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Europe submits voluntarily

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Is that why Sweden is the rape capital of the Western world!

It's not. I've explained this to you several times, so you can't claim ignorance this time. So why do you keep making this claim?

It's also the reason many extreme right wing, anti immigration parties are doping so well in elections right across Europe. Some Eastern Eu countries have already seen the light and may well become

the forefront of a fightback against idiotic politicians such as Merkel and Macron.

Could it be the rise of fake news and click based advertising revenue for news sites? So a win for scaremongering sites. It's the same thing that put Trump in power in USA. And which led to Brexit, ie the Brits being fooled into thinking they're voting about immigration, while the election was about something else entirely.

Not to put too a fine point on it, but the same fake news sites which seem to have you fooled as well. Jihadwatch, for example. Your problem is that you believe lies to be the truth. Which makes discussing these kinds of things with you a challenge.
What is with Afghans and stabbing people all over Europe?
Messerstecher von Kandel zu acht Jahren und sechs Monaten Haft verurteilt

The Afghan murdered a 15 year old girl with a knife, and only got 8 years. That's because even though he lied about his age and may be as old as 20, he was tried as a juvenile.

Which means that he will get out aged 28 or younger, and, given how difficult it is to deport even criminal mass migrants from Germany, he may not even get deported when he gets out.
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One doesn't need to go far to find sources. They're starring you in the face if only you care to look.


In Sweden we have about 800 000 Muslims. 600 000 are non-practicing. Non-practicing Muslims don't really give a flying fuck about the contents of the Quran. They have what is called a "liberal faith". Based on their behaviour, infinitely liberal, malleable beyond any boundaries.

You keep repeating how they're going to take over... I just don't see it. Where's the evidence?

600.000 non practicing muzzies out of a total of 800.000 muzzies still leaves 200.000 very dangerous followers of the pedophilic " profit" who were taught to " strike the necks of the unbelievers." A friend who has just returned from a tour of Europe after an absence of ten years no longer reconises his place of birth Stockholm in Sweden. Malmo is an islamic country within a country. Very few people venture out there after dark. This is after just 10 years. Imagine it at the end of this century.

Most of the 200,000 aren't a problem, either. It's probably no more than a few thousand of that group that's problematic. Unfortunately, we do little to keep the problematic ones out.
600.000 non practicing muzzies out of a total of 800.000 muzzies still leaves 200.000 very dangerous followers of the pedophilic " profit" who were taught to " strike the necks of the unbelievers." A friend who has just returned from a tour of Europe after an absence of ten years no longer reconises his place of birth Stockholm in Sweden. Malmo is an islamic country within a country. Very few people venture out there after dark. This is after just 10 years. Imagine it at the end of this century.

Most of the 200,000 aren't a problem, either. It's probably no more than a few thousand of that group that's problematic. Unfortunately, we do little to keep the problematic ones out.

But it's not their religion that's problematic. The problem with Muslims in Sweden is that they tend to make up the least educated group in Sweden. Lack of education correlates to high crime rates. Why are they uneducated? They come from families who weren't educated.

Worth noting is that country of origin matters more than religion. We took in a lot of Iranian refugees. We have had zero problems with them.

We had a lot more trouble with Bosian refugees
What is with Afghans and stabbing people all over Europe?
Speaking of stab-happy Afghans, there is also one in Vienna.
Austria: Afghan suspect confesses to Vienna stabbing

Immer wieder Afghanen!

In the history of the world, has there ever been a political class - like that in Western Europe - which is so scornful to its indigenous population?

Possibly not.

In the history of the world there has certainly never been a political entity wherein the poorest members of society had such a high standard of living as exists in Western Europe today.

Possibly these two things are related.

Or were you seeking to imply that the absence of nationalistic narcissism is somehow a bad thing?

Pride in ones place of birth is a cognitive error. You didn't choose it; And the achievements that made it nice (if it is nice) were nothing to do with you, as they happened before you were born.

Being indigenous just implies a lack of initiative that goes back for generations. It's fully deserving of scorn.
Is that why Sweden is the rape capital of the Western world!

It's not. I've explained this to you several times, so you can't claim ignorance this time. So why do you keep making this claim?

It's also the reason many extreme right wing, anti immigration parties are doping so well in elections right across Europe. Some Eastern Eu countries have already seen the light and may well become

the forefront of a fightback against idiotic politicians such as Merkel and Macron.

Could it be the rise of fake news and click based advertising revenue for news sites? So a win for scaremongering sites. It's the same thing that put Trump in power in USA. And which led to Brexit, ie the Brits being fooled into thinking they're voting about immigration, while the election was about something else entirely.

