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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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EDIT: Take this with a grain of salt. I'm terrible at timelines.

You're right; You are terrible with timelines. The Nazis were very definitely a twentieth century phenomenon.
As a formal political party, sure; but as an ideological movement of the sort of people who in modern rhetoric would certainly be labeled nazis, not so much. Nietzsche was railing against German nationalism and antisemitism back in the 1870s.
Well, perhaps; But that doesn't really help. If we use your broader definition, we find that nationalism and antisemitism pre-date the 19th century by a far greater margin than the Nazis (as a formal political party) post-date it.
I often do. But I don't create eccentric definitions for words to make my arguments more emotionally resonant at the cost of being accurate.
:consternation2: Excuse me?!? Where the bejesus did you see me "create eccentric definitions for words"?!? I have systematically stuck strictly to the definition of oppression that you posted upthread. If you've now decided the definition is eccentric, that's on you.

The definition I posted upthread? You mean where I said "The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another. It is not used to indicate mutual hostilities between parties."
Yes! For about the ninetieth time, yes!

Or do you mean the one in the link to the Cambridge dictionary which defines it as <snip>
No, obviously. Why would I cooperate with your attempt to change your definition after you already posted it and I accepted it?

Both definitions I provided refer to an exercise of institutional power by one person or group over another
Where are you getting that? Our agreed definition didn't say "institutional power"; it said "power". What is the point of trying to retroactively insert "institutional" into the definition other than to rationalize a double standard that lets wrongdoing on one side off the hook?

, not just people fighting over something.
:rolleyesa: That's right, a rapist and a rape victim are "just people fighting over something". It's like when you implied rapes, kidnappings and murders were "Fighting, strife, insurrection, resisting occupation, resisting colonization". Why do you keep doing that?

I asked you "What definition of the term 'oppression' do you use, and how do you decide who is oppressing whom?" You haven't given me an answer except to say you were using common definitions.
That is a falsehood. I have told you exactly what definition I'm using. If you're forgetting how our discussion has gone because I'm responding slowly, my apologies -- a lot on my plate.

A quick Google search yields several common definitions including
-prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control
-the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control.
Palestinians have been targeting Israeli noncombatants for murder for decades. That is prolonged, cruel, and unjust.

-historical and organized patterns of mistreatment
So are you proposing that Palestinian war crimes against Israeli civilians aren't historical, or aren't organized, or aren't mistreatment?

-a combination of prejudice and institutional power that creates a system that regularly and severely discriminates against some groups
:rolleyesa: And as we have recently been told, "plagiarism" means "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own, plus power".

-when a person or group in a position of power controls the less powerful in cruel and unfair ways
So do you feel cutting the throat of the adjacent rider on a bus fails to control her? Do you feel it isn't cruel? Do you feel it's a fair way to control her? Or are you arguing that the attacker with the knife is less powerful than the rider with her throat cut?

-Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power especially by the imposition of burdens
Are you arguing that taking a child across a border and holding him prisoner in some tunnel he can't be rescued from is not burdensome on him?

-oppression entails a state of asymmetric power relations characterized by domination, subordination, and resistance, where the dominating persons or groups exercise their power by restricting access to material resources and by implanting in the subordinated persons or groups fear or self-deprecating views about themselves…. Oppression, then, is a series of asymmetric power relations between individuals, genders, classes, communities, nations, and states.
So are you arguing that when a girl at a music festival is raped by a terrorist, he doesn't restrict access to material pepper spray she would need in order to ward him off, but allows her go get some and come back with it before he continues the rape? Or are you arguing he doesn't implant any fear in her while he's holding her down and stripping off her clothes? Or that he doesn't dominate her and subordinate her? Or that she doesn't try to resist his penetration of her? Or are you perhaps arguing that the two have a symmetrical power relation because she rapes him too?

