They've lumped together rape and attempted rape as one category. In Sweden the category of rape is, by international standards, wide and includes things which we ordinarily don't associate with rape. Simply put, it's much easier to be convicted of rape and attempted rape in Sweden, than it is in other countries.
While I agree that Sweden uses a different definition of "rape" as most places (I think a better translation would be "sexual assault") this only interferes with comparisons of the rape rate with other countries, and with old data before they changed the definition.
It's irrelevant to comparing the distribution by country of origin and it's irrelevant if they're lumping rape & attempted rape.
It's still problematic that people born in other countries are over-represented in the statistic. But I'd be curious what the number would be if we'd look at rapes as a separate category. It's worth looking into.
While it could be that they're committing lesser sexual assaults it doesn't change the huge overrepresentation.
Could easily have been avoided. This guy had applied for refugee status, even though he was an economic migrant. It took them two years of processing to come to this conclusion. For some reason we ask these guys niceley if they would be so kind as to vacate the country. They're given a month to comply. What we should be doing is to send over cops to give them the news, and at the same time kick them out of the country.
Unfortunately, saying to kick them out of the country and actually doing so are two different things. Destroy your documents, lie about your country of origin and you're pretty much not deportable.
The Uzbeck guy was a non-practicing super liberal Muslim up until he was told to leave the country. He got radicalised super fast. He had in letters lied to his wife about him having gotten permanent residency. So an amateur psychologist might hazard to guess that he might feel shame about having to face his wife about having lied all this time, and his solution was to commit suicide in an Islamic terrorist attack.
Or played the role to try to get into the country.