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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Dividing your enemy is a useful tactic. Supporting Hamas did do that.

And Iran would have funded whoever would shoot at Israel. They don't care who it is.

At what point did I suggest Iran would act differently? It seems you're addressing points I haven't made. My actual statement is about the role Israel played in Hamas' rise to power. You seem to express affirmation so I have no flying fuck of an idea what you're on about.
Ah, yes, the old equation of criticizing the government = criticizing a specific group. :rolleyes:
Because it usually is a PC way to criticize Jews.

I am not participating in what you refer to as 'the politically correct method of criticizing Jews.' Therefore, the post I am responding to aligns with my characterization of it being a false equivalency. Thanks for sharing useless info though.
Hamas' (the terrorist organization in power by force for those who didn't get the memo) main objective is the eradication of Israel and enforcing their interpretation of Islamic law through any means they see fit (even if that means killing & raping Palestinians & Israeli civilians,). As such achieving a lasting peace is impossible with them. Honestly I consider Hamas more barbaric than Islamic. Israel has every right to defend itself from what's best described as a genocidal terrorist organization.

then there is the Palestinian population. Diverse and not uniform in their views. Yet, it seems we are expected to ignore the killing of women and children on the grounds that women and children have been killed? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Yet, it seems we are expected to ignore the killing of women and children on the grounds that women and children have been killed? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Speaking mostly for myself,

I'm not ignoring the deaths of anyone. Not Muslim or Jew, not men, women, children. But if you don't identify the background reasons they have died, you can't prevent future episodes.

I see the main reason for Gazans and Israelis civilian casualties as violent Islamicist leaders. Not just Hamas, but mainly. And even more so, their international backers. The people who provided the resources to build a big military installation, but not basic infrastructure like water and power.

And I don't know how to distinguish between the Gazans who knew about the military infrastructure being built next to or under civilian infrastructures like apartment buildings or houses of worship. But I cannot believe that only Hamas knew about it.
So I don't have any clear way to distinguish between Hamas and their supporters, Gazan or foreign.
So I don't have any clear way to distinguish between Hamas and their supporters, Gazan or foreign.

Can you at minimum make the distinction between children and Hamas militants?
So I don't have any clear way to distinguish between Hamas and their supporters, Gazan or foreign.

Can you at minimum make the distinction between children and Hamas militants?

Sure I can.

Do Gazans?
One of their worst features is the child soldiers thing.
Can you make a distinction between militants and children in Gaza?
If so, what is it?
So I don't have any clear way to distinguish between Hamas and their supporters, Gazan or foreign.

Can you at minimum make the distinction between children and Hamas militants?

Sure I can.

Do Gazans?
One of their worst features is the child soldiers thing.
Can you make a distinction between militants and children in Gaza?
If so, what is it?

Certainly. The capacity of children to learn and be influenced is vast, ranging from simple educational content like the alphabet to more extreme activities such as transporting munitions. This understanding allows for a clear distinction between young individuals and adult militants, even in tragic instances where children are involved in combat situations. Responsibility in these scenarios typically falls on the adult militants who provided such training, such as Hamas in this scenario. However, this does not lead to equating children with Hamas militants, nor does it diminish the difference between these children and the adults who trained them. It's also important to acknowledge that some of these adults might have been indoctrinated with these beliefs from a young age, knowing little else.

Are you interpreting my statements as support for Hamas? Your response came with a sprinkle of hostility, and I have no idea why. :rolleyes:
You also seem to be making the claim that all children in Gaza are trained to be Hamas militants.
Hamas' (the terrorist organization in power by force for those who didn't get the memo) main only objective is the eradication of Israel and enforcing their interpretation of Islamic law through any means they see fit (even if that means killing & raping Palestinians & Israeli civilians,). As such achieving a lasting peace is impossible with them. Honestly I consider Hamas more barbaric than Islamic. Israel has every right to defend itself from what's best described as a genocidal terrorist organization.

then there is the Palestinian population. Diverse and not uniform in their views. Yet, it seems we are expected to ignore the killing of women and children on the grounds that women and children have been killed? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
FIFY. Just a minor typo. Otherwise a good post. Another elephant stamp for your collection.
Anyway, if you believe the UN created the State of Israel via resolution 181 then you must also believe Israelis invaded their neighbor's territory in April of 1948 with the intention of seizing resources and infrastructure through ethnic cleansing and conquest.
Israel didn't start the war.

