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Europe submits voluntarily

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This does not go against anything I said. For statistics to be meaningful it has to be part of a trend. Is it? Have you checked? I haven't. You can bet that all quoted statistics from Jihadwatch is mined bullshit statistics.

It's also no reason to think that there's a link between the rise in crime and Muslim immigration. The UK already has lots of Muslims. If Islam is the reason, how could the new lot make any difference.

Just fucking think Angelo! Do you?

Sociologists are usually in agreement today about what causes rises in crime rates. The main causes are poverty, parental neglect, low self-esteem, and drug abuse. In that order. Drugs and parental neglect are usually correlated. Mental health problems are linked to all of these. In what way does Islam impact any of these? Islamic terrorism is such a rare crime that it doesn't show up in the overall crime statistic.

The big one is poverty. And that's just the overall economy. If the economy becomes worse, crime rates will go up. So if crime rates go up, in a statistically significant way, it nearly always means that more people than usual are nearing financial ruin and are becoming economically desperate. Why didn't you automatically assume that this is the culprit?

But the British economy is fine. In spite of Brexit. So probably the statistics quote is bollocks. Don't you think?

BBC said:
Net migration to the UK dropped to 273,000 in the year to September 2016, down 49,000 from the previous year.
The Office for National Statistics said it was the first time in two years the balance of people arriving and leaving the UK had dipped below 300,000.
Published in February, this is the first data to include migration estimates following the EU referendum.
Immigration was estimated to be 596,000; of these 268,000 were EU citizens, 257,000 non-EU citizens and 71,000 were British citizens.
Some 323,000 people are thought to have left the UK in the same period, up by 26,000 on the previous year.
Of these, 103,000 were EU citizens, 93,000 non-EU citizens and 128,000 British citizens.


The UK has since the Syrian civil war begun taken in a bit under 10 000 refugees. 600 000 come and go every year to the UK. It's absurd to link a rise in crime to a handful of refugees.
Sure, but it contradicts you.

Boy did I walk i to it! Using a apologetic site.

What the actual flying fuck. When the hell did Snopes... ie reality... pick a side? Snopes just follows the sources of a story to it's origin. That's all that site does. It's not their fault that people on the right make more bullshit claims.

Trump, is it you?
Boy did I walk i to it! Using a apologetic site.

What the actual flying fuck. When the hell did Snopes... ie reality... pick a side? Snopes just follows the sources of a story to it's origin. That's all that site does. It's not their fault that people on the right make more bullshit claims.

Trump, is it you?

Trump is a billionaire, I'm flat broke and a bum in comparison. But have you ever thought that rape and intimidation of non muslims and crimes perpetrated by muslims are not regarded ar jihadist terrorist attacks?
What the actual flying fuck. When the hell did Snopes... ie reality... pick a side? Snopes just follows the sources of a story to it's origin. That's all that site does. It's not their fault that people on the right make more bullshit claims.

Trump, is it you?

Trump is a billionaire, I'm flat broke and a bum in comparison. But have you ever thought that rape and intimidation of non muslims and crimes perpetrated by muslims are not regarded ar jihadist terrorist attacks?

Are you suggesting that rape and intimidation of non-Christians and crimes perpetrated by Christians should be regarded as religious terrorism? Or are you just (as usual) seeking to validate your unreasonable hatred of Islam without having thought it through?

Because if we apply your principle regarding Islam here equally to all religions, then Christian terrorism is suddenly a VASTLY bigger problem in Europe, Australia, and the USA than Islamic terrorism has ever been. So I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that.
Trump is a billionaire, I'm flat broke and a bum in comparison. But have you ever thought that rape and intimidation of non muslims and crimes perpetrated by muslims are not regarded ar jihadist terrorist attacks?

Are you suggesting that rape and intimidation of non-Christians and crimes perpetrated by Christians should be regarded as religious terrorism? Or are you just (as usual) seeking to validate your unreasonable hatred of Islam without having thought it through?

Because if we apply your principle regarding Islam here equally to all religions, then Christian terrorism is suddenly a VASTLY bigger problem in Europe, Australia, and the USA than Islamic terrorism has ever been. So I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that.

You would be aware that the followers of the pedophile are much more overly represented in British jails than the natives.
From your favorite news source Bilby.


Why you persist in posting links that actively refute your assertions I do not know; But it certainly saves your opponents some time and effort.

The media focus on terrorism might lead some to think that the Muslim prisoner population increase is linked to convictions of Islamist extremists.

But the figures don't bear that out either.
(my bold)

Do you even read these links before posting them?

