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Europe submits voluntarily

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It's almost as though the rising police presence and increasing militarization of the police was due, not to an increasing threat, but to an increasing perception of threat.

It's a lovely bit of circular reasoning: We know there's a threat, otherwise there wouldn't be all these highly visible security measures in place, so anyone who calls for fewer highly visible security measures is a fool - can't you see that there must be a threat? We must take more steps to provide highly visible security, to mitigate the threat, and make people feel safe. Right now, they feel threatened; They know that there's a real threat, otherwise there wouldn't be all these highly visible security measures in place...

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.

Well, this is one of those "red meats" that gets conservatives into power that is BS:
1. Immigrants cause more crime and will rape our women - Ban them;
2. Muslim terrorist hordes kill thousands of Americans per year - Ban them;
3. Democrats always increase the deficit, elect the fiscally prudent republicans;
4. Global warming is a myth.
5. Protecting national monuments harms coal workers
6. Americans can't compete against the world, we need to build a wall

And etc, etc, etc.....

Conservatives have become the party of fear.
Also why is the presence of armed police officers in Europe problematic for you but not here in America?
It's the trajectory. Such police presence was not necessary until large numbers of Muslims were foolishly imported.

And these are some of the recent results:
Afghan teen in custody over fatal stabbing of German girl

Given that he is (allegedly, many migrants lie about their age) a minor, he will be likely jailed for a couple of years and then will be released without deportation. Because you know, Afghanistan is too dangerous to be sending murderers there. Better let them loose on European streets.

Muslim migration fueling rising antisemitism in Europe:
German protests prompt fears of rising anti-Semitism

Danke Merkel!

Meanwhile in reality: http://www.dw.com/en/germany-has-become-safer/a-19444826
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?
You find a story about an immigrant committing an awful crime; then you assume that Muslim immigrants are causing a "trajectory" of crime? What link do you have to support this? Here's a good link:


"In May 2016, Politifact deemed Donald Trump's statement that "Germany is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe" as mostly false.[72] The fact-checker noted that Germany's crime rate, particularly the violent crime rate, is far lower than in the United States, and that data suggest that the crime rate of the average refugee is lower than that of the average German."

Unfortunately, PolitiFact has a habit of trusting government data. There's a fair amount of evidence they're fudging things over there.
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

It is! Don't you watch the news? There are some Subway restaurants that *gasp* sell halal meat! Not where I live obviously or even in my country necessarily but somewhere in Europe.
You find a story about an immigrant committing an awful crime; then you assume that Muslim immigrants are causing a "trajectory" of crime? What link do you have to support this? Here's a good link:


"In May 2016, Politifact deemed Donald Trump's statement that "Germany is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe" as mostly false.[72] The fact-checker noted that Germany's crime rate, particularly the violent crime rate, is far lower than in the United States, and that data suggest that the crime rate of the average refugee is lower than that of the average German."

Unfortunately, PolitiFact has a habit of trusting government data. There's a fair amount of evidence they're fudging things over there.

Such as? Don't leave us hanging now!
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

Nobody said the Islamization will be done in three years. But things are definitely worse now than they were in early 2015.

- - - Updated - - -

The two things are not mutually exclusive. Overall crime rate can still drop even if migrant crime increases due to more mass migrants.
Well, this is one of those "red meats" that gets conservatives into power that is BS:
Not so much red meat, but straw men.
1. Immigrants cause more crime and will rape our women - Ban them;
The far left pretends that immigration is a binary switch - either you support unrestricted mass migration or you are an anti-immigration xenophobe. The reality is very different of course.
My position is not to ban immigrants, but to have sane immigration policy.
1. Have immigration quotas set at a reasonable number and stick to it. Illegal immigration should not be tolerated.
2. All immigrants should be vetted. What Germany did, taking in a million migrants without checking them out at all, is suicidal.
3. They should be deported if they exhibit extremist tendencies or commit serious crimes. Unfortunately it is almost impossible to deport mass migrants from Europe, even if they commit serious crimes, due to idiotic court decisions.

2. Muslim terrorist hordes kill thousands of Americans per year - Ban them;
What I said about immigration in general above applies of course to Muslim immigration as well.
That said, who is against banning terrorists from immigrating?
Take Rasmea Odeh. It is well that she got finally deported but she should never have been allowed to immigrate, much less granted citizenship.

3. Democrats always increase the deficit, elect the fiscally prudent republicans;
4. Global warming is a myth.
5. Protecting national monuments harms coal workers
6. Americans can't compete against the world, we need to build a wall
More ridiculous strawmen.

Sure, if somebody disagrees with the Left on mass migration, that automatically means they must believe climate change is a hoax. That's a straw man so big you could make it the centerpiece at Burning Man.
It's almost as though the rising police presence and increasing militarization of the police was due, not to an increasing threat, but to an increasing perception of threat.

