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Europe submits voluntarily

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On so, you have a crystal ball? Moslems birthrate is more than four times Westerns birthrate. A cheap calculator ought to give you an answer.

This claim has already been refuted in this thread. The muslim birthrate is NOT more than 4 times the western one.


Stop clinging to lies. Not only is the muslim birthrate in Europe only marginally higher than the non-muslim birthrate; and not only is this also true almost *everywhere else*; but it's still *falling*.
On so, you have a crystal ball? Moslems birthrate is more than four times Westerns birthrate. A cheap calculator ought to give you an answer.

Lol... do you demographic gap much? You can plot where on the development axis a county is on the agrarian economy to industrial economy on the demographic gap. All the higher Muslim birthrates means is that they're not as far along on that economic development. As soon as their economy picks up birth rates will drop. Wars also make people have lots of babies. This is bizarre feature of human behaviour, but there you have it. None of this is controversial. There's plenty of data to back it up.
On so, you have a crystal ball? Moslems birthrate is more than four times Westerns birthrate. A cheap calculator ought to give you an answer.

Lol... do you demographic gap much? You can plot where on the development axis a county is on the agrarian economy to industrial economy on the demographic gap. All the higher Muslim birthrates means is that they're not as far along on that economic development. As soon as their economy picks up birth rates will drop. Wars also make people have lots of babies. This is bizarre feature of human behaviour, but there you have it. None of this is controversial. There's plenty of data to back it up.

There really is a strong correlation between per capita GDP and birth rates, as illustrated here:

(via  Demographic-economic_paradox - the main outliers like Saudi Arabia (Muslim) and Angola (Christian) are easily explained as being rent-based economies, i.e. they're rich from selling oil without having the social structures to sustainably support a vibrant and diverse economy.)

Interestingly, if you plot a trend among those data points and add European countries, say, 50 years ago, it turns out their values are mostly above the trend lines, i.e. their birth rates were higher than we'd expect looking at today's developing countries even considering that they were poorer than today.

Or in short: The third world is actually better at reducing birth rates than we were.
On so, you have a crystal ball? Moslems birthrate is more than four times Westerns birthrate. A cheap calculator ought to give you an answer.

This claim has already been refuted in this thread. The muslim birthrate is NOT more than 4 times the western one.


Stop clinging to lies. Not only is the muslim birthrate in Europe only marginally higher than the non-muslim birthrate; and not only is this also true almost *everywhere else*; but it's still *falling*.
Merkel has invited nearly 1 million migrants into her country this year alone. The rest of EU is also increasing their intake. Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.
<snip>Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.

As You were already informed in another thread, the EU country with the highest proportion of Muslims is Bulgaria, with a convenient margin.

Tell us more about those fireworks in Bulgaria!
This claim has already been refuted in this thread. The muslim birthrate is NOT more than 4 times the western one.


Stop clinging to lies. Not only is the muslim birthrate in Europe only marginally higher than the non-muslim birthrate; and not only is this also true almost *everywhere else*; but it's still *falling*.
Merkel has invited nearly 1 million migrants into her country this year alone. The rest of EU is also increasing their intake. Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.

Take it from a good Palestinian friend of mine. There is sometimes friction between Muslims and others as we can see. However put a lot of Muslims together, THEN you will see real fireworks. Why do you think Muslim countries wont take in Muslims.
Merkel has invited nearly 1 million migrants into her country this year alone. The rest of EU is also increasing their intake. Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.

Take it from a good Palestinian friend of mine. There is sometimes friction between Muslims and others as we can see. However put a lot of Muslims together, THEN you will see real fireworks. Why do you think Muslim countries wont take in Muslims.

Muslim countries do take Muslims - as I brought up in another thread, the top ten refugee hosting countries in the world in 2014 were, in this order, Turkey (mostly Syrians), Pakistan (mostly Afghans), Lebanon (almost entirely Syrians), Iran (Afghans), Ethiopia (Somalians, Eritreans, South Sudanese), Jordan (Syrians; Palestinians are not counted in these figures), Kenya (mostly Somalians), Chad (Central Africans, Sudanese and South Sudanese), Uganda (South Sudanese, Central Africans), and China (maybe Myanmar?) (UNHCR report 2014 edition, bottom of page 12, explanations my educated best guesses).

Bold here indicates countries with more than 50% Muslims, italics countries with between 10-50%.

Some arrogant autocratic regimes around the Gulf don't take refugees. If you believe they're a model worthy of emulation, the Europe you wish clearly isn't the Europe I want to live in.
Again, this is fine for children.

But for adults looking at the real world it is meaningless.

We look at the massive killing the US did in Cambodia and then the rise of murderous elements.

We now see the same thing after more restrained but still massive violence in Iraq and many other parts of the ME by the US.

This is the way humans many times react to massive terrorism and killing. In their fear people cling to the most radical elements that promise revenge. They cling to their religion as well.

