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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

He has always talked that way. Back in ‘88, he tried to improve his speeches by plagiarizing a British politician, got found out and had to drop out of the race. He has a stutter, too. As for his movements, he is 80. But he still rides a bike and flies out to the Mideast on a moment’s notice. How many of his younger critics could fly around the world while holding down the world’s most demanding job? That said, his kowtowing to Israel is nauseating, but that has nothing to do with his physical or mental fitness for office.
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.

Yeah, but that has nothing to do with his physical or mental fitness for office. It has to do with the fact that he’s a pol and wants to run up the Jewish vote next year.
He might not be senile but he damn sure isn't lucid. He's somewhere in-between with the scales constantly tilting towards the former.

He was never a top orator. But he's been an extremely competent administrator for decades.

His stuttering was always an issue. Going off script can be a huge problem. But pretending that Biden is not lucid is ridiculous. Especially given the other choices.

He has the option to reject a written piece and request changes to the tone. In this case, his intent was to deliver a motivational speech. However, the approach taken in the speech did not seem appropriate, given the gravity of the issues at hand. Lucid folks usually don't walk into poles especially when it has RGB lights attached to it.
As Harry Truman said in 1948, when he helped make the state of Israel a fait accompli, ”There are more Jewish than Arab voters.” I believe that is an exact quote.
He might not be senile but he damn sure isn't lucid. He's somewhere in-between with the scales constantly tilting towards the former.

He was never a top orator. But he's been an extremely competent administrator for decades.

His stuttering was always an issue. Going off script can be a huge problem. But pretending that Biden is not lucid is ridiculous. Especially given the other choices.

He has the option to reject a written piece and request changes to the tone. In this case, his intent was to deliver a motivational speech. However, the approach taken in the speech did not seem appropriate, given the gravity of the issues at hand. Lucid folks usually don't walk into poles especially when it has RGB lights attached to it.

Well, then you’re just saying the people who wrote his speech for him are not lucid.
He might not be senile but he damn sure isn't lucid. He's somewhere in-between with the scales constantly tilting towards the former.

He was never a top orator. But he's been an extremely competent administrator for decades.

His stuttering was always an issue. Going off script can be a huge problem. But pretending that Biden is not lucid is ridiculous. Especially given the other choices.

He has the option to reject a written piece and request changes to the tone. In this case, his intent was to deliver a motivational speech. However, the approach taken in the speech did not seem appropriate, given the gravity of the issues at hand. Lucid folks usually don't walk into poles especially when it has RGB lights attached to it.

Well, then you’re just saying the people who wrote his speech for him are not lucid.

Biden didn't seem to catch on.
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.
Again in agreement.

Biden in this case reminds me of Trump in the press conference with Putin and was submissive and supportive.
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.
Did you know that Biden spent some of his time in Israel giving emotional support, and of course hugs, in person to those who have family members who are hostages? Bibi hasn't even done that and he's been criticized for what appears to be his lack of compassion for the suffering of his own people. Biden is the most compassionate president I've seen and he has experienced so many of his own personal tragedies, that have enabled him to have more empathy than most politicians.

Of course, Biden isn't perfect, but I find him amazing when I watch him traveling all over the world, and trying to get things done. I don't agree with everything he says or does but I think he's one of the best presidents in my life time and I was born when Truman was president. 👵

I've been saying recently that Democrats eat their own and I wish this would stop and we'd be more appreciative of the things that this president has done or tried to do. Never in my lifetime, has a president inherited such an enormous mess as this one has, but instead of looking at the positives, we keep criticizing him for little age related things or speech related things that he's dealt with his entire life. Plus, he will admit that he's made mistakes. Most presidents are incapable of doing that, especially the last one.
As Harry Truman said in 1948, when he helped make the state of Israel a fait accompli, ”There are more Jewish than Arab voters.” I believe that is an exact quote.

