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Father arrested and jailed for calling his biologically female daughter "she": this week in the strange death of Canada


Mar 31, 2007

The warrant was issued by a judge for the arrest of a father after calling his biological female child his "daughter," and referring to her with the pronouns "she" and "her." Hoogland was found to be in contempt of court.
Hoogland is a father to a gender non-conforming biological female 14-year-old who identifies as transgender and prefers the use of male pronouns. Hoogland has repeatedly called this person his daughter, though the court has forbade it.
On Tuesday at 10 am Vancouver time, Hoogland surrendered himself to the court in response to the Attorney General of British Columbia's warrant his arrest for contempt. He was the arrested and jailed. The warrant was issued by Judge Tammen on March 4, 2021
Hoogland opposes his child's undergoing "gender affirmative" medical procedures, and has stated this opposition again and again, in the hope of saving his child from irreversible harm. The Canadian medical system, the legal system, and the child's mother press ahead with social and medical transition of the child.
On December 14, 2020, Hoogland was compelled by Justice Mazari's court to collude in the gender "transitioning" of his fourteen year old daughter and told not to call his biological female child his daughter. In response, Hoogland made a Charter challenge engaging his right to freedom of speech.
When he appeared in family court, the judge forced him to sit in the prisoners' dock, said Hoogland's lawyer Carey Lind said, even though he was guilty of no crime. The judge referred to him as "the accused." Lind made an application for the judge to recuse himself on the basis that all of this was prejudicial.

Hoogland told his story. The child had complex problems, but the court blamed them all on gender dysphoria. His marriage to the child's mother had broken up. He said that, in grades 5 and 6, his daughter was "getting into trouble and hanging out with boys," so they arranged for her to see the school counsellor. In grade 7, he noticed she cut off her long hair and started wearing a toupé. He said that she developed intense crushes on two male teachers, and made a suicide attempt.
Hoogland discovered that the school had been showing his daughter SOGI 123, the going sexual and gender identity education materials in British Columbia which amounts to transgender ideology "propaganda videos." In the grade 7 yearbook, the child was referred to by a different name. The school counsellor changed the child's name without telling her parents. The school "socially transitioned" the biologically female child on its own initiative, with the input of a gender ideologue psychologist, Dr. Wallace Wong.
When Hoogland accompanied his child to a consultation with Wong, the psychologist advised the pubescent child to take testosterone. Wong referred the child to the endocrinology unit at the local hospital. Meanwhile, Hoogland was looking for mental health solutions to help the child without drugs.
You misspelled "Arsehole arrested and jailed for contempt of court after continuing to insult child in defiance of a court order to desist".

Refusing to utter State-mandated lies might be in defiance of a court, but it's a morally courageous act.
You misspelled "Arsehole arrested and jailed for contempt of court after continuing to insult child in defiance of a court order to desist".

Refusing to utter State-mandated lies might be in defiance of a court, but it's a morally courageous act.

It's not what he refused to utter; It's what he continued to utter after being told that it was offensive, and warned by a court to desist.

Insulting people isn't courageous, nor is it in any way a "refusal to utter State-mandated lies".

An adult insulting a child is just about as far from courageous as it is possible to get.

This really isn't hard to understand; Unless you are absolutely determined to ignore the facts in favour of being outraged.
It's not what he refused to utter; It's what he continued to utter after being told that it was offensive, and warned by a court to desist.

Calling a biological female 'she' is not offensive, and it is detestable to think so. It is even more grotesque to think so and think the State is right to punish somebody for it.
Insulting people isn't courageous, nor is it in any way a "refusal to utter State-mandated lies".

The State mandating language that a biological girl is in fact a boy is the state compelling people to lie or face punishment.

An adult insulting a child is just about as far from courageous as it is possible to get.

Acknowledging somebody's biological sex is not an insult, though the post-truth transactivist stasi appear to have made people believe so. But even if it were (and it's not), the State ought never be in the business of punishing 'insults'.

This really isn't hard to understand; Unless you are absolutely determined to ignore the facts in favour of being outraged.

It is you ignoring the facts.

EDIT: I take it back. You understand the facts of the story. You simply agree with the State punishing somebody for calling his biologically female daughter 'she'.
“not offensive”. “not an insult”. To whom?

Anybody can take offense at anything. To say "I am offended" is pointless.

An insult has an element of intention. There is no evidence whatever that this father intended to insult his daughter by calling her 'she'.

But even if he were offensive and insulting, the idea that the State is justified in jailing people for 'insults' is as bad as the worst blasphemy or lèse-majesté laws.
“not offensive”. “not an insult”. To whom?
And there you have it.
Metaphor insists his outlook on this is the only correct one.
The father insists his is the only correct outlook on his son's situation.
No compromise, no openness to discussion, no tolerance for all the actual science, just those parts of the textbook they agree with.

He's not held in contempt for insisting on biology. He's in contempt for making his child's case all about himself.
“not offensive”. “not an insult”. To whom?

