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Europe submits voluntarily

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It's a missmatch of cultures. Which is why we often get a bit of a culture shock when they arrive off the boat. But we're humans. Culture is fluid. They learn fast and adapt.

A couple marched their 18-year-old daughter to the doctor for a 'virginity check' and warned her secret boyfriend they were 'dangerous' because they were Muslim, a court heard. Iranian parents Mitra Eidiani, 42, and Ali Safaraei, 56, who live in south London, are also alleged to have threatened to kill their daughter Sophia Safaraei and her boyfriend, with Ms Eidiani saying: 'You have seen what our people do on the news.'


A bit of a shock indeed.

There's a reason people call it the Daily Fail.
It's a missmatch of cultures. Which is why we often get a bit of a culture shock when they arrive off the boat. But we're humans. Culture is fluid. They learn fast and adapt.

A couple marched their 18-year-old daughter to the doctor for a 'virginity check' and warned her secret boyfriend they were 'dangerous' because they were Muslim, a court heard. Iranian parents Mitra Eidiani, 42, and Ali Safaraei, 56, who live in south London, are also alleged to have threatened to kill their daughter Sophia Safaraei and her boyfriend, with Ms Eidiani saying: 'You have seen what our people do on the news.'


A bit of a shock indeed.

There's overbearing western parents as well. I don't see the problem. The parents wanted something, the kid said "no", they lost their shit. The kid got her way. Which is good. Where's the news here? Where's something to get upset about?

It's also all alleged shit. Nothing has been tried in court. Who knows if any of this is true?

This is why Daily Mail is such garbage. They keep printing this nonsense

A bit of a shock indeed.

There's overbearing western parents as well. I don't see the problem. The parents wanted something, the kid said "no", they lost their shit. The kid got her way. Which is good. Where's the news here? Where's something to get upset about?

It's also all alleged shit. Nothing has been tried in court. Who knows if any of this is true?

This is why Daily Mail is such garbage. They keep printing this nonsense

Where exactly would it have to be reported for you to accept it as perhaps being true? The ABC, BBC or The Guardian?
Throughout history minorities have had to integrate with the majority. But now because of political correctness going stark raving mad it's expected the majority integrate with the muslim minority. Most Western governments going to extremes to appease a minority thinking that by appeasement and turning a blind eye to their savage nature of FMG, halal slaughtering methods, gender inequality, that's ignoring the fact that they are vastly over represented in jails, especially in Britain, muslims would become model citizens of society.

What could possibly go wrong? The London [Londinstan?] tube bombings comes immediately to mind among the hundreds of other more minor but nevertheless deadly terrorist attacks, many by second generation of radicalized muslims.

It's been reported that if the leftist socialist loony terrorist loving Corbyn and his bunch of merry men become the government come next elections, up to 80% of Jews would consider leaving Britain. Anti semetism in England has increased by 400% since the large scale muslim immigration, and rising.

A bit of a shock indeed.

There's overbearing western parents as well. I don't see the problem. The parents wanted something, the kid said "no", they lost their shit. The kid got her way. Which is good. Where's the news here? Where's something to get upset about?

It's also all alleged shit. Nothing has been tried in court. Who knows if any of this is true?

This is why Daily Mail is such garbage. They keep printing this nonsense

Where exactly would it have to be reported for you to accept it as perhaps being true? The ABC, BBC or The Guardian?

I agree that it's perhaps true. All that means is that it's perhaps a news story. Until there's a conviction it's not news. All I see is a narcissistic overbearing mom who's had a public breakdown over the fact that her daughter is growing up and wants to do her own thing.

I somehow doubt the BBC would print a perhaps news story.

There's a sinister over-arching narrative with honour killings. Which is what the Daily News is trying to capitalise on. But honour killings is still not normal in any part of the world. It's always an extreme outlier. It's also something specific for the mountainous "goat-herder" regions of extreme poverty of the nothern Middle-East, and into Pakistan and Afghanistan. It's not acceptable in most of the Middle-East. Which the Daily Mail would never bother to explain, because it takes the steam out of the story. There's no mention of where in Iran they're from. Iran is a happy mixture of a variety of cultures. Most of which don't do honour killings. So that would be interesting information?

The Guardian is just the leftist version of Daily Mail. I avoid reading the Guardian. While I often agree with it. I avoid it because I see little value in having my liberal cock sucked. I go out of my way to find news from "the other side". I think it's a healthy excersize for anybody.

The biggest problem in today's public discourse is that it's normal to exist in a filtered news bubble where we only read news that affirms our preconceptions.

The fact that you come here and are willing to engage with "the other side" puts you in the elite of information gathering humans. Which is a truly depressing thought.
There's overbearing western parents as well. I don't see the problem.

