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Europe submits voluntarily

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The Neanderthal are usually classified as a different species, yet they could interbreed with homo sapiens. Besides, you are begging the question by assuming that ability to interbreed denotes the same species.
That's not begging the question; it is informing you that your comments are incorrect, unless you are using a non-standard definition of the word 'species'. It seems from the context of your statements that you are indeed using a definition other than the most common one - so it is up to you to provide that definition.
Even if it did for lower life forms, such a convenient globalist definition should not apply to humans, who must not be classified under the same rules that animals are, any more than animals should be classified with plants.

'Must not'? Fuck that. Who's gonna stop me? If you think humans are so different as to deserve their own Kingdom, then you have to show a good reason why. If you expect anybody to simply accept your dogmatic instruction that they 'must not', then you are going to live in a permanent state of deep disappointment.
New South Wales?
Operation Menu was the codename of a covert United States Strategic Air Command (SAC) bombing campaign conducted in eastern Cambodia and Laos from 18 March 1969 until 26 May 1970

Operation Freedom Deal was a U.S. Seventh Air Force interdiction and close air support campaign waged in Cambodia (later, the Khmer Republic) between 19 May 1970 and 15 August 1973

During 1973 Freedom Deal aircraft dropped 250,000 tons of bombs (primarily high explosive), topping the 180,000 tons dropped on Japan during the Second World War.

U.S. bombing of Cambodia extended over the entire eastern one-half of the country and was especially intense in the heavily-populated southeastern one-quarter of the country, including a wide ring surrounding the largest city of Phnom Penh. In large areas, according to maps of U.S. bombing sites, it appears that nearly every square mile of land was hit by bombs.



Why somebody so ignorant of history is such a fucking blabber mouth always amazes me.

What the US did in Cambodia was genocide. A huge war crime. To excuse it is to show oneself to have no ability to make moral judgements.

And the end result was Pol Pot and his madness and genocide. He never could have taken power without the help of the US blowing the place up first.

Don't forget the French. They hastily packed up their stuff and left quickly creating a power vacuum and gigantic mess in it's wake. If we're to evaluate the relative degrees of evil, the Americans weren't half as bad as the French. Albeit pretty fucking bad.

The French got out of the way of people wanting independence. The US took their place and since it couldn't stop them it just blew the place up and left.

The French didn't blow the place up, especially Cambodia, that was the US, mainly Kissinger and Nixon.

Do you history much? They did not. They left most reluctantly. They had to be kicked out from everywhere. Of all colonial rulers France ranks second place after Belgium, in being the mostest evil. Simply based on the degrees of mess they left behind. Great Britain at least made an effort to educate people so there would be an educated elite to run things. France did no such thing.

There's an absolutely bizarre place a bit south of Kampot in Cambodia. Luxury houses, side by side in the shitest most run down area. Some houses built in the 70'ies. Really cool and stylish. When I entered one of them I was met by a chained up goat standing in the middle of a ball room. Wooden floor. Some farmers camp in one end of the ball room. Bizarre, in every way. Not that it has any bearing on this discussion. Just a memory flashback of Combodias fucked-upness.
Those who live in Southeast Asia's jungle states are an inferior human species in relation to the Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese. Despite academic dogma, there is more than one human species. The most unfit still survive in literally No Man's Land. The academics engage in a lifetime escape from reality, so they should be ignored and logical conclusions should be arrived at independently of the ruling class's assigned sages.

The true homo sapiens nations should stop fighting among themselves and unite to partition and re-colonize the Third World. We must seize all the resources the genetically defective nations were incapable of ever developing on our own. Intellectual property rights based on the natural law, "Use It or Lose It." Self-determination for simian herds jealously determined to destroy us was a faddish decadent illusion. The race traitors in the ruling class have forfeited their self-appointed dominance over us.

I'm assuming the "the true homo sapiens nations" refers to the people of Eastern Turkey, Iraq, and Syria, and to a lesser extent to Central American natives, who gave this world agriculture, writing, and in the former case metallurgy, while the "genetically defective nations" of Europe and elsewhere where still picking up wild nuts, "incapable of ever developing" anything that would really differentiate us from other omnivorous apes?
Well, dueling something anyway. :D


The guy on the left is the result of crossing a Dutchman with an Indonesian woman. The kid is proof that those people's hybrid offspring is fertile. This demonstrates that those who live in Southeast Asia's jungle states are actually members of the same species as those of us in the "true homo sapiens nations". :cool:
The Neanderthal are usually classified as a different species, yet they could interbreed with homo sapiens.
The convention of calling Neanderthals a different species arose before anybody knew they could interbreed with Cro Magnons, and persists by inertia. Interbreeding was only demonstrated in 2010. It typically takes longer than that for scientists to change their ways, same as regular folks. By normal biological naming criteria, Neanderthals were a human subspecies.