The US elections and pandering to Israel | Reuters
When President Harry Truman and his top advisers discussed plans for the partition of Palestine in 1945, the experts warned against it. Truman is said to have responded: “I’m sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism. I don’t have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents.”
As Harry Truman said in 1948, when he helped make the state of Israel a fait accompli, ”There are more Jewish than Arab voters.” I believe that is an exact quote.
As I have said on other treads to the dismay of Biden supporters, he is an old school experienced hardened politician.

I did not catch it at first, Gospel is right. It was a campaign speech to deflect criticism from the right for being weak on Israel. Hugging Netanyahu who has been trying to dismantle the independent justice system..

When he says or proposes something it is usually looking forward to the election.

If you think Truman words are shocking then you have not been paying attention to politics.

And we do not know the context of when and where Truman said it.

Knowing the times Truman was likely racist.
If Hamas has a goal of provoking a disproportional response by Israel that derails Arab normalization with Israel, it appears to be working. Mass demonstrations around the Mid Easr.
They did not even provoke a "disproportional response by Israel". That hospital was hit by a rocket fired by Islamic Jihad. The casualty numbers have also very likely been grossly exaggerated by the Hamas "health ministry".
Of course, the Arab Street will blame Israel no matter what. Israel haters and useful idiots in the western Left likewise eat up with gusto whatever steaming pile of propaganda shit Hamas serves them up.
Biden is acting like he is the savior of Israel. It was hard to watch his speech. He predictably brought up the Holocaust, but ignores that Israel is sleeping in the bed it has made for itself.
Bullshit. It is Gaza that is sleeping in the bed that it made for itself. When Israel withdrew in 2005, they could have chosen peace. Instead they chose to keep attacking Israel.
Israel gets a pass for its policies on Palestinians from the USA because of the Holocaust?
Israel is defending itself from a genocidal enemy that wants to destroy it.
This is Hamas:

Fuck those guys. They are responsible for everything that is happening in Gaza right now.

Israel will now never chge its policy on militray occupation and colonization of the West Bank.
One can think of the Gaza withdrawal as a test for West Bank. And Palestinians failed spectacularly at being a peaceful neighbor when given a chance. They could have built their economy. Instead they invested in thousands of rockets and a network of tunnels.
Nobody in Israel would want West Bank to turn into a second, much larger, Gaza. Can you really blame them?
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.
Did you know that Biden spent some of his time in Israel giving emotional support, and of course hugs, in person to those who have family members who are hostages? Bibi hasn't even done that and he's been criticized for what appears to be his lack of compassion for the suffering of his own people. Biden is the most compassionate president I've seen and he has experienced so many of his own personal tragedies, that have enabled him to have more empathy than most politicians.

Of course, Biden isn't perfect, but I find him amazing when I watch him traveling all over the world, and trying to get things done. I don't agree with everything he says or does but I think he's one of the best presidents in my life time and I was born when Truman was president. 👵

I've been saying recently that Democrats eat their own and I wish this would stop and we'd be more appreciative of the things that this president has done or tried to do. Never in my lifetime, has a president inherited such an enormous mess as this one has, but instead of looking at the positives, we keep criticizing him for little age related things or speech related things that he's dealt with his entire life. Plus, he will admit that he's made mistakes. Most presidents are incapable of doing that, especially the last one.

While delivering your statement in front of Israelis who lost family members in the recent attack after Biden's speech may evoke tears, the same statement may not elicit the same response when presented to Palestinians who lost their loved ones in the retaliation. My focus is not primarily on how the speech affects me, or how passionate of a president Biden is or isn't but rather on the speeches impact on everyone directly affected by the conflict now and into the future. The speech was complete and utter TRASH in my humble opinion. It did nothing if not give Zionists a boost.

My disagreement with the speech and its tone should not be misconstrued as support for the far right, a belief that the Biden administration is entirely negative, an endorsement of scrutinizing gaffes extensively, an attempt to mock a speech impediment, or question Biden's compassion for others.

Just like my calling the speech trash because it failed to account for Palestinian losses isn't an endorsement of Hamas.
Disagree. The response is disproportionate. Israel essentially said to a million people leave north Gaza or face death.

Aside from the hospital incident Israel is killing civilians and commiting war crimes.

