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French talk show host to Trump: go fuck yourself


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

Hot on the heels of the French military openly mocking the American president, it looks like the rest of France is piling on.

article said:
In what was supposed to be a much-needed respite from the chaos at home, President Trump is finding very little comfort in his overseas trip to France. Trump, already mocked by the French Army for choosing not to attend a WWI Memorial due to rain, was ruthlessly upbraided on a French talk show.

“Go and f**k yourself, you are not welcome in this county,“ said Yann Barthès, host of popular French talk show Quotidien.

Mind you, Macron is a conservative and even he and his government think of Trump as a laughingstock given his pointed comments in a recent speech about patriotism vs nationalism.

Isn't it funny how the world respected us when Obama was in office and laughs at us now that Trump is in office? Didn't conservative and libertarian voters (who are completely different but happen to frequently take the same positions on the same issues using the same bumper sticker phrases) tell us that we had to elect Trump so that America would be respected again? Because it looks like electing Trump had exactly the opposite effect from what you were claiming.

Everyone is laughing at us. Our friends. Our allies. Our enemies. The developed world. The undeveloped world. America has become a source of laughter and mockery the world over thanks to the election of Trump.

Another example of the "respect" the UK now has for America.

"Respect" from Italy

"Respect" from Germany

And yet most Republicans believe that the world didn't respect us when Obama was in power, and respects us now.

If you think the world fears us, and that somehow counts as respect, do you see North Korea disarming and letting nuclear inspectors in? Because if the North Koreans feared us, they would be doing that right now. Instead they're barreling ahead with their nuclear program like nothing happened, even after Trump gave up the farm and insulted our ally South Korea in the process.

So much for Mister Dealmaker. Now that the whole world is laughing at us and our ability to influence other nations is rapidly diminishing, will Republicans finally admit that they were wrong that electing Trump would lead to more respect from the world? What will it take to make conservolibertarians finally admit that they have simply become unmoored from reality thanks to their propaganda-fueled fantasy-world? They are no longer living in the same reality as the rest of the planet.
Isn't it funny how the world respected us when Obama was in office and laughs at us now that Trump is in office?.

No, it isn't remotely funny. If you meant "nightmare/bizarre"-funny, then yes.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.
Isn't it funny how the world respected us when Obama was in office and laughs at us now that Trump is in office?.

No, it isn't remotely funny. If you meant "nightmare/bizarre"-funny, then yes.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.

I don't think it's terribly strange that people tend not to associate Trump with the US as much as they would another "president". For hundreds of years, America has stood for "liberty and justice for all" (at least in their minds) and Trumps stands for "ME ME ME ME ME!". So they associate him with himself.
Isn't it funny how the world respected us when Obama was in office and laughs at us now that Trump is in office?.

No, it isn't remotely funny. If you meant "nightmare/bizarre"-funny, then yes.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.
I think it helps that he was already a celebrity (or "brand") before he was president; different categories in people's minds. Like when Schwarzenegger was governor of my state. People mocked him and us ruthlessly, but his reputation was his and his alone. I've never heard anyone go "Wow, Californians are so inconsistently but argumentatively conservative, hyped up on steroids, and conversationally incomprehensible due to their heavy accents and tendency to bellow."
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.
I think it helps that he was already a celebrity (or "brand") before he was president; different categories in people's minds. Like when Schwarzenegger was governor of my state. People mocked him and us ruthlessly, but his reputation was his and his alone. I've never heard anyone go "Wow, Californians are so inconsistently but argumentatively conservative, hyped up on steroids, and conversationally incomprehensible due to their heavy accents and tendency to bellow."

I am unconvinced by this line of argument. Ronald Regan was arguably much more personally famous before his presidency than Trump was; Yet Regan's actions and policies were (perhaps at times unfairly) usually seen as representative of the nation as a whole.

I tend to agree with Elixir - Your current POTUS is by FAR the most self-centred and least public spirited leader in the history of your nation. He would never put the needs of the USA above the needs of D J Trump, and the rest of the world can see that. They laugh at him, and even despise him, but for your nation they feel more pity at having to tolerate him. It helps that we can all see that he won only because of an historical oddity of your electoral system, and that he in fact got significantly fewer votes than his opponent - so it's fairly obvious that the American people in general are not really responsible for his presence.

Past presidents have disagreed sharply with one another, and even with the public, on what policies or actions might be best for the USA; But they all seemed at least most of the time to be attempting to make the USA a better place, with their own personal comfort, wealth and status as a secondary consideration.

Even Richard Nixon bent the law to his personal benefit not for purely selfish reasons, but also because he genuinely believed that his being president was good for the nation. Trump doesn't appear to give fuck the first about the nation, other than as a means to his own self aggrandizement and wealth.

His recent disgusting behaviour in refusing to honour the service of the Americans who died in the Great War, apparently out of a disinclination to risk the minor discomfort of going out in the rain, typifies this - I cannot imagine any past POTUS even considering missing such a commemoration without being prevented from attendance by force majeure in the form of war, serious illness, or life-threatening injury.