Yeah, this was just perception. It never actually happened. :rolleyes:

It's a lovely bit of circular reasoning: We know there's a threat, otherwise there wouldn't be all these highly visible security measures in place, so anyone who calls for fewer highly visible security measures is a fool - can't you see that there must be a threat? We must take more steps to provide highly visible security, to mitigate the threat, and make people feel safe. Right now, they feel threatened; They know that there's a real threat, otherwise there wouldn't be all these highly visible security measures in place...
Yeah, it's not like there have been any Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe in the recent years. All those reports of terrorist attacks must be fake news.
You find a story about an immigrant committing an awful crime; then you assume that Muslim immigrants are causing a "trajectory" of crime? What link do you have to support this? Here's a good link:

"In May 2016, Politifact deemed Donald Trump's statement that "Germany is crime-riddled right now" because of migration to Europe" as mostly false.[72] The fact-checker noted that Germany's crime rate, particularly the violent crime rate, is far lower than in the United States,
That is completely irrelevant to the question.
and that data suggest that the crime rate of the average refugee is lower than that of the average German."
I find that statement ridiculous.
Here is a counterpoint.
Number of migrant criminal suspects in Germany surged in 2016

And of course that is the perception German government wants to cultivate. After all, they brought in a million unvetted mass migrants into the country. A government always wants to downplay their failures.

Look at people like Hussein Khavari, who was one of Merkel's boys. Poor "refugee" who lived in Iran with his brother and moved to Europe not to escape war but for economic opportunity. He also almost killed a woman in Greece but that didn't prevent him from gaining residency in Germany under Merkel's open door policy for any and all migrants. Especially if they are Muslim.
And Khavari then went and murdered a German woman. A crime that was completely preventable if Germany had more sane immigration policies and did not just let everybody in.
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

Nobody said the Islamization will be done in three years. But things are definitely worse now than they were in early 2015.
Just not in any way you can provide evidence for...
- - - Updated - - -

The two things are not mutually exclusive. Overall crime rate can still drop even if migrant crime increases due to more mass migrants.

Mathematically, it is possible. But it's not something we can reasonably assume without some compelling evidence. Perhaps you forgot to include that compelling evidence in your post?
Just not in any way you can provide evidence for...
This thread is full of examples how Europe was changed for the worse due to mass Islamic migration. Migration that you Aussies have largely escaped because your government wisely decided to stop the illegal migrant boats.
In Europe 100s of thousands are still flooding into Europe that way. People it is virtually impossible to get rid of again.

Mathematically, it is possible. But it's not something we can reasonably assume without some compelling evidence. Perhaps you forgot to include that compelling evidence in your post?
Mathematically the two variables are not necessarily that closely linked. If you believe they are strongly linked, the burden of proof should be on you.
New Year's Day checkup:

This thread announced the "surrender" of Europe to the mullahs in 2015. It is now 2018.

Shouldn't Europe be a smouldering ruin/Islamist theocracy by now?

A stroll through some of Europe's more vibrant neighborhoods, France for example, will show where things are headed;

The French government vowed a crackdown on urban violence in reaction to the shocking video footage which emerged of a policewoman being attacked by a mob on New Year's Eve. She was one of two officers attacked by the gang of youths after police were called to a party in the Paris suburb of Champigny-sur-Marne, in an assault President Emmanuel Macron called 'a cowardly and criminal lynching'. Interior Minister Gerard Collomb called the attacks against police 'unacceptable', and said violence in Parisian societies 'must be stopped'. Collomb said reforms were needed to improve lives in 'pauperised, ghettoised' French suburbs, which have long suffered a reputation for violence and poverty. A total of 1,031 cars were torched across France as the country welcomed the New Year - up from 935 a year ago - while arrests rose from 456 to 510, according to the interior ministry.

Cologne police is now tweeting in Arabic. And when a German dares to criticize it, they not only get suspended by Twitter, but are also being investigated by the police.
Germany's strict new law about social media hate speech has already claimed its first victim
Proving this AfD campaign poster very relevant.

Germans are concerned about their freedom of thought.
We are too.
Cologne police is now tweeting in Arabic. And when a German dares to criticize it, they not only get suspended by Twitter, but are also being investigated by the police.
Germany's strict new law about social media hate speech has already claimed its first victim
Proving this AfD campaign poster very relevant.

Germans are concerned about their freedom of thought.
We are too.

And here you lie again: she isnt investigated because she questioned the twitter, it is because she called muslims barbarians.

And the article is very clear on this so it is very clear that your lie was deliberate.

Clearly showing how the police are trying to cover up the problem:

article said:
Police dispute 'gang' problem

Migrants from Sudan are overrepresented in crime data for offences such as serious assault and aggravated burglary — but they are responsible for far fewer incidents overall than Australian-born offenders.

The Victorian Crime Statistics Agency's data for the year to June 2017 shows Sudanese-born offenders were allegedly involved in 98 aggravated burglaries in the state, compared to 540 Australian-born offenders.

For the same period, 45 serious assaults were allegedly committed by Sudanese-born offenders, compared to 1,462 Australian-born offenders.

People born in Sudan make up about 0.1 per cent of Victoria's population, Census data shows.

540 Australian-born, .1% of the population means that you would expect about a 50% chance that one was by someone from Sudan--but the real rate is almost 200x that.
Surprise surprise. Just yesterday the Victorian Labor government admitted that Melbourne has a Sudanese gang crime problem, and promised to deport a handful of them. My question would be, why import the problem in the first place. Do these savages have priority over the local population?
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