(Also, interbreeding in the wild and producing fertile offspring is not an all-or-nothing matter. All species start out as subspecies; as they gradually drift apart, the probability of interbreeding and the probability of the offspring being fertile gradually decline. So it's entirely possible that 98% of Neanderthal/Cro Magnon crosses were infertile and the observation of Neanderthal genes in modern humans merely reflects our descent from the exceptional 2%. If and when that turns out to be the case, nobody will bat an eye at classifying them as a separate species; but we don't currently have reason to think that's what happened. This is a very hard thing to determine, for obvious reasons. Let us all remain open-minded on this point.

So by all means, feel free to supply evidence that Indonesian/Dutch hybrids are usually infertile and Wolfgang is a freak of nature. :pigsfly: )

Besides, you are begging the question by assuming that ability to interbreed denotes the same species. Even if it did for lower life forms, such a convenient globalist definition should not apply to humans, who must not be classified under the same rules that animals are, any more than animals should be classified with plants.
Classification rules for animals are different from those for plants because (a) botanists and zoologists are culturally different groups of people with little influence on each other, and (b) animals don't reproduce by cuttings. That anthropologists are culturally different from zoologists isn't a good reason to use a different species definition.

So by all means, feel free to supply evidence that humans can reproduce by cuttings. :pigsfly:
So by all means, feel free to supply evidence that Indonesian/Dutch hybrids are usually infertile and Wolfgang is a freak of nature. :pigsfly: )

There's a persistent rumor in my family that we're actually Indo (the term for people of mixed Indonesian/Dutch descent) on my fathers side. I'd be at least 3rd generation, but more likely 4th or 5th (we don't have an exact family tree alas). There's a few physical traits that seem indicative of it with my father and sister, and supposedly even moreso with my grandfather. Still, it can be almost impossible to determine just by looks alone.

Official government estimates put the number of people in the Netherlands with mixed Dutch/Indonesian genes at between 1.5 and 2 million people; that would make them about 11-12% of the population. That's a substantially higher number than originally migrated from the former Dutch Indies. Somehow I suspect that fertility is not an issue.
So by all means, feel free to supply evidence that Indonesian/Dutch hybrids are usually infertile and Wolfgang is a freak of nature. :pigsfly: )

There's a persistent rumor in my family that we're actually Indo (the term for people of mixed Indonesian/Dutch descent) on my fathers side. I'd be at least 3rd generation, but more likely 4th or 5th (we don't have an exact family tree alas). There's a few physical traits that seem indicative of it with my father and sister, and supposedly even moreso with my grandfather. Still, it can be almost impossible to determine just by looks alone.

Official government estimates put the number of people in the Netherlands with mixed Dutch/Indonesian genes at between 1.5 and 2 million people; that would make them about 11-12% of the population. That's a substantially higher number than originally migrated from the former Dutch Indies. Somehow I suspect that fertility is not an issue.

I think most of us have a bit of something else in our mix. My mix is Russian, Scottish and Portuguese. I blend in well with Arabs (perhaps some ancestry) and work with them. The Wife is from the Philippines but possibly some Chinese ancestry.
Big Brotherhood Is Watching You!

The Neanderthal are usually classified as a different species, yet they could interbreed with homo sapiens. Besides, you are begging the question by assuming that ability to interbreed denotes the same species. Even if it did for lower life forms, such a convenient globalist definition should not apply to humans, who must not be classified under the same rules that animals are, any more than animals should be classified with plants.

All existing humans today are homo sapiens.
See http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33226416

Dogma agreed upon by escapist nerd misfits sheltered by snobbish universities shouldn't be respected.
AUSTRALIAN: Crocodile Dundee //// LOSTRALIAN: Crock of Dung Tea

That's not begging the question; it is informing you that your comments are incorrect, unless you are using a non-standard definition of the word 'species'. It seems from the context of your statements that you are indeed using a definition other than the most common one - so it is up to you to provide that definition.
Even if it did for lower life forms, such a convenient globalist definition should not apply to humans, who must not be classified under the same rules that animals are, any more than animals should be classified with plants.

'Must not'? Fuck that. Who's gonna stop me? If you think humans are so different as to deserve their own Kingdom, then you have to show a good reason why. If you expect anybody to simply accept your dogmatic instruction that they 'must not', then you are going to live in a permanent state of deep disappointment.
New South Wales?

New Age multicultie Australian says, "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife!" and pulls out a plastic one from McDonald's.
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

The Neanderthal are usually classified as a different species, yet they could interbreed with homo sapiens.
The convention of calling Neanderthals a different species arose before anybody knew they could interbreed with Cro Magnons, and persists by inertia. Interbreeding was only demonstrated in 2010. It typically takes longer than that for scientists to change their ways, same as regular folks. By normal biological naming criteria, Neanderthals were a human subspecies.

(Also, interbreeding in the wild and producing fertile offspring is not an all-or-nothing matter. All species start out as subspecies; as they gradually drift apart, the probability of interbreeding and the probability of the offspring being fertile gradually decline. So it's entirely possible that 98% of Neanderthal/Cro Magnon crosses were infertile and the observation of Neanderthal genes in modern humans merely reflects our descent from the exceptional 2%. If and when that turns out to be the case, nobody will bat an eye at classifying them as a separate species; but we don't currently have reason to think that's what happened. This is a very hard thing to determine, for obvious reasons. Let us all remain open-minded on this point.

