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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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The assertion that South Africa supports Hamas was an extremely weak and unfounded argument. If I may speak frankly, it was stupid as fuck. I predict things will get even dumber with Israel officials attempting to use the holocaust in their defense of actions in Gaza.
Israel presented images of aid vehicles intended for Palestinians to demonstrate their efforts in providing assistance. None of the images showed any Palestinians. :rolleyes:
No. Radicalization is a function of money spent on radicalization, not in Israeli actions.

Financial incentives are the sole reason for individuals joining groups like Hamas? That's overly simplistic. I suppose political ideology, regional conflicts, and historical grievances aren't motivators huh. You've found the solution that will end this conflict Lauren! We should send Lil Wayne on a flight over Palestine and make it rain!
Money spent on radicalization is a lot more than simply paying combatants. There's a huge propaganda system raising people to choose the path of war.

And note that Hamas is the majority of the GDP of Gaza. There's little else to do but aid Hamas.

And you're still missing my point that all the factors you say cause the war in Gaza apply even more so to some other conflicts yet we don't see the "resistance" there because nobody is funding it.
And here I utterly disagree.

The hold Hamas has on Gaza won't be removed. Israel is going to be even more reluctant to allow dual-use materials into Gaza because despite the systems that are supposed to precisely account for them at least 10% of the construction material got diverted to Hamas military use. And that's not counting all the protected facilities that were designed with military use in mind.

And why would Israel foster Palestinian growth? That just means more for Hamas and an incentive for Hamas to attack to get Israel to destroy that economic growth.

The destruction in Gaza has been profound, leaving little for its inhabitants, including Hamas. The focus now should be on reconstruction for the unarmed civilians and empowering them to take charge of their own futures. This is not a short or easy path, but with cooperative efforts and a commitment to building trust, it’s a viable one. The idea that Palestinians wouldn't actively partner with Israel to prevent groups like Hamas from regaining power is only a crazy one to those who don't fucking know them. It's also a crazy one with Zionists still holding sway over Israel.
How in the world could they possibly do what Hamas doesn't want them to do? If you could somehow actually remove Hamas from the picture, sure, but that's not going to happen. Israel can't hope to actually get Hamas, they're just going for command and infrastructure. It will take Hamas years to rebuild to the point of attacking again but they won't be gone and their grip on Gaza won't change.
UN is getting less relevant by the day. Where is the genocide case against Hamas or Iran? Let's not lose track of who started this war, or why.
For that matter, where's the case against Boko Haram? Or Morocco (for their actions in Western Sahara)? Or Sudan? (The partition hasn't ended the genocide.)

All of those make Gaza pale in comparison.
UN International Court of Justice deals with contentious issues between states. Boko Haram is not a state. Morocco’s actions are an internal matter. So are Sudan’s.

Hence none of them would fall under the UN’s ICJ purview.
Western Sahara is approximately equivalent to Gaza in status. And since the partition in Sudan the genocide has continued even though it does involve two states.
Approximately doesn’t count. The genocide in Sudan is caused by fighting between rival internal factions.
Western Sahara is more a state than Gaza. And it's been brutally occupied by Morocco for ages.

And the genocide in Sudan continued even after it was split into Sudan and South Sudan. It's now international. More warranting of ICJ action than Gaza.

But it's Muslims committing the genocide in both cases, they don't act.
The genocide in Sudan is due to internal fighting. Western Sahara is not a state, it is part of Morocco.
Western Sahara is in basically the same situation as Gaza--no recognized government and controlled by an outside power.

And I note you didn't address Sudan.
The breadth and depth of the atrocities is not relevant.

The ICJ does not act unilaterally - a case must be brought forward by a country. Apparently no country agrees with your views on Morocco or Sudan.
Yeah, but the fact that they are going after what is at most the third place case says an awful lot about their motivations. It's not about the deaths, it's about Israel-bashing.

Loren Pechtel said:
And what about Russian genocide in Ukraine?
What about it?
Ukraine vs Russia: Allegations of Genocide
Why isn't the ICJ doing anything?
Money spent on radicalization is a lot more than simply paying combatants. There's a huge propaganda system raising people to choose the path of war.

Are you denying that political ideology, regional conflicts, and historical grievances aren't motivators? Can you give an example of Hamas' propaganda that has nothing to do with any of those?
UN is getting less relevant by the day. Where is the genocide case against Hamas or Iran? Let's not lose track of who started this war, or why.
For that matter, where's the case against Boko Haram? Or Morocco (for their actions in Western Sahara)? Or Sudan? (The partition hasn't ended the genocide.)

