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I think it's hilarious that some people are trying to imply that Saddiq Khan is an extremist while Boris Johnson isn't. I'm not saying that Boris Johnson is. But Johnson was/is a fucking clown. The epitome of idiotic spoiled upper class brat. Not to mention his Brexit debacle. I'm not sure a railing bearded Islamist would be much worse. I'm not implying Sadiq Khan is btw.

Sadiq Khan, on the other hand, seems to be the epitome of hard working and intelligent competence. Just the kind of guy we want in charge of stuff. I'm not even talking about his political views.

As we progress into this century I'm less and less interested what political party a candidate is running for. But rather focus on if the guy is capable of talking in complete sentences and doesn't drool. I just ask myself if my candidate is able to do the job. The bar of competence is continually getting lowered. Johnson hadn't even managed to master a comb!

I think the world has greater issues than worrying about what invisible friend they believe in. I'd prefer an adult political leader. But that seems off the table at the moment. We'll just have to work with what we got. And that happens to be a Muslim mayor.

If you look up Sadiq Khan's history one may get a clearer picture about his past as a supporter of anti-semetism and apologist of islam.

Ok, challenge accepted. All I found was a connection in his youth(!!!) with "Friends of Al-Aqsa". He was never a member. He just accepted to speak at one of their panel discussions. I didn't find a sentence he spoke at that discussion. I'm assuming it was nothing worth remembering or to be upset about.

While I think it can be argued that the members of Friends of Al-Aqsa are probably anti-semitic. There's nothing about their stated goals or communication that indicates extremism or anti-semitism.


All I found was an off-the-cuff statement at a dinner by their leader Ismail Patel where he said "Hamas is no terrorist organisation. The reason they hate Hamas is because they refuse to be subjugated, occupied by the Israeli state, and we salute Hamas for standing up to Israel." Context matters. He said it in 2009 at a time when Israeli bombs were flying towards Palestinian targets. This was happening at the very moment he was speaking. He may have been a wee bit upset at the time. Hardly enough to peg him as a anti-semite or Islamist? I personally need more than that.

Ismail Patel is a director of Islam Expo, an Islamic organisation combating Islamic extremism. They seem pretty liberal and progressive. Not as liberal as I'd want. But hardly extremist. For example, I didn't find any statement about homosexuality. Neither positive, nor negative. That indicates an open mind about it.

He's called Ismail. That suggests he belongs to the Kurdish Ismaili branch of Shia Islam. Ismailis are liberal. They don't believe that the Quran is the final word. They believe that God will continually send new prophets and inspire Imams to educate and update our values. Ismailis have no theological problem with contradicting the Quran if it's moral values seem out of date. They just see the Quran as a good starting point.

Contrast his views or those of Friends of Al-Aqsa with Hammas who's founding charter looks like it was written in feces on a padded cell-wall. Overtly racist and anti-semitic. Just hate speech from start to finish. A confusing mess unable to keep Palestinian nationalism apart from Islam in general. It even references The protocols of the elders or Zion.

Hammas is a terrorist organisation. I don't think Friends of Al-Aqsa is even close.

So all we've got is he as a young man attended a panel discussion of a group that may or may not have leaders who might be slightly anti-semitic. And contrast that with him as an adult, constantly kissing Jewish ass and trying to "see both sides".

I'll need more than that before I burn somebody for witchcraft
Learn to read.

I said:
If you ignore Islamic terrorism, or aid it in some other way until it wins, you are sure to get a "police state" based on the sharia law. Is that not a form of tyranny? Are the terrorists fighting for an Islamic democracy?

The reason ISIL & Co are losing is that they are not being ignored, but are being fought. Even Idiot Trump has been persuaded to do so in the case of Afghanistan. Are you more stupid, ignorant, crazy than Trump?

"Ignore it or aid it in some way until it wins"

Okay so if we ignore the Islamists, how will they win?

- - - Updated - - -

You are kidding, right? Godwin notwithstanding, the comparison of today's Islamic Terrorists, who are so hugely powerful that they have had to abandon the use of bombs and guns in favour of driving motor vehicles into crowds, with the early Nazi Party in Germany is fucking crazy.

Still, I am waiting for your plausible scenario in which Islamic terrorism 'wins' to the point where advocates of Sharia Law are able to implement it in an OECD country.

I presume that they are not planning to attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government with a march of thousands of armed men, who will gain a groundswell of popular support amongst ordinary Germans after a standoff with police gives them the ability to make grandiose propaganda claims about being the only bulwark against Bolshevism; so the path used by the Nazis is closed to them.

So, how, exactly, might they carry this off? Do you think that they have the numbers in the general population to win at the ballot box (as the NSDAP did in 1932 and '33)? Or that there is a realistic likelihood that they ever will? Because if you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Or perhaps you think that they can overthrow one or more OECD government(s) by military force (despite their demonstrated inability to mount any kind of coordinated attack on even the softest of civilian targets, and their inability to obtain weapons other than motor vehicles)?

