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Europe submits voluntarily

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Without acusations of islamaphobia, this article in some ways explains " Europe submits."

When welfare was introduced in Europe in the late 1900'ies it had a tremendous disruptive effect on the old social networks. It empowered young people. And no longer made them, in effect, slaves of their parents. Many people enjoyed the old ways, because, even if life was shit for young men, one day they'd be a patriarch of a family. This gave rise to all manner of unhealthy conservative movements, like the fascist movement or Nazism. It wasn't just welfare. It was also industrialisation in general.

What a surprise that when farm boys from rural North Africa move to Europe they react much like those European farm boys did a hundred years ago. Perhaps religion has nothing to do with this? Perhaps this is purely a socioeconomic problem? Perhaps?
Without acusations of islamaphobia, this article in some ways explains " Europe submits."

When welfare was introduced in Europe in the late 1900'ies it had a tremendous disruptive effect on the old social networks. It empowered young people. And no longer made them, in effect, slaves of their parents. Many people enjoyed the old ways, because, even if life was shit for young men, one day they'd be a patriarch of a family. This gave rise to all manner of unhealthy conservative movements, like the fascist movement or Nazism. It wasn't just welfare. It was also industrialisation in general.

What a surprise that when farm boys from rural North Africa move to Europe they react much like those European farm boys did a hundred years ago. Perhaps religion has nothing to do with this? Perhaps this is purely a socioeconomic problem? Perhaps?

This is not a rebuttal.

The point is they are excluded by attitudes that aren't acceptable in western culture, not because of anything the western culture is doing to them. The ones that assimilate, fine. The problem is with the ones that won't.
What a surprise that when farm boys from rural North Africa move to Europe they react much like those European farm boys did a hundred years ago. Perhaps religion has nothing to do with this? Perhaps this is purely a socioeconomic problem? Perhaps?
Perhaps, but most likely not.

But why are you taking in all these "farm boys from rural North Africa" anyway? The large number of genuine refugees from Syria is a big enough challenge without admitting large numbers of Nafri (and other) fakefugees.

As far as countries go, biggest problem is definitely Afghanistan. Their families spend 1000s of dollars to send them to Europe using smuggler networks for them to send money back. The war in Afghanistan started in 2002. Since then the situation is much calmer. So why did the mass exodus of Afghans to Europe (vs. Afghans fleeing the conflict to Pakistan or Iran) start in 2015? Because of Merkel's open gates policy which acted as an invitation to all sorts of economic migrants to make their way to Europe. Many of these Afghans were not even living in Afghanistan when they made their way to Europe but in Iran - where there is no war whatsoever. Their sole motivation was economic. And to make things worse, Afghans are responsible for disproportionate number of crimes such as rapes and knife attacks. Here is another one I have not mentioned before.
Failed Afghan asylum seeker is arrested in Germany for killing his girlfriend because she refused to convert to Islam
The murder happened in March, but the Afghan is on trial now.
Note that
a) he was rejected from asylum but was not deported because of the lengthy appeals process (which can take years). Had he been promptly deported, this murder could have been avoided.
b) he murdered his victim because she refused to convert to Islam and wear a hijab. Islam is a religion not of peace but of submission. If you don't submit, you die. Followers of Mohammed prove that day after day.
But why are you taking in all these "farm boys from rural North Africa" anyway? The large number of genuine refugees from Syria is a big enough challenge without admitting large numbers of Nafri (and other) fakefugees.

We don't take them in. France does, because of it's colonial past. Which is unrelated to the Syrian crisis.

We took in Somalis following the 1991 civil war. That ended badly. The few well educated Somalis I've met in Sweden despise other (uneducated) Somalis

As far as countries go, biggest problem is definitely Afghanistan. Their families spend 1000s of dollars to send them to Europe using smuggler networks for them to send money back. The war in Afghanistan started in 2002. Since then the situation is much calmer. So why did the mass exodus of Afghans to Europe (vs. Afghans fleeing the conflict to Pakistan or Iran) start in 2015? Because of Merkel's open gates policy which acted as an invitation to all sorts of economic migrants to make their way to Europe. Many of these Afghans were not even living in Afghanistan when they made their way to Europe but in Iran - where there is no war whatsoever. Their sole motivation was economic. And to make things worse, Afghans are responsible for disproportionate number of crimes such as rapes and knife attacks. Here is another one I have not mentioned before.
Failed Afghan asylum seeker is arrested in Germany for killing his girlfriend because she refused to convert to Islam
The murder happened in March, but the Afghan is on trial now.
Note that
a) he was rejected from asylum but was not deported because of the lengthy appeals process (which can take years). Had he been promptly deported, this murder could have been avoided.
b) he murdered his victim because she refused to convert to Islam and wear a hijab. Islam is a religion not of peace but of submission. If you don't submit, you die. Followers of Mohammed prove that day after day.