Anybody can take offense at anything. To say "I am offended" is pointless.

An insult has an element of intention. There is no evidence whatever that this father intended to insult his daughter by calling her 'she'.

But even if he were offensive and insulting, the idea that the State is justified in jailing people for 'insults' is as bad as the worst blasphemy or lèse-majesté laws.

For a father, this all wise, all powerful being to a child, a fourteen year old going through extraordinary circumstances beyond what most fourteen year olds have to endure, to have your identity dismissed by father is to torment your own child. I would say this is well beyond your “anybody” and “anything”.
Though the article does not speak to it or to any of the child’s concerns for that matter, I would say your evidence is there, in that child’s eyes. It’s just not verbalized in this biased article. Imagine as a fourteen year old being mistaken by a stranger as the opposite sex. Not intentional but extremely embarrassing none the less. Now imagine your own father doing so intentionally. An insult? It is well beyond a mere insult. It is torment.
“not offensive”. “not an insult”. To whom?
And there you have it.
Metaphor insists his outlook on this is the only correct one.
The father insists his is the only correct outlook on his son's situation.
No compromise, no openness to discussion, no tolerance for all the actual science, just those parts of the textbook they agree with.

He's not held in contempt for insisting on biology. He's in contempt for making his child's case all about himself.

"Tolerance for the science". Good god. Are you kidding me? What 'science' says that biological girls are boys and must be referred to as 'he'?

But even if the science did say that, how can you so easily endorse the State punishing this man for expressing his truth?

is there no upper limit to the outrages that the left will endorse from the transactivist ideology?
“not offensive”. “not an insult”. To whom?

Anybody can take offense at anything. To say "I am offended" is pointless.

An insult has an element of intention. There is no evidence whatever that this father intended to insult his daughter by calling her 'she'.

But even if he were offensive and insulting, the idea that the State is justified in jailing people for 'insults' is as bad as the worst blasphemy or lèse-majesté laws.

For a father, this all wise, all powerful being to a child, a fourteen year old going through extraordinary circumstances beyond what most fourteen year olds have to endure, to have your identity dismissed by father is to torment your own child. I would say this is well beyond your “anybody” and “anything”.
Though the article does not speak to it or to any of the child’s concerns for that matter, I would say your evidence is there, in that child’s eyes. It’s just not verbalized in this biased article. Imagine as a fourteen year old being mistaken by a stranger as the opposite sex. Not intentional but extremely embarrassing none the less. Now imagine your own father doing so intentionally. An insult? It is well beyond a mere insult. It is torment.

His child is a girl. It is the court insisting that the father refer to her as someone of the opposite sex.

I posted this story imagining that even on this board, there would not be expressed support for the State jailing a person for using pronouns that conform to the sex of the person in question.

Honestly, I'm mystified at the wholesale embrace by the left of this fascist madness.
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I get on my case when I think I've been too harsh on my daughter when she did something wrong. I ponder how I could have managed it better and try to do better in the future. I wish I could be a perfect parent, but I know I'm far from it, but I try.

This guy is purposefully trolling his own child! He isn't trying to understand what is going on or make a fare assessment.
He is not trolling his own child, he thinks he is trying to save her.

Unless you think he says "yeah, my former daughter is truly now my son, but it is so hilarious to continue to use "she".
For a father, this all wise, all powerful being to a child, a fourteen year old going through extraordinary circumstances beyond what most fourteen year olds have to endure, to have your identity dismissed by father is to torment your own child. I would say this is well beyond your “anybody” and “anything”.
Though the article does not speak to it or to any of the child’s concerns for that matter, I would say your evidence is there, in that child’s eyes. It’s just not verbalized in this biased article. Imagine as a fourteen year old being mistaken by a stranger as the opposite sex. Not intentional but extremely embarrassing none the less. Now imagine your own father doing so intentionally. An insult? It is well beyond a mere insult. It is torment.

His child is a girl. It is the court insisting that the father refer to her as someone of the opposite sex.

I posted this story imagining that even on this board, there would not be expressed support for the State jailing a person for using pronouns that conform to the sex of the person in question.

Honestly, I'm mystified at the wholesale embrace by the left of this fascist madness.

https://globalnews.ca/news/6399468/bc-gender-change-court/ globalnews is left of center in editorials but is rated very highly for factual reporting of the news itself.

if calling someone the wrong pronoun was what this case was actually about then i think you'd have a lot of support around here. however, that's not what the case is about. the father is defying a court order to not pressure the boy since it was determined that the father doesn't have a right to stand in the way of the transition. he was arrested for contempt of court.
He wasn’t arrested for insulting the kid he was arrested for insulting the judge.

Either way I believe the arrest is unwarranted and excessive.
Honestly, I'm mystified at the wholesale embrace by the left of this fascist madness.

Do Ex-Men turn up the thermostat like biological women or do they prefer it cooler like men?
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