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Europe submits voluntarily

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It's false choice hokum!!!

If one comes to America one must subscribe to US laws and be subject to them. There is no requirement that one can't maintain one's beliefs until one acts on them contrary to US law. I've met many a person who believe their girl children are inferior, subject them to lesser rights than their male children - persons who do this need not be muslim - but never openly act against them outside US law.

An example: My bride's mother was the oldest surviving child when he mother died. Her brother received awards from an Uncle in the US because the husband of bride's mother became head of household back in the day. The uncle went to his deathbed protesting his notion of injustice of the husband of his older sister being head of family. He punished bride for being the daughter of his older sister here in the states.

The article even features an add asking for support to keep pulling such shit out of it's propagandistic arse.
So has Europe submitted yet?

It's well on the way, given another decade or two, if Europeans keep electing left leaning governments. But looking at Hungary and other Eastern European nations, there's a small glimmer of hope it won't happen until well into 2100.


So... maybe... in twenty years... or eighty years... maybe...

Are you aware of how ridiculous and stupid you sound to other people?
So has Europe submitted yet?

It's a long-term, ongoing process. But, in a nut-shell, yes.
View attachment 25686

The exact same dumb argument (minus the cartoonish meme) was used to "prove" that the Roman Catholics would take over Protestant Northern Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

As we all know, the Church of England was reabsorbed by the Vatican shortly thereafter.

Oh, no, wait; I meant Catholics were persecuted in Britain for centuries on the basis of this plausible sounding nonsense.
The exact same dumb argument (minus the cartoonish meme) was used to "prove" that the Roman Catholics would take over Protestant Northern Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Catholicism != Islam. In the 16th century, there was not much difference between Catholicism and Protestantism. Not really.
But Islam is very incompatible with Western societies that they invade.

The mass migration into Europe by Muslims is still ongoing. For example, this article.
Catastrophic conditions greet refugees arriving on Lesbos
Now, teh Grauniad is pro-mass migration, so they are on the side of mass migrants, but look at some of the details they reveal.
Grauniad said:
While this remains politically unlikely, arrivals here continue to add pressure to worsening conditions in the camp. Since the beginning of the year over 1,300 people have arrived on the Aegean islands.
1300 fake "asylum seekers" in a couple of weeks is ridiculous. That corresponds to about 34k people just via the Aegean route.
Jalila and the others on her boat are a tiny part of a growing catastrophe here on Lesbos. Every day boats arrive, bringing more and more people, but with European borders shut there is no onward movement out of the dire conditions in the official camp, Moria. From 5,000 people living there last July, there are now 19,000 people, 40% of them under 12.
They keep arriving because Erdogan is not holding up his end of the bargain to stop these boats. EU must be a lot firmer with him and his nonsense. At the same time, EU must change their laws to deport people more effectively. Right now, as long as you get into EU, you get to stay for many years, and even if your asylum case is eventually (and after many appeals which likewise need to be restricted to one) rejected, deportations are few and far between. That of course encourages more and more Muslims to come to Europe, especially given the very generous benefits they can expect.
Especially large families.
Despite being in pain, heavily-pregnant Saber [from Afghanistan] did not receive any medical attention. Her family of eight was given a plastic two-man tent. “I can’t get into it because of my bump and I am in so much pain,” she says.
Did you get that? A family of eight means they already have six children, and she is pregnant again, so that means seven children soon. Why do you think a pregnant woman would seek to illegally migrate thousands of miles? It can't be safety, as that can be had much closer to home. It's the MONEY! The seven children these two Afghans have means that once they reach a country like GerMONEY, Au$tria or $weden, they will never have to work again, as they can get thousands of Euros each month for doing nothing (except maybe breed some more).
You don't believe me? Read it and weep!
Afghan couple who have nine children and receive £5,000 a month in benefits have asked for free IVF treatment after arriving in Austria (and the wife is 44)
Daily Mail said:
The story has sparked outrage in Austria after it was revealed that the family is being paid the equivalent of £4,470 a month in benefits.
For two adults and seven underage children, the family are paid £2,234, and for the two older children they receive a further £659.
The family gets a further £1,577 in family allowances, making up a total of £4,469 per month.