Which war, and when did it start? Be specific.

If you are calling the fighting before May 14, 1948 a war, then I agree that Israel didn't start it because Israel didn't exist. But if you are trying to use a cheap rhetorical trick to absolve the Jewish Agency for Palestine of responsibility for the planned ethnic cleansing and seizing of territory by force, i.e. the war of conquest they called the War of Independence, then I disagree. There is no doubt the Zionists started it.
Remind us all again who invaded whom on 14/05/48?
We, tragically, will never know what might have been if those 5 armies had stayed put.
The history of the conflict doesn't start in May of 1948. The bodies of people killed in the strife, soldiers, civilians, LEOs, and terrorists alike, have been filling the graveyards there since the 1920s.
It goes back much, much farther than that. Massacring Jews was common long before then. 1948 is the abuse victim finally escaping.
Link to the evidence that massacring Jews was common, or admit you can't find any.
Here is a distressing list of massacres that occurred in in British Mandate before the 14/05/48. It does not sort between victims, just lists them.
I'm not ignoring the deaths of anyone. Not Muslim or Jew, not men, women, children. But if you don't identify the background reasons they have died, you can't prevent future episodes.

I see the main reason for Gazans and Israelis civilian casualties as violent Islamicist leaders. Not just Hamas, but mainly. And even more so, their international backers.

Strange; something similar is thought about us. Ya know, that same us that went through a period of colonialism. This is the us that facilitated the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, claiming it as their ancestral land from millennia ago, while ourselves simultaneously occupying territories that belong to others. :ROFLMAO: Do you really believe Iran would just skip off into wheat fields tossing Gaz several feet into the air for it to plummet into mouths singing about good ole boys that didn't mean any harm? It's understandable that they would have reservations about it, given the lack of a long-standing history of peaceful relations between us.
You also seem to be making the claim that all children in Gaza are trained to be Hamas militants.
How about we talk about what I really said, rather than what it "seems"?
When it "seems" like, to you, is so very different from what I actually "did" say?
You also seem to be making the claim that all children in Gaza are trained to be Hamas militants.
How about we talk about what I really said, rather than what it "seems"?
When it "seems" like, to you, is so very different from what I actually "did" say?

Thank you for clarifying. You are indeed capable of differentiating between children and Hamas militants. Could have avoided all this if you would have just said so rather than post some rhetorical nonsense.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you for clarifying. You are indeed capable of differentiating between children and Hamas militants. Could have avoided all this if you would have just said so rather than post some rhetorical nonsense.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's not what I said.
I can't distinguish between children and Hamas militants, any more than you can.
Is a 17 y/o throwing gasoline bombs onto IDF soldiers on the street, three stories below, a child or a Hamas militant?

On a more substantive note, after centuries of persecution culminating in the Holocaust, the Jews DID deserve some kind of homeland. IMHO the world was under an obligation to provide them with one, and Israel was the logical place for it.
That is not the thing to say here if you wish to expand your list of friends.
Making major border changes after a major war is routine. Look what happened to Poland's borders after WWII! Yet we don't see Poland lobbing missiles into Lviv, nor making illegal settlements there. Nor is Germany pursuing genocide against the people of Breslau.

BOTH sides are to blame for the Palestinian conflict. We can denounce the behavior of Netanyahu and his ilk -- who act as if they want to emulate the crimes of Hitler -- without endorsing heinous Palestinian terrorism.

A very BIG share of the blame must fall on the U.S. Making Jerusalem some sort of "open city" could have been a big step towards peace and amity. Instead the U.S. moved its Embassy to Jerusalem. Absolutely shameful!
You could add Hindu vs Muslim in Indian sub-continent, Turk/Greeks on Cyprus, millions of Greeks forced out on Anatolia in early 1920s etc.
There would hardly be a place on this earth where 2 groups are not claiming the same piece of territory
Thank you for clarifying. You are indeed capable of differentiating between children and Hamas militants. Could have avoided all this if you would have just said so rather than post some rhetorical nonsense.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's not what I said.
I can't distinguish between children and Hamas militants, any more than you can.
Is a 17 y/o throwing gasoline bombs onto IDF soldiers on the street, three stories below, a child or a Hamas militant?
A 17 year old is a child, regardless of their behavior or the motivation behind their actions.

