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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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Is Israel in any way a strategic asset? Given that our NATO allies aren't exactly in line with our position on Israel, they seem to be more a strategic liability. I could see if other western nations were just as enamored with Israel as we are but that's just not the case.
US news coverage is nearly 24/7 even with our own House of Representatives in turmoil, it can hardly supplant news of our good friend Israel we stand shoulder to shoulder with. We stand shoulder to shoulder with. They act like that entitled adult child who won't move out of the house.
I don't know why we don't just cut our losses. We've eventually done so with all our other boondoggles.

Deir Yassin wasn't attacking anyone either.
The Israeli army was attacked upon entering Deir Yassin--note entering, not attacking. It became combat when people in Deir Yassin dressed as civilians attacked them. That's the Geneva violation and Deir Yassin is an example of why it exists--when troops disguise themselves as civilians sometimes the civilians get killed.

You are arguing that a group of terrorists can plan to attack a civilian target on a specific day, carry out that attack at the pre-planned time, and if the terrorists encounter soldiers or combatants in civilian clothes then it's perfectly understandable for them to commit a massacre. They'll just start shooting at anyone.

So, your argument is that Hamas can plan to attack people at a music festival on a specific day, carry out that attack at the pre-planned time, and if the Hamas terrorists encounter any IDF soldiers in civvies or plainclothes police officers, then it's perfectly understandable that the terrorists would massacre the concert-goers.
Hamas knew it was attacking--they are subject to uniform rules. Attendees who grabbed up weapons in defense are not.

(And yes, an awful lot of people got displaced--most by their own free choice at Arab behest. When they wouldn't agree to non-violence if they returned they were not allowed to return.

^More bullshit^

The Palestinians weren't asked what they would agree to, and weren't given the option to remain in places where the Zionists wanted them gone. Plan Dalet was all about forcing them out before Israel was declared to exist so that Jews would have an uncontested majority there. The Transfer Committee part of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (later renamed the Jewish Agency for Israel) did its work very well.
Sure there were plans--that doesn't mean they got to execute the plans.

They did carry out their plans. Plan Dalet was only one of them.

Ignoring history doesn't make it go away.
The problem is you seem to think the existence of a plan made it happen. I guess WW III has happened--as certainly both the US and Russia have plans for it.

Why in the world should a country be expected to admit those who intend violence against it??)

Why indeed? And yet you act like Palestinians trying to keep Zionists out of their towns and villages was some kind of shocking injustice.
I note that you are equating Zionists with Jews.

Typically the ones that get attacked are simply lost. Took the wrong road and get killed for it.
I note that your bullshit is becoming fully detached from reality. The residents of Deir Yassin, Safsaf, Eliabun, Al-Dawayima, etc., did not get lost. They were in their homes and communities when they were attacked.
Note that I said "typically". Some were expelled.
Is it any wonder that Israel is scorned and hated by vast numbers around the world?
Hamas is scorned and hated by many too. One each I guess.
And no, contrary to Israel and its apologists, Israel‘s foes are not “anti-Semitic.“ They are anti-Israel, a whole different thing.
How do you propose to distinguish between Israel and the Jews living therein?
If you could detail the logical steps from being Anti-Israel -> not being anti-Semitic that would certainly make these discussions a little easier.
You can usually tell by trying to substitute "Jews" in the sentence. If that doesn't really change it then it's probably a dog-whistle for anti-semitism.
Abby D. Phillip on X: "Rep. @AOC on DeSantis saying all Gaza refugees are anti-semitic: "How incredibly destructive and dangerous that rhetoric is. We just had a six year old boy, stabbed 26 times because of rhetoric like that. It is dangerous, it is unacceptable, it is reckless" (vid link)" / X - she appeared on CNN

Funeral-goers mourn 6-year-old boy killed in an anti-Muslim stabbing : NPR
Mourners gathered outside Chicago on Monday for the funeral of Wadea Al-Fayoume, the 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy who was stabbed to death in his home late last week in an apparent anti-Muslim hate crime.

Authorities say the family's landlord Joseph M. Czuba, 71, attacked Wadea and his mother because they were Muslim. Illinois prosecutors have charged Czuba with hate crimes and other offenses.