The common definitions of oppression incorporate the concept of a more powerful group imposing unfair restrictions on a less powerful group.
Actually, most of the ones you quoted don't say it has to be group-on-group. Moreover, the terrorists as a group are clearly more powerful than the victims as a group. When you rape somebody and claim she's more powerful than you, the fact that she was unable to stop you from raping her proves you're a liar.

It does not describe the condition of mutual hostilities between groups,
And... there you go again. Finding an unarmed innocent bystander and slashing her to death is "mutual hostilities". :rolleyesa:

which is why I said you are using an eccentric definition.
You posted the definition; all I did was quote you and apply it.

And it appears to me you are using the term as an appeal to emotion. You want to argue that Palestinians are oppressing Israelis even though that has never happened in the modern State of Israel.
The people whose loved ones are on the posters of kidnap victims that left-wingers keep ripping down might possibly disagree with you about that.

What definition of oppression are you using, and how do you determine who is oppressing whom?
Asked and answered, repeatedly. "The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another." I determine who is oppressing whom by comparing actions with that definition, using logic, instead of inserting extraneous criteria like "institutional" whenever I need to to let one side off the hook.

Believing you are making an appeal to emotion means I disagree that reason is, and ought to be, the slave of the passions?
That's one possibility. Another possibility is that you weren't implying there was anything wrong with making an appeal to emotion and brought up the issue for no reason. Another possibility is that you were simply being inconsistent. Explain yourself or don't, your option.

My definition aligns with the one in the Cambridge dictionary. What dictionary are you using?
I'm not using a dictionary;

I think I see the problem.

If you want to talk about what oppression is, and what it is not, please post the definition you are using. If it can be found in a dictionary, even better.
I have posted it many times, and so have you; and in case you've forgotten, you're the one who wanted to talk about what oppression is. Which part of

the technicalities of whether "oppression" is the right word are immaterial to the fundamental issue: the cycle of revenge the Israelis and Palestinians are caught in is deeply misrepresented by equating it with Afrikaaners mistreating black South Africans without provocation.
didn't you understand?
At this point, fuck Israel. They made their own bed let them sleep in it.
I feel very much the same towards Islamicists, including Palestinians, especially Gaza.
I think Israel has used up whatever post WWII goodwill there was towards Jews.

Over here progressives promote tolerance for the intolerant and call it diversity. Jews over her are diverse from liberal to moderate to ultra conservative. Conservative Jews keep to themselves as much as possible and shun interaction outside the community.

Israel is well past claiming to be a victim. They victimized Palestinians from the day they took land to found Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu Just Said “From the River to the Sea”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday rejected the premise of a Palestinian state and promised that Israel will take over the entire region it currently occupies, “from the river to the sea,” according to an English translation on the Israeli news channel i24NEWS.

According to other translations, Netanyahu said that Israel “must have security control over the entire territory west of the Jordan River,” which is basically the same thing.

The prime minister vowed to oppose the creation of any Palestinian state, as Israel continues its horrific military bombardment of Gaza.

Original Party Platform of the Likud Party (1977; Jewish Virtual Library)
The Right of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel (Eretz Israel)

a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.

b. A plan which relinquishes parts of western Eretz Israel, undermines our right to the country, unavoidably leads to the establishment of a "Palestinian State," jeopardizes the security of the Jewish population, endangers the existence of the State of Israel. and frustrates any prospect of peace.
That says it all. Good post.
I often do. But I don't create eccentric definitions for words to make my arguments more emotionally resonant at the cost of being accurate.
:consternation2: Excuse me?!? Where the bejesus did you see me "create eccentric definitions for words"?!? I have systematically stuck strictly to the definition of oppression that you posted upthread. If you've now decided the definition is eccentric, that's on you.

The definition I posted upthread? You mean where I said "The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another. It is not used to indicate mutual hostilities between parties."
Yes! For about the ninetieth time, yes!