THIS is why so many Afghans are "fleeing" to Europe. Not Taliban. They don't want to stay in Greece either, but insist on reaching countries like Germany, Austria or Sweden where they can live on the easy street just for breeding prodigiously.
So... maybe... in twenty years... or eighty years... maybe...
What's wrong with worrying about threats that are decades away?
Should we also not worry about the sea level rise or the mean temperature in 2100 because it is in 80 years? After us the deluge?
So has Europe submitted yet?

It's a long-term, ongoing process. But, in a nut-shell, yes.
View attachment 25686

The exact same dumb argument (minus the cartoonish meme) was used to "prove" that the Roman Catholics would take over Protestant Northern Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

As we all know, the Church of England was reabsorbed by the Vatican shortly thereafter.

Oh, no, wait; I meant Catholics were persecuted in Britain for centuries on the basis of this plausible sounding nonsense.

I can only offer this as evidence that the future of Western Europe as a democratic freedom loving empire's days are numbered the name Mohammad is by far the most popular name of male births in the UK. No Protestant/Catholic family would name their male baby Mo.

British parents are finding baby name inspiration in everything from politics and the royals to climate change activists and pop culture, a new report has found.

According to parenting website BabyCentre, which analysed the most-popular baby names of 2019 so far through parent registrations on the site, there are various trends influencing parents’ choices.

However, despite a resurgence of 80s names as well as some celebrity influence, both of last year’s most-popular names have remained in their respective places, with Olivia leading the way for girls and Muhammed the most-popular choice for boys.

Teh Gruaniad said:
The first thing Daniel Georén registered was a cacophony of car alarms. It was 2am, and everyone in the attractive cobbled street where he lives in Malmö, Sweden, had been jolted awake by a giant explosion. “The blinds shot up because of the pressure, and straightaway there was a small crowd of neighbours outside,” the 40-year-old wine merchant told the Observer a week after the blast. The damage was still there to see: the door to his backyard had been blown off, his downstairs windows shattered, and his Volvo written off. Where the bomb had been planted in front of the house next door, there was a chunk of wall missing. You might expect such a powerful explosion to be unusual in a middle-class district in otherwise safe, well-organised Sweden. But this bombing in November was one of three in the city in the space of 24 hours. According to data released this month by the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, there were 257 crimes involving explosives in the country last year, a 60% rise on 2018. Gangland shootings are also shockingly high, with 320 reported last year, 41 of them fatal. As recently as Tuesday, there were twin explosions in two apartment buildings in a Stockholm suburb. The last blast in Malmö was on 10 January.

Bombs and blood feuds: the wave of explosions rocking Sweden’s cities

Diversity !
Interesting link. I don't see anything linking these bombings to immigrants. As a matter of fact, it sounds like native organized crime gangs warring with each other.
Sweden is well on the way to becoming the Greece of northern Europe with a burgeoning welfare budget that's far outstripping it's ability to fund, because of it's huge influx of welfare cheats from mainly Islamic countries.
More diversity in London;

'Knife-obsessed' Sudesh Amman, 20, went on a rampage in south London, stabbing a man in his 40s in the stomach and a female cyclist in her 50s in the back, though both survived. It has now been revealed that Amman, from Harrow, was jailed for three years and four months in December 2018 after he pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing terrorist documents.


It seems there is a bit more to multiculturalism than meets the eye.
More diversity in London;

'Knife-obsessed' Sudesh Amman, 20, went on a rampage in south London, stabbing a man in his 40s in the stomach and a female cyclist in her 50s in the back, though both survived. It has now been revealed that Amman, from Harrow, was jailed for three years and four months in December 2018 after he pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing terrorist documents.


It seems there is a bit more to multiculturalism than meets the eye.

Thread here: https://talkfreethought.org/showthr...d-in-London-terror-attack&p=760782#post760782
Sweden is well on the way to becoming the Greece of northern Europe with a burgeoning welfare budget that's far outstripping it's ability to fund, because of it's huge influx of welfare cheats from mainly Islamic countries.

Well, some of those Afghan mass migrants are quite the entrepreneurs.

Underage Afghani refugees turning to prostitution in Sweden: Report

But as long as Swedish feminists are cracking down on those hiring adult, female prostitutes all is well, right? :rolleyes:
Europe has already submitted but is afraid to say so.


On Friday November 29, 2019, an Islamist terror attack took place in London. Two young people, both recent Cambridge University graduates, Jack Merritt (25) and Saskia Jones (23), were stabbed and killed by a single attacker. It was a terrible and unnecessary loss of life.