Wadea's mother, 32-year-old Hanaan Shahin, was seriously wounded in the Saturday morning attack in unincorporated Plainfield Township but is expected to survive.

Also on Monday, Czuba made his first appearance in Will County court, where he was read the eight felony counts he faces, including murder, aggravated battery and hate crimes charges.

A judge ordered that Czuba remain behind bars. His next court appearance is a preliminary hearing scheduled for Oct. 30.

Prosecutors at the hearing said Czuba had been listening to news about the war between Israel and Hamas on conservative talk radio and grew increasingly worried about his safety, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

Czuba's wife reportedly told investigators that her husband believed Shahin was "going to call Palestinian friends to come and harm them," the outlet reported.
Conservative talk radio? That does not seem very surprising.
He's been radicalized. And no, that's not a joke.
A siege is not terrorism. What Israel announced was a classical siege.
Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).
So, a siege can be viewed as a form of terrorism.
It is not thus viewed, however. The fundamental difference is the besieged party has the option of surrender. Terrorist victims do not.

Palestinian civilians do not have the option to surrender. In theory, Hamas could, but why should they? They're fanatical terrorists, and using the Palestinian population as human sacrificial martyrs serves their overall strategy. I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately blew up that hospital, planning to blame it on Israel and torpedo Biden's trip to the Middle East.
Trump accuses Netanyahu of disloyalty: "F*** him" - Dec 10, 2021
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu were the closest of political allies during the four years they overlapped in office, at least in public. Not anymore. "I haven’t spoken to him since," Trump said of the former Israeli prime minister. "F**k him."

What he's saying: Trump repeatedly criticized Netanyahu during two interviews for my book, “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East." The final straw for Trump was when Netanyahu congratulated President-elect Biden for his election victory while Trump was still disputing the result.

"The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. ... Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake."

— Donald Trump

Last week,
After Hamas onslaught, Trump criticizes Israel, calls Gallant a 'jerk' | The Times of Israel - "Former US president also takes aim at PM for ‘letting us down,’ accusing Israel of pulling out of effort to kill Iran’s Qassem Suleimani and calling Hezbollah ‘very smart’"
Former US president Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized Israel for failing to anticipate the weekend Hamas onslaught and for not going on the offensive against Hezbollah amid several deadly clashes along its northern border. He also launched personal attacks against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he accused of “letting him down,” and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, whom he called a “jerk.”
Trump faults Netanyahu, calls Hezbollah ‘very smart’ amid Israel war - The Washington Post - "The remarks drew condemnation from Republican rival Ron DeSantis, the White House and an Israeli minister"
“He has been hurt very badly because of what’s happened here,” Trump said of Netanyahu in an interview for Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show” that was excerpted on television Wednesday night. “He was not prepared. He was not prepared and Israel was not prepared.”
White House, DeSantis slam Trump for calling Hezbollah "very smart"
"Statements like this are dangerous and unhinged. It's completely lost on us why any American would ever praise an Iran-backed terrorist organization as 'smart,'" White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Highlighting the Israeli and American death tolls from the Hamas terrorist attacks, DeSantis blasted Trump's comments and vowed: "As President, I will stand with Israel and treat terrorists like the scum that they are."
But that's all in character with Trump's admiration for Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

McConnell "can't disagree more" with Trump comments on Hezbollah and Bibi
"I can't disagree more," McConnell said during a Senate GOP leadership news conference Tuesday. "Hezbollah is a terrorist organization just like Hamas, funded by the same source as Hamas."

I don't see how Republican politicians can put up with Donald Trump.

Deir Yassin wasn't attacking anyone either.
The Israeli army...

Instant fail.

There was no Israeli army.

Israel did not exist when Deir Yassin was attacked.

The village was marked for ethnic cleansing in the Plan developed by the Transfer Committee of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The Plan was carried out by Irgun and Lehi terrorists before the State of Israel was declared to exist, as you well know.

Please stop lying about history. It's a bad look for you and aggravating for everyone else.

...was attacked upon entering Deir Yassin--note entering, not attacking. It became combat when people in Deir Yassin dressed as civilians attacked them.

Support this claim. Show your sources.

That's the Geneva violation and Deir Yassin is an example of why it exists--when troops disguise themselves as civilians sometimes the civilians get killed.