Seriously, you need to think this through. Your fear is completely unrelated to any real threat.

The only extremist groups with any serious prospect of obtaining any real power right now are the neo-fascists, who have significant support in the US Republican Party, and in various nationalist parties in Europe, such as the French Front National, and the British UKIP - and even these groups are not (yet) a serious threat to democracy itself, despite being able to influence policy to some extent.

I presume you are aware that London has a muslim mayor?

So what?

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

This does not even address my question, which I will rephrase for you here:

"London has a muslim mayor so <Blank>" Fill in the blank.
What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

None. But:

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any israeli city?

Also none is my guess.

One bunch of religio-racist-in-denial-nationalist-fanatics (to be clear, I mean most Israeli and most American Jews) equals the other bunch of openly-fanatically-religious Arabo-Iranian-quarrelling-Shia-Sunni-"Nationalists". Their ambitions, in each case, only limited by the raw military power and various alliances available to them, or poised against them.

And anyone who can see that and says anything unfavourable about it is automatically labelled (and libelled) as an Antisemite or Islamophobe or both. So, pray to your various Gods, and fire away...
Learn to read.

I said:
If you ignore Islamic terrorism, or aid it in some other way until it wins, you are sure to get a "police state" based on the sharia law. Is that not a form of tyranny? Are the terrorists fighting for an Islamic democracy?

The reason ISIL & Co are losing is that they are not being ignored, but are being fought. Even Idiot Trump has been persuaded to do so in the case of Afghanistan. Are you more stupid, ignorant, crazy than Trump?

"Ignore it or aid it in some way until it wins"

Okay so if we ignore the Islamists, how will they win?

- - - Updated - - -

You are kidding, right? Godwin notwithstanding, the comparison of today's Islamic Terrorists, who are so hugely powerful that they have had to abandon the use of bombs and guns in favour of driving motor vehicles into crowds, with the early Nazi Party in Germany is fucking crazy.

Still, I am waiting for your plausible scenario in which Islamic terrorism 'wins' to the point where advocates of Sharia Law are able to implement it in an OECD country.

I presume that they are not planning to attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government with a march of thousands of armed men, who will gain a groundswell of popular support amongst ordinary Germans after a standoff with police gives them the ability to make grandiose propaganda claims about being the only bulwark against Bolshevism; so the path used by the Nazis is closed to them.

So, how, exactly, might they carry this off? Do you think that they have the numbers in the general population to win at the ballot box (as the NSDAP did in 1932 and '33)? Or that there is a realistic likelihood that they ever will? Because if you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Or perhaps you think that they can overthrow one or more OECD government(s) by military force (despite their demonstrated inability to mount any kind of coordinated attack on even the softest of civilian targets, and their inability to obtain weapons other than motor vehicles)?

Seriously, you need to think this through. Your fear is completely unrelated to any real threat.

The only extremist groups with any serious prospect of obtaining any real power right now are the neo-fascists, who have significant support in the US Republican Party, and in various nationalist parties in Europe, such as the French Front National, and the British UKIP - and even these groups are not (yet) a serious threat to democracy itself, despite being able to influence policy to some extent.

I presume you are aware that London has a muslim mayor?

So what?

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

This does not even address my question, which I will rephrase for you here:

"London has a muslim mayor so <Blank>" Fill in the blank.

The first ever muslim mayor of a major Western city. A man who will not condemn Hamas, or Hezbolah.
Has said " that terrorism is part of living in a big city" after UK terrorist attacks. An obvious muslim apologists not fit to be "mayor" and is the first of a domino effect of European submission to the death cult of islam!
The first ever muslim mayor of a major Western city. A man who will not condemn Hamas, or Hezbolah.
Has said " that terrorism is part of living in a big city" after UK terrorist attacks. An obvious muslim apologists not fit to be "mayor" and is the first of a domino effect of European submission to the death cult of islam!

That's all bollocks.


Sadiq Khan said in a statement Thursday that he plans to write to the Home secretary and request that she outlaw support for the political wing of Hezbollah, the Jewish Chronicle reported. Support for the terrorist wing of the the Lebanon-based militia and Iranian ally is already banned in England.

“I share the concerns of the Jewish community about support shown for Hezbollah, which is an illegal, proscribed and antisemitic organisation,” Khan said in his statement. “Antisemitism or hate crime of any kind has no place in our city, where we don’t just tolerate diversity, we respect and celebrate it.”

And your supposed quote, "that terrorism is part of living in a big city", is a lie. Sadiq Kahn never said that. What he did say, in September 2016, after a bombing in New York was:

“Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.”
Learn to read.

