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Europe submits voluntarily

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Is that supposed to be alarming, or even newsworthy?

Germany contains racists - shock!
Germany contains minorities who exercise their right to demonstrate - ZOMG!

That video is nothing more or less than a waste of one minute and nine seconds from the life of anyone who watches it - it contains no information that anyone should find surprising.

Wow, immigrants or their descendants taking part in a procession during one of their faith's highest holidays, in a region where their faith only arrived relatively recently. Outrageous. Almost as bad as Polish Americans doing a Palm Sunday procession in upstate NY, which used to be Protestant.

The fact that you find that scary, or even newsworthy, says way more about you than about Muslims in Germany.

Wow, immigrants or their descendants taking part in a procession during one of their faith's highest holidays, in a region where their faith only arrived relatively recently. Outrageous. Almost as bad as Polish Americans doing a Palm Sunday procession in upstate NY, which used to be Protestant.

The fact that you find that scary, or even newsworthy, says way more about you than about Muslims in Germany.

Id rather see the Muslims. The Polish one is far too boring
Will they learn the hard way? I think by that time the horse will have well and truly bolted.


You really are a straight down the extreme right side kind of fellow aren't you? Your link is to an electronc right wing rag unfit for the wrapping of fish bones. I will warn you once again...quit gulping down the kool aide. It isn't good for you.

This is a magazine by the former left wing now quite right wing David Horowitz.
Will they learn the hard way? I think by that time the horse will have well and truly bolted.


You really are a straight down the extreme right side kind of fellow aren't you? Your link is to an electronc right wing rag unfit for the wrapping of fish bones. I will warn you once again...quit gulping down the kool aide. It isn't good for you.
I should only quote from leftard rags like The Guardian?
With its mind boggling generosity, Europe has already committed cultural suicide and is past the point of no return.

Have you looked into treatments?

Repeating paranoid statements again and again with slightly different words does not make them any less irrational.

This is paranoid nonsense. Nobody should be frightened by this spectre.

I happen to agree with the sentiment of Barbara L. Spectre. But I don't think what you think she's saying means what you think she means. White privilege is about an unhelpful attitude. For example it's about the fact that Asians and Africans can sing along our music hits, know our films, know our cultural expressions, and know, sort of, how our societies work, and we don't know how their work, and don't care about their culture. It's unhelpful for several reasons. But the most serious will be that we risk making Europe and USA irrelevant, in a future where median incomes, between nations will be, more or less, equal all across the globe. It will happen. It's just a matter of time. We simply have to give more of a shit about other cultures. We can't afford to be as ethnocentric as we're used to. Since the 17'th century we've been given an edge because the industrial revolution happened in this part of the world. I don't know if you've noticed, but that edge is eroding. We have to stop pretending like we're superior in every way. We're superior in some ways. Inferior in others. Just like every other culture and society. Society and culture evolves as well.

The economist Richard Florida has managed to show how the degree of cultural openness and liberalism is directly linked to economic progress. More gives more. This is what is at stake here. We have to transform Europe to stay relevant in the future. Ethnocentric Islamic culture is also doomed to die for the same reason. But the good news is that we need to do nothing. It'll destroy itself in time. As any reactionary society always does.
This is paranoid nonsense. Nobody should be frightened by this spectre.

I happen to agree with the sentiment of Barbara L. Spectre. But I don't think what you think she's saying means what you think she means. White privilege is about an unhelpful attitude. For example it's about the fact that Asians and Africans can sing along our music hits, know our films, know our cultural expressions, and know, sort of, how our societies work, and we don't know how their work, and don't care about their culture. It's unhelpful for several reasons. But the most serious will be that we risk making Europe and USA irrelevant, in a future where median incomes, between nations will be, more or less, equal all across the globe. It will happen. It's just a matter of time. We simply have to give more of a shit about other cultures. We can't afford to be as ethnocentric as we're used to. Since the 17'th century we've been given an edge because the industrial revolution happened in this part of the world. I don't know if you've noticed, but that edge is eroding. We have to stop pretending like we're superior in every way. We're superior in some ways. Inferior in others. Just like every other culture and society. Society and culture evolves as well.

The economist Richard Florida has managed to show how the degree of cultural openness and liberalism is directly linked to economic progress. More gives more. This is what is at stake here. We have to transform Europe to stay relevant in the future. Ethnocentric Islamic culture is also doomed to die for the same reason. But the good news is that we need to do nothing. It'll destroy itself in time. As any reactionary society always does.

You're quite right about the West being amazingly self-centered. One of the things that amazed me most when I was traveling in Morocco sometime around 2000 was the selection of currently playing films in the cinema of one small town I was staying: A hollywood blockbuster, a Hong-Kong film, a French/Algerian arthouse production, an Egyptian romantic movie, and if I remember correctly a Bollywood production.