You are arguing that a group of terrorists can plan to attack a civilian target on a specific day, carry out that attack at the pre-planned time, and if the terrorists encounter soldiers or combatants in civilian clothes then it's perfectly understandable for them to commit a massacre. They'll just start shooting at anyone.

So, your argument is that Hamas can plan to attack people at a music festival on a specific day, carry out that attack at the pre-planned time, and if the Hamas terrorists encounter any IDF soldiers in civvies or plainclothes police officers, then it's perfectly understandable that the terrorists would massacre the concert-goers.
Hamas knew it was attacking--they are subject to uniform rules. Attendees who grabbed up weapons in defense are not.

Irgun and Lehi knew they were attacking. Citizens of Deir Yassin who (allegedly) grabbed weapons in defense were not subject to uniform rules.

You are trying to hand wave away a massacre.
(And yes, an awful lot of people got displaced--most by their own free choice at Arab behest. When they wouldn't agree to non-violence if they returned they were not allowed to return.

^More bullshit^

The Palestinians weren't asked what they would agree to, and weren't given the option to remain in places where the Zionists wanted them gone. Plan Dalet was all about forcing them out before Israel was declared to exist so that Jews would have an uncontested majority there. The Transfer Committee part of the Jewish Agency for Palestine (later renamed the Jewish Agency for Israel) did its work very well.
Sure there were plans--that doesn't mean they got to execute the plans.

They did carry out their plans. Plan Dalet was only one of them.

Ignoring history doesn't make it go away.
The problem is you seem to think the existence of a plan made it happen. I guess WW III has happened--as certainly both the US and Russia have plans for it.

The problem is you are very ignorant despite 20+ years of posting about the events leading up to the establishment of Israel and its immediate aftermath. And you appear determined to remain so.

Anyone actually interested in learning more about the various plans carried out by the Zionist founders of the State of Israel can check out the articles at the Jewish Virtual Library. They are a good place to start:

Israeli War of Independence: Plan Dalet

Why in the world should a country be expected to admit those who intend violence against it??)

Why indeed? And yet you act like Palestinians trying to keep Zionists out of their towns and villages was some kind of shocking injustice.
I note that you are equating Zionists with Jews.

Typically the ones that get attacked are simply lost. Took the wrong road and get killed for it.
I note that your bullshit is becoming fully detached from reality. The residents of Deir Yassin, Safsaf, Eliabun, Al-Dawayima, etc., did not get lost. They were in their homes and communities when they were attacked.
Note that I said "typically". Some were expelled.
"Typically" the Palestinians in the areas scheduled for ethnic cleansing in Plan Dalet were lost?

"Typically" the Palestinians who were the victims of terrorist attacks in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s, were lost?

Is that grass-fed Angus bullshit, or open range Longhorn?
Last edited:
Trump accuses Netanyahu of disloyalty: "F*** him" - Dec 10, 2021
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu were the closest of political allies during the four years they overlapped in office, at least in public. Not anymore. "I haven’t spoken to him since," Trump said of the former Israeli prime minister. "F**k him."

What he's saying: Trump repeatedly criticized Netanyahu during two interviews for my book, “Trump’s Peace: The Abraham Accords and the Reshaping of the Middle East." The final straw for Trump was when Netanyahu congratulated President-elect Biden for his election victory while Trump was still disputing the result.

"The first person that congratulated [Biden] was Bibi Netanyahu, the man that I did more for than any other person I dealt with. ... Bibi could have stayed quiet. He has made a terrible mistake."

— Donald Trump

Last week,
After Hamas onslaught, Trump criticizes Israel, calls Gallant a 'jerk' | The Times of Israel - "Former US president also takes aim at PM for ‘letting us down,’ accusing Israel of pulling out of effort to kill Iran’s Qassem Suleimani and calling Hezbollah ‘very smart’"
Former US president Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized Israel for failing to anticipate the weekend Hamas onslaught and for not going on the offensive against Hezbollah amid several deadly clashes along its northern border. He also launched personal attacks against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whom he accused of “letting him down,” and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, whom he called a “jerk.”
Trump faults Netanyahu, calls Hezbollah ‘very smart’ amid Israel war - The Washington Post - "The remarks drew condemnation from Republican rival Ron DeSantis, the White House and an Israeli minister"
“He has been hurt very badly because of what’s happened here,” Trump said of Netanyahu in an interview for Fox News Radio’s “Brian Kilmeade Show” that was excerpted on television Wednesday night. “He was not prepared. He was not prepared and Israel was not prepared.”
White House, DeSantis slam Trump for calling Hezbollah "very smart"
"Statements like this are dangerous and unhinged. It's completely lost on us why any American would ever praise an Iran-backed terrorist organization as 'smart,'" White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Highlighting the Israeli and American death tolls from the Hamas terrorist attacks, DeSantis blasted Trump's comments and vowed: "As President, I will stand with Israel and treat terrorists like the scum that they are."
But that's all in character with Trump's admiration for Vladimir Putin of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