All of those make Gaza pale in comparison.
UN International Court of Justice deals with contentious issues between states. Boko Haram is not a state. Morocco’s actions are an internal matter. So are Sudan’s.

Hence none of them would fall under the UN’s ICJ purview.
Western Sahara is approximately equivalent to Gaza in status. And since the partition in Sudan the genocide has continued even though it does involve two states.
Approximately doesn’t count. The genocide in Sudan is caused by fighting between rival internal factions.
Western Sahara is more a state than Gaza. And it's been brutally occupied by Morocco for ages.

And the genocide in Sudan continued even after it was split into Sudan and South Sudan. It's now international. More warranting of ICJ action than Gaza.

But it's Muslims committing the genocide in both cases, they don't act.
The genocide in Sudan is due to internal fighting. Western Sahara is not a state, it is part of Morocco.
Western Sahara is in basically the same situation as Gaza--no recognized government and controlled by an outside power.

And I note you didn't address Sudan.
Ahem “The genocide in Sudan is internal fighting” addresses it since the ICJ is for state vs state issues.

Loren Pechtel said:
And what about Russian genocide in Ukraine?
What about it?
Ukraine vs Russia: Allegations of Genocide
Why isn't the ICJ doing anything?
[/QUOTE] The ICJ is a court with an ongoing case, not Rambo.

It is apparent from your responses you are the illusion that the ICJ seeks out cases and prosecutes defendants. It doesn’t which you would know if you bothered to find out. I did - it took 10 minutes.
For example, if the thug was employed by the government that had control over the lives of civilians, and the government had decided to imprison children in order to terrorize and punish their parents, that would be an abuse of power and thus, oppression.
... Do you now want us all to pretend Hamas isn't a government? ...

The U.S. government (your country) does not recognize Hamas as a legitimate government entity. Instead, it classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas was elected in 2007 2006 and subsequently seized power by force in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, it seems you're the one pretending that Hamas is the legitimate government.
:consternation2: Dude! Why the heck did you insert the "legitimate" property into the exchange? Where the heck am I supposed to be "pretending" Hamas is legitimate?!? Of course Hamas isn't legitimate, duh!!! So what?!? Where the heck is the previous poster suggesting she meant to restrict her scenario to legitimate governments?!?

Lots of governments aren't legitimate. By my standards, at least half the countries in the world have illegitimate governments. Even by narrow standards, Iran and Russia and China don't have legitimate governments since they rig their elections. Are we supposed to infer that people in Iran aren't oppressed? What, you think if the previous poster was in Iran and let her hair show from under her headscarf and got arrested and raped by the morality police, she'd argue it didn't count as oppression because the Khamenei regime isn't legitimate?
Hamas wasn't really a normal government in any sense, since the Gaza Strip was never a country. It was a region of Palestine that Israel used as a holding pen for a recalcitrant population of Palestinians. Israel controlled who could enter or leave that area. Israel did not allow it to have an airport or seaport. Basically, the Palestinian enclave was allowed to choose local leaders to administer the restricted area. Hamas served as the leadership, because Israeli governments opposed a two-state solution and used Hamas to weaken the resistance of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank to illegal Israeli settlements. IOW, Hamas was serving Israel's interests as far as the Likud Party and its allies were concerned, despite the fact that Hamas was openly hostile to Israel. Money and supplies were allowed to flow into Gaza to keep Hamas stabilized and in control. Israelis knew this, and they still know it. Perhaps Netanyahu felt that Hamas should have felt grateful for his patronage, and that is why his response has been so vehement and so sustained. They made him look like the fool that he is.
C. This brings us to "unjust". Why are you making an issue of whether I am appealing to emotion? Don't you use words to appeal to emotions?

I often do. But I don't create eccentric definitions for words to make my arguments more emotionally resonant at the cost of being accurate.
:consternation2: Excuse me?!? Where the bejesus did you see me "create eccentric definitions for words"?!? I have systematically stuck strictly to the definition of oppression that you posted upthread. If you've now decided the definition is eccentric, that's on you.

Whether what Palestinians have done was unjust is a moral question. All moral arguments are appeals to emotion. "Reason is, and ought to be, the slave of the passions". Do you disagree with Hume about that -- do you think you know a way to tell right from wrong without applying your emotional moral sense? Or do you have a general objection to moral arguments -- are you suggesting we should decide what people should do without consideration of morality? Or do you perhaps disagree with my moral claims? Do you disagree that raping is unjust? Do you disagree that kidnapping noncombatants is unjust? Do you disagree that targeting noncombatants for death or grievous bodily harm is unjust?
Is there anyone here who thinks what Hamas has done was morally righteous? I certainly don't.

