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Europe submits voluntarily

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Surprise surprise. Just yesterday the Victorian Labor government admitted that Melbourne has a Sudanese gang crime problem, and promised to deport a handful of them. My question would be, why import the problem in the first place. Do these savages have priority over the local population?


You need to stop trusting lying bastards.

Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

It is! Don't you watch the news? There are some Subway restaurants that *gasp* sell halal meat! Not where I live obviously or even in my country necessarily but somewhere in Europe.

There are schools in my country which have just served halal meat to everyone, and may not have even bothered to tell people about it for years while it was done.

Now you may want to play this down as not a big deal, but for me, that's already way over the line. To be fair, it's not an "Islamic takeover" by any means in the real sense; but it's still way over the line. Although no doubt many on the political left will think people "bigots" for objecting...


A row has broken out after parents launched a campaign for a school not to serve only halal meat.

Hundreds of people have signed a petition objecting to dishing out meat killed in the traditional Islamic method.

Some parents said the move was "disgusting" after a headteacher wrote to them asking if they would prepared for the school to just serve halal.

But others blasted the campaign as "Islamophobic" amid claims hysteria was being whipped up over the issue.



Emily told Families that she made the enquiry after reading a local farmer’s comment on social media stating that “all schools provide school dinners containing halal meat due to its cheap production costs”.

She said the head of the school had no idea that they were serving halal meat to everyone.

Emily told us: “I respected her honesty and support and she assured me that with the help of a neighbouring school they were absolutely going to offer an alternative and I would be informed as soon as it was available, I was relieved and thankful but still confused as to why we hadn't been given the choice?”



Halal meat is being served to pupils in state schools without their knowledge, even if they believe the religious slaughter is cruel.

Parents have reacted furiously after being sent letters telling them their children's school dinners have been all-halal for 'some time'.



Three-quarters of schools under Waltham Forest Council control serve only Halal meat, the Guardian can reveal.

A total of 46 schools and academies supported by the local authority order only Halal meat from Waltham Forest Catering, their supplier.

Just one school serves both Halal and non-Halal meat and 15 serve meat from animals slaughtered using ‘standard’ methods, a Guardian enquiry has discovered.

The news comes after a row erupted at Larkswood Primary School in New Road, Chingford, last month when parents were informed meat served there would be replaced by food prepared according to the rituals of Islam from mid-April.

You find a story about an immigrant committing an awful crime; then you assume that Muslim immigrants are causing a "trajectory" of crime? What link do you have to support this? Here's a good link:


"In May 2016, Politifact deemed Donald Trump's statement that "Germany is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe" as mostly false.[72] The fact-checker noted that Germany's crime rate, particularly the violent crime rate, is far lower than in the United States, and that data suggest that the crime rate of the average refugee is lower than that of the average German."

Unfortunately, PolitiFact has a habit of trusting government data. There's a fair amount of evidence they're fudging things over there.

"Evidence". That word has a meaning. You can look it up in a dictionary if unsure. The meaning is not "something that right-wing blogs and news outlets have been copying from each other for years, with minor variation".
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

Nobody said the Islamization will be done in three years. But things are definitely worse now than they were in early 2015.

Are they?

In early 2015, same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples were illegal in Germany. Now they're legal.
In early 2015, retirees received significantly lower pensions than today - 2016 saw the largest increase in years.
In early 2015, home care for elderly relatives was much more of a burden than it is today - the support system was extended 2016.

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The two things are not mutually exclusive. Overall crime rate can still drop even if migrant crime increases due to more mass migrants.

Migrant crime will increase with larger numbers of migrants even if the average migrant is less likely to be criminal than the average German, and less so than a migrant from 5 years ago. Yours is a maximally uninformative statement.

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Melbourne, Europe?

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New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

A stroll through some of Europe's more vibrant neighborhoods, France for example, will show where things are headed;

The French government vowed a crackdown on urban violence in reaction to the shocking video footage which emerged of a policewoman being attacked by a mob on New Year's Eve. She was one of two officers attacked by the gang of youths after police were called to a party in the Paris suburb of Champigny-sur-Marne, in an assault President Emmanuel Macron called 'a cowardly and criminal lynching'. Interior Minister Gerard Collomb called the attacks against police 'unacceptable', and said violence in Parisian societies 'must be stopped'. Collomb said reforms were needed to improve lives in 'pauperised, ghettoised' French suburbs, which have long suffered a reputation for violence and poverty. A total of 1,031 cars were torched across France as the country welcomed the New Year - up from 935 a year ago - while arrests rose from 456 to 510, according to the interior ministry.


Funny how France took up barely any of the recent migrants - and now, according to RightWingLogic (tm), events in France are evidence of how that recent migration foreshadows the end of Europe?
Cologne police is now tweeting in Arabic. And when a German dares to criticize it, they not only get suspended by Twitter, but are also being investigated by the police.
Germany's strict new law about social media hate speech has already claimed its first victim
Proving this AfD campaign poster very relevant.

Germans are concerned about their freedom of thought.
We are too.

Freedom of thought (or freedom of expression, which you probably meant to say) does not include freedom to incite hatred and calls for lynching. Details aside, that's the same in the US and Germany, and has been so for many decades. Whether you, I, or anyone else who is not an eligible voter in Germany likes it.
Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!