I said:
If you ignore Islamic terrorism, or aid it in some other way until it wins, you are sure to get a "police state" based on the sharia law. Is that not a form of tyranny? Are the terrorists fighting for an Islamic democracy?

The reason ISIL & Co are losing is that they are not being ignored, but are being fought. Even Idiot Trump has been persuaded to do so in the case of Afghanistan. Are you more stupid, ignorant, crazy than Trump?

"Ignore it or aid it in some way until it wins"

Okay so if we ignore the Islamists, how will they win?

- - - Updated - - -

You are kidding, right? Godwin notwithstanding, the comparison of today's Islamic Terrorists, who are so hugely powerful that they have had to abandon the use of bombs and guns in favour of driving motor vehicles into crowds, with the early Nazi Party in Germany is fucking crazy.

Still, I am waiting for your plausible scenario in which Islamic terrorism 'wins' to the point where advocates of Sharia Law are able to implement it in an OECD country.

I presume that they are not planning to attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government with a march of thousands of armed men, who will gain a groundswell of popular support amongst ordinary Germans after a standoff with police gives them the ability to make grandiose propaganda claims about being the only bulwark against Bolshevism; so the path used by the Nazis is closed to them.

So, how, exactly, might they carry this off? Do you think that they have the numbers in the general population to win at the ballot box (as the NSDAP did in 1932 and '33)? Or that there is a realistic likelihood that they ever will? Because if you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Or perhaps you think that they can overthrow one or more OECD government(s) by military force (despite their demonstrated inability to mount any kind of coordinated attack on even the softest of civilian targets, and their inability to obtain weapons other than motor vehicles)?

Seriously, you need to think this through. Your fear is completely unrelated to any real threat.

The only extremist groups with any serious prospect of obtaining any real power right now are the neo-fascists, who have significant support in the US Republican Party, and in various nationalist parties in Europe, such as the French Front National, and the British UKIP - and even these groups are not (yet) a serious threat to democracy itself, despite being able to influence policy to some extent.

I presume you are aware that London has a muslim mayor?

So what?

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

This does not even address my question, which I will rephrase for you here:

"London has a muslim mayor so <Blank>" Fill in the blank.

The first ever muslim mayor of a major Western city. A man who will not condemn Hamas, or Hezbolah.
Has said " that terrorism is part of living in a big city" after UK terrorist attacks. An obvious muslim apologists not fit to be "mayor" and is the first of a domino effect of European submission to the death cult of islam!


I condemn Hamas and Hezbollah and all the Jewish Colonial Settlements on the West Bank. All are proof of the evil side of religions.

And you haven't told me what you think of the chances of a xtian becoming mayor of an israeli city.
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Learn to read.

I said:
If you ignore Islamic terrorism, or aid it in some other way until it wins, you are sure to get a "police state" based on the sharia law. Is that not a form of tyranny? Are the terrorists fighting for an Islamic democracy?

The reason ISIL & Co are losing is that they are not being ignored, but are being fought. Even Idiot Trump has been persuaded to do so in the case of Afghanistan. Are you more stupid, ignorant, crazy than Trump?

"Ignore it or aid it in some way until it wins"

Okay so if we ignore the Islamists, how will they win?

- - - Updated - - -

You are kidding, right? Godwin notwithstanding, the comparison of today's Islamic Terrorists, who are so hugely powerful that they have had to abandon the use of bombs and guns in favour of driving motor vehicles into crowds, with the early Nazi Party in Germany is fucking crazy.

Still, I am waiting for your plausible scenario in which Islamic terrorism 'wins' to the point where advocates of Sharia Law are able to implement it in an OECD country.

I presume that they are not planning to attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government with a march of thousands of armed men, who will gain a groundswell of popular support amongst ordinary Germans after a standoff with police gives them the ability to make grandiose propaganda claims about being the only bulwark against Bolshevism; so the path used by the Nazis is closed to them.

So, how, exactly, might they carry this off? Do you think that they have the numbers in the general population to win at the ballot box (as the NSDAP did in 1932 and '33)? Or that there is a realistic likelihood that they ever will? Because if you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Or perhaps you think that they can overthrow one or more OECD government(s) by military force (despite their demonstrated inability to mount any kind of coordinated attack on even the softest of civilian targets, and their inability to obtain weapons other than motor vehicles)?

Seriously, you need to think this through. Your fear is completely unrelated to any real threat.

The only extremist groups with any serious prospect of obtaining any real power right now are the neo-fascists, who have significant support in the US Republican Party, and in various nationalist parties in Europe, such as the French Front National, and the British UKIP - and even these groups are not (yet) a serious threat to democracy itself, despite being able to influence policy to some extent.

I presume you are aware that London has a muslim mayor?

So what?

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

If you are seeking to imply that London is a Christian city, then you are at least six decades too late.