Afghanistan has an ongoing civil war that has lasted longer than the Syrian civil war. But because of American pride, they refuse to accept that the invasion was a failure. So these genuine refugees are not given refugee status.

Desperate people do desperate things. That is why we give refugees asylum in the first place. It's to take pressure off the countries close to the epicentre. It has a tendency to create a God awful mess, if left unmanaged. Afghanistan is a good example.

You've just given some good examples to why we should give Afghanis refugee status
Nevertheless, in practically every Western country, including Sweden, anti immigrant political parties are making inroads and deciding governments, including the latest, Sweden.
It started with brexit and eventually will spread right across Europe and the rest of the Western world.
Perhaps this will delay the islamasation of Europe somewhat but the horse [ thanks to Merkel who should be tried and jailed for life for been the instigator forthe destruction of European civilisation]
has bolted as there are now perhaps millions of jihadis in Europe already.
So you dug up 3 (in words: three) articles about stabbings involving Afghans, spread over half a year (your most recent article is from fucking March)?

There were probably more shootings in your block alone in that time!

What are you talking about? The stabbing in Netherlands was less than a week old when I posted it.

What I said. your most recent article, the one you posted last, is from March.

Amsterdam stabbing by an Afghan happened on 8/31/18.
Vienna stabbing by an Afghan happened on 3/7/18. That's the one in March, but it's not the most recent one.
German stabbing by an Afghan happened om 12/31/17, but I posted it because the perp was sentenced a week ago.

Since then we have had the Paris stabbing, by an Afghan.

But no, let's admit even more mass migrants from places like Afghanistan ...

Wow, that's now four over a year, in four different countries with a combined population of nearly 200 million. We should be so scared.

Meanwhile, in 2017, Germany had a total of less than 600 completed homicides*, at a population of 82 million. At a population of about one quarter that of the US, a similar rate would imply less than 2400 murder deaths in the US, about 15000 short of your actual number.

Germany truly has become one hellhole of a country...

* This source gives a precise figure of 657, but that number includes 87 cold cases that were only now confirmed, by a nurse and serial murderer who poisened dozens and possibly hundreds of elderly people in his care between 1999 and 2005.
Hey All,

This is my first post in the thread. I notice there are 775 pages. So there must have been a great arc of conversation, including technical arguments and solutions to scores of policy issues related to the op. Since reading 775 pages to catch up would be silly, could someone just post the Executive Summary?

Thank you in advance.
That's because people as old as 20 are routinely tried as juveniles in Germany:
Even for murders?

Especially for the more severe types of crime, including murder. It says so right there in the paragraph I quoted: "In der Praxis wird sehr häufig auch bei Heranwachsenden noch das Jugendstrafrecht angewendet. Dies gilt besonders bei schweren Straftaten, so dass beispielsweise in der Gruppe der wegen schwerer Gewaltdelikte verurteilten Heranwachsenden die Verurteilung nach Jugendstrafrecht die Normalität darstellt (über 90 Prozent)."

Not something that's particular to Germany either. Civilised countries tend to believe that the severity of a crime is not solely determined by the severity of the consequences, but also by the perpetrators ability to understand those.
Not quite. You'd found data showing that within a statistical interval people born outside Sweden were slightly higher than those convicted of rape AND accused of rape. In this group we also find tourists. Muslims born in Sweden are not in this statistic.

We don't record ethnicity among our criminals, nor country of origin. All we can see is if somebody is born outside Sweden or not. Denmark does collect this data and it doesn't show that any particular group is over-represented. They also collect income of the perpetrator. How likely somebody is to commit a violent crime is linked to poverty. This has been shown to be true globally.

The slightly elevated numbers for those born outside Sweden is more likely a result of immigrants having less money than people born in Sweden.

Anyhoo... in Sweden it's incredibly easy to be accused of rape. So it's not a particularly interesting statistic.

In other words, avoid an unpleasant reality by turning a blind eye to it.

Compared to e. g. Germany's homicide rate, the US has an annual 15000 excess deaths.

Compared to e. g. Germany's road accident rate, the US has another annual 15000 excess deaths.

How you open your eye to those unpleasant realities instead of telling Europeans how bad it has become over here (it hasn't).
Look at the linked article.

article said:
According to the Swedish Crime Survey, compared to 2015, attempted rape against girls 15 - 17 was up 46 percent in 2016.

The new total is 54 cases. At the same time, "sexual exploitation of a person under 15" is donw 25% at 228 cases and "sexual abuse against person under 15" is down 15%, at 623 cases.

That's just massive cherry-picking.
Hey All,

This is my first post in the thread. I notice there are 775 pages. So there must have been a great arc of conversation, including technical arguments and solutions to scores of policy issues related to the op. Since reading 775 pages to catch up would be silly, could someone just post the Executive Summary?