Whataboutery aside, it's a problem for the kids that get whisked off to less conscientious doctors or doctors that are of a similar background.

The parents wanted something, the kid said "no", they lost their shit. The kid got her way. Which is good. Where's the news here? Where's something to get upset about?

Asks the fella that lost his shit about a muslim woman not shaking hands.

It's also all alleged shit. Nothing has been tried in court. Who knows if any of this is true?

It is being tried in court.

This is why Daily Mail is such garbage. They keep printing this nonsense

Yes, the Daily Mail has a habit of reporting on uncomfortable subjects, muslim sex trafficking gangs for example.
There's a sinister over-arching narrative with honour killings. Which is what the Daily News is trying to capitalise on. But honour killings is still not normal in any part of the world. It's always an extreme outlier. It's also something specific for the mountainous "goat-herder" regions of extreme poverty of the nothern Middle-East, and into Pakistan and Afghanistan. It's not acceptable in most of the Middle-East. Which the Daily Mail would never bother to explain, because it takes the steam out of the story. There's no mention of where in Iran they're from. Iran is a happy mixture of a variety of cultures. Most of which don't do honour killings. So that would be interesting information?

Honor killings are a lot more common and widespread than you think.
There's a sinister over-arching narrative with honour killings. Which is what the Daily News is trying to capitalise on. But honour killings is still not normal in any part of the world. It's always an extreme outlier. It's also something specific for the mountainous "goat-herder" regions of extreme poverty of the nothern Middle-East, and into Pakistan and Afghanistan. It's not acceptable in most of the Middle-East. Which the Daily Mail would never bother to explain, because it takes the steam out of the story. There's no mention of where in Iran they're from. Iran is a happy mixture of a variety of cultures. Most of which don't do honour killings. So that would be interesting information?

Honor killings are a lot more common and widespread than you think.

I said nothing about how common they were.

Here's the whole list

From this list you'll notice that it only happens in the poorest regions of their countries.

So it's linked to poverty.The good news is that the world is quickly getting richer and these impoverished island are rapidly shrinking. It's a dying custom.

All these traditions of extreme methods of controlling women is strongly linked to a non-industrialised agrarian way of life. A way of life disappearing.

While a problem and something we should take seriously is still a dying cultural practice
Someone, no names mentioned, but you know who you are, claimed these savages become model citizens once they go to freeload on Western countries generous welfare systems!
As usual you're wrong again! Honour killings are happening right now in muzzie communities right under your nose.


Holy Shit. It's like people from foreign cultures take their culture wherever they go. Whoda thunk that?

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Someone, no names mentioned, but you know who you are, claimed these savages become model citizens once they go to freeload on Western countries generous welfare systems!
As usual you're wrong again! Honour killings are happening right now in muzzie communities right under your nose.


Holy Shit. It's like people from foreign cultures take their culture wherever they go. Whoda thunk that?

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

If I did, you'll have no problems quoting me where I do.
So you're now saying they are savages and even though they immigrate to European nations with naive governments, to sponge off the taxpayers of their host nation remain savages? But That's what Iv'e been saying all along!
So you're now saying they are savages and even though they immigrate to European nations with naive governments, to sponge off the taxpayers of their host nation remain savages? But That's what Iv'e been saying all along!

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that culture shifts slowly. The bigger the cultural leap, the longer time it takes. Iran is today a mix of modern high-tech urban culture and backward agrarian impoverished cultures as well as tribes who are kept intentionally backward and poor to make them easier to manage by the government.

The Iranian urbanites are pretty much western and who will experience little cultural clashes when moving to Europe. They tend to be well educated and are often liberal. I know many of them, since many of these fled to Sweden after Khomeini took power. These are almost all ethnically Persian.

The impoverished farmers, the backbone of the Iranian theocratic government, are the equivalent of Trump supporters. They are retarded and xenophobic. But we have little risk of getting them to Europe, because they are fed a diet of anti-western propaganda and hates us. These are mostly ethnically Persian.

The backward swamp and hill tribes. These are basically goat herders. Incredibly poor and backward actively oppressed by the government. These guys also often end up in Europe because they often engage in anti-government protests, and risk being murdered by their government. So qualify for refugee status. They are uneducated. Know nothing. Their religion is a weird mix of Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and animism. Extremely superstitus. These are the only people who engage in honour killings in Iran. These are not ethnically Persian

These guys are also actively shunned by expat Iranian-Persian groups. Because they're so fucking backward.

When these guys move to Europe they have no fucking clue. They don't have any skills useful to our economy. They probably never went to school at all, so we don't have the necessary tools with which to train them even if we tried. We're not doing these any favours by letting them stay. These guys will most likely live off welfare perpetually because the economic culture from where they live is simply too alien to the modern European way of life. It'll take several generations to integrate them.

