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Europe submits voluntarily

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Nonsense. Islam is not dying. It is as virulent as ever.

What's your argument for it? It only grows because of birth rates. High birth rates has to do with an agrarian economy. These countries are on the other side of the demographic transition. When these economies have shifted to an industrial economy the growth of Islam will stop. And start shrinking. The African economy is exploding now. So it won't be long.


It doesn't work in the modern world, yes, which is why it always fights against the modern world.

Who the fuck is "it"? A religion is just a schema to understand and make sense of the world. Mostly emotionally. While a religion can be retained long after it's stopped being functional. There is a point where it breaks down. It has to be, in some sense, useful. If it isn't, it will go. That's why Christianity died. It has died many times. And been reborn as something else.

Christianity and Islam are extremely similar religions. So if it happened to one, we can be confident it'll happen to the other. The difference just lies in the fact that industrialisation first happened in England.

We can chill the fuck out
Complacency would be lethal.

Sure, some people integrate well. But many others don't. Which is why it is important to be selective as to who you let immigrate and it is also important to be able to deport people who commit serious crimes and/or radicalize themselves. Which is the exact opposite of what EU is doing. EU takes in all migrants that show up at the border (or even 12 miles off the shores of Africa) and it is virtually impossible to get any significant numbers of them deported.

Take the Westminster terrorist from this morning. He is a Sudanese migrant who was given UK citizenship for some reason. Didn't anybody vet him? And of course >100,000 Africans are coming in across the Mediterranean every year with no selection or checks. How many of them have the same ideology as this Sudanese man?

Meh... we have time on our side. I think what you mean with people who integrate less well, is that they integrate less well now, but will later. I actually don't think religion has anything to do with this. It's simply an education gap. Sudan is one of the world's most backward countries, while England is a peak modern economy. No, shit integrating into the English economy didn't go so well for him. That can lead people to being very angry.

I think focusing on the religion is a red herring. Fuck religion. Look at the education levels of those coming. That's all that matters. A frustrated uneducated man with zero prospects is going to become angry and blame something. His religion is simply the brand of gasoline he'll throw on the fire. It's still gasoline.

If we take in uneducated people we need a plan to deal with it. Right now we don't have that. As our societies get increasingly technological, this will be more of a problem. Just wait until the robot revolution has reach peak. People need jobs, or a sense of purpose, to feel they have a sense of worth. It's an important thing, to both immigrants and natives. If they don't have this, bad things happen.
BREAKING: Inferno in Sweden as youth gangs make coordinated arson attacks at three locations

"Youth gangs" is probably an euphemism for "New Swedes" Swedish politicians are so enamored of.

At this moment nobody knows anything. The police has no suspects. The best theory I've seen is that its an attempt at insurance fraud. But its pure speculation at this point.

Worth noting is that there's been some notable cases where people have gotten convicted of driving their cars to poor "immigrant" neighbourhoods, setting them on fire for insurance reasons. And just hoping that nobody will catch them and blame the darkies.

It would be impossible to blame the " darkies" as you call the muzzies if their ideologies weren't so alien to the western values of freedom and democracy!
Nonsense. Islam is not dying. It is as virulent as ever.

It doesn't work in the modern world, yes, which is why it always fights against the modern world.

We can chill the fuck out
Complacency would be lethal.

Sure, some people integrate well. But many others don't. Which is why it is important to be selective as to who you let immigrate and it is also important to be able to deport people who commit serious crimes and/or radicalize themselves. Which is the exact opposite of what EU is doing. EU takes in all migrants that show up at the border (or even 12 miles off the shores of Africa) and it is virtually impossible to get any significant numbers of them deported.

Take the Westminster terrorist from this morning. He is a Sudanese migrant who was given UK citizenship for some reason. Didn't anybody vet him? And of course >100,000 Africans are coming in across the Mediterranean every year with no selection or checks. How many of them have the same ideology as this Sudanese man?

Well, in 2017 there were ten islamic terrorist attacks across europe, so that suggests a total of ten. Out of more than 100,000. Or about one hundredth of a percent. As an upper bound on the likely number.

For every terrorist, there are at least 9,999 migrants who don't share that ideology. Do you seriously imagine that if you selected 100,000 random european citizens, you would find as few as ten who had engaged in violent crime? The rate of assaults per 100,000 people in Scotland is about 1,600; across the EU it's around 400. Using that lower figure, it would seem that the average european citizen is about forty times as dangerous as the average Islamic migrant to the EU.