The distinction you introduced into the discussions appears to be irrelevant. At the time, it was clear that Gospel was referring to civilians (i.e. people not engaged in violence).
Anyway, if you believe the UN created the State of Israel via resolution 181 then you must also believe Israelis invaded their neighbor's territory in April of 1948 with the intention of seizing resources and infrastructure through ethnic cleansing and conquest.
Israel didn't start the war.

Which war, and when did it start? Be specific.

If you are calling the fighting before May 14, 1948 a war, then I agree that Israel didn't start it because Israel didn't exist. But if you are trying to use a cheap rhetorical trick to absolve the Jewish Agency for Palestine of responsibility for the planned ethnic cleansing and seizing of territory by force, i.e. the war of conquest they called the War of Independence, then I disagree. There is no doubt the Zionists started it.
Remind us all again who invaded whom on 14/05/48?
We, tragically, will never know what might have been if those 5 armies had stayed put.

We know some of it.

Plan Dalet was launched 2 April 1948 and lasted for 8 weeks. Hundreds of Palestinian villages had been attacked and destroyed, with hundreds of civilians massacred and tens of thousands of them forced to leave their homes, weeks before the declaration of the existence of the State of Israel. Without the need to defend the newly seized territory from capture by soldiers from neighboring nations, the Zionist paramilitary forces and terrorists would have been able to carry out the campaign of "population transfer" more widely and more freely.

If Plan Dalet was part of the war then the Zionists definitely started it before the neighboring countries became involved.

If Plan Dalet wasn't part of the war, then what was it and how does it fit into timeline of events? Do you think it was unrelated to the war with the neighboring countries?
The history of the conflict doesn't start in May of 1948. The bodies of people killed in the strife, soldiers, civilians, LEOs, and terrorists alike, have been filling the graveyards there since the 1920s.
It goes back much, much farther than that. Massacring Jews was common long before then. 1948 is the abuse victim finally escaping.
Link to the evidence that massacring Jews was common, or admit you can't find any.
Here is a distressing list of massacres that occurred in in British Mandate before the 14/05/48. It does not sort between victims, just lists them.

Thank you for providing a source. Loren should have done it, though. He has a terrible habit of not backing up his claims and he'll never get any better about it if other posters keep doing it for him.

I have seen that list many times. Heck, I've shown it to Loren in many other discussions. We even went over that list incident by incident, or at least I did, in order to sort the killings from the massacres and to figure out why they happened (at least as much as we can figure out).

The first item, the Battle of Tel Hai, was the one where Trumpledor aka the "Lion of Judah" I talked about in an earlier post, got his nickname. It was not a planned attack. Arabs in search of French soldiers wanted to look inside a Russian Zionist outpost. One of the Zionists started shooting at the Arabs but Trumpledor got them to stop. He let some of the Arabs in so they could see for themselves that the Russians weren't hiding any French guys. A Zionist inside the outpost apparently got scared when she saw them and started shooting at the Arabs. Trumpledor again got everyone to stop shooting. As the Arabs were leaving, a Zionist who apparently couldn't hear the ceasefire orders started shooting at the Arabs, and then the fighting was on for real and 13 people died.

I do not believe the events at Tel Hai can be called a massacre. And it definitely doesn't support Loren's claim that massacring Jews was commonplace before the 1920, which is the bullshit claim he made and continues to fail to support.
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A 17 year old is a child, regardless of their behavior.

Which is why Hamas forcing them into militant violence is so abhorrent.

But you can't point out that kind of child abuse when Palestinians do it, because that makes you racist.
How that is relevant to the IDF killing civilians because....?
A 17 year old is a child, regardless of their behavior.

Which is why Hamas forcing them into militant violence is so abhorrent.

But you can't point out that kind of child abuse when Palestinians do it, because that makes you racist.
How that is relevant to the IDF killing civilians because....?
Because IDF doesn't target civilians, children or otherwise, the way Hamas does.
Hamas also uses human shields, including children, which is why so many Gazan children are getting killed.

That's how it's relevant.
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