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First real evidence presented the Biden POTUS election really was a fraud


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

Had Elon Musk not bought the company, these twitter files would never have been seen by the public. Proving beyond all doubt the Biden administration in collusion with twitter violated 1st amendment rights of all Americans. And with their collusion right before a POTUS election, caused the expected outcome (in this very close race) to be substantually affected by this conspiracy. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election.

No doubt these same shenanigans were done by both sides anywhere they could make it happen with the other media and social platforms. But this is the first hard evidence we can see of it.
I almost feel sorry for moderate republicans! The republican party should have absolutely steam-rolled the dems at the mid terms. And yet, with the Trumpsters leading the way, they got their asses handed to them. It's great fun to watch Kari Lake and the other crazies lose. But I can't decide on which issue is a greater boom to dems: supreme court overturning Roe; crazy Trump election deniers; Trump meeting with Nazis, Trumps attempt to steal the 2020 election; or the Jan 6 crazies.
For those without the patience to read through a very long Twitter essay, it's more "Hunter Biden Laptop" nonsense, pasted together with a bunch of alleged tweets and emails from people arguing about the same to make it look like a corporate conspiracy. Nothing to see here, if you aren't already in the camp which believes that anyone who shuts down a conspiracy theory must be part of said conspiracy.
Now, if you want to talk about real corruption in the Biden administration, the White House pushing hard to make Biden's first win in 2020 the first state to primary in 2024 was sketchy enough to make me raise an eyebrow. But that's the funny thing about corruption in real life: it's usually not some grand conspiracy, it all happens right in the open. You don't need some weirdo on the internet to paste a bunch of old newspaper articles together to see the pattern. Because the White House is just coming out and saying upfront that Iowa is being punished, and South Carolina rewarded, for "better representing the will of the American public". It's double-speak, but it's pretty obvious and blatant double-speak. No crazy email theories or mythologized missing equipment are needed to make it plain how real corruption plays out in Washington.
twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election
Also, the New York Post, Breitbart, NRA and WSJ could have been decisive. But THAT conspiracy was founded on Republican delusion and greed rather than any ideology, so it predictably failed.

We see a perfect reflection of Republicans’ dilemma in that @RVonse can’t even admit to his own belief (that the election was stolen), but also can’t help letting his slip show. Not the fault of a leftist conspiracy, just a natural outgrowth of RW self deception and dishonesty.
As we all know, invisible ET space ships in orbit manipulated vote counting machines.

If you watch Musk with special glasses you will see he is a lizard creature ET.

Had Elon Musk not bought the company, these twitter files would never have been seen by the public. Proving beyond all doubt the Biden administration in collusion with twitter violated 1st amendment rights of all Americans. And with their collusion right before a POTUS election, caused the expected outcome (in this very close race) to be substantually affected by this conspiracy. Any reasonable person would have to conclude that twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election.

No doubt these same shenanigans were done by both sides anywhere they could make it happen with the other media and social platforms. But this is the first hard evidence we can see of it.

This wouldn’t be hard if you pumped it full of Viagra.
Just to put this in the right context, RVonse thought the pillow guy was a reliable source of information.

Simply put, if this idiotic bullshit had even a snowball's chance in hell of being credible it would have been presented to the courts and not two years after the fact. RVonse just admit facts - you're butt-hurt because the piece of shit you have fan-girled over the years has turned out to be what was advertised. A piece of shit.
I hope Musk made arrangements regarding these files in case his plane crashes or something.

Biden is not Putin. What happens in Russia is not normal for everywhere else.

Also, Musk is not a victim. He is has a lot of power and is reframing the narrative to push Biden's popularity down. He'll actually go after Trump next. That's because he's a Ron DeSantis fan.
Twitler piles onto this story saying we should suspend the Constitution to reinstate him:
That's good stuff. When someone claims that the constitution is against me it doesn't get any better. I hope he moves along to the bible.
Yes, Time to lock him up. Today, Before noon.
I started a thread about his declaration of war on the Constitution he swore to uphold.
I think it's best not to pollute RVonse's demonstration of delusion with countervailing facts; it's really interesting to see him squirming around trying to justify being a trumpsucker while being too embarrassed to admit he's a trumpsucker...
Just to put this in the right context, RVonse thought the pillow guy was a reliable source of information.

Simply put, if this idiotic bullshit had even a snowball's chance in hell of being credible it would have been presented to the courts and not two years after the fact. RVonse just admit facts - you're butt-hurt because the piece of shit you have fan-girled over the years has turned out to be what was advertised. A piece of shit.

RV is too busy looking for more evidence that Hunter’s laptop is controlling the lizard people, to read criticisms of his orange idol.
Any reasonable person would have to conclude that twitter alone would have been more than enough to have thrown the last POTUS election.
I don't know that this is correct. But it's both frightening and disappointing that clear evidence of a political party using its influence to silence opponents is brushed off so easily. The "we need to save democracy" crowd is a bunch of frauds.
I don't know that this is correct. But it's both frightening and disappointing that clear evidence of a political party using its influence to silence opponents is brushed off so easily.
I need you to do me a favour and get some fucking perspective. That would be perfect, thanks. But somehow I doubt you have learned your lesson.
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