For decades in the West Bank and Gaza if someone was deemed a threat the home was bombed.

Arbitrary detention of Palestinians without any kind of probable cause hearing or legal counsel.

No habeas corpus for a detained person. People disappear as in Russia.

All enabled by political and military cover by the USA.
And then bombs near the exit to boot. How many years has this conflict been going on and we've gotten nowhere? Political leaders shouldn't be proud of themselves.
I have to go with Gospel on Biden.

His speech is stiff as if he has to concentrate hard to stay on track. There is nothing natural about his speech and the way he walks and moves as well.

Human aging is a natural process, but in my humble opinion, it seems unnatural for a president to step into a situation where children have lost their lives and, by his tastelessly written speech, appear to downplay the grief of parents simply because they come from the other side of the tracks. I mean, I admit It's unfortunately common for U.S. presidents to behave this way, but I hold certain standards.
Did you know that Biden spent some of his time in Israel giving emotional support, and of course hugs, in person to those who have family members who are hostages? Bibi hasn't even done that and he's been criticized for what appears to be his lack of compassion for the suffering of his own people. Biden is the most compassionate president I've seen and he has experienced so many of his own personal tragedies, that have enabled him to have more empathy than most politicians.

Of course, Biden isn't perfect, but I find him amazing when I watch him traveling all over the world, and trying to get things done. I don't agree with everything he says or does but I think he's one of the best presidents in my life time and I was born when Truman was president. 👵

I've been saying recently that Democrats eat their own and I wish this would stop and we'd be more appreciative of the things that this president has done or tried to do. Never in my lifetime, has a president inherited such an enormous mess as this one has, but instead of looking at the positives, we keep criticizing him for little age related things or speech related things that he's dealt with his entire life. Plus, he will admit that he's made mistakes. Most presidents are incapable of doing that, especially the last one.

While delivering your statement in front of Israelis who lost family members in the recent attack after Biden's speech may evoke tears, the same statement may not elicit the same response when presented to Palestinians who lost their loved ones in the retaliation. My focus is not primarily on how the speech affects me, or how passionate of a president Biden is or isn't but rather on the speeches impact on everyone directly affected by the conflict now and into the future. The speech was complete and utter TRASH in my humble opinion. It did nothing if not give Zionists a boost.

My disagreement with the speech and its tone should not be misconstrued as support for the far right, a belief that the Biden administration is entirely negative, an endorsement of scrutinizing gaffes extensively, an attempt to mock a speech impediment, or question Biden's compassion for others.

Just like my calling the speech trash because it failed to account for Palestinian losses isn't an endorsement of Hamas.
To be honest, I only read about the speech and I'm not claiming it was a great speech, so your criticisms may be valid, but Biden has been pushing on Israel not to react to the Palestinians out of anger, and not to attack civilians. He has to be careful how he comes across in an attempt not to outrage one side or the other. He has criticized Bibi in the past and he knows damn well that it would be outrageous if Israel responds by carelessly killing innocent civilians. He's told Israel not to make the same mistakes that the US did after 911. He's basically between a rock and hard place and he's trying to get Israel not to respond out of anger and vengeance. His pleas may fall on deaf ears, but right now he seems to be the only adult in the room, from my perspective. The mideast is in chaos and turmoil, so we need a leader who is at least trying to bring all sides together as much as possible. Of course, that may not be at all possible, but it might deescalate tensions a bit. Btw, I despise Bibi and his government. He's a far right autocrat who has been charged with corruption, but still got reelected, but American presidents have to work with leaders who they may not like or agree with on many issues. It's just part of the job. Imagine if Trump or Bush were president during this nightmare. :eek:

And, this time Derec was right, when he said that the evidence regarding the horrific hospital attack was due to a Hamas rocket, although based on what I've read, it may have been a miss fire. However, I strongly disagree with him regarding how Israel should respond. I'm not against anyone based on their religious beliefs and I hate what American Palestinians are also dealing with due to some of the hatred here directed at them. Regardless, the evidence is that the attack on the hospital wasn't done by Israel, yet people are all up in arms in the Arabic countries, probably because they don't believe it or don't want to believe it. What a mess.