Or do you mean the one in the link to the Cambridge dictionary which defines it as <snip>
No, obviously. Why would I cooperate with your attempt to change your definition after you already posted it and I accepted it?

I was not attempting to change my definition. I was attempting to clarify things for you.

Years ago I realized that in certain discussions it was important to be really, really wordy because assuming that other posters could or would ask for clarification was unrealistic. I now realize that I should have gone on for a few paragraphs about the meaning of the term and included several dictionary definitions. I also realize I made a slight error in punctuation. I should have written my initial comment this way:

The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another; it is not used to indicate mutual hostilities between parties.

The term "oppression" is not used to indicate mutual hostilities, warfare, civil strife, or similar conditions in which two or more parties engage in an exchange of violent acts and aggression with each other. We have other words for mutual bloodletting. It is used when individuals in positions of power (popes, kings, emperors, dictators, etc. ), or groups in positions of power (white supremacists in the Jim Crow era, Japanese troops in Nanking in the 1930s, the Khmer Rouge, etc.), exercised their power over other individuals or groups in unjust and abusive ways.

Both definitions I provided refer to an exercise of institutional power by one person or group over another
Where are you getting that? Our agreed definition didn't say "institutional power"; it said "power". What is the point of trying to retroactively insert "institutional" into the definition other than to rationalize a double standard that lets wrongdoing on one side off the hook?

, not just people fighting over something.
:rolleyesa: That's right, a rapist and a rape victim are "just people fighting over something". It's like when you implied rapes, kidnappings and murders were "Fighting, strife, insurrection, resisting occupation, resisting colonization". Why do you keep doing that?

You are misreading my posts.

The rapes, kidnapping, and murders carried out by Hamas in Israel in October were acts of terrorism and crimes against humanity. We call them that because they fit the definition of the terms 'terrorism' and 'crimes against humanity'.

IMO they were not instances of oppression because they do not fit the definition of the term 'oppression'. You apparently think they do but you have not yet explained your reasoning. I think at this point it is up to you to be really, really wordy in your response and to explain more fully what you mean.

I asked you "What definition of the term 'oppression' do you use, and how do you decide who is oppressing whom?" You haven't given me an answer except to say you were using common definitions.
That is a falsehood. I have told you exactly what definition I'm using. If you're forgetting how our discussion has gone because I'm responding slowly, my apologies -- a lot on my plate.

A quick Google search yields several common definitions including
-prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control
-the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control.
Palestinians have been targeting Israeli noncombatants for murder for decades. That is prolonged, cruel, and unjust.

The IDF and settlers have been targeting non-Jewish Palestinian non-combatants for murder and mayhem for decades. That, too, is prolonged, cruel, and unjust, and it comes on top of ethnic cleansing and theft of property.

-historical and organized patterns of mistreatment
So are you proposing that Palestinian war crimes against Israeli civilians aren't historical, or aren't organized, or aren't mistreatment?

-a combination of prejudice and institutional power that creates a system that regularly and severely discriminates against some groups
:rolleyesa: And as we have recently been told, "plagiarism" means "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own, plus power".

-when a person or group in a position of power controls the less powerful in cruel and unfair ways
So do you feel cutting the throat of the adjacent rider on a bus fails to control her? Do you feel it isn't cruel? Do you feel it's a fair way to control her? Or are you arguing that the attacker with the knife is less powerful than the rider with her throat cut?

-Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power especially by the imposition of burdens
Are you arguing that taking a child across a border and holding him prisoner in some tunnel he can't be rescued from is not burdensome on him?

-oppression entails a state of asymmetric power relations characterized by domination, subordination, and resistance, where the dominating persons or groups exercise their power by restricting access to material resources and by implanting in the subordinated persons or groups fear or self-deprecating views about themselves…. Oppression, then, is a series of asymmetric power relations between individuals, genders, classes, communities, nations, and states.
So are you arguing that when a girl at a music festival is raped by a terrorist, he doesn't restrict access to material pepper spray she would need in order to ward him off, but allows her go get some and come back with it before he continues the rape? Or are you arguing he doesn't implant any fear in her while he's holding her down and stripping off her clothes? Or that he doesn't dominate her and subordinate her? Or that she doesn't try to resist his penetration of her? Or are you perhaps arguing that the two have a symmetrical power relation because she rapes him too?