I have no idea where you got the idea I might disagree with Hume,
I told you where: I got it from the fact that you accused me of "an appeal to emotion".

or that I think kidnapping and raping is justified, or anything of the sort.
Are you unfamiliar with how logical argument works? I was doing a case analysis -- I was systematically going through all the possibilities for why you could reject the deduction that Palestinian behavior satisfies the definition of "oppression" you posted. I did not suspect you think kidnapping and raping is justified -- it seems obvious that your error is elsewhere -- but I included that possibility for the sake of completeness.

D. That leaves us with abuse. "1. the improper use of something. 2. cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal." Take your pick. That what Palestinians did to Israelis was cruel and violent is a plain fact. See A. Whether it was improper use of their power is a moral question. See C. I claim the attackers used their power improperly. Do you disagree?

Assuming your moral judgments on the above questions are not psychopathic, we should now be in agreement that the Palestinians and Israelis are in a two-way mutual-oppression relation, going by your definition of "oppression"...

That is not my definition of oppression.
Then why did you post it? Post #1786. "The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another."

My definition aligns with the one in the Cambridge dictionary. What dictionary are you using?
I'm not using a dictionary; I'm using the definition you posted and I accepted as fitting common usage. Why would I want to go dictionary shopping with you when the technicalities of whether "oppression" is the right word are immaterial to the fundamental issue: the cycle of revenge the Israelis and Palestinians are caught in is deeply misrepresented by equating it with Afrikaaners mistreating black South Africans without provocation. If you win a dictionary shopping contest you'll no doubt score a rhetorical point, but it will have no substance. If that's the discussion you want suit yourself but I'm sticking to substance.

If the person who raped or kidnapped me was an authority figure of some sort, like a police officer or county commissioner, and I had no recourse to justice as was the case for black women living in the South during the Jim Crow era, then yes, I would feel oppressed. Likewise, if people I loved were being threatened or murdered by authority figures like police officers or by vigilantes protected by authority figures (the KKK comes to mind, but the Oath Keepers run a close second), then I would feel oppressed. Once again, it would be people with some authority in society doing it which would make it oppression.
... unless you decided to walk back your definition of "oppression" ten seconds after you typed it. You appear to be trying to disappear the "power or" part out of your definition and throw it down the memory hole. You're now implying people need to have "authority" to qualify as oppressors and having power is not enough. So that's a great big "Yes", you do want to bandy words over technicalities about the definition of "oppression".

I want to use the words that provide the most accurate descriptions of things, not the ones people like to throw down because they like the sound of them.
Well then, what makes the "power or" part of the definition you posted inaccurate? Why is an exercise of unjust and abusive power by one person or group over another unoppressive merely because the powerful unjust abuser is unauthorized?

What the Afrikaaners did to the black South Africans wasn't an outrage merely because they used their "authority" unjustly. It was an outrage because they used their power unjustly. People who equate Israelis with Afrikaaners are trying to misrepresent the two-way relation of the current conflict as a one-way relation such as the one in apartheid South Africa. It's disinformation, intellectually dishonesty, cheap propaganda -- regardless of what clauses they include or exclude from their definition of "oppression".

Apartheid is a government-enforced system of segregation and discrimination. Classification of citizens into categories that determine their treatment under the law is a basic feature. So is forcing people to live where the state dictates they must live.

Israel fits the description of an apartheid state, which is why people call it one.
Who are you talking about, Israeli Arabs or Palestinians? Israeli Arabs have the vote and civil rights, unlike apartheid-era black South Africans. The Palestinians aren't citizens; they're enemy aliens. Did Allied treatment of Germans in occupied parts of 1945 Germany make America, France and Britain "apartheid states"? The people who call Israel an "apartheid state" are in effect demanding that Israel be at peace with Palestine while simultaneously Palestine is at war with Israel.

If the person(s) doing the raping, kidnapping, or murdering was some random asshole or I was not living under an unjust system that protected the abuser, then I would feel threatened, endangered, attacked, or something similar.
And a system where terrorists can prepare their crimes in peace, and cross the border to rape, kidnap and murder, and then go back to Gaza and parade their success and not be arrested by the local authorities is a just system, is it?
WTF are you talking about?