Not to put too a fine point on it, but the same fake news sites which seem to have you fooled as well. Jihadwatch, for example. Your problem is that you believe lies to be the truth. Which makes discussing these kinds of things with you a challenge.

I take this to mean you do not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of the media in any form, unless you agree with what it has to say of course. The reality is this though..................................https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/09/...2-of-25-children-in-sons-daycare-speak-german
It's not. I've explained this to you several times, so you can't claim ignorance this time. So why do you keep making this claim?

Could it be the rise of fake news and click based advertising revenue for news sites? So a win for scaremongering sites. It's the same thing that put Trump in power in USA. And which led to Brexit, ie the Brits being fooled into thinking they're voting about immigration, while the election was about something else entirely.

Not to put too a fine point on it, but the same fake news sites which seem to have you fooled as well. Jihadwatch, for example. Your problem is that you believe lies to be the truth. Which makes discussing these kinds of things with you a challenge.

I take this to mean you do not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of the media in any form, unless you agree with what it has to say of course. The reality is this though..................................https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/09/...2-of-25-children-in-sons-daycare-speak-german

You're misunderstand freedom of speech. It doesn't mean that we have to gullibly swallow any lies we hear. We always have the right to read something and go "hmm.... not likely, is it".

I fully support Jihadwatch's rights to say whatever they want. But they are nothing but liars. Right now news sites are chasing clicks. And an extreme headline is best at getting clicked on. The content isn't as important as the headline. That's the world we live in now.

Jihadwatch has just figured out a formula with which to generate massive amounts of ad revenue for minimal effort. It's always cheaper to avoid doing research and just make shit up, than to hire proper journalists
It's not. I've explained this to you several times, so you can't claim ignorance this time. So why do you keep making this claim?

Could it be the rise of fake news and click based advertising revenue for news sites? So a win for scaremongering sites. It's the same thing that put Trump in power in USA. And which led to Brexit, ie the Brits being fooled into thinking they're voting about immigration, while the election was about something else entirely.

Not to put too a fine point on it, but the same fake news sites which seem to have you fooled as well. Jihadwatch, for example. Your problem is that you believe lies to be the truth. Which makes discussing these kinds of things with you a challenge.

I take this to mean you do not believe in freedom of speech or freedom of the media in any form, unless you agree with what it has to say of course. The reality is this though..................................https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/09/...2-of-25-children-in-sons-daycare-speak-german

You're misunderstand freedom of speech. It doesn't mean that we have to gullibly swallow any lies we hear. We always have the right to read something and go "hmm.... not likely, is it".

I fully support Jihadwatch's rights to say whatever they want. But they are nothing but liars. Right now news sites are chasing clicks. And an extreme headline is best at getting clicked on. The content isn't as important as the headline. That's the world we live in now.

Jihadwatch has just figured out a formula with which to generate massive amounts of ad revenue for minimal effort. It's always cheaper to avoid doing research and just make shit up, than to hire proper journalists

Could you please prove or give an example of any JihadWatch report of late or of anytime, which is just blatant misreporting, or a downright lie?
You're misunderstand freedom of speech. It doesn't mean that we have to gullibly swallow any lies we hear. We always have the right to read something and go "hmm.... not likely, is it".

I fully support Jihadwatch's rights to say whatever they want. But they are nothing but liars. Right now news sites are chasing clicks. And an extreme headline is best at getting clicked on. The content isn't as important as the headline. That's the world we live in now.

Jihadwatch has just figured out a formula with which to generate massive amounts of ad revenue for minimal effort. It's always cheaper to avoid doing research and just make shit up, than to hire proper journalists

Could you please prove or give an example of any JihadWatch report of late or of anytime, which is just blatant misreporting, or a downright lie?

Me and others have already done many times in this thread. Perhaps you forgot?

It's funny because Jihadwatch is one of the most notorious liars among the fake news sites. They're not even close to being believable.

trausti said:
In the history of the world, has there ever been a political class - like that in Western Europe - which is so scornful to its indigenous population?


Seventeen men and a woman have appeared in court charged with offences relating to the alleged sexual exploitation of children in Huddersfield.

- Gul Riaz, 42, of Balmoral Avenue, charged with one rape
– Fehreen Rafiq, 38, of Blackmoorfoot Road, charged with two counts of facilitating the commission of a child sex offence
– Mohammed Sajjad, 31, of Moorbottom Road, charged with four counts of rape and one count of facilitating the commission of a child sex offence
– Usman Ali, 32, of Park Drive, charged with two counts of rape
– Mohammed Suhail Arif, 30, of New Hey Road, charged with one rape

You're misunderstand freedom of speech. It doesn't mean that we have to gullibly swallow any lies we hear. We always have the right to read something and go "hmm.... not likely, is it".