Only children will be surprised by this.

Once again you blame the US for things we did not do.

The total death toll from our invasion of Cambodia was only about 11,000 and most of those were Vietnamese forces, not Cambodians. The massive killings in Cambodia were the result of a leftist kook, not us.

Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.
Once again you blame the US for things we did not do.

The total death toll from our invasion of Cambodia was only about 11,000 and most of those were Vietnamese forces, not Cambodians. The massive killings in Cambodia were the result of a leftist kook, not us.

Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

Don't forget the French. They hastily packed up their stuff and left quickly creating a power vacuum and gigantic mess in it's wake. If we're to evaluate the relative degrees of evil, the Americans weren't half as bad as the French. Albeit pretty fucking bad.
Take it from a good Palestinian friend of mine. There is sometimes friction between Muslims and others as we can see. However put a lot of Muslims together, THEN you will see real fireworks. Why do you think Muslim countries wont take in Muslims.

Muslim countries do take Muslims - as I brought up in another thread, the top ten refugee hosting countries in the world in 2014 were, in this order, Turkey (mostly Syrians), Pakistan (mostly Afghans), Lebanon (almost entirely Syrians), Iran (Afghans), Ethiopia (Somalians, Eritreans, South Sudanese), Jordan (Syrians; Palestinians are not counted in these figures), Kenya (mostly Somalians), Chad (Central Africans, Sudanese and South Sudanese), Uganda (South Sudanese, Central Africans), and China (maybe Myanmar?) (UNHCR report 2014 edition, bottom of page 12, explanations my educated best guesses).

Bold here indicates countries with more than 50% Muslims, italics countries with between 10-50%.

Some arrogant autocratic regimes around the Gulf don't take refugees. If you believe they're a model worthy of emulation, the Europe you wish clearly isn't the Europe I want to live in.
Of course they would like Europe and the USA. It should read some[/B] Muslim countries. The Gulf states do not generally appear to have opened their doors.
Once again you blame the US for things we did not do.

The total death toll from our invasion of Cambodia was only about 11,000 and most of those were Vietnamese forces, not Cambodians.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide.

And yet the wiki page on the entire Cambodian campaign cites a figure of 12,354 killed, with a note that the CIA disputes this since it includes civilian deaths.
Muslim countries do take Muslims - as I brought up in another thread, the top ten refugee hosting countries in the world in 2014 were, in this order, Turkey (mostly Syrians), Pakistan (mostly Afghans), Lebanon (almost entirely Syrians), Iran (Afghans), Ethiopia (Somalians, Eritreans, South Sudanese), Jordan (Syrians; Palestinians are not counted in these figures), Kenya (mostly Somalians), Chad (Central Africans, Sudanese and South Sudanese), Uganda (South Sudanese, Central Africans), and China (maybe Myanmar?) (UNHCR report 2014 edition, bottom of page 12, explanations my educated best guesses).

Bold here indicates countries with more than 50% Muslims, italics countries with between 10-50%.

Some arrogant autocratic regimes around the Gulf don't take refugees. If you believe they're a model worthy of emulation, the Europe you wish clearly isn't the Europe I want to live in.
Of course they would like Europe and the USA. It should read some[/B] Muslim countries. The Gulf states do not generally appear to have opened their doors.

What does the first sentence mean?
I assume the second sentence is your roundabout admission that your generalisation that "Muslim countries wont take in Muslims" is false, indeed almost the opposite of the truth, since Muslim majority countries in aggregate have taken in way many more refugees (Muslim and to a lesser degree otherwise) than the West, and indeed 6 of the 10 top refugee host countries are Muslim majority countries?
The third sentence is what I said. You do realise, though, that the Gulf states are (a) a tiny subset of "Muslim countries", and (b) not a model worthy of emulation by anyone attempting to be considered as a civilised "Western" country.
Merkel has invited nearly 1 million migrants into her country this year alone. The rest of EU is also increasing their intake.

Great. What the fuck does this have to do with the blatant falsehood that Muslims have 4 times the birthrate as Europeans do? Is this your attempt at apologizing for making a factually incorrect statement?

Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.

Sure, sure. They're not really a problem now you guys, but just you wait! :rolleyes:

- - - Updated - - -

<snip>Once they are a substantial minority is when the fireworks will start as has been shown to happen already in some parts of EU.

As You were already informed in another thread, the EU country with the highest proportion of Muslims is Bulgaria, with a convenient margin.

Tell us more about those fireworks in Bulgaria!


Look at all these fireworks in Bulgaria!
Once again you blame the US for things we did not do.

The total death toll from our invasion of Cambodia was only about 11,000 and most of those were Vietnamese forces, not Cambodians. The massive killings in Cambodia were the result of a leftist kook, not us.

Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

I see no rebuttal. You're talking about bombing. I'm talking about the results.

And Pol Pot certainly could seize power without the US.


Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide.