You don't see non-Western movies in Western small town cinemas.
With its mind boggling generosity, Europe has already committed cultural suicide and is past the point of no return.

Have you looked into treatments?

Repeating paranoid statements again and again with slightly different words does not make them any less irrational.

While some who oppose unrestricted immigration may be racist, bigoted or anti Christian or whatever, we must forget that we are putting our security at risk.

British MI5 has issued one warning. While it is common knowledge ISIS wishes to plan mass attacks all over Europe, the concern now is are there sufficient resources to do this.
9/11 strategy involved careful planning and the seizing of resources.


Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned.
Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.
He also publicly admitted for the first time that MI5 had to carry out computer hacking attacks against terror networks to crack their communications.

Delivering the Lord Mayor of London’s annual defence and security lecture, he said the current level of threat was the highest he had seen in a career spanning 32-years. In the past 12 months his agency has thwarted six terror plots in the UK and another seven abroad.

Mr Parker said four fifths of the 4,000-strong agency’s resources were directed at stopping terrorist attacks, with an increasing proportion of them linked to Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil sophisticated exploitation of technology.”


He went on: “We have thwarted six attempts at terrorist attacks in the UK in the last year, and several plots overseas.
“It may not yet have reached the high water mark, and despite the successes we have had, we can never be confident of stopping everything. The death of 31 British nationals in the Sousse attacks in June was an appalling reminder of the threat.”
The scale of the threat meant MI5 had to update its “toolbox” of methods to fight terrorists, including using computer attacks.

So maybe one day once a few attacks have taken place and we elect an inert government which is not paralysed with ineptitude we may even keep those without ID in detention centres until their ID is established. That would be a start.

Another start would be for Turkey to actually stop letting Britons into Syria through its checkpoints. However that is not likley to happen soon
Then who join ISIS, it should be a one way ticket.
I happen to agree with the sentiment of Barbara L. Spectre. But I don't think what you think she's saying means what you think she means. White privilege is about an unhelpful attitude. For example it's about the fact that Asians and Africans can sing along our music hits, know our films, know our cultural expressions, and know, sort of, how our societies work, and we don't know how their work, and don't care about their culture. It's unhelpful for several reasons. But the most serious will be that we risk making Europe and USA irrelevant, in a future where median incomes, between nations will be, more or less, equal all across the globe. It will happen. It's just a matter of time. We simply have to give more of a shit about other cultures. We can't afford to be as ethnocentric as we're used to. Since the 17'th century we've been given an edge because the industrial revolution happened in this part of the world. I don't know if you've noticed, but that edge is eroding. We have to stop pretending like we're superior in every way. We're superior in some ways. Inferior in others. Just like every other culture and society. Society and culture evolves as well.

The economist Richard Florida has managed to show how the degree of cultural openness and liberalism is directly linked to economic progress. More gives more. This is what is at stake here. We have to transform Europe to stay relevant in the future. Ethnocentric Islamic culture is also doomed to die for the same reason. But the good news is that we need to do nothing. It'll destroy itself in time. As any reactionary society always does.

You're quite right about the West being amazingly self-centered. One of the things that amazed me most when I was traveling in Morocco sometime around 2000 was the selection of currently playing films in the cinema of one small town I was staying: A hollywood blockbuster, a Hong-Kong film, a French/Algerian arthouse production, an Egyptian romantic movie, and if I remember correctly a Bollywood production.

You don't see non-Western movies in Western small town cinemas.
Does that mean the Moroccans are self centred if they watch Arab (Egyptian an Algerian) movies?
There are plenty of Bollywood cinemas in London.
You're quite right about the West being amazingly self-centered. One of the things that amazed me most when I was traveling in Morocco sometime around 2000 was the selection of currently playing films in the cinema of one small town I was staying: A hollywood blockbuster, a Hong-Kong film, a French/Algerian arthouse production, an Egyptian romantic movie, and if I remember correctly a Bollywood production.

You don't see non-Western movies in Western small town cinemas.
Does that mean the Moroccans are self centred if they watch Arab (Egyptian an Algerian) movies?
There are plenty of Bollywood cinemas in London.

I assume there are Bollywood cinemas in London. That doesn't hurt my point though. I'm not talking about one of hundreds of cinemas in a large city, which has decided to target a specific niche in order to avoid competition. I'm talking about the only cinema in a small town, targeting the general audience of cinema goers from the town and nearby villages.

You'd have a point if you could show that your average cinema in rural Dorset shows 70% non-Western movies.
Have you looked into treatments?

Repeating paranoid statements again and again with slightly different words does not make them any less irrational.

While some who oppose unrestricted immigration may be racist, bigoted or anti Christian or whatever, we must forget that we are putting our security at risk.