Which is hardly surprising, given the high levels of scrutiny they are under due to bigots, and the much more draconian measures they face if they do commit a violent crime.

How many terrorist attacks have been stopped before they could get of the ground? Many times that number here in Australia alone!
BREAKING: Inferno in Sweden as youth gangs make coordinated arson attacks at three locations

"Youth gangs" is probably an euphemism for "New Swedes" Swedish politicians are so enamored of.

At this moment nobody knows anything. The police has no suspects. The best theory I've seen is that its an attempt at insurance fraud. But its pure speculation at this point.

Worth noting is that there's been some notable cases where people have gotten convicted of driving their cars to poor "immigrant" neighbourhoods, setting them on fire for insurance reasons. And just hoping that nobody will catch them and blame the darkies.


Two suspects arrested.

There's also this.:
"We know from experience that these kinds of fires more often happen the week before schools start than other weeks," police spokesperson Ulla Brehm told TT.

Two suspects arrested.

There's also this.:
"We know from experience that these kinds of fires more often happen the week before schools start than other weeks," police spokesperson Ulla Brehm told TT.

Police are not naming the suspects. I wonder why.
One of the unnamed suspects fled to Turkey, which is more likely if he was one of these "New Swedes" ...

Two suspects arrested.

There's also this.:
"We know from experience that these kinds of fires more often happen the week before schools start than other weeks," police spokesperson Ulla Brehm told TT.

Police are not naming the suspects. I wonder why.
One of the unnamed suspects fled to Turkey, which is more likely if he was one of these "New Swedes" ...

Could it be because they're not allowed to? There's a lot of red tape surrounding going out with names. They are extremely restrictive when the suspects are young

Two suspects arrested.

There's also this.:
"We know from experience that these kinds of fires more often happen the week before schools start than other weeks," police spokesperson Ulla Brehm told TT.

Another angle.......................https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/271035/sweden-burning-joseph-klein


Just making shit up, isn't "another angle". It's simply bullshit.
Why don't you instead get up in arms about something genuinely troubling? Here you go. I have a feeling we'll agree with eachother regarding the wrongness of this:


I hope somebody starts a religion that mandates that you have to have sex with all the women you meet, and then sue for discrimination when denied. My opinion, if you can't even set your religion aside for a moment when you're at a job interview, then perhaps you didn't want that job anyway. So what are they whining about?
Why don't you instead get up in arms about something genuinely troubling? Here you go. I have a feeling we'll agree with eachother regarding the wrongness of this:


I hope somebody starts a religion that mandates that you have to have sex with all the women you meet, and then sue for discrimination when denied. My opinion, if you can't even set your religion aside for a moment when you're at a job interview, then perhaps you didn't want that job anyway. So what are they whining about?

It's what Muslims do best. Play the victim card. I wonder if she'd won her case if she was a Buddhist or a Catholic or any other religion except Islam.
Further proof Europe submits voluntarily.

Believe me nothing there is made up!

Ehe... no I don't believe you. Just spend the slightest amount of time fact checking that page. The big mystery is how they managed to link it to immigration at all. That's taken out of thin air. At this point nobody knows anything really. Other than that its normal with some car fires in the weeks before school starts.

6 teenagers arrested. All with a long history of criminality. 1 Turkish. The rest Swedish. No point to it. Just vandalism.

But here's the interesting part. It's not an unusual type of vandalism. What made this a news story was that it was filmed. The event as such wasn't remarkable.

And doesn't change the fact, that Sweden, overall, has a very low crime rate. That includes car fires. Any crime is rare here

6 teenagers arrested. All with a long history of criminality. 1 Turkish. The rest Swedish. No point to it. Just vandalism.
It's misleading to call them "swedish" if they are second of third generation immigrants. For purposes of SD's argument, immigration is still at fault.

Meh. Car fires is half as common now as ten years ago. And getting rarer all the time. Perhaps this development is also because of immigration?

The numbers don't lie. Sweden keeps becoming safer all the time. Yet, somehow is also going down the toilet
It's hard to reconcile these "realities".

When the alt-right tried picking Sweden as an example of immigration failures they fucked up. They made a boob. Twisting statistics to fit a fantastic narrative is too transparent not to get busted.
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