This is the extreme short version. I got plenty of the details wrong. But this is roughly the make up of Iran. BTW, only about 60% of the Iranians are Persian. Iran is an extremely culturally diverse country.

- - - Updated - - -

Of course this will be ignored because of the source. But if one has an open mind, this makes interesting reading based on facts.


Meh... dumb. Overly simplistic IMHO.
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that culture shifts slowly. The bigger the cultural leap, the longer time it takes. Iran is today a mix of modern high-tech urban culture and backward agrarian impoverished cultures as well as tribes who are kept intentionally backward and poor to make them easier to manage by the government.

The Iranian urbanites are pretty much western and who will experience little cultural clashes when moving to Europe. They tend to be well educated and are often liberal. I know many of them, since many of these fled to Sweden after Khomeini took power. These are almost all ethnically Persian.

The impoverished farmers, the backbone of the Iranian theocratic government, are the equivalent of Trump supporters. They are retarded and xenophobic. But we have little risk of getting them to Europe, because they are fed a diet of anti-western propaganda and hates us. These are mostly ethnically Persian.

The backward swamp and hill tribes. These are basically goat herders. Incredibly poor and backward actively oppressed by the government. These guys also often end up in Europe because they often engage in anti-government protests, and risk being murdered by their government. So qualify for refugee status. They are uneducated. Know nothing. Their religion is a weird mix of Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and animism. Extremely superstitus. These are the only people who engage in honour killings in Iran. These are not ethnically Persian

These guys are also actively shunned by expat Iranian-Persian groups. Because they're so fucking backward.

When these guys move to Europe they have no fucking clue. They don't have any skills useful to our economy. They probably never went to school at all, so we don't have the necessary tools with which to train them even if we tried. We're not doing these any favours by letting them stay. These guys will most likely live off welfare perpetually because the economic culture from where they live is simply too alien to the modern European way of life. It'll take several generations to integrate them.

(Although few Iranians are in the migrant mix) Merkel and other leaders wag a condescending finger in the face of any oik that dares point this out. Christ, we were being told it was our future doctors, nurses, engineers that were swarming in !!
No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that culture shifts slowly. The bigger the cultural leap, the longer time it takes. Iran is today a mix of modern high-tech urban culture and backward agrarian impoverished cultures as well as tribes who are kept intentionally backward and poor to make them easier to manage by the government.

The Iranian urbanites are pretty much western and who will experience little cultural clashes when moving to Europe. They tend to be well educated and are often liberal. I know many of them, since many of these fled to Sweden after Khomeini took power. These are almost all ethnically Persian.

The impoverished farmers, the backbone of the Iranian theocratic government, are the equivalent of Trump supporters. They are retarded and xenophobic. But we have little risk of getting them to Europe, because they are fed a diet of anti-western propaganda and hates us. These are mostly ethnically Persian.

The backward swamp and hill tribes. These are basically goat herders. Incredibly poor and backward actively oppressed by the government. These guys also often end up in Europe because they often engage in anti-government protests, and risk being murdered by their government. So qualify for refugee status. They are uneducated. Know nothing. Their religion is a weird mix of Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and animism. Extremely superstitus. These are the only people who engage in honour killings in Iran. These are not ethnically Persian

These guys are also actively shunned by expat Iranian-Persian groups. Because they're so fucking backward.

When these guys move to Europe they have no fucking clue. They don't have any skills useful to our economy. They probably never went to school at all, so we don't have the necessary tools with which to train them even if we tried. We're not doing these any favours by letting them stay. These guys will most likely live off welfare perpetually because the economic culture from where they live is simply too alien to the modern European way of life. It'll take several generations to integrate them.

(Although few Iranians are in the migrant mix) Merkel and other leaders wag a condescending finger in the face of any oik that dares point this out. Christ, we were being told it was our future doctors, nurses, engineers that were swarming in !!

You still fail to understand the difference between refugees and economic migrants. That's your problem here. They're not same thing.

If they're refugees we're bound by the UNHCR convention to take them in. There's no getting out of it. So why debate it?
There's a sinister over-arching narrative with honour killings. Which is what the Daily News is trying to capitalise on. But honour killings is still not normal in any part of the world. It's always an extreme outlier. It's also something specific for the mountainous "goat-herder" regions of extreme poverty of the nothern Middle-East, and into Pakistan and Afghanistan. It's not acceptable in most of the Middle-East. Which the Daily Mail would never bother to explain, because it takes the steam out of the story. There's no mention of where in Iran they're from. Iran is a happy mixture of a variety of cultures. Most of which don't do honour killings. So that would be interesting information?

Honor killings are a lot more common and widespread than you think.

You sure can back that up with actual figures? It's a pretty worthless claim if you can't.
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