McConnell "can't disagree more" with Trump comments on Hezbollah and Bibi
"I can't disagree more," McConnell said during a Senate GOP leadership news conference Tuesday. "Hezbollah is a terrorist organization just like Hamas, funded by the same source as Hamas."

I don't see how Republican politicians can put up with Donald Trump.
Will this be the end of the crazy right winger's support of Israel? I certainly don't think it will be the end of their support of Trump.
A siege is not terrorism. What Israel announced was a classical siege.

Here is your formula: "Get a dictionary. Understand what "siege" actually means."

Well, I'll step up to that. A lot of the definitions I have found mentioned surrounding a fortified building or place, but Gaza can hardly be considered either. Here is a lengthier description of a  siege from Wikipedia:

Failing a military outcome, sieges can often be decided by starvation, thirst, or disease, which can afflict either the attacker or defender. This form of siege, though, can take many months or even years, depending upon the size of the stores of food the fortified position holds. The attacking force can circumvallate the besieged place, which is to build a line of earth-works, consisting of a rampart and trench, surrounding it. During the process of circumvallation, the attacking force can be set upon by another force, an ally of the besieged place, due to the lengthy amount of time required to force it to capitulate. A defensive ring of forts outside the ring of circumvallated forts, called contravallation, is also sometimes used to defend the attackers from outside.

Israel, is not conducting a siege in any conventional sense of the word. It has amassed an invasion force, which is poised to attack, not sit outside of a fortified location to wait them out for a formal surrender. Cutting off water to Gaza was done to punish all Palestinians living in Gaza, not just Hamas. Maybe the idea was that Hamas would somehow sympathize with all of those Palestinians who were not part of Hamas or its attack? Was the idea to appeal to the sympathy and humanity of Hamas to surrender? After all, the Palestinian population of Gaza didn't vote Hamas into power. They just live in that huge open-air concentration camp called Gaza that has been under blockade from Israel since 2007. Palestinian civilians in Gaza are not combatants. They just have to put up with having their water cut off, their food rations disappear, medical supplies run out, and being ordered to flee their homes within 24 hours and go south without any concern by Israel for what will happen to them. 80% unemployment. So lots of young people hanging around with nothing to do but look for the best opportunity to survive their confinement to a prison state run by terrorists that don't care what happens to them.
Note that your own source lists "thirst" as a reason a siege may be decided. Thus you are proving my point--this is a siege.

All of the problems you mention have been inflicted by Hamas, yet you blame Israel for them.
Right or wrong it looks like this time Israel may end the conflict once and for all.

In the long run it may benefit the Palestinians by getting Hamas off their backs. At a cost in innocent Palestinian lives.
Hamas' paymasters are in Tehran. Hamas military HQ is in Qatar. Thus there's no hope of truly defeating them, just in reducing their capability greatly.
You mean being against hard line Israeli Governmental policies as they impact those in Gaza and are counterproductive to long-term stability and peace for Israelis, while not being against the Israeli population on a whole. Kind of like how I detested the W and Trump Administrations without actually hating America, Americans, or Christians.

Is it that hard?!
It's hard to be counterproductive against the impossible.

Peace won't happen so long as the terror $ flow. Stability requires peace and thus won't happen, either.

The Palestinians are puppets, they have no ability to choose peace.

Israel's choices are fight or die.