The common definitions of oppression incorporate the concept of a more powerful group imposing unfair restrictions on a less powerful group.
Actually, most of the ones you quoted don't say it has to be group-on-group. Moreover, the terrorists as a group are clearly more powerful than the victims as a group. When you rape somebody and claim she's more powerful than you, the fact that she was unable to stop you from raping her proves you're a liar.

It does not describe the condition of mutual hostilities between groups,
And... there you go again. Finding an unarmed innocent bystander and slashing her to death is "mutual hostilities". :rolleyesa:

which is why I said you are using an eccentric definition.
You posted the definition; all I did was quote you and apply it.

And it appears to me you are using the term as an appeal to emotion. You want to argue that Palestinians are oppressing Israelis even though that has never happened in the modern State of Israel.
The people whose loved ones are on the posters of kidnap victims that left-wingers keep ripping down might possibly disagree with you about that.

What definition of oppression are you using, and how do you determine who is oppressing whom?
Asked and answered, repeatedly. "The term oppression is used to indicate an exercise of unjust and abusive power or authority by one person or group over another." I determine who is oppressing whom by comparing actions with that definition, using logic, instead of inserting extraneous criteria like "institutional" whenever I need to to let one side off the hook.

Believing you are making an appeal to emotion means I disagree that reason is, and ought to be, the slave of the passions?
That's one possibility. Another possibility is that you weren't implying there was anything wrong with making an appeal to emotion and brought up the issue for no reason. Another possibility is that you were simply being inconsistent. Explain yourself or don't, your option.

I believe I have already addressed ^this^ but feel free to repost any particular points you want to discuss more fully.

My definition aligns with the one in the Cambridge dictionary. What dictionary are you using?
I'm not using a dictionary;

I think I see the problem.

If you want to talk about what oppression is, and what it is not, please post the definition you are using. If it can be found in a dictionary, even better.
I have posted it many times, and so have you; and in case you've forgotten, you're the one who wanted to talk about what oppression is. Which part of

the technicalities of whether "oppression" is the right word are immaterial

So you don't want to talk about whether or not Palestinians are oppressing Israelis. You just want to say that they are.
to the fundamental issue: the cycle of revenge the Israelis and Palestinians are caught in is deeply misrepresented by equating it with Afrikaaners mistreating black South Africans without provocation.
didn't you understand?

I understand why you want to say the Palestinians are oppressing the Israelis. And why you don't want to use the term 'apartheid' to describe the system of bigotry and bias that exists in Israel.

I do not agree with your attempt to cast Israel as the victim of oppression or name-calling.
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Ah, yes, the old equation of criticizing the government = criticizing a specific group. :rolleyes:

The sides in this group are:

1. Hammas. Funded by Iran to destabilise Israel. Popular in Palestine because they buy hospitals and stuff. Let's just ignore that the main benefactor of Palestine is Israel.

2. The Israeli government, who are just trying to keep everyone safe. Yes, even the Palestinians. If Hammas (and Islamic Jihad) keeps attacking Israel needs to respond in an appropriate way. I think rooting out Hammas at the core and obliterating it, I think, is appropriate. It's not the fault of Israel that Hammas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields

I feel bad for the Palestinian people. They are getting so fucked over, by all sides. Even their own
1. Hammas. Funded by Iran to destabilise Israel. Popular in Palestine because they buy hospitals and stuff. Let's just ignore that the main benefactor of Palestine is Israel.