It is literally his job to represent the entire nation at such events. His refusal to perform his duties without reasonable excuse should be grounds for immediate dismissal from office - and would have been for any past president. Shit, try not doing the job for which you are paid, and using the excuse that you didn't want to get rained on - I can assure you that you wouldn't have that job for long. That he still has his, says a lot of very ugly things about the current makeup of your legislature. Their job is to sack the president if he refuses to do his job without lawful and reasonable excuse. Yet they won't do that job, and he won't do his.
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.
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Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

Or they'll forget about their waning support in two weeks and go back to him because he's the only who can save them from the Mexicans.
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

Or they'll forget about their waning support in two weeks and go back to him because he's the only who can save them from the Mexicans.

Or go back to lamenting the good ole days of Reagan and Nixon.
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

Or they'll forget about their waning support in two weeks and go back to him because he's the only who can save them from the Mexicans.

Or go back to lamenting the good ole days of Reagan and Nixon.

My parents were both Eisenhower Republicans... I think they'd have been appalled by Reagan, though I know that my mom liked Nixon's policies (mostly foreign policy).
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

So they’re still ok with what he does, but they’re concerned that what he says will prevent him from doing what he does?
Isn't it funny how the world respected us when Obama was in office and laughs at us now that Trump is in office?.

No, it isn't remotely funny. If you meant "nightmare/bizarre"-funny, then yes.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.

W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.

I don't think it's terribly strange that people tend not to associate Trump with the US as much as they would another "president". For hundreds of years, America has stood for "liberty and justice for all" (at least in their minds) and Trumps stands for "ME ME ME ME ME!". So they associate him with himself.

This was true when W was president as well, although maybe not as obvious. I was lucky enough to be living and working in the EU during W's reign of terror...I mean, presidency, and no one really cared that I was an American there. Now if you were dumb enough to walk around wearing a MAGA hat, you'd get what you deserve, probably.
More on the new respect we are getting from the world thanks to Trump's election:


When asked what people in the U.K. think of the way that Trump communicates, Perrior said that British people “view him with amusement.”

“We are amused by him. His public polling ratings…I would hazard a guess they would be pretty low. You know, the kind of stocking presents we get at Christmas is Donald Trump toilet paper, that should give you an indication of the way they view him," she told CNN.

Gosh, so much "respect" from the world now that we finally got rid of Obama and put Grabby McTreasonpants in the Oval Office!
Trump is not the American disease.

He is a symptom and a warning to rational people.
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

So they’re still ok with what he does, but they’re concerned that what he says will prevent him from doing what he does?

And that right there is the crux of the problem.

People think Trump somehow created all the racism we are currently seeing in the country, when all he really did was expose the racism that was already there. He made racists feel safe enough to be openly racist (without a "filter" if you prefer). The problem to moderate conservatives is not that Trump is a white supremacist, the problem is that he doesn't do enough to hide it.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.

I don't think it's terribly strange that people tend not to associate Trump with the US as much as they would another "president". For hundreds of years, America has stood for "liberty and justice for all" (at least in their minds) and Trumps stands for "ME ME ME ME ME!". So they associate him with himself.

Lol don't travel much, do you?
Perhaps the tide will turn and some sense of sensibility will return, Underseer. I offer this testimony (and it pains me to speak publicly about my own parents, whom I love and who have supported me through some rough patches):

My father, a very right wing, patent racist, said the other day, "Trump is shooting himself in the foot and losing support because of his comments." My mother responded (and I often think her racism is mostly fueled by my father, who she is reluctant to contradict politically over 50 years of marriage), "He has no filter."

Both are diehard Trumpsters. My father offered no answer to my mother's response, which is very unusual for him.

I think (and hope) that Trump's idiocy and sub-literate blather will come to a head, as it usually does with bullies, and that it will cause his undoing.

So they’re still ok with what he does, but they’re concerned that what he says will prevent him from doing what he does?

That could very well be it in a nutshell.
W and the Neocons gave the world the finger and wasn't much liked. Trump has taken it to a whole new level and made it fun for the world to hate him. Oddly enough, the hate seems to stick just to him, and not necessarily to the US.

I don't think it's terribly strange that people tend not to associate Trump with the US as much as they would another "president". For hundreds of years, America has stood for "liberty and justice for all" (at least in their minds) and Trumps stands for "ME ME ME ME ME!". So they associate him with himself.

Lol don't travel much, do you?

Not internationally for 6-7 years, no. (Does six flights last week within the US count for "travel"?) And even if I had, I wouldn't be foolish enough to think I could personally gather a representative sample of opinions on how people "over there" view America and/or Trump. That's just the impression I get from media, foreign friends, anecdotes, posts like Jimmy's etc..
I am open to countervailing reports, surveys and opinions if you have some.
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