Free trade? No tariffs? A political forum to discuss stuff to avoid international conflicts? Standards commissions, to standardise things across the EU? Also, free movement of labour is not a problem today. We don't have a shortage of jobs. We have a shortage of competent personel. So immigration is a non-issue.
I'm right now working in Denmark. I'm Swedish. I find this really handy. I can do this thanks to both countries being a member of EU. Ain't that great? I have collegues who now are forced to apply for Danish citizenship, just so they can be able to stay. Applying for citizenship is a fucking nightmare and best avoided. I am. I have zero wish to become Danish if I can help it.
It's incredibly handy that I can just move anywhere in Europe and work, with zero hassles. I value it extremely highly. I like that I have collegues from all over Europe.
I have collegues who are American. The beurocratic bullshit they have to deal with, because they're not EU citizens is something I'm happy I don't have to deal with. It's no fun.
Yes, EU has many positives, but the current EU migration policy (help migrants come in via NGO boats and make it incredibly difficult to deport any of them) is idiotic. That's a major reason Brexit succeeded. I think you are right that EU has many benefits, which is why I would prefer EU change its migration policies. Otherwise, UK will not be the last one to exit.
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What's the EU ever done for the people of the UK ...