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Europe submits voluntarily

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But somehow, a few dozen Africans not going through Heathrow represents a "flood" and an "invasion".

My son's better at numbers than you guys, and he's only had one year of school so far.

A few dozen? It's thousands. And they are not here for vacation, but to stay forever, because it's virtually impossible to deport these illegals.

The number of arrivals in the entire month of July 2018, across the entire Mediterranean (Spain, Italy Greece) was 450 per day. For the entire year so far it was less than 300 per day. That's a tiny fraction of a percent of the daily international arrivals at Heathrow alone, let alone any other airports.

Those arrivals at Heathrow leave. The immigrants can't meaningfully be deported.

It's like arguing that because the filter pumps don't raise the water level in a pool it's obvious a hose won't, either.
The number of arrivals in the entire month of July 2018, across the entire Mediterranean (Spain, Italy Greece) was 450 per day. For the entire year so far it was less than 300 per day. That's a tiny fraction of a percent of the daily international arrivals at Heathrow alone, let alone any other airports.

Those arrivals at Heathrow leave. The immigrants can't meaningfully be deported.

It's like arguing that because the filter pumps don't raise the water level in a pool it's obvious a hose won't, either.

Most do. Some don't. Daily arrivals at Heathrow beat daily arrivals of boat people by a factor of something like 500, so *some* can still be a relatively large number. I bet you a dollar to your nickel that the number of daily arrivals in Heathrow with no intention to leave significantly exceed the daily number of boat people arriving in Spain, Italy, and Greece combined.

And you know that Europe has more airports than Heathrow?
People take their values with them. Open borders now!

The interviewer was Arabic. And clearly not on the side of these guys. How come he didn't "take his values with him"? Your theory didn't work out so well, did it?

Quick googling shows that he was raised partly in Switzerland, and had studied and lived in multiple western countries. Currently in Germany. Hardly an example of an average person of Arab descent.
The interviewer was Arabic. And clearly not on the side of these guys. How come he didn't "take his values with him"? Your theory didn't work out so well, did it?

Quick googling shows that he was raised partly in Switzerland, and had studied and lived in multiple western countries. Currently in Germany. Hardly an example of an average person of Arab descent.

So he was very quickly westernized even though his parents were immigrants.
People take their values with them. Open borders now!

The interviewer was Arabic. And clearly not on the side of these guys. How come he didn't "take his values with him"? Your theory didn't work out so well, did it?

Quick googling shows that he was raised partly in Switzerland, and had studied and lived in multiple western countries. Currently in Germany. Hardly an example of an average person of Arab descent.

Which just proves my point regarding Muslims who emigrate to the west
BREAKING: Inferno in Sweden as youth gangs make coordinated arson attacks at three locations

"Youth gangs" is probably an euphemism for "New Swedes" Swedish politicians are so enamored of.

At this moment nobody knows anything. The police has no suspects. The best theory I've seen is that its an attempt at insurance fraud. But its pure speculation at this point.

Worth noting is that there's been some notable cases where people have gotten convicted of driving their cars to poor "immigrant" neighbourhoods, setting them on fire for insurance reasons. And just hoping that nobody will catch them and blame the darkies.
Quick googling shows that he was raised partly in Switzerland, and had studied and lived in multiple western countries. Currently in Germany. Hardly an example of an average person of Arab descent.

Which just proves my point regarding Muslims who emigrate to the west

If your point was that people who are at least half European descent, are raised in Switzerland, and study in three different European countries tend to have European values, then you are right. But it doesn't show that muslims who emigrate to the west are generally anything but a nuisance. Besides I don't even know if this guy is a muslim.
Quick googling shows that he was raised partly in Switzerland, and had studied and lived in multiple western countries. Currently in Germany. Hardly an example of an average person of Arab descent.

Which just proves my point regarding Muslims who emigrate to the west

If your point was that people who are at least half European descent, are raised in Switzerland, and study in three different European countries tend to have European values, then you are right. But it doesn't show that muslims who emigrate to the west are generally anything but a nuisance. Besides I don't even know if this guy is a muslim.

Yes it does. It proves that Islam isn't a relentless virus that will spread if unchecked. Islam, like all other religion is dying. Everywhere. This is going to happen even if we do nothing. Islam is obsolete and doesn't work well in the modern world.

We can chill the fuck out
Yes it does. It proves that Islam isn't a relentless virus that will spread if unchecked. Islam, like all other religion is dying. Everywhere. This is going to happen even if we do nothing.
Nonsense. Islam is not dying. It is as virulent as ever.

Islam is obsolete and doesn't work well in the modern world.
It doesn't work in the modern world, yes, which is why it always fights against the modern world.

We can chill the fuck out
Complacency would be lethal.

Sure, some people integrate well. But many others don't. Which is why it is important to be selective as to who you let immigrate and it is also important to be able to deport people who commit serious crimes and/or radicalize themselves. Which is the exact opposite of what EU is doing. EU takes in all migrants that show up at the border (or even 12 miles off the shores of Africa) and it is virtually impossible to get any significant numbers of them deported.

Take the Westminster terrorist from this morning. He is a Sudanese migrant who was given UK citizenship for some reason. Didn't anybody vet him? And of course >100,000 Africans are coming in across the Mediterranean every year with no selection or checks. How many of them have the same ideology as this Sudanese man?
At this moment nobody knows anything. The police has no suspects. The best theory I've seen is that its an attempt at insurance fraud. But its pure speculation at this point.
Insurance fraud? Really? I guess any scenario will do as long as "New Swedes" (Sweden should dump "New Swedes" and bring back "Swedes classic") are let off the hook. Because blaming them for anything is racist and islamophobic according to the powers that be ...