The only people here who have ever attempted to justify cross-border murders and rapes are Derec and Loren. Didn't you notice?
I'm talking about applying logic to your statements. Why do you keep mistaking cross-examination questions for accusations? The way this works is, opposing counsel asks you a question, you answer truthfully, and then he reasons from your answer to deduce a conclusion. The truthful answer to my question is "No, a system where terrorists can prepare their crimes in peace, and cross the border to rape, kidnap and murder, and then go back to Gaza and parade their success and not be arrested by the local authorities is NOT a just system." But a system where terrorists can prepare their crimes in peace, and cross the border to rape, kidnap and murder, and then go back to Gaza and parade their success and not be arrested by the local authorities is the system that Israelis were living under. Since you agree that that's an unjust system, your "if I was not living under an unjust system that protected the abuser" condition was not satisfied. Therefore your argument for why the Israelis weren't being oppressed fails.

Warring states do not oppress each other.
Of course they do, going by your own definition. Show me any war that didn't have unjust and abusive exercises of power perpetrated by both sides.

But have it your way. Assuming warring states do not oppress each other, that immediately settles the oppression issue and the apartheid issue -- Israel cannot be oppressing the Palestinians because the Israelis and Palestinians are at war.

Hold your horses.

Israel and the PA are not at war. Israel is at war with Hamas, because Israel has recognized Hamas as the de facto government in Gaza. The West Bank remains under the (very limited) governmental authority of the PA, which is currently led by Abbas and the Fatah faction of the PLO.

Neither the PA nor Hamas abuses their governmental power over Israelis because they don't have any.

The Afrikaaners and the black South Africans were not at war. If the Palestinians want their accusations of oppression to have any truth they need to sign a peace treaty.
They did.

Look up the Oslo Accords sometime. Check out the signatures at the bottom.
Check out the terms of the agreement. That is not a peace treaty. That is a ceasefire.

Then look up the peace process in the 1990s and see just how far along things went before Rabin was murdered.

And then check out the current peace offers Abbas and the PA have been working on.
Yes, Rabin was the best hope for peace and the guy who murdered him deserves a special place in purgatory whenever his life sentence ends. And good for Abbas and the PA for trying to resurrect the process. And shame on Hamas for disrupting them. But working toward a peace treaty is not the same as reaching one.

Governments, especially the ones that have control over the lives of people they do not recognize as citizens or full members of society, can be very oppressive.
Hamas had total control over the lives of the people they raped, kidnapped and murdered, and they certainly don't recognize them as citizens or full members of society.
Kidnappers usually have that kind of control unless their victims can escape. That doesn't make what they do something other than kidnapping.
Kidnapping doesn't need to be something other than kidnapping to be oppression. The categories are not mutually exclusive.
How in the world could they possibly do what Hamas doesn't want them to do? If you could somehow actually remove Hamas from the picture, sure, but that's not going to happen. Israel can't hope to actually get Hamas, they're just going for command and infrastructure. It will take Hamas years to rebuild to the point of attacking again but they won't be gone and their grip on Gaza won't change.
Israel has the opportunity to establish a collaborative and progressive relationship with the Palestinian people, similar to how the United States engaged with Japan post-World War II. By fostering mutual understanding and working together, Israel and the Palestinians can create a peaceful environment. This approach can also be instrumental in jointly addressing and mitigating the influence of extremist groups like Hamas, benefiting both communities.
For example, if the thug was employed by the government that had control over the lives of civilians, and the government had decided to imprison children in order to terrorize and punish their parents, that would be an abuse of power and thus, oppression.
... Do you now want us all to pretend Hamas isn't a government? ...

The U.S. government (your country) does not recognize Hamas as a legitimate government entity. Instead, it classifies Hamas as a terrorist organization. Hamas was elected in 2007 2006 and subsequently seized power by force in the Gaza Strip. Therefore, it seems you're the one pretending that Hamas is the legitimate government.
:consternation2: Dude! Why the heck did you insert the "legitimate" property into the exchange? Where the heck am I supposed to be "pretending" Hamas is legitimate?!? Of course Hamas isn't legitimate, duh!!! So what?!? Where the heck is the previous poster suggesting she meant to restrict her scenario to legitimate governments?!?

Lots of governments aren't legitimate. By my standards, at least half the countries in the world have illegitimate governments. Even by narrow standards, Iran and Russia and China don't have legitimate governments since they rig their elections. Are we supposed to infer that people in Iran aren't oppressed? What, you think if the previous poster was in Iran and let her hair show from under her headscarf and got arrested and raped by the morality police, she'd argue it didn't count as oppression because the Khamenei regime isn't legitimate?

It appears you were initially supportive of classifying Hamas as a government entity, & I clarified that it is widely recognized as a terrorist organization. It's not complicated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Money spent on radicalization is a lot more than simply paying combatants. There's a huge propaganda system raising people to choose the path of war.