The only party that could actually bring peace isn't even talking.
Is Israel in any way a strategic asset? Given that our NATO allies aren't exactly in line with our position on Israel, they seem to be more a strategic liability. I could see if other western nations were just as enamored with Israel as we are but that's just not the case.
US news coverage is nearly 24/7 even with our own House of Representatives in turmoil, it can hardly supplant news of our good friend Israel we stand shoulder to shoulder with. We stand shoulder to shoulder with. They act like that entitled adult child who won't move out of the house.
I don't know why we don't just cut our losses. We've eventually done so with all our other boondoggles.
Because there are enough nutcases in the Muslim nations that would try to push it into a nuclear war.

We already have a part of the government in Pakistan that keeps trying to egg on war with India despite the fact that Pakistan would clearly lose and probably basically destroyed in the nuclear exchange. That same sort will keep trying to egg on war with Israel and if Israel goes down it's taking the Middle East with it.
I read somewhere that many israelis mock these pro-Israel Xian fundies in private, but they have not been very public about that, for obvious reasons.

Reps. Bush, Tlaib, Carson, Lee, Ramirez Lead Colleagues in Call for Immediate Ceasefire
Ceasefire Now Resolution urges support for an end to violence in Israel and Occupied Palestine

Washington, D.C. (October 16, 2023) — Today, Representatives Cori Bush (MO-01), Rashida Tlaib (MI-12), André Carson (IN-07), Summer Lee (PA-12), and Delia C. Ramirez (IL-03), alongside Representatives Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04), Jonathan Jackson (IL-01), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Ilhan Omar (MN-05), Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), and Nydia Velázquez (NY-07) announced a resolution urging the Biden Administration to call for an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Israel and occupied Palestine, to send humanitarian aid and assistance to Gaza, and to save as many lives as possible.

In Gaza's deadliest day, hospital strike kills about 500 | Reuters

The two sides blamed each other: "Gaza authorities said an Israeli air strike on Tuesday killed about 500 people at a hospital in the Palestinian enclave, but Israel said a Palestinian rocket had caused the blast."
I think for decades Netanyahu and his American lobby propaganda machine has expertly played Americans.

Biden's endless exclamations of undying support for Israel right or wrong is embarrassing.

Biden refuses to bring up Israeli polices in the West Bank. He is getting some crticism for that in the media.

I doubt most Israelis appreciate American Christians walking around the 'Holy Land'.

Secretly mocking? I grew up around Italian and Irish culture, Jewish to a lessor degree.

You will not find them online anymore, Yiddish has its own set of racial and ethnic slurs for outsiders. As I understand it the word gentile is a pejorative.

I'd say yes, Israelis may be having a laugh at our expense.

Palestinian civilians do not have the option to surrender. In theory, Hamas could, but why should they? They're fanatical terrorists, and using the Palestinian population as human sacrificial martyrs serves their overall strategy. I wouldn't be surprised if they deliberately blew up that hospital, planning to blame it on Israel and torpedo Biden's trip to the Middle East.
Yeah, they don't have the ability to surrender because Hamas denies it. Not Israel. Quit blaming Israel for the actions of the Palestinians.

And you can safely assume all hospitals have plenty of Hamas stuff. I haven't caught up with things to know what hospital you are talking about but a Palestinian hospital suddenly going boom isn't exactly shocking given that plenty of other buildings there have spontaneously (mistakes with handling explosives) gone boom over the years.
A siege is not terrorism. What Israel announced was a classical siege.
Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).
So, a siege can be viewed as a form of terrorism.
It is not thus viewed, however. The fundamental difference is the besieged party has the option of surrender. Terrorist victims do not.
It is thus viewed, just not by knee jerk a IDF apologists.

BTW, Gaza’s civilians cannot surrender right now.
Zionism is support of a Jewish national home in Palestine. One can be Jewish and reject Zionism, and some Jews indeed do.
You are right. Many Zionists are not Jewish, and some Jews, usually on the extreme left and right, are not Zionists.
Sorry about the delay, real life, yada yada.