One reason Muslims are over represented in British jails today is likely the same reason that Christians were over represented in the 1970s and 80s - Convicts who are of no religious affiliation don't get certain benefits and perks awarded to religious prisoners (prison is VERY boring, and so anything that provides a break from routine is a popular perk). On conviction, prisoners nominate their religious affiliation, and are fully aware that some choices mean that they will get a special diet, and extra time out of their cells while attending religious services, prayer meetings and the like. Add to that that a declared religious identity gives a prisoner an instant 'in' with an established clique or gang, and a degree of protection from other prisoners as a result, and it's no shock at all that more prisoners are deciding to describe themselves as Muslims.

Lots of people order the Kosher, vegetarian, or Halal meals on planes - not because they are Jews, vegans or Muslims, but because the special meals are made with more care; Often with better ingredients; and are served first - getting the 525th meal served in Economy class on an A380 is a sure recipe for a cold dinner; But ordering Halal means you will likely be amongst the first dozen or so passengers to be served.

The same rules apply to meals in prison; It's no surprise that lots of prisoners know that they get a better deal by claiming a particular religious affiliation - and it's not like the authorities are going to be able to call you a liar.

If I was sent to jail, I would probably pick a religious affiliation, just to get better food.
Are you suggesting that rape and intimidation of non-Christians and crimes perpetrated by Christians should be regarded as religious terrorism? Or are you just (as usual) seeking to validate your unreasonable hatred of Islam without having thought it through?

Because if we apply your principle regarding Islam here equally to all religions, then Christian terrorism is suddenly a VASTLY bigger problem in Europe, Australia, and the USA than Islamic terrorism has ever been. So I'm pretty sure you don't want to do that.

You would be aware that the followers of the pedophile are much more overly represented in British jails than the natives.

Since poverty is the greatest cause of criminality, I'm guessing Muslims are over represented in British jails for the same reason black people are in USA. USA is a predominantly white, Christian or atheistic country. So anybody who's not white and Christian or atheist is less likely to be successful in that country. That's just how society works.

Why do you think blacks are over represented in American prisons?
From your favorite news source Bilby.


Wow, the British Brainwashing Corporation which discriminates on the basis of race though it is tax payer funded



- - - Updated - - -

Why you persist in posting links that actively refute your assertions I do not know; But it certainly saves your opponents some time and effort.

The media focus on terrorism might lead some to think that the Muslim prisoner population increase is linked to convictions of Islamist extremists.

But the figures don't bear that out either.
(my bold)

Do you even read these links before posting them?

One reason Muslims are over represented in British jails today is likely the same reason that Christians were over represented in the 1970s and 80s - Convicts who are of no religious affiliation don't get certain benefits and perks awarded to religious prisoners (prison is VERY boring, and so anything that provides a break from routine is a popular perk). On conviction, prisoners nominate their religious affiliation, and are fully aware that some choices mean that they will get a special diet, and extra time out of their cells while attending religious services, prayer meetings and the like. Add to that that a declared religious identity gives a prisoner an instant 'in' with an established clique or gang, and a degree of protection from other prisoners as a result, and it's no shock at all that more prisoners are deciding to describe themselves as Muslims.

Lots of people order the Kosher, vegetarian, or Halal meals on planes - not because they are Jews, vegans or Muslims, but because the special meals are made with more care; Often with better ingredients; and are served first - getting the 525th meal served in Economy class on an A380 is a sure recipe for a cold dinner; But ordering Halal means you will likely be amongst the first dozen or so passengers to be served.

The same rules apply to meals in prison; It's no surprise that lots of prisoners know that they get a better deal by claiming a particular religious affiliation - and it's not like the authorities are going to be able to call you a liar.

If I was sent to jail, I would probably pick a religious affiliation, just to get better food.

Special meals are rare though on the flights I've traveled on.
Wow, the British Brainwashing Corporation which discriminates on the basis of race though it is tax payer funded



- - - Updated - - -

Why you persist in posting links that actively refute your assertions I do not know; But it certainly saves your opponents some time and effort.

The media focus on terrorism might lead some to think that the Muslim prisoner population increase is linked to convictions of Islamist extremists.

But the figures don't bear that out either.
(my bold)

Do you even read these links before posting them?

One reason Muslims are over represented in British jails today is likely the same reason that Christians were over represented in the 1970s and 80s - Convicts who are of no religious affiliation don't get certain benefits and perks awarded to religious prisoners (prison is VERY boring, and so anything that provides a break from routine is a popular perk). On conviction, prisoners nominate their religious affiliation, and are fully aware that some choices mean that they will get a special diet, and extra time out of their cells while attending religious services, prayer meetings and the like. Add to that that a declared religious identity gives a prisoner an instant 'in' with an established clique or gang, and a degree of protection from other prisoners as a result, and it's no shock at all that more prisoners are deciding to describe themselves as Muslims.

Lots of people order the Kosher, vegetarian, or Halal meals on planes - not because they are Jews, vegans or Muslims, but because the special meals are made with more care; Often with better ingredients; and are served first - getting the 525th meal served in Economy class on an A380 is a sure recipe for a cold dinner; But ordering Halal means you will likely be amongst the first dozen or so passengers to be served.