Iran had Hezbollah. Hamas initially began as a grassroots movement. Over time, Israel played a role in their rise over that ole enemy of my enemy is a friend thing. Ya know, similar to how the US tried to play the Muslim Brotherhood game against Iran and that backfired as well. Once Hamas evolved and became more prominent, Iran found them to be a viable asset and took over providing support to Hamas.

2. The Israeli government, who are just trying to keep everyone safe. Yes, even the Palestinians. If Hammas (and Islamic Jihad) keeps attacking Israel needs to respond in an appropriate way. I think rooting out Hammas at the core and obliterating it, I think, is appropriate. It's not the fault of Israel that Hammas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields

Israel's actions, such as occupying territories, controlling borders, and water resources, as well as historical involvement with groups like Hamas, have been points of contention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A more nuanced understanding of the situation acknowledges these complexities beyond a simple assertion that the Israeli government is solely focused on ensuring safety. What government doesn't make that claim?

Finally, your comments have no relevance to the "wheel of blame" you entered into the discussion, which seemed to suggest Jews as a whole are being blamed.
Ah, yes, the old equation of criticizing the government = criticizing a specific group. :rolleyes:

The sides in this group are:

1. Hammas. Funded by Iran to destabilise Israel. Popular in Palestine because they buy hospitals and stuff. Let's just ignore that the main benefactor of Palestine is Israel.

2. The Israeli government, who are just trying to keep everyone safe. Yes, even the Palestinians.
What?! Far-right Israeli leadership policies have rarely ever considered the safety of the Palestinian people.

There is plenty of blame to go around, that vile claims of anti-Semitism can easily be considered out of bounds, without any actual backing of said accusations. Israeli Government appears to be clearing out the land for Israeli occupation. That the displacement was intentional and meant to be permanent. That the continued bombings were not strategic. That this was all intended.

This is quite problematic. Especially for those who are appearing to being permanently displaced from their homes.
Ah, yes, the old equation of criticizing the government = criticizing a specific group. :rolleyes:

The sides in this group are:

1. Hammas. Funded by Iran to destabilise Israel. Popular in Palestine because they buy hospitals and stuff. Let's just ignore that the main benefactor of Palestine is Israel.

2. The Israeli government, who are just trying to keep everyone safe. Yes, even the Palestinians.
What?! Far-right Israeli leadership policies have rarely ever considered the safety of the Palestinian people.

Well, Palestinians aren't at risk from Jewish suicide bombers. They focus on where the attacks are most likely to occur.

I know a lot about this since my ex wife was a Hungarian/Israeli Jew. She lived many years in Jerusalem.

There is plenty of blame to go around, that vile claims of anti-Semitism can easily be considered out of bounds, without any actual backing of said accusations. Israeli Government appears to be clearing out the land for Israeli occupation. That the displacement was intentional and meant to be permanent. That the continued bombings were not strategic. That this was all intended.

Yeah, well everyone hates the settlers, especially other Israelis. They hate them so much. They continually provoke the Palestinians and refuse to do military service, because its against their faith. They're the worst cunts. Also their brand if Judaism is heavily influenced by American Evangelical Christianity. That's why they're so cunty

This is quite problematic. Especially for those who are appearing to being permanently displaced from their homes.

Palestine has never been an Islamic state. It has always been Jewish. Even when ruled by Islamic empires. So I don’t see how this is relevant.
The depth of depravity in the 7/10 Hammas attack makes it impossible for Israel to accept Hammas having any more influence in Gaza. And since Hammas has wide popular support its necessary to go in with the big guns. There is no other viable option for Israel. Allowing Hammas to have any more influence in Gaza is now a non-starter. Israel is now doing the only sensible thing to do. Yeah, it sucks for the Palestinians. Its really bad. But there is no other option for Israel. They have to do it, or never again know peace.
Keep in mind that the international press uncritically publish the utter drivel that the Palestinian authorities keep feeding them. The suffering and death toll by the Palestinians is likely a fraction of what is reported. As far as I can tell the IDF is doing a stellar job.
Palestine has never been an Islamic state. It has always been Jewish. Even when ruled by Islamic empires. So I don’t see how this is relevant.