And, incidentally, what makes the Arabs "indigenous"? Their ancestors haven't lived there for thousands of years. Their ancestors came from Arabia 1400 years ago and seized it from the Byzantines, i.e., the Romans, whose ancestors seized it from the Jews, whose ancestors seized it from the Canaanites, whose ancestors seized it from the [many seizures skipped], whose ancestors seized it from the descendants of the first H. sapiens sapiens to live there, who seized it from the Neanderthals. "Indigenous" is a word that means whoever the speaker wants it to mean.]
That is factually incorrect on nearly all counts...
Good argument.

both Arab and Jewish Palestinians have ancient ancestral ties to the land, that's a major reason for the present vicious conflict.
Is that you stipulating that the Israelis are just as "indigenous" as the Palestinian Arabs so Arctish's explanation for why it's the Palestinian Arabs' land doesn't work?

by the imposition of an entirely artificial state on their land ever since it happened.
Why is it "their" land? Because the robbers they succeeded to it from were the 37th nation that stole it rather than the 38th?

Because indigenous people have a Right to call the place where they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years "their" homeland.
... If you mean it is their land by right because it's the place where they and their ancestors have lived for thousands of years, then that sounds like you're answering "Yes." to my question -- it's because the robbers they're successors to were the 37th nation that stole it rather than the 38th. If that sounds to you like a knock-down moral endorsement of the justice of their claim, feel free to explain your peculiar theory of justice.

[And, incidentally, what makes the Arabs "indigenous"? Their ancestors haven't lived there for thousands of years. Their ancestors came from Arabia 1400 years ago and seized it from the Byzantines, i.e., the Romans, whose ancestors seized it from the Jews, whose ancestors seized it from the Canaanites, whose ancestors seized it from the [many seizures skipped], whose ancestors seized it from the descendants of the first H. sapiens sapiens to live there, who seized it from the Neanderthals. "Indigenous" is a word that means whoever the speaker wants it to mean.]

At least they do in modern societies. Some folks that still hold to the 'might makes right' way of thinking believe if you can take land from people unable to fight you off, you get to keep it
:consternation2: Isn't that exactly your justification for claiming it's the Arabs' land? That they took it from Byzantines unable to fight them off so they get to keep it?

Or do you mean it wasn't they who took it from the Byzantines -- that was their ancestors in 637 AD? The 1948 Palestinians got it honestly, from their parents?
You are confusing governments with people.

The Romans, Byzantines, Ottomans, etc., ruled the indigenous people of Palestine. They did not replace them with people from Italy or Greece or Turkey,
You are confusing governments with ruling committees of the Enlightenment-era and later, committees who mostly give a hoot about human rights or at least about appearing to. For thousands of years before the modern era it was common practice for conquering armies to slaughter the men and sell the women and children into slavery.

According to Wikipedia,

"... The military defeats of the Jews in Judaea in 70 CE and again in 135 CE, with large numbers of Jewish captives from Judea sold into slavery and an increase in voluntary Jewish emigration from Judea as a result of the wars, meant a drop in Palestine's Jewish population was balanced by a rise in diaspora numbers. Jewish prisoners sold as slaves in the diaspora and their children were eventually manumitted and joined local free communities.[67] It has been argued that the archaeological evidence is suggestive of a Roman genocide taking place during the Second revolt.[68] A significant movement of gentiles and Samaritans into villages formerly with a Jewish majority appears to have taken place thereafter. ...

... In the 5th century, the collapse of the Western Roman Empire resulted in Christian migration into Palestine and the development of a firm Christian majority. ... The 7th century saw the Jewish revolt against Heraclius, which broke out in 614 during the Byzantine–Sasanian War. ... Jewish rebels aided the Persians in capturing Jerusalem, where the Jews were permitted autonomous rule until 617, when the Persians reneged on their alliance. After Byzantine Emperor Heraclius promised to restore Jewish rights, the Jews aided him in ousting the Persians. Heraclius subsequently went back on his word and ordered a general massacre of the Jewish population, devastating the Jewish communities of Jerusalem and the Galilee. As a result, many Jews fled to Egypt. ...

... In 638, Palestine came under Muslim rule with the Muslim conquest of the Levant. ... The land gradually came to have an Arab majority as Arab tribes migrated there. Jewish communities initially grew and flourished. Umar allowed and encouraged Jews to settle in Jerusalem. It was the first time in about 500 years that Jews were allowed to freely enter and worship in their holiest city. In 717, new restrictions were imposed against non-Muslims that negatively affected the Jews. Heavy taxes on agricultural land forced many Jews to migrate from rural areas to towns. Social and economic discrimination caused significant Jewish emigration from Palestine, and Muslim civil wars in the 8th and 9th centuries pushed many Jews out of the country. ...