I fully support Jihadwatch's rights to say whatever they want. But they are nothing but liars. Right now news sites are chasing clicks. And an extreme headline is best at getting clicked on. The content isn't as important as the headline. That's the world we live in now.

Jihadwatch has just figured out a formula with which to generate massive amounts of ad revenue for minimal effort. It's always cheaper to avoid doing research and just make shit up, than to hire proper journalists

Could you please prove or give an example of any JihadWatch report of late or of anytime, which is just blatant misreporting, or a downright lie?

Me and others have already done many times in this thread. Perhaps you forgot?

It's funny because Jihadwatch is one of the most notorious liars among the fake news sites. They're not even close to being believable.


Where does this dubious source prove JihadWatch posts fake news, or blatant lies? Who are these sources, or where are their credentials?
Meanwhile, Australia will most likely elect the party this hypocrite Tony Burke is a member of at the next election, and my the gods truly bless Australia!
Me and others have already done many times in this thread. Perhaps you forgot?

It's funny because Jihadwatch is one of the most notorious liars among the fake news sites. They're not even close to being believable.


Where does this dubious source prove JihadWatch posts fake news, or blatant lies? Who are these sources, or where are their credentials?

Why does the credentials matter? You can check all this for yourself. It's not like Jihadwatch does any journalistic digging themselves. They just take stories already available on the web and put a sensationalist and racist spin on it. You can always read the source. Jihadwatch always, conveniently, provides the source. I'm guessing they're counting on their readers being too lazy to click on it and find out what the original story actually says. Apart from putting the racist spin on it, they don't actually do any work. Their articles pretty much write themselves.

What is with Afghans and stabbing people all over Europe?
Messerstecher von Kandel zu acht Jahren und sechs Monaten Haft verurteilt

The Afghan murdered a 15 year old girl with a knife, and only got 8 years. That's because even though he lied about his age and may be as old as 20, he was tried as a juvenile.


That's because people as old as 20 are routinely tried as juveniles in Germany:

Auf Heranwachsende (18- bis 20-Jährige) sind zentrale Normen (aber nicht alle) des Jugendstrafrechts nach Maßgabe der §§ 105 ff. JGG anzuwenden. Hierbei wird insbesondere geprüft, ob der Heranwachsende von seinem Reifezustand zur Tatzeit im Hinblick auf die konkrete Tat noch einem Jugendlichen gleichzustellen war oder ob er jedenfalls eine jugendtypische Tat begangen hat. Hilfreich kann hierbei die Marburger Richtlinie sein. In der Praxis wird sehr häufig auch bei Heranwachsenden noch das Jugendstrafrecht angewendet. Dies gilt besonders bei schweren Straftaten, so dass beispielsweise in der Gruppe der wegen schwerer Gewaltdelikte verurteilten Heranwachsenden die Verurteilung nach Jugendstrafrecht die Normalität darstellt (über 90 Prozent). Die Anwendung von Jugendstrafrecht oder Erwachsenenstrafrecht auf Heranwachsende wird allerdings in den einzelnen Ländern unterschiedlich gehandhabt. -  de:Jugendstrafrecht_(Deutschland)
What is with Afghans and stabbing people all over Europe?
Speaking of stab-happy Afghans, there is also one in Vienna.
Austria: Afghan suspect confesses to Vienna stabbing

Immer wieder Afghanen!

So you dug up 3 (in words: three) articles about stabbings involving Afghans, spread over half a year (your most recent article is from fucking March)?

There were probably more shootings in your block alone in that time!
Turning a blind eye to the facts doesn't change the facts.

In Australia which has strong border controls [at least until the next general elections] comes news which should surprise no one. " People born in Sudan have the highest imprisonment rate in the country- almost quadruple the rate of Australian born prisoners, according to the latest Australian Bureau Statistics data. 1 percent of both South Sudan and Sudan account for crime in Victoria while they only represent 0.1% of the population."

Why is it proof of that? I looked it up. These men were acquitted due to lack of evidence. It seems pretty obvious that they did rape her. But it wasn't beyond reasonable doubt. So they went free. That's how a functioning justice system work. It's a re-occuring problem with rape cases. It's an unfixable problem.

But more pertinent to this thread... why did you post it here? White people gang rape to? It's not like we have an epidemic of immigrants committing rape. The only way to show that is to creatively juggle statistics. So... not sure what your point is.
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