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Europe submits voluntarily

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Anyone will tell you that that the pure Aryan race is the superior, haven't you read Mein Kampf?

True story. The first time my Jewish ex-wife met my extended family she exclaimed "but they're all Aryans". My family does look like an SS propaganda postcard. And everybody is tall as fuck. My brother is 209. Everybody is athletic and built. Good genetic stock :)

Anyhow. .. I thought it was hilarious that a jew would actually use that word.

I thought the linked story was a joke or the English version of the Onion or something!

Notwithstanding the possibility that the Daily Mail wrote most of the article in the editor's office, are you saying all of this didn't happen?

There at least seems to be something happening.

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Hmmm... they seem to be more determined to break into Britain than the Germans were during WWII. According to the news, up to 2,000 per night were trying it earlier but this latest is the first "organized attempt". I may be wrong but I don't recall ever hearing of that many Germans troops actually trying to get into Britain.

These people must really like fish and chips.
Paid-Off Intellectual Pedophiles Will Pat You on the Head

Dogma agreed upon by escapist nerd misfits sheltered by snobbish universities shouldn't be respected.

Yeah, that's always been my stand. Anyone who disagrees with me or who I disagree with is an ignorant fucktard.:rolleyes:

But then, since I find nothing in your other statements that I agree with, there is no reason to respect your rants.

Respect my rants
Or ignore my rants,
At least I don't dance
Wearing mom pants
OLD SCHOOL: Manifest Destiny //// NEW AGE: Many Fuzzy Dust Bunnies

You might want to hold off on criticizing other people for their opinions being self-satisfying -- glass houses and all that. The opinion I was pushing is the opinion that the definition of species should be falsifiable; I was attempting to settle the question by bringing observables to bear. That's more than you've done. If you disagree with reproductive isolation as a criterion, what alternative criterion for species do you have that's also based on observables?

Rather than being stuck on mind-numbing authoritarianism, I don't even believe the useless escapist nerd misfits are discussing something important,
Hey, if you think whether they're a separate species is unimportant, feel free to abandon your claim.

such as, "Do unfit species die out on their own or are they exterminated by the evolved species they have to kill and rob in order to keep from going extinct?" Since academics are passive themselves and afraid to interact with people outside their campus caves , they have a bias on how Neanderthals died out.
You're assuming facts not in evidence. What makes you think Neanderthals lived by killing and robbing modern humans any more than vice versa? That's the sort of statistic that doesn't fossilize well.

Moreover, you're assuming they either died out on their own or were exterminated by our kind. It's entirely possible that neither happened. After all, we're a couple percent Neanderthal. Maybe they just got genetically swamped, due to reproducing slower than us. Maybe a few generations after H. sapiens sapiens showed up anywhere the Neanderthals would find themselves a minority group in their own community and all their kids would be screwing the Cro Magnons. After a couple hundred years you wouldn't be able to tell a hybrid from a pure Cro Magnon. It doesn't count as dying out as long as you still have living descendants.

If you don't approve of academics using their biases to judge such questions, then don't you do it too. The only reasonable answer is "We don't know."

Who benefits if we don't push these unevolved, useless, obstructive, and predatory groups out of the way? Who turned them loose on us and inhibited our natural reaction?
Sometime between the death of Diana and the Great Recession, it became impossible to distinguish The Daily Mail from satire.
Are they factually wrong? Or are they just printing uncomfortable truths about the love affair between far left and radical Islam?
German prosecuted for insulting Muslim invaders
PEGIDA head Lutz Bachmann charged for anti-migrant rhetoric

The Germans are really taking the "submission" part of Islam very seriously, aren't they?

You're being ridiculous. First, calling them invaders is yet another in a long line of attempts to poison the well.

Secondly, you're misrepresenting what's happening. Hate speech laws are a common feature of modern democracies. He is being charged on the German legal principle of Volksverhetzung; which prohibits the incitement of hatred or violence against groups. This has commonly been applied against holocaust deniers/neo-nazis. It is certainly not something he's being charged with just for throwing a few insults against muslims. Furthermore, it has nothing to do with giving any special consideration to muslims; this is just an objective application of the law; or do you think that German authorities should just arbitrarily decide who should be prosecuted for violating a given law on the book instead of being objective about it? Maybe they should just prosecute the people who do and say things you disagree with?
You're being ridiculous. First, calling them invaders is yet another in a long line of attempts to poison the well.
That's exactly what they are doing. That's why Hungary is building their fence for example - to stem the tide of invaders.
Secondly, you're misrepresenting what's happening. Hate speech laws are a common feature of modern democracies. He is being charged on the German legal principle of Volksverhetzung; which prohibits the incitement of hatred or violence against groups.
I.e. it muzzles people who criticize this latest Islamic invasion.
This has commonly been applied against holocaust deniers/neo-nazis.
But more recently against people critical of Islam.
Example: Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur
First Amendment was a great idea!
It is certainly not something he's being charged with just for throwing a few insults against muslims.
That is exactly what is happening - he is being prosecuted (or rather persecuted) for calling so-called "migrants" cattle and filth.

On the other hand, people like this don't have anything to fear from European useful idiots.
That's exactly what they are doing. That's why Hungary is building their fence for example - to stem the tide of invaders.
Secondly, you're misrepresenting what's happening. Hate speech laws are a common feature of modern democracies. He is being charged on the German legal principle of Volksverhetzung; which prohibits the incitement of hatred or violence against groups.
I.e. it muzzles people who criticize this latest Islamic invasion.
This has commonly been applied against holocaust deniers/neo-nazis.
But more recently against people critical of Islam.
Example: Brigitte Bardot on trial for Muslim slur
First Amendment was a great idea!
It is certainly not something he's being charged with just for throwing a few insults against muslims.
That is exactly what is happening - he is being prosecuted (or rather persecuted) for calling so-called "migrants" cattle and filth.