British MI5 has issued one warning. While it is common knowledge ISIS wishes to plan mass attacks all over Europe, the concern now is are there sufficient resources to do this.
9/11 strategy involved careful planning and the seizing of resources.


Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned.
Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.
He also publicly admitted for the first time that MI5 had to carry out computer hacking attacks against terror networks to crack their communications.

Delivering the Lord Mayor of London’s annual defence and security lecture, he said the current level of threat was the highest he had seen in a career spanning 32-years. In the past 12 months his agency has thwarted six terror plots in the UK and another seven abroad.

Mr Parker said four fifths of the 4,000-strong agency’s resources were directed at stopping terrorist attacks, with an increasing proportion of them linked to Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil sophisticated exploitation of technology.”


He went on: “We have thwarted six attempts at terrorist attacks in the UK in the last year, and several plots overseas.
“It may not yet have reached the high water mark, and despite the successes we have had, we can never be confident of stopping everything. The death of 31 British nationals in the Sousse attacks in June was an appalling reminder of the threat.”
The scale of the threat meant MI5 had to update its “toolbox” of methods to fight terrorists, including using computer attacks.

So maybe one day once a few attacks have taken place and we elect an inert government which is not paralysed with ineptitude we may even keep those without ID in detention centres until their ID is established. That would be a start.

Another start would be for Turkey to actually stop letting Britons into Syria through its checkpoints. However that is not likley to happen soon
Then who join ISIS, it should be a one way ticket.

What does any of this have to do with the fact that people who get all chicken when they see the equivalent of a Palm Sunday procession need to get treatment?
Does that mean the Moroccans are self centred if they watch Arab (Egyptian an Algerian) movies?
There are plenty of Bollywood cinemas in London.

I assume there are Bollywood cinemas in London. That doesn't hurt my point though. I'm not talking about one of hundreds of cinemas in a large city, which has decided to target a specific niche in order to avoid competition. I'm talking about the only cinema in a small town, targeting the general audience of cinema goers from the town and nearby villages.

You'd have a point if you could show that your average cinema in rural Dorset shows 70% non-Western movies.

Since there are less Asians in Dorset there will be less demand for this. If you go to India most cinemas are showing Indian films with very few Western ones.

- - - Updated - - -

While some who oppose unrestricted immigration may be racist, bigoted or anti Christian or whatever, we must forget that we are putting our security at risk.

British MI5 has issued one warning. While it is common knowledge ISIS wishes to plan mass attacks all over Europe, the concern now is are there sufficient resources to do this.
9/11 strategy involved careful planning and the seizing of resources.


Islamic State terrorists are planning mass casualty attacks in Britain the head of MI5 has warned.
Andrew Parker, director general of the security agency, said threats from homegrown jihadis who want to fight for the militant movement showed no sign of abating.
He also publicly admitted for the first time that MI5 had to carry out computer hacking attacks against terror networks to crack their communications.

Delivering the Lord Mayor of London’s annual defence and security lecture, he said the current level of threat was the highest he had seen in a career spanning 32-years. In the past 12 months his agency has thwarted six terror plots in the UK and another seven abroad.

Mr Parker said four fifths of the 4,000-strong agency’s resources were directed at stopping terrorist attacks, with an increasing proportion of them linked to Syria and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil sophisticated exploitation of technology.”


He went on: “We have thwarted six attempts at terrorist attacks in the UK in the last year, and several plots overseas.
“It may not yet have reached the high water mark, and despite the successes we have had, we can never be confident of stopping everything. The death of 31 British nationals in the Sousse attacks in June was an appalling reminder of the threat.”
The scale of the threat meant MI5 had to update its “toolbox” of methods to fight terrorists, including using computer attacks.

So maybe one day once a few attacks have taken place and we elect an inert government which is not paralysed with ineptitude we may even keep those without ID in detention centres until their ID is established. That would be a start.

Another start would be for Turkey to actually stop letting Britons into Syria through its checkpoints. However that is not likley to happen soon
Then who join ISIS, it should be a one way ticket.

What does any of this have to do with the fact that people who get all chicken when they see the equivalent of a Palm Sunday procession need to get treatment?

There's nothing wrong with diversity but that does not mean we simply abandon security measures
I assume there are Bollywood cinemas in London. That doesn't hurt my point though. I'm not talking about one of hundreds of cinemas in a large city, which has decided to target a specific niche in order to avoid competition. I'm talking about the only cinema in a small town, targeting the general audience of cinema goers from the town and nearby villages.

You'd have a point if you could show that your average cinema in rural Dorset shows 70% non-Western movies.

Since there are less Asians in Dorset there will be less demand for this. If you go to India most cinemas are showing Indian films with very few Western ones.

So the only ones in England watching Asian movies are Asians.

Thanks for proving my point.
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