Are you denying that political ideology, regional conflicts, and historical grievances aren't motivators? Can you give an example of Hamas' propaganda that has nothing to do with any of those?
What I'm saying is that none of your reasons produce any meaningful level of terrorism in the real world. Terrorist movements generally only die when the money goes away. And they don't arise without the money.
Israel has the opportunity to establish a collaborative and progressive relationship with the Palestinian people, similar to how the United States engaged with Japan post-World War II.
The USA and Allies could only do that after the bombed the crap out of Japan, reducing near all of it to rubble. Then we destroyed their leadership and military capabilities.

Then making a peaceful and prosperous Japan became a possibility. And they got tons of aid and support. But not until the leadership and infrastructures were toast.
Gaza isn't there yet.
Israel has the opportunity to establish a collaborative and progressive relationship with the Palestinian people, similar to how the United States engaged with Japan post-World War II.
The USA and Allies could only do that after the bombed the crap out of Japan, reducing near all of it to rubble. Then we destroyed their leadership and military capabilities.

Then making a peaceful and prosperous Japan became a possibility. And they got tons of aid and support. But not until the leadership and infrastructures were toast.
Gaza isn't there yet.

I don't believe you think there will be a Marshall Plan for Gaza.

Do you have a dog in this fight?

Is this some sort of hasbara?
Western Sahara is in basically the same situation as Gaza--no recognized government and controlled by an outside power.

And I note you didn't address Sudan.
Ahem “The genocide in Sudan is internal fighting” addresses it since the ICJ is for state vs state issues.
Saying this doesn't make it true.

I already pointed out South Sudan.

Loren Pechtel said:
And what about Russian genocide in Ukraine?
What about it?
Ukraine vs Russia: Allegations of Genocide
Why isn't the ICJ doing anything?
The ICJ is a court with an ongoing case, not Rambo.

It is apparent from your responses you are the illusion that the ICJ seeks out cases and prosecutes defendants. It doesn’t which you would know if you bothered to find out. I did - it took 10 minutes.

So? They're not going to actually take action against Israel, either.
:consternation2: Dude! Why the heck did you insert the "legitimate" property into the exchange? Where the heck am I supposed to be "pretending" Hamas is legitimate?!? Of course Hamas isn't legitimate, duh!!! So what?!? Where the heck is the previous poster suggesting she meant to restrict her scenario to legitimate governments?!?
It appears you were initially supportive of classifying Hamas as a government entity, & I clarified that it is widely recognized as a terrorist organization. It's not complicated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And? The two categories are not mutually exclusive. The Iranian regime is both a government and a terrorist organization. So's the North Korean regime. So's the Syrian regime. So's the Afghan regime. So's ISIS.
The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another.
Yes. That is what it means in common usage. That is what I mean by it. That is what the Israelis and the Palestinians have been doing to each other for the last seventy-five years. This is not rocket science.
I agree, it is not rocket science - it is hyperbolic propaganda. "The Palestinians" as a group cannot possibly be reasonably judged to have oppressed anyone but themselves for the last 75 years. Even by your idiosyncratic usage, Palestinians in the West Bank have not oppressed Israel in the last 10 years or more.
According to the State Department, West-Bank Palestinians murdered twelve Israeli civilians in terror attacks in Israel in 2022 alone; several more were wounded. I'm sure you can define "as a group" in some way that lets you claim those don't count, but (a) the Palestinian Authority isn't taking effective action to prevent attacks and is in fact continuing to pay terrorists' families and imprisoned terrorists; and (b) plenty of Israelis haven't ever oppressed Palestinians and plenty of Afrikaaners never oppressed black South Africans, but you didn't object to my describing the Israelis and the Afrikaaners as oppressing their societies' respective victims on account of "as a group" quibbling. People speak in generalities because it saves time; we expect one another to recognize that it's an approximation.
Israel has the opportunity to establish a collaborative and progressive relationship with the Palestinian people, similar to how the United States engaged with Japan post-World War II.
The USA and Allies could only do that after the bombed the crap out of Japan, reducing near all of it to rubble. Then we destroyed their leadership and military capabilities.

Then making a peaceful and prosperous Japan became a possibility. And they got tons of aid and support. But not until the leadership and infrastructures were toast.
Gaza isn't there yet.

I don't believe you think there will be a Marshall Plan for Gaza.

Do you have a dog in this fight?

Is this some sort of hasbara?
Why on earth would you think he doesn't think that?

"According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, aid to Palestinians totaled over $40 billion between 1994 and 2020."

That's what the international community was willing to spend before the terrorists were taken down; why the heck wouldn't we do it again once the aid is finally going to making a peaceful and prosperous Palestine?
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