Thank you in advance.

Tswizzle, Angelo and Derec post bizarre Islamophobic conspiracy theories and the rest of us shoot them down.

That's pretty much the thread.
Hey All,

This is my first post in the thread. I notice there are 775 pages. So there must have been a great arc of conversation, including technical arguments and solutions to scores of policy issues related to the op. Since reading 775 pages to catch up would be silly, could someone just post the Executive Summary?

Thank you in advance.

Tswizzle, Angelo and Derec post bizarre Islamophobic conspiracy theories and the rest of us shoot them down.

That's pretty much the thread.

I was just going to tell him the thread is "Muzzie immigrants are bad. Mmmmkay."
I am trying to get some good info on what happened by Toyotomi Hideyoshi put the smackdown on Jesuits in 1587. Seems like he made the right call. Japan might have a culture more similar to the Philippines if the Jesuits were allowed to continue their fuckery.

Perhaps the marching orders from Rome is similar to the funding of the more radical mosques by Wahhabists from Saudi Arabia.
I am trying to get some good info on what happened by Toyotomi Hideyoshi put the smackdown on Jesuits in 1587. Seems like he made the right call. Japan might have a culture more similar to the Philippines if the Jesuits were allowed to continue their fuckery.

Perhaps the marching orders from Rome is similar to the funding of the more radical mosques by Wahhabists from Saudi Arabia.

Considering the mess that Japan has caused, I'm not sure that's a good thing
Tswizzle, Angelo and Derec post bizarre Islamophobic conspiracy theories

Such as ?

We've been over this at great length. Too much really.

Your problem is that you think the Daily Mail is a trustworthy newspaper. That's why I put your name in the list.

I see no reason to rehash this again. You've made your position clear enough and I don't agree with it.
Hey All,

This is my first post in the thread. I notice there are 775 pages. So there must have been a great arc of conversation, including technical arguments and solutions to scores of policy issues related to the op. Since reading 775 pages to catch up would be silly, could someone just post the Executive Summary?

Thank you in advance.

Tswizzle, Angelo and Derec post bizarre Islamophobic conspiracy theories and the rest of us shoot them down.

That's pretty much the thread.

It's posts such as this as the reason why there's 775 odd pages long. Anyone that dares criticise the " religion of peace" and it's unsuitability to live among civilized peoples of Western democracies is called an " islamaphobe" [ a term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to silence criticism by the way.] And the reason why Europe is marching blindly towards self emasculation. Or as the title of this thread says.............Europe submits voluntarily!
Hey All,

This is my first post in the thread. I notice there are 775 pages. So there must have been a great arc of conversation, including technical arguments and solutions to scores of policy issues related to the op. Since reading 775 pages to catch up would be silly, could someone just post the Executive Summary?

Thank you in advance.

Tswizzle, Angelo and Derec post bizarre Islamophobic conspiracy theories and the rest of us shoot them down.

That's pretty much the thread.

It's posts such as this as the reason why there's 775 odd pages long. Anyone that dares criticise the " religion of peace" and it's unsuitability to live among civilized peoples of Western democracies is called an " islamaphobe" [ a term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood to silence criticism by the way.] And the reason why Europe is marching blindly towards self emasculation. Or as the title of this thread says.............Europe submits voluntarily!

False dichotomy. I've criticised Islam plenty. I think it's an awful religion. But why not criticise them for stuff they're actually doing? Why make up shit? Or blindly trust people (Jihadwatch/Daily Mail for example) who make up shit?

I agree that there's a trend of emasculation. But I don't blame the Muslims for that. We did it to ourselves. And it's just evolution of ideas. We're coming out of an agrarian, highly patriarchal Christian culture, and marching toward something new. I think society has reached the point where we've realised that men aren't all bad, and not everything men do is worse than if women would be doing it. There's a kind of sweet spot.

The Middle-East have their own feminist journey to take. Europe shifted from a predominantly agrarian culture 150 years ago. The Middle-East started in the 70'ies. They have some catching up to do.

It's a missmatch of cultures. Which is why we often get a bit of a culture shock when they arrive off the boat. But we're humans. Culture is fluid. They learn fast and adapt.
It's a missmatch of cultures. Which is why we often get a bit of a culture shock when they arrive off the boat. But we're humans. Culture is fluid. They learn fast and adapt.

A couple marched their 18-year-old daughter to the doctor for a 'virginity check' and warned her secret boyfriend they were 'dangerous' because they were Muslim, a court heard. Iranian parents Mitra Eidiani, 42, and Ali Safaraei, 56, who live in south London, are also alleged to have threatened to kill their daughter Sophia Safaraei and her boyfriend, with Ms Eidiani saying: 'You have seen what our people do on the news.'


A bit of a shock indeed.
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