London is (and has been for a long time) a multicultural city; people of all religions (and none) have been moving there for centuries. You would expect that such a city could have literally anyone as its mayor. The only qualification is to want London to continue to prosper.
London has taken egalitarianism to extremes. They don't even discriminate on the basis of merit.

Hence a lying, self-serving piece of shit like Boris Johnson getting elected mayor.
London has taken egalitarianism to extremes. They don't even discriminate on the basis of merit.

Hence a lying, self-serving piece of shit like Boris Johnson getting elected mayor.

People named Boris should never be allowed to serve in any kind of democratic government. Ever.
Good grief.

Aldi defends its decision to close a till to customers wanting to buy wine and beer after a 'Muslim' worker expressed 'concerns' about serving alcohol


The U.K. won't last at this rate.

This relates to one checkout but nonetheless the employee doesn't have to work at a shop which sells alcohol.

I thought tolerance would be the Muslim not choosing to drink alcohol but respecting another's choice by letting them purchase it. In the UAE, Europeans are permitted to buy alcohol at select places and in bars.
Good grief.

Aldi defends its decision to close a till to customers wanting to buy wine and beer after a 'Muslim' worker expressed 'concerns' about serving alcohol


The U.K. won't last at this rate.

If I lived in Northampton I would deliberately load my cart with all sorts of alcoholic beverages, as well as assorted pork products, go to that checkout line and dare the muzzie to refuse me service. When he does, I'd simply leave, leaving him with the task of restocking all these delicious haram goods. :diablotin:
Last edited:
Learn to read.

I said:
If you ignore Islamic terrorism, or aid it in some other way until it wins, you are sure to get a "police state" based on the sharia law. Is that not a form of tyranny? Are the terrorists fighting for an Islamic democracy?

The reason ISIL & Co are losing is that they are not being ignored, but are being fought. Even Idiot Trump has been persuaded to do so in the case of Afghanistan. Are you more stupid, ignorant, crazy than Trump?

"Ignore it or aid it in some way until it wins"

Okay so if we ignore the Islamists, how will they win?

- - - Updated - - -

You are kidding, right? Godwin notwithstanding, the comparison of today's Islamic Terrorists, who are so hugely powerful that they have had to abandon the use of bombs and guns in favour of driving motor vehicles into crowds, with the early Nazi Party in Germany is fucking crazy.

Still, I am waiting for your plausible scenario in which Islamic terrorism 'wins' to the point where advocates of Sharia Law are able to implement it in an OECD country.

I presume that they are not planning to attempt to overthrow the Bavarian Government with a march of thousands of armed men, who will gain a groundswell of popular support amongst ordinary Germans after a standoff with police gives them the ability to make grandiose propaganda claims about being the only bulwark against Bolshevism; so the path used by the Nazis is closed to them.

So, how, exactly, might they carry this off? Do you think that they have the numbers in the general population to win at the ballot box (as the NSDAP did in 1932 and '33)? Or that there is a realistic likelihood that they ever will? Because if you do, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Or perhaps you think that they can overthrow one or more OECD government(s) by military force (despite their demonstrated inability to mount any kind of coordinated attack on even the softest of civilian targets, and their inability to obtain weapons other than motor vehicles)?

Seriously, you need to think this through. Your fear is completely unrelated to any real threat.

The only extremist groups with any serious prospect of obtaining any real power right now are the neo-fascists, who have significant support in the US Republican Party, and in various nationalist parties in Europe, such as the French Front National, and the British UKIP - and even these groups are not (yet) a serious threat to democracy itself, despite being able to influence policy to some extent.

I presume you are aware that London has a muslim mayor?

So what?

What are the chances of a xtian becoming the mayor of any islamic city?

This does not even address my question, which I will rephrase for you here:

"London has a muslim mayor so <Blank>" Fill in the blank.

The first ever muslim mayor of a major Western city. A man who will not condemn Hamas, or Hezbolah.
Has said " that terrorism is part of living in a big city" after UK terrorist attacks. An obvious muslim apologists not fit to be "mayor" and is the first of a domino effect of European submission to the death cult of islam!

Again, so what? How is a muslim mayor a threat to your society at all? Do you even know what a mayor is or does?
Again, so what? How is a muslim mayor a threat to your society at all? Do you even know what a mayor is or does?
Well his first order or business was to ban bikinis on ads in London tube. He also invited many more of his fellow Muslims to come to UK under the guise of "refugees welcome".

If I lived in Northampton I would deliberately load my cart with all sorts of alcoholic beverages, as well as assorted pork products, go to that checkout line and dare the muzzie to refuse me service. When he does, I'd simply leave, leaving him with the task of restocking all these delicious haram goods. :diablotin:

It's a whiskey rebellion! :tomato:
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