So by all means, feel free to supply evidence that Indonesian/Dutch hybrids are usually infertile and Wolfgang is a freak of nature. :pigsfly: )

Besides, you are begging the question by assuming that ability to interbreed denotes the same species. Even if it did for lower life forms, such a convenient globalist definition should not apply to humans, who must not be classified under the same rules that animals are, any more than animals should be classified with plants.
Classification rules for animals are different from those for plants because (a) botanists and zoologists are culturally different groups of people with little influence on each other, and (b) animals don't reproduce by cuttings. That anthropologists are culturally different from zoologists isn't a good reason to use a different species definition.

You're pushing the self-satisfying opinions of degenerate scientists, who naturally have sympathy for the primitive unevolved races that threaten us as much as the unfit primate species did. Rather than being stuck on mind-numbing authoritarianism, I don't even believe the useless escapist nerd misfits are discussing something important, such as, "Do unfit species die out on their own or are they exterminated by the evolved species they have to kill and rob in order to keep from going extinct?" Since academics are passive themselves and afraid to interact with people outside their campus caves , they have a bias on how Neanderthals died out.
All existing humans today are homo sapiens.
See http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-33226416

Dogma agreed upon by escapist nerd misfits sheltered by snobbish universities shouldn't be respected.

Yeah, that's always been my stand. Anyone who disagrees with me or who I disagree with is an ignorant fucktard.:rolleyes:

But then, since I find nothing in your other statements that I agree with, there is no reason to respect your rants.
The invasion continues;

About 200 violent migrants supported by British anarchists launched a 'massive invasion' of the Channel Tunnel yesterday in a desperate bid to get to the UK.


I love the reference to anarchists. How early 20th Century when there was no Communism to scapegoat.

I also love the reference to "violent". These people violently resisted being assaulted.

This was a protest.

I'm sure everybody knows that.
You're pushing the self-satisfying opinions of degenerate scientists, who naturally have sympathy for the primitive unevolved races that threaten us as much as the unfit primate species did.
You might want to hold off on criticizing other people for their opinions being self-satisfying -- glass houses and all that. The opinion I was pushing is the opinion that the definition of species should be falsifiable; I was attempting to settle the question by bringing observables to bear. That's more than you've done. If you disagree with reproductive isolation as a criterion, what alternative criterion for species do you have that's also based on observables?

Rather than being stuck on mind-numbing authoritarianism, I don't even believe the useless escapist nerd misfits are discussing something important,
Hey, if you think whether they're a separate species is unimportant, feel free to abandon your claim.

such as, "Do unfit species die out on their own or are they exterminated by the evolved species they have to kill and rob in order to keep from going extinct?" Since academics are passive themselves and afraid to interact with people outside their campus caves , they have a bias on how Neanderthals died out.
You're assuming facts not in evidence. What makes you think Neanderthals lived by killing and robbing modern humans any more than vice versa? That's the sort of statistic that doesn't fossilize well.

Moreover, you're assuming they either died out on their own or were exterminated by our kind. It's entirely possible that neither happened. After all, we're a couple percent Neanderthal. Maybe they just got genetically swamped, due to reproducing slower than us. Maybe a few generations after H. sapiens sapiens showed up anywhere the Neanderthals would find themselves a minority group in their own community and all their kids would be screwing the Cro Magnons. After a couple hundred years you wouldn't be able to tell a hybrid from a pure Cro Magnon. It doesn't count as dying out as long as you still have living descendants.

If you don't approve of academics using their biases to judge such questions, then don't you do it too. The only reasonable answer is "We don't know."
You're pushing the self-satisfying opinions of degenerate scientists, who naturally have sympathy for the primitive unevolved races that threaten us as much as the unfit primate species did. Rather than being stuck on mind-numbing authoritarianism, I don't even believe the useless escapist nerd misfits are discussing something important, such as, "Do unfit species die out on their own or are they exterminated by the evolved species they have to kill and rob in order to keep from going extinct?" Since academics are passive themselves and afraid to interact with people outside their campus caves , they have a bias on how Neanderthals died out.

The Neanderthals didn't die out. They interbred with homosapiens. White Europeans have the most Neanderthal blood. We have 3% on average. That's quite a lot. Africans have the least, 0% on average. If pure Neanderthals went extinct due to being unfit, the logic would be that Africa would be the richest continent and Europe the poorest.

In reality, what happened was that Neanderthals had bodies more adapted to just hunting and eating meat than us. When Europe became warmer the geography changed making it harder to hunt. Being able to eat other things than just meat was better. Edge to Homo sapiens over Neanderthals. Homo sapiens are like the cockroaches of the primate world. We have the widest range of foods we can eat. And we're highly mobile. So we can quickly GTFO whenever a better adapted species occupied a habitat. That's our edge. It's unlikely that it has anything to do with intelligence.

Also fun that you label any scientist that doesn't agree with you as degenerate.

Heil myself

/Pure bred Scandinavian aryan. Kneel before my genetic superiority.... lol.
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