The same rules apply to meals in prison; It's no surprise that lots of prisoners know that they get a better deal by claiming a particular religious affiliation - and it's not like the authorities are going to be able to call you a liar.

If I was sent to jail, I would probably pick a religious affiliation, just to get better food.

Special meals are rare though on the flights I've traveled on.

Your ignorance of them is not evidence against their existence.

Since poverty is the greatest cause of criminality, I'm guessing Muslims are over represented in British jails for the same reason black people are in USA.
You are only "guessing", but that is enough for you to completely dismiss the role culture and ideology (both influenced by Islam) play?

Why do you think blacks are over represented in American prisons?
Hip-hop culture that glorifies violent crime, drug dealing etc. is one major reason.
I mean, when the most popular genre of "music" in the black community is shit like this, what do you expect?

And one of the most iconic rappers, Tupac, is the nephew of cop killer, terrorist and fugitive Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur).
You are only "guessing", but that is enough for you to completely dismiss the role culture and ideology (both influenced by Islam) play?

Why do you think blacks are over represented in American prisons?
Hip-hop culture that glorifies violent crime, drug dealing etc. is one major reason.
I mean, when the most popular genre of "music" in the black community is shit like this, what do you expect?

And one of the most iconic rappers, Tupac, is the nephew of cop killer, terrorist and fugitive Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur).

No, you can't. It's just in your head.
Just because you are willfully blind, does not mean it's "just in my head".

This is a picture from Copenhagen. In spite of this Copenhagen doesn't have a dinosaur problem.
Well duh. These dinosaurs are not real. If they were real, just like the Muslims I have posted, they would be a problem.
If only Islam was as extinct as sauropod dinosaurs!

Here's another picture from Copenhagen. Not a trace of Islam in this picture. Hm... odd? Women not in Burkha's, with their hair out. How do you explain that? Danes have the highest consumption of alcohol in Europe. Isn't that odd considering Denmark now seems to be a Caliphate.
You are attacking straw men. Who has claimed that Copenhagen is "a Caliphate"? What you need to consider is the trendline. Muslim population is steadily increasing due to combined effects of mass migration and mass breeding. And the bigger their population share, the more emboldened they will become. They are already cocky enough to harass people with "Sharia patrols" or to demand Subway and KFC restaurants only serve halal meats. How much worse will it get when their population share is two or three times what it is today?

A handful of Muslim dickwads protesting does not a caliphate make.
They are more than a "handful" and more are joining them every day.

This is what democracy looks like. Dickwads being allowed to express their retardation in public.
Democracy also means that when dickwads are a majority, they can take over. And that is happening, unless something radically changes.

Yes, even the Nazis spreading their bullshit is as well.
Nazis are banned in many European countries. Why aren't islamofascists?
The excuses of poverty causing certain groups of people being over represented in jail is pure bullshit.
Many diverse people live in poverty without going around raping and committing other serious crimes.
You are only "guessing", but that is enough for you to completely dismiss the role culture and ideology (both influenced by Islam) play?

Nope. I'm just well read. Granted that sociology is a tricky subject, since it's hard to conduct double blind experiments, using entire nations. But it's still a serious subject and they aren't guessing. Here's the top result when I googled. I didn't read through this carefully. But as you can see poverty is a recurring theme in all of these theories. All well supported by data.


Why do you think blacks are over represented in American prisons?
Hip-hop culture that glorifies violent crime, drug dealing etc. is one major reason.
I mean, when the most popular genre of "music" in the black community is shit like this, what do you expect?

And one of the most iconic rappers, Tupac, is the nephew of cop killer, terrorist and fugitive Joanne Chesimard (aka Assata Shakur).

ha ha ha. HA HA HA. I'm sorry, but that's retarded. With the same logic kids today should be homicidal maniacs because of computer games. Why do you think that didn't happen? Or heavy metal fans all Satanists? Or people become criminals from watching violent movies. This is the kind of idiotic arguments that parents have been using to rail against anything new kids are up to. The funny thing about these arguments is that they're so easily refuted. You are aware that there's more white people in America that listen to hip hop than black people? Why aren't the white listeners committing as much crime? The only thing that sets the American black community apart from the whites, is poverty... (and skin colour of course).

You really didn't give this much thought.

Here's a theory. Perhaps people like to listen to gangster rap because they have to go around and be polite all day at work and to their family. So it's just nice to have a head space that goes out of their way to, in their imagination, break all the taboos. A little fantasy world where they don't have to behave. That they then come back to after listening.
Democracy also means that when dickwads are a majority, they can take over. And that is happening, unless something radically changes.

Yes, that is a concern.

But if you think Islam is the problem in this regard, you should take a look at who is in the Oval Office.

Xenophobic dickwads are very clearly more of a danger to the OECD nations than Islamic dickwads are.
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