Virtually everything in your last few posts I agree with. But not this.

For many centuries the area has been overwhelmingly Muslim. I can understand why foreign Jews would feel an affinity. A wish to return there when most of the world was getting worse for them all the time. A 19th century trickle became a flood in the mid-20th century.

But for most of 2000 years it wasn't Jewish land by any stretch. Exodus is not a permanent property deed directly from God, however much Zionists prefer to believe that.
As I see it, the main problem in this conflict is the attitude of the Palestinians. In their minds Israel is surrounded by 900 million Muslims, so they can make bizarre and impractical demands on Israel. They behave like bullies. The problem is that Islam is a bullshit identity. Muslims have no solidarity with eachother, do not help eachother and are NOT a single unified group. All the support Muslim nations offer the Palestinians is lip service. So the Palestinians keep making demands, assuming that any day now a unified Islamic front will win the day for them. It won't. They live in fantasy land. There's just no way to reason with these people.

And Jews, being a traditionally persecuted group, are utterly pragmatic. They don't give a shit about ideology, religion or identity. They just do what they need to do to survive. They could not be more down to earth. History has taught Jews to be cynical and pragmatic. No, not orthodox Jews. But they're total clowns, with no say and no influence. They're all idiots and other Jews know it. No one cares about them. Or listen to them.
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Palestine has never been an Islamic state. It has always been Jewish. Even when ruled by Islamic empires. So I don’t see how this is relevant.

Virtually everything in your last few posts I agree with. But not this.

For many centuries the area has been overwhelmingly Muslim. I can understand why foreign Jews would feel an affinity. A wish to return there when most of the world was getting worse for them all the time. A 19th century trickle became a flood in the mid-20th century.

But for most of 2000 years it wasn't Jewish land by any stretch. Exodus is not a permanent property deed directly from God, however much Zionists prefer to believe that.

You can just look this stuff up. I won't comment. But Zionists aren't religiously motivated. They were from the beginning a secular and socialistic movement. They were motivated primarily by the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Europe. They just wanted to get the fuck out.

Their first plan was a Jewish state in Uganda. They didn’t care where it was. As long as it was far away Europe.

They eventually chose Palestine because influential Evangelical Christians in the British government thought Jesus would come back if all the Jews returned. And heavily funded the foundation of Israel in Palestine.

Jews are incredibly down to Earth. Its a feature of their culture.

And why so many Muslims were displaced in Israel has its explanations. It wasn’t the fault of the Jews. You can also look that up as well.
You can just look this stuff up.
You can look it up. And find out that it's been overwhelmingly Muslim for centuries. Not Jewish.

That's the part I was commenting on.

Someone on the internet once pointed out that there are more Zionists in Texas than Israel. If by Zionists one means people who believe that it's always been Jewish because God said so in the Bible, and therefore Jewish people have rights that other people do not. It's a common view amongst evangelical Christians.

A Zionist might despise those Christ-killers, and still think that they should move there. Especially if it means those Jews don't live in their neighborhood.
The depth of depravity in the 7/10 Hammas attack makes it impossible for Israel to accept Hammas having any more influence in Gaza. And since Hammas has wide popular support its necessary to go in with the big guns.

It's important to use targeted munitions instead of indiscriminate ones, sir. Why? The former can help prevent your efforts to remove Hamas from being a tool of radicalization to produce more of Hamas. Gaza is not only the place with Arabs bruh! If they genuinely aiming to eliminate an enemy, their approach is remarkably unwise. We are no longer in colonial times when such behavior was deemed acceptable. In today's nuclear age, actions like these can lead to catastrophic consequences, risking the loss of everything, including your beloved continent. But you go on and preach brotha.
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