... During the First Crusade, Jews in Palestine, along with Muslims, were indiscriminately massacred and sold into slavery by the Crusaders. The majority of Jerusalem's Jewish population was killed during the Crusader Siege of Jerusalem and the few thousand survivors were sold into slavery. Some of the Jews sold into slavery later had their freedom bought by Jewish communities in Italy and Egypt, and the redeemed slaves were taken to Egypt. ...

... The Mamluks severely oppressed the Jews and greatly mismanaged the economy, resulting in a period of great social and economic decline. The result was large-scale migration from Palestine, and the population declined. The Jewish population shrunk especially heavily, as did the Christian population. ..."​

That's history. The cumulative effect on populations can be read off of modern DNA sequences.

"The authors also found a strong correlation between religion and apparent ancestry in the Levant:

all Jews (Sephardi and Ashkenazi) cluster in one branch; Druze from Mount Lebanon and Druze from Mount Carmel are depicted on a private branch; and Lebanese Christians form a private branch with the Christian populations of Armenia and Cyprus placing the Lebanese Muslims as an outer group. The predominantly Muslim populations of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians cluster on branches with other Muslim populations as distant as Morocco and Yemen."​

So yes, to a large extent the Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Europeans, Ottomans, etc., did replace the locals with people from all over the place. The Palestinians are descendants primarily of immigrants more recent than the Jewish-Roman Wars, same as the Israelis.

unlike the founders of the State of Israel who did replace the Palestinians with immigrants unless they were Jewish.
Oh please. There are 1.7 million Muslim Israelis, mostly Palestinian Arabs. The degree of population replacement is nowhere near what the Romans et al. did to the Jews.

Likewise, when people in the region accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, or when they came to believe there was One True God and Mohammed was His Prophet, they did not suddenly become non-indigenous. They weren't Jews anymore (if they had been Jews; not everyone from there followed the Jewish faith) but the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea was still their ancestral homeland.
That's a rose-tinted view of the past. History is bloodier than people like to think about. If conversion were the primary mechanism by which Palestine's dominant religion changed from Judaism to Christianity to Islam then modern Palestinians would speak Aramaic and their genes would cluster with Jews' genes.

your link said:
Understanding the term “indigenous”
Considering the diversity of indigenous peoples, an official definition of “indigenous” has not been adopted by
any UN-system body. Instead the system has developed a modern understanding of this term based on the
• Self- identification as indigenous peoples at the individual level and accepted by the community as their
I.e., it means whoever the speaker wants it to mean.

• Historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies
There is no such thing as a pre-colonial pre-settler society. Everybody's ancestors colonized and settled.

• Strong link to territories and surrounding natural resources
Everybody who won't agree to be kicked out of his country evidently has a strong link to territories and surrounding natural resources.

• Distinct social, economic or political systems
• Distinct language, culture and beliefs
Is this one of those "Swedes have no culture" things?

• Form non-dominant groups of society
So we can all agree that African-Americans are indigenous here, then?

• Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and
Looks like the Israelis have that one in spades...
If it also involved immediate release of all hostages, it could be something to talk about.
But I doubt Hamas would agree to that.

In Gaza's deadliest day, hospital strike kills about 500 | Reuters
The two sides blamed each other: "Gaza authorities said an Israeli air strike on Tuesday killed about 500 people at a hospital in the Palestinian enclave, but Israel said a Palestinian rocket had caused the blast."
Horrible stuff. IDF says it's an errant Islamic Jihad missile. Which is very much plausible. Palestinian rockets have misfired frequently in previous conflicts and killed people inside Gaza Strip.
Palestinian Rockets in May Killed Civilians in Israel, Gaza
it is also possible that there was a Hamas explosives cache on the grounds of the hospitals. Schools, mosques and hospitals are frequently used by Gaza terror groups to store their weapons.
Is that you stipulating that the Israelis are just as "indigenous" as the Palestinian Arabs so Arctish's explanation for why it's the Palestinian Arabs' land doesn't work?
First of all, I don't think you know what "stipulating" means, and no, I have made no such claim. Both groups make claims to very old, even mythic ties to the land in question. But I don't think the concept of indigeneity applies to the situation at all.
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