Can you cite a figure for the number of Sudanese in South Africa?
Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!

Sorry did you miss the part where the Daily Mail took a picture and tampered with it to give you a false impression? You must have missed that part.
Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!

Can you cite a figure for the number of Sudanese in South Africa?

Sudan enjoys the same levels of safety as South Africa.
Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!

Can you cite a figure for the number of Sudanese in South Africa?

Sudan enjoys the same levels of safety as South Africa.


From Wikipedia:

Intentional homicide rate: Sudan - 6.45; South Sudan - 13.70, South Africa - 34.27.

South Africa also scores worse than Sudan on every single measure in the NationMaster crime survey:


Sudan is a much safer place than South Africa. The South African problems are assuredly not due to immigrants - the locals are FAR more dangerous than any Sudanese who might be living there.

Why is it that every single post in this thread that contains no data is contradicted by the data; And that in the handful of posts that contain any data that apparently supports the OP position, the data turn out to be either complete bullshit pulled from someone's arse, or irrelevant to the point they allegedly support? Is it possible that one side of this debate is completely unsupported by any observations of reality?
Typically Leftist response. The precious little darlings come before the general public. Make Australia as safe as South Africa where some people refuse to stop at a red light because of car jackers from the Sudan and elsewhere!

Sorry did you miss the part where the Daily Mail took a picture and tampered with it to give you a false impression? You must have missed that part.

You have obviously missed the part where blind Freddy can see that islam and western democracy based on xtian values are not, nor will ever be, compatible!. Borrow a koran one day and read what over 80% of the followers of the terrorist warmonger Mohammad, who is considered the most perfect man by these barbaric savages, teaches about infidels. The sayings that incite jihadist and ISIS to carry out terrorist attacks on the innocent.
Sudan enjoys the same levels of safety as South Africa.


From Wikipedia:

Intentional homicide rate: Sudan - 6.45; South Sudan - 13.70, South Africa - 34.27.

South Africa also scores worse than Sudan on every single measure in the NationMaster crime survey:


Sudan is a much safer place than South Africa. The South African problems are assuredly not due to immigrants - the locals are FAR more dangerous than any Sudanese who might be living there.

Why is it that every single post in this thread that contains no data is contradicted by the data; And that in the handful of posts that contain any data that apparently supports the OP position, the data turn out to be either complete bullshit pulled from someone's arse, or irrelevant to the point they allegedly support? Is it possible that one side of this debate is completely unsupported by any observations of reality?

And who pray tell is responsible for the soaring South African crime rates? I know I know! it's the poverty! But wasn't the end of the apartheid regime supposed to have fixed that?
Sudan is a much safer place than South Africa.

The real question is why Western countries have to accept unregulated mass migration from the Third World and why these migrants should not be deported when they commit serious crimes.
These migrants commit many more crimes per capita than actual Australians. So 1. deport the criminals and 2. be selective with immigration.
Freedom of thought (or freedom of expression, which you probably meant to say) does not include freedom to incite hatred and calls for lynching. Details aside, that's the same in the US and Germany, and has been so for many decades. Whether you, I, or anyone else who is not an eligible voter in Germany likes it.

She did not call for lynching. She merely called the Nafri hordes which assaulted women at NYE in Cologne a couple of years ago "barbarians". Barbarian is as barbarian does, and the word certainly fits here.
So why should the government prohibit her from speaking truth to power?

And Germany has had many more restrictions on freedom of speech than US "for many decades". In the US, you are still allowed to call barbarians as such. But there is a new law that restricts the freedoms of German citizens even more, especially online. This law was pushed by SPD "justice" minister Heiko Maas.
Funny how France took up barely any of the recent migrants

Huh? France took a lot of recent migrants, in addition to all the less recent migrants that came before 2015. What the hell are you talking about?

Parts of Paris and Marseilles (overall, Marseilles is already 1/4 Muslim!) basically look like Arabic towns.
Are they?

In early 2015, same-sex marriage and adoption by same-sex couples were illegal in Germany. Now they're legal.
In early 2015, retirees received significantly lower pensions than today - 2016 saw the largest increase in years.
In early 2015, home care for elderly relatives was much more of a burden than it is today - the support system was extended 2016.
All of those are things that would not be affected by the influx of millions of Muslim mass migrants.
How about we look at what happened as result of Merkel taking in all these migrants. The murders, the terrorist attacks like the Christmas Market attack in 2016.
How about the tremendous cost the European taxpayers must shoulder to take care of the mostly poorly educated migrants?
How about the widespread age fraud, where 1/3 of migrants that claim to be minors (to take advantage of special rights, protections and support granted minors) are adults as old as 30.
How about German girls being told to dress modestly as to not offend the Muslim newcomers?
How about the almost 100,000 people, vast majority of them economic migrants from places like Nigeria and Bangladesh, who are still streaming into Europe via the Mediterranean?

How about the fact that many neighborhoods European cities like Marseilles, Paris, Berlin or London resemble Arabic/Muslim towns more and more?

Migrant crime will increase with larger numbers of migrants even if the average migrant is less likely to be criminal than the average German, and less so than a migrant from 5 years ago. Yours is a maximally uninformative statement.
But the average migrant is not less likely to be criminal than the average German. The numbers show them to be significantly more likely to be criminal.
Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to deport migrants even when they commit serious crimes.
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