On the other hand, people like this don't have anything to fear from European useful idiots.

When you say that the "first amendment was a great idea", are you saying that the convictions of the guys on your photo are unjust? Fouad Belkacem, the guy behind the demonstration, was sentenced to twelve years, more than twice the maximum penalty for the charges brought against Lutz Bachmann.

Lutz Bachmann and Fouad Belkacem could be the best buddies ever. Besides both having their first amendment rights curtailed, s you'd have it, they also both have a criminal record for offenses including burglary and drug dealing.

To sum up, the people who "don't have anything to fear", according to you, are already in jail on charges more severe than the ones brought up against their brother in spirit Lutz Bachmann.
Hmmm... they seem to be more determined to break into Britain than the Germans were during WWII. According to the news, up to 2,000 per night were trying it earlier but this latest is the first "organized attempt". I may be wrong but I don't recall ever hearing of that many Germans troops actually trying to get into Britain.

These people must really like fish and chips.

Hmmm... they seem to be more determined to break into Britain than the Germans were during WWII. According to the news, up to 2,000 per night were trying it earlier but this latest is the first "organized attempt". I may be wrong but I don't recall ever hearing of that many Germans troops actually trying to get into Britain.

These people must really like fish and chips.


And the mass migration of these foreigners had no discernible effect on Britain or the indigenous Briton culture. :huggs:
And the mass migration of these foreigners had no discernible effect on Britain or the indigenous Briton culture. :huggs:

All cultures are in continual flux.

There is no single point along the way you can say, "That is the absolute example of the culture".

There is one way people coming from the ME will be a positive.

If they encounter a culture that doesn't oppress them.

And the mass migration of these foreigners had no discernible effect on Britain or the indigenous Briton culture. :huggs:

The result of mass migrations of foreigners (not just those in the graphic, but many others throughout history) IS British culture.

The very idea that British culture could be set in stone at some point, never to change again, defended to the death by the current Britons and their descendants is ludicrous.

The idea that this not only could, but should happen, is downright insanity.

If my descendants don't like the culture they find themselves living in, then that's their problem - not least because even a cursory glance at history shows that people have always wanted to preserve their culture for their descendants, but have never once succeeded in doing so. The past is a foreign country. And they keep sending people to the present, where they take all the jobs and the women. Bastards.
And the mass migration of these foreigners had no discernible effect on Britain or the indigenous Briton culture. :huggs:

The result of mass migrations of foreigners (not just those in the graphic, but many others throughout history) IS British culture.

The very idea that British culture could be set in stone at some point, never to change again, defended to the death by the current Britons and their descendants is ludicrous.

The idea that this not only could, but should happen, is downright insanity.

If my descendants don't like the culture they find themselves living in, then that's their problem - not least because even a cursory glance at history shows that people have always wanted to preserve their culture for their descendants, but have never once succeeded in doing so. The past is a foreign country. And they keep sending people to the present, where they take all the jobs and the women. Bastards.

Tell the Welsh that.
The result of mass migrations of foreigners (not just those in the graphic, but many others throughout history) IS British culture.

The very idea that British culture could be set in stone at some point, never to change again, defended to the death by the current Britons and their descendants is ludicrous.

The idea that this not only could, but should happen, is downright insanity.

If my descendants don't like the culture they find themselves living in, then that's their problem - not least because even a cursory glance at history shows that people have always wanted to preserve their culture for their descendants, but have never once succeeded in doing so. The past is a foreign country. And they keep sending people to the present, where they take all the jobs and the women. Bastards.

Tell the Welsh that.

The result of mass migrations of foreigners is welsh culture too. Just a different mix, and at different times from the rest of Britain. Scotland, Cornwall, Greater London, The North East, The West Country, and East Anglia also have a noticeably different mixture to the rest of Great Britain; Indeed, each town and city has a slightly different culture - and in some cases, fairly small areas have huge differences. North Wales and South Wales have little in common, and it is only in recent years that people in South Wales have started speaking Welsh again, after the Welsh language almost completely died out in that part of the country. In Newcastle, the dialect (which they claim is of English) spoken is incomprehensible to people from the South, and owes more to Old Norse than to Old English, or Norman French. They even use words and phrases that survive today in Denmark and Norway, but not in London. I have met people who live only a few dozen miles from my birthplace whose speech is almost impossible to comprehend.

The Welsh and the Scots have kept a legal border separating them from England; There are no such borders separating Newcastle, Liverpool, Birmingham and London, but people from any of those cities have trouble deciphering the speech of people from the other three.

British culture - indeed, just the English part of British culture - is already a patchwork of very different peoples, with differences in language and attitude. Adding a few more disparate groups to the mix is not a particularly big change; nor is it unprecedented.
I thought the linked story was a joke or the English version of the Onion or something!

Notwithstanding the possibility that the Daily Mail wrote most of the article in the editor's office, are you saying all of this didn't happen?

There at least seems to be something happening.

Express doesn't have credibility either is what they'll say. Any message that goes against the left ideology can't be true!
Sometime between the death of Diana and the Great Recession, it became impossible to distinguish The Daily Mail from satire.
Are they factually wrong? Or are they just printing uncomfortable truths about the love affair between far left and radical Islam?
The far left once had a romance with communism, and anything anti capitalist. Also Nazism was to be their saviour.
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