturalism centuries ago.

The facts are that multiculturalism is very good for the economy. You might not like it. And you may feel, emotionally, that you don't recognise your country. But at the end of the day it's all about the cold hard cash. If it makes us rich and happy we're going make do.

Merkel wants to be re-elected. So she says the words she needs to say to get re-elected. Democracy isn't a guarantee for the wisest political choices. Sometimes (mostly?) people are primarily swayed by emotional argumentation and then that's what politicians will use.

Is that why the Japanese and Chinese economy have been among the fastest growing on the planet? Both refuse to be overrun by hundreds of thousands of so called refugees?
Is that why the Japanese and Chinese economy have been among the fastest growing on the planet? Both refuse to be overrun by hundreds of thousands of so called refugees?

The Japanese economy was among the fastest growing on the planet while they were catching up with the west. After they'd caught up they became as shitty performers as the rest of us developed world. There's nothing remarkable about them any longer. Sweden has more robots per capita than Japan.

China's economy is still catching up. Which is why it's expanding so fast. What makes their economy grow isn't their amazing economic policies. But that they've stopped with the idiotic economic policies. In China's case growth is as much about how much it used to suck as how great it all is. But they're now hitting the roof. They need more trained engineers. This is now a problem for their economy. This is also why western countries don't outsource high end services to China. They need all that talent in China. More and more Indians are working in China now. So it looks like they're heading away from monoculturalism.

In every case you need to follow the money. The monocultures of these countries is irrelevant. Countries are only monocultures as long as they can. They stop when it pays better to be multicultural.
Fuck, I got up by Angelo's craziness thinking that a sliver of his insanity is true. China is not a monoculture. China is the poster child of hideously diverse. They're an empire spanning a multitude of cultures, languages and ethnic groups. All of them being yellow, isn't evidence of ethnic similarity.

China has 297 officially recognised languages. China's biggest language, Mandarin, is spoken by about 70% of all Chinese. That's a far cry from a monoculture.
Fuck, I got up by Angelo's craziness thinking that a sliver of his insanity is true. China is not a monoculture. China is the poster child of hideously diverse. They're an empire spanning a multitude of cultures, languages and ethnic groups. All of them being yellow, isn't evidence of ethnic similarity.

China has 297 officially recognised languages. China's biggest language, Mandarin, is spoken by about 70% of all Chinese. That's a far cry from a monoculture.

You forgot to address the implication that we should strive to be like China.
Shit is about to hit the fan;

Security officials in Britain are urgently preparing for hundreds of UK nationals who went to fight for Islamic State to return, following an expected defeat of the group in Iraq and Syria. Security officials say they are particularly concerned by the prospect of very young children, including some who were born under IS rule in either Syria or Iraq, going to the UK with their parents. One government source said: “It is possible they are going to return indoctrinated, deeply dangerous and damaged. The only analogous experience we have is handling children caught up in extreme religious sects. It is a huge challenge for family courts and social care.”

The Grauniad

A sorry state of affairs indeed.
Fuck, I got up by Angelo's craziness thinking that a sliver of his insanity is true. China is not a monoculture. China is the poster child of hideously diverse. They're an empire spanning a multitude of cultures, languages and ethnic groups. All of them being yellow, isn't evidence of ethnic similarity.

China has 297 officially recognised languages. China's biggest language, Mandarin, is spoken by about 70% of all Chinese. That's a far cry from a monoculture.

You forgot to address the implication that we should strive to be like China.

If you like China so much, why don't you move there?
Shit is about to hit the fan;

Security officials in Britain are urgently preparing for hundreds of UK nationals who went to fight for Islamic State to return, following an expected defeat of the group in Iraq and Syria. Security officials say they are particularly concerned by the prospect of very young children, including some who were born under IS rule in either Syria or Iraq, going to the UK with their parents. One government source said: “It is possible they are going to return indoctrinated, deeply dangerous and damaged. The only analogous experience we have is handling children caught up in extreme religious sects. It is a huge challenge for family courts and social care.”

The Grauniad

A sorry state of affairs indeed.

Finally you post something to be seriously worried about. The problem with all the other shit you're posting is that it drowns out the stuff that might actually be a problem. The collapse of ISIS seems imminent, and then we'll get flooded with seriously dangerous people. And Europe is full of ISIS-hating Muslims. It could get ugly. And something we should plan for.
We have a better approach--taking up arms hostile to the US can strip someone of citizenship. (We make an exception for a dual citizen subject to mandatory service, though.)

Citizenship is a right, not a privilege. Are you even aware of the authoritarian implications of what you just said?

The point is when you take up arms under a hostile banner you are saying you want the country to fall.

Would you prefer that they be charged with treason and sent to the firing squad?
Is that why the Japanese and Chinese economy have been among the fastest growing on the planet? Both refuse to be overrun by hundreds of thousands of so called refugees?

Japanese? Their economy has been in doldrums for a long time now.

China? Of course. They're playing catch-up and their current government is nowhere near the drag on the economy as it is in most third world places. Note that the Chinese growth has been slowing despite the rosy picture being painted by the government.
Fuck, I got up by Angelo's craziness thinking that a sliver of his insanity is true. China is not a monoculture. China is the poster child of hideously diverse. They're an empire spanning a multitude of cultures, languages and ethnic groups. All of them being yellow, isn't evidence of ethnic similarity.

China has 297 officially recognised languages. China's biggest language, Mandarin, is spoken by about 70% of all Chinese. That's a far cry from a monoculture.

China also has immigration policies not only from abroad but from within China. A person living in Hunan or Ninjiang, will need a permit (something like a visa) to travel to Beijing. Illegal immigrants are generally fined and asked to leave rather then deported. If they don't leave they will get a helping hand.
If you like China so much, why don't you move there?
China actually enforces immigration laws and don't let millions of people in just because they show up at the borders, or even worse, just show up in general vicinity of their coast in rubber dinghys ...
If you like China so much, why don't you move there?
China actually enforces immigration laws and don't let millions of people in just because they show up at the borders, or even worse, just show up in general vicinity of their coast in rubber dinghys ...

All other countries are like this. I know however there are two countries which don't have a problem with illegal immigrants: North Korea and Gaza. They have very good policies that deter economic migrants :)
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