And yet the wiki page on the entire Cambodian campaign cites a figure of 12,354 killed, with a note that the CIA disputes this since it includes civilian deaths.

You quote me but obviously don't even bother to read my sources.

There is no way to know how many people were killed in this mad bombing. We never counted and there was nobody else that could. What followed was just as mad and chaotic.

But if you even read what you quoted you will see that more was dropped in one year on the people, mostly peasants, of Cambodia than was dropped on the Japanese in WWII.


- - - Updated - - -

Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

I see no rebuttal. You're talking about bombing. I'm talking about the results.

And Pol Pot certainly could seize power without the US.

Yes and pigs could fly.

And there is a huge rebuttal but you will actually have to read something. Perhaps a first for you.
Rainbow Rape

Rainbow Kumbaya singalong campfires are childish. From thousands of years of experience, evolved nations recognized that the rabid Arab rabble were savages and could only be tamed by extreme measures. So the jihad is not revenge by the natives, it is just the opposite. They saw decadent leniency as a sign of weakness and went in for the kill, like any other predatory beasts.

What is this history you speak of?

European and US slavery?

The sweatshops of the Industrial Revolution?

European and US Colonialism?

The World Wars of the 20th Century?

Vietnam and Cambodia?

The unprovoked invasion of Iraq and over ten years of US and British widespread and non-stop violence and killing and torture of Muslims?

Pits from hell all over the world like Guantanamo when Muslim prisons are kept and tortured with no trial, no rights?

I know with this good example from the West it is hard to understand Muslim hostility towards it.
Except for the sweatshops, which the hypocritical Abolitionists were all in favor of, it's about prehistory. Those who were driven into the deserts and jungles were originally a bandit species genetically unfit to survive on their own and driven by their inferiority to loot and kill. I take present manifestations of this and derive what must have happened in the past, justifying 19th Century slavery, colonialism, and eviction of the natives in America.

The ruling classes desire to humiliate the majority, so their house historians tell a different story about how we should all be forced to feel guilty and let the savages have their way with us. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing; that's why you're called "Limousine Liberals."
What is this history you speak of?

European and US slavery?

The sweatshops of the Industrial Revolution?

European and US Colonialism?

The World Wars of the 20th Century?

Vietnam and Cambodia?

The unprovoked invasion of Iraq and over ten years of US and British widespread and non-stop violence and killing and torture of Muslims?

Pits from hell all over the world like Guantanamo when Muslim prisons are kept and tortured with no trial, no rights?

I know with this good example from the West it is hard to understand Muslim hostility towards it.
Except for the sweatshops, which the hypocritical Abolitionists were all in favor of, it's about prehistory. Those who were driven into the deserts and jungles were originally a bandit species genetically unfit to survive on their own and driven by their inferiority to loot and kill. I take present manifestations of this and derive what must have happened in the past, justifying 19th Century slavery, colonialism, and eviction of the natives in America.

The ruling classes desire to humiliate the majority, so their house historians tell a different story about how we should all be forced to feel guilty and let the savages have their way with us. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing; that's why you're called "Limousine Liberals."

Is this word art?
Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

Don't forget the French. They hastily packed up their stuff and left quickly creating a power vacuum and gigantic mess in it's wake. If we're to evaluate the relative degrees of evil, the Americans weren't half as bad as the French. Albeit pretty fucking bad.

Hence the term French foreign policy.
Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

Don't forget the French. They hastily packed up their stuff and left quickly creating a power vacuum and gigantic mess in it's wake. If we're to evaluate the relative degrees of evil, the Americans weren't half as bad as the French. Albeit pretty fucking bad.

The French got out of the way of people wanting independence. The US took their place and since it couldn't stop them it just blew the place up and left.

The French didn't blow the place up, especially Cambodia, that was the US, mainly Kissinger and Nixon.
What is this history you speak of?

European and US slavery?

The sweatshops of the Industrial Revolution?

European and US Colonialism?

The World Wars of the 20th Century?

Vietnam and Cambodia?

The unprovoked invasion of Iraq and over ten years of US and British widespread and non-stop violence and killing and torture of Muslims?

Pits from hell all over the world like Guantanamo when Muslim prisons are kept and tortured with no trial, no rights?

I know with this good example from the West it is hard to understand Muslim hostility towards it.
Except for the sweatshops, which the hypocritical Abolitionists were all in favor of, it's about prehistory. Those who were driven into the deserts and jungles were originally a bandit species genetically unfit to survive on their own and driven by their inferiority to loot and kill. I take present manifestations of this and derive what must have happened in the past, justifying 19th Century slavery, colonialism, and eviction of the natives in America.

The ruling classes desire to humiliate the majority, so their house historians tell a different story about how we should all be forced to feel guilty and let the savages have their way with us. Liberals are agents of the Right Wing; that's why you're called "Limousine Liberals."

Ok ... Good luck with all that. :confused:
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