Worth noting is that there's been some notable cases where people have gotten convicted of driving their cars to poor "immigrant" neighbourhoods, setting them on fire for insurance reasons. And just hoping that nobody will catch them and blame the darkies.
Can you point to a few?
This article seems to imply this is related to the Sweden Democrat party, a right-wing nationalist party with its roots in fascism.
No, it does not. The mentioning of SD's electoral chances in the upcoming elections is a bit of a non sequitur, but there is no implication that SD was in any way responsible for the riots.
The number of arrivals in the entire month of July 2018, across the entire Mediterranean (Spain, Italy Greece) was 450 per day. For the entire year so far it was less than 300 per day. That's a tiny fraction of a percent of the daily international arrivals at Heathrow alone, let alone any other airports.
You can't compare the two. You need a visa to get via Heathrow or other airports. And most people are visitors who come, stay for a little while and leave. They also tend to spend money. These boat migrants come with no visas, no background checks, no vetting. And they stay. They never leave. It is virtually impossible to deport them. Instead of spending money, they cost the taxpayer a lot of money. And what money they get from the government, they do not even spend most of it in the local economy but send it back home. That's the business plan of these mass migrants and their families. They often sold their land or house to pay smugglers to get one of their sons to Europe so he can keep sending money back.
This article seems to imply this is related to the Sweden Democrat party, a right-wing nationalist party with its roots in fascism.
No, it does not. The mentioning of SD's electoral chances in the upcoming elections is a bit of a non sequitur, but there is no implication that SD was in any way responsible for the riots.
But they are. Its a very weird concident that so many SD politicians where there...
Another perfects example. Countering with a cartoon depicting a false situation and displaying your irrational fear.

It's not a "false situation". Nobody is claiming that Britain is an Islamic Republic now. This cartoon is merely depicting a probable future if the current trend of population replacement levels of mass migration continue like they have in recent decades.
African migrants aren't touched by EU migration policy.
Of course they are!
Their comings and going is regulated by the UNCHR charter, which is still in effect.

UNCHR charter governs refugees, not economic migrants. >90% of the arrivals are the latter, even if they pretend to be "refugees" and "asylum seekers".

Farage and Johnsson just lied to the Brits what the Brexit vote was about.
You are right that unfortunately British politicians are not willing to do what is needed to stem the flow of mass illegal migrants.

And you seem to still be in the dark. The only migration the EU regulates is migration within the EU. How could anybody possibly have a problem with that? The only result is that Europeans working in the UK that the UK actually needs, are now forced out. Well done!

I think the UK will be the last exit. Because it's pretty clear now how stupid it was.

EU has a lot to say about migration from outside EU into EU. Take this case for an example. Even though he was convicted of sexual assault, this migrant from Somalia could not be deported because of a decision by an EU court
The Somalian sex offender we can't deport thanks to Strasbourg judges
Nonsense. Islam is not dying. It is as virulent as ever.

It doesn't work in the modern world, yes, which is why it always fights against the modern world.

We can chill the fuck out
Complacency would be lethal.

Sure, some people integrate well. But many others don't. Which is why it is important to be selective as to who you let immigrate and it is also important to be able to deport people who commit serious crimes and/or radicalize themselves. Which is the exact opposite of what EU is doing. EU takes in all migrants that show up at the border (or even 12 miles off the shores of Africa) and it is virtually impossible to get any significant numbers of them deported.

Take the Westminster terrorist from this morning. He is a Sudanese migrant who was given UK citizenship for some reason. Didn't anybody vet him? And of course >100,000 Africans are coming in across the Mediterranean every year with no selection or checks. How many of them have the same ideology as this Sudanese man?

Well, in 2017 there were ten islamic terrorist attacks across europe, so that suggests a total of ten. Out of more than 100,000. Or about one hundredth of a percent. As an upper bound on the likely number.

For every terrorist, there are at least 9,999 migrants who don't share that ideology. Do you seriously imagine that if you selected 100,000 random european citizens, you would find as few as ten who had engaged in violent crime? The rate of assaults per 100,000 people in Scotland is about 1,600; across the EU it's around 400. Using that lower figure, it would seem that the average european citizen is about forty times as dangerous as the average Islamic migrant to the EU.

Which is hardly surprising, given the high levels of scrutiny they are under due to bigots, and the much more draconian measures they face if they do commit a violent crime.
This article seems to imply this is related to the Sweden Democrat party, a right-wing nationalist party with its roots in fascism.
No, it does not. The mentioning of SD's electoral chances in the upcoming elections is a bit of a non sequitur, but there is no implication that SD was in any way responsible for the riots.

And nothing you have posted in any way implicates Muslims, except for your fever addled brain fantasies. Didn't stop you from going directly there.

- - - Updated - - -

Another perfects example. Countering with a cartoon depicting a false situation and displaying your irrational fear.

It's not a "false situation". Nobody is claiming that Britain is an Islamic Republic now. This cartoon is merely depicting a probable future if the current trend of population replacement levels of mass migration continue like they have in recent decades.

No comment. I'll let your delusions speak for themselves.
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