Don't worry Gospel. I've never thought of you as siding with the right and imo, decent people can disagree without feeling any malice towards each other. Based on your posts, I tend to thing you probably agree. So, it's all good. :giggle:
There's a lot of research into  Genetic history of the Middle East and it has some interesting results.

2020 genetic analysis has found that the Bronze Age Canaanite population descended from earlier local Neolithic populations together with populations related to the Chalcolithic Zagros Mountains and the Bronze Age Caucasus. According to the researchers, this mixture is probably the result of a continuing migration from the Zagros and/or Caucasus to the Levant between 2500–1000 BCE. The study has also shown that the Canaanite population contributed to most present-day Jewish groups and Levantine Arabic-speaking groups. These populations are consistent with having 50% or more of their ancestry from people related to groups who lived in the Bronze Age Levant and the Chalcolithic Zagros. These present-day groups also show ancestries that cannot be modeled by the available ancient DNA data, highlighting the importance of additional major genetic effects on the region since the Bronze Age.
working from
The Genomic History of the Bronze Age Southern Levant - PMC - "We report genome-wide DNA data for 73 individuals from five archaeological sites across the Bronze and Iron Ages Southern Levant."

The population genetics of the Jewish people - PMC
Early population genetic studies based on blood groups and serum markers provided evidence that most Jewish Diaspora groups originated in the Middle East and that paired Jewish populations were more similar genetically than paired Jewish and non-Jewish populations ... These studies differed in their inferences regarding the degree of admixture with local populations. Subsequent studies of the monoallelic Y chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes demonstrated founder effects of both Middle Eastern and local origin, but did not adequately resolve the degree of admixture. To resolve this issue and to improve the understanding about the relatedness of contemporary Jewish groups, our research teams and others have independently performed genome-wide analyses of Diaspora Jewish groups and comparison with neighboring populations ... These studies varied in the specific populations analyzed and in the number of individuals included from each population. Yet, they came to remarkably similar conclusions, providing evidence for shared genetic ancestries among major Jewish Diaspora groups together with variation in admixture with local populations.

These studies also demonstrated that the history of the Jewish Diasporas could be observed in the genomes of Jewish people by patterns of admixture. A high degree of European admixture (30–60 %) was observed among Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Italian and Syrian Jews. The North African Jewish groups demonstrated North African and Middle Eastern admixture with varying European admixture. The proportion of European admixture among North African Jewish groups increased from east to west, with Moroccan Jews demonstrating the highest proportion. In contrast, the corresponding non-Jewish North African host populations demonstrated substantially higher inferred North African ancestry and less European ancestry.

The closest genetic neighbors to most Jewish groups were the Palestinians, Israeli Bedouins, and Druze in addition to the Southern Europeans, including Cypriots. The genetic clusters formed by each of these non-Jewish Middle Eastern groups reflect their own histories of endogamy. Their proximity to one another and to European and Syrian Jews suggested a shared genetic history of related Semitic and non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestors who followed different religious and tribal affiliations. Earlier studies of Israeli Jewish, Palestinian and Druze populations made a similar observation by demonstrating the proximity of these two non-Jewish populations to Ashkenazi and Iraqi Jews.
In summary, Palestinians are genetically close to the ancestral Jewish population, while many Diaspora Jews became mixed with the populations that they lived in.
The Arab world is complicated and there is no amount of history books written by some disconnected European nigga that's going to make them any more wiser in their international dealings with the Arab world.
The Arab world is complicated and there is no amount of history books written by some disconnected European nigga that's going to make them any more wiser in their international dealings with the Arab world.
As always the estimable "Yes Prime Minister" shows how International Diplomacy is actually done.
If it was not for oil we wold not have cared what happens in the region.

The unwritten agreement after we replaced the Russians in the Mid East was we provide security and the Arabs keep the oil flowing at a reasonable cost.

Now when e ask Saudia Arabia to increase oil production to lower gas prices they tell us to fuck off, that;s diplomacy for you.
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