Sorry, but did you intend this video as a serious argument?
Presenting everytime a Muslim army (or even just a gang of privateers) attacked a Christian army or city as part of *the* Jihad, and trying to compare it to the "official" crusades only is just bad reasoning. If you want an apples to apples comparison, you'd have to include every attack by Christians on the other side. That'd include Russia's expansion into what's today Southern Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus region, Central Asia, the Reconquista, modern colonialism, but also in part the trans-Atlantic slave trade (Islam had spread far into West Africa by the late Middle Age and a significant minority of the slaves traded across the Atlantic were Muslims).
The West may view the past Islamic conquests as finished history. Are we sure that the Islamists think the same way?
I'm sure *the* Islamists don't think the same way. Islamism means a lot of different things to different people, and pretending, that *they* all want the same things is hilariously stupid.
If you want to show that Europe is currently under threat from Islamization, you need to do quite a bit more than insinuate (or even show) that *some* Islamists state that as one of their goals: You need to show that those Islamist theorists who consider that a top priority have a significant following and a workable strategy for achieving their goal.