The special irony about Jack and Saskia's deaths is that they (and a colleague) had been involved with Cambridge University's Learning Together prison-rehabilitation program, similar to the US version known as Inside-Out, both of which bring prison inmates together with students to learn together. The British programme is run by Cambridge University's Institute of Criminology, from which both Merritt and Jones had received M.Phils in criminology.

On that Friday, the fifth anniversary of the program, they were attending a conference on offender rehabilitation. The event, dedicated to work on reintegrating prisoners after their release, took place in the stately Fishmongers' Hall at the north end of London Bridge. It was attended by a mix of academics, students, graduates and former prisoners, some with tags.

Just after lunch, at 12.58 p.m., the conference erupted into chaos when one of the participants threatened to blow it up. A man, later identified as Usman Khan, revealed that he was wearing what appeared to be a suicide vest. It is not clear what he planned to do, given that the vest was a fake and could not have served in any attack. However, he did have two knives taped to his wrists. When he left the Hall and went down to the bridge, it was indeed with these weapons that he killed Merritt and Jones and injured several others, some badly.

Remarkably, instead of running for their lives, many of the conference participants, including some prisoners, tackled Khan. One was a convicted murderer on day release. Two of these heroes were Merritt and Jones, who paid for their bravery with their own lives.

That Khan was there at all almost beggars belief. He was out on licence from prison, where he had served just half of a 16-year prison sentence for engaging with others in plans for what could have led to a major terrorist atrocity. He was at the conference because it was believed he was working towards his own deradicalization. Quite obviously, he had not been deradicalized.
Isn't a partial agenda of having poorly assimilated new people in significant numbers arrive be sonething that noth of you might not have thought of?

If Sweden for example becomes 40% non "swedish" for voters (some here here will ask "what is a Swede, anyway?" but would not for Chinese etc...) Swexit will be an impossibility. That is a great benefit to TPTB.
Isn't a partial agenda of having poorly assimilated new people in significant numbers arrive be sonething that noth of you might not have thought of?

If Sweden for example becomes 40% non "swedish" for voters (some here here will ask "what is a Swede, anyway?" but would not for Chinese etc...) Swexit will be an impossibility. That is a great benefit to TPTB.

Seems the British people saw this and acted accordingly in voting for Brexit, twice!
Isn't a partial agenda of having poorly assimilated new people in significant numbers arrive be sonething that noth of you might not have thought of?

If Sweden for example becomes 40% non "swedish" for voters (some here here will ask "what is a Swede, anyway?" but would not for Chinese etc...) Swexit will be an impossibility. That is a great benefit to TPTB.

Seems the British people saw this and acted accordingly in voting for Brexit, twice!
What do you mean "twice"? If you're referring to the last election, both parties were for Brexit so that wasn't really a referendum on it.
Isn't a partial agenda of having poorly assimilated new people in significant numbers arrive be sonething that noth of you might not have thought of?

If Sweden for example becomes 40% non "swedish" for voters (some here here will ask "what is a Swede, anyway?" but would not for Chinese etc...) Swexit will be an impossibility. That is a great benefit to TPTB.

Seems the British people saw this and acted accordingly in voting for Brexit, twice!
What do you mean "twice"? If you're referring to the last election, both parties were for Brexit so that wasn't really a referendum on it.

And the British people didn't vote for it in 2016. The English did, but the Scots voted to remain by a very large margin.

The Scots have since gone on to vote overwhelmingly for the SNP at the most recent general election, so you could just as well say that they voted to remain in the EU twice, and to leave the UK (probably in part because they are sick of ignorant twats who keep referring to 'the British people' when they mean 'the English people').

It's difficult to split out the demographics, but it's very likely that the majority of Welsh voters of Welsh ancestry voted to Remain too - with English people resident in Wales outvoting them.
Isn't a partial agenda of having poorly assimilated new people in significant numbers arrive be sonething that noth of you might not have thought of?

If Sweden for example becomes 40% non "swedish" for voters (some here here will ask "what is a Swede, anyway?" but would not for Chinese etc...) Swexit will be an impossibility. That is a great benefit to TPTB.

Seems the British people saw this and acted accordingly in voting for Brexit, twice!
What do you mean "twice"? If you're referring to the last election, both parties were for Brexit so that wasn't really a referendum on it.

Boris election platform was to get Brexit done, which he did. That's besides the fact that the alternative to the Conservatives was too horrible to contemplate!
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