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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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"Apartheid was put in place to protect South Africans." is ridiculous
It was an absolute and certain article of faith amongst white South Africans during apartheid.

Being ridiculous has rarely prevented a political policy from being enacted.

(Which is yet another way in which the analogy between Israeli policy towards Palestinans and apartheid is apt).
And look at what happened when that government fell.

From who's prospective do you want us to look?

AKA Whose perspective would you like us to consider?
Everyone's. Just because the new oppressors have the same skin color doesn't make them not oppressors. The collapse of the apartheid government was a bad thing for everyone, black and white.

<Hits Gospel over the head with a newspaper-by-4>

Have you not seen how much of mess that place has become? They exchanged an oppressor for a worse oppressor. Most of the country is unsafe to be in. The utilities are failing.

Part of the shitstorm that I remember enough to Google:

and the insanity their approach lead to:

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"Apartheid was put in place to protect South Africans." is ridiculous
It was an absolute and certain article of faith amongst white South Africans during apartheid.

Being ridiculous has rarely prevented a political policy from being enacted.

(Which is yet another way in which the analogy between Israeli policy towards Palestinans and apartheid is apt).
And look at what happened when that government fell.

From who's prospective do you want us to look?

AKA Whose perspective would you like us to consider?
Everyone's. Just because the new oppressors have the same skin color doesn't make them not oppressors. The collapse of the apartheid government was a bad thing for everyone, black and white.

<Hits Gospel over the head with a newspaper-by-4>

Have you not seen how much of mess that place has become?
By comparison to the paradise it was under apartheid?

It's become a good deal better for the average Sowetan. A fair bit worse for the average Afrikaner.

Is it better or worse overall? Depends who you ask.

Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert are now anti-semites now, apparently.
Are you claiming that the two Ehuds support abolishing the State of Israel? Because that's what the ideology of anti-Zionism entails. Not mere criticism of a government or of certain policies.
Nope, all you have to do is be critical of Jewish Settlements in the West Bank and Gaza to be called anti-zionist. The Ehuds, as you call them, definitely qualify. Therefore they are now anti-semites.
You are equivocating between being anti-zionist and being called anti-zionist. Equivocation is a fallacy.

Barak was the most highly decorated soldier in the IDF. Olmert may not have been very good at his job but everything he did in it to accommodate the Palestinians was what he thought necessary for the survival of Israel. They are both Zionists par excellence.
The question is the degree of overlap which is something reasonable people can disagree without being disingenuous.
If the dispute were happening in a context-free vacuum, maybe. But the point of labeling Israel's practices "apartheid" is to cast Israel in the role of sole oppressor and misdirect the audience into not observing that Hamas and the other terrorists and their numerous civilian supporters are also oppressors. It's verbal sleight-of-hand.
For some reason, you feel that in a complex world with multiple motivations, there is single reason that motivates everyone .
Israel has been labeled an apartheid state about a million and a half times since Oct. 7. If, in this complex world with multiple motivations, there isn't a single reason that motivates everyone (in parallel with their other additional idiosyncratic motivations), then you should have no trouble quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity.

I always tried to see both sides on Israel and Palestinians.

Not that it maters in the grand cosmic scheme of things, I can no longer support Israel or military aid to Israel.

The Israeli propaganda is nauseating, especially commercials. I can no 5achNetayahu speak. The same with our secretary of state and Biden.

Over here statements are being interpreted promoting genocide of Jews and Israel, yet that is what Israel is doing to Gaza. The pictures of decaying infant babies in a hospital.

Gaza is becoming an apocalyptic waste land. Palestinians not killed directly will die from disease and starvation.

Tunnels may be flooded. We are looking at the kind of contempt Nazis had for not just Jews but any individual or group labeled inferior, or an enemy or threat to the state.

The Israeli brutality, is it a reflection of the true nature o Israeli culture? I am beginning to think so.

Israel is shooting at fish in a barrel.
Seattle buddy! You have been traditionally neutral in this conflict!? It's going to be over in a couple weeks. And then we'll find out who really wants peace in the area.
I think this is true and it what Israel is ding.

A Palestinian Gaza will cease to exist. Collateral deaths from bombings, disease, lack of medical care, and starvation. The youth are being decimated. There were around 3 or 4 million in Gaza to begin with.
I always tried to see both sides on Israel and Palestinians.

Not that it maters in the grand cosmic scheme of things, I can no longer support Israel or military aid to Israel.

The Israeli propaganda is nauseating, especially commercials. I can no 5achNetayahu speak. The same with our secretary of state and Biden.

Over here statements are being interpreted promoting genocide of Jews and Israel, yet that is what Israel is doing to Gaza. The pictures of decaying infant babies in a hospital.

Gaza is becoming an apocalyptic waste land. Palestinians not killed directly will die from disease and starvation.

Tunnels may be flooded. We are looking at the kind of contempt Nazis had for not just Jews but any individual or group labeled inferior, or an enemy or threat to the state.

The Israeli brutality, is it a reflection of the true nature o Israeli culture? I am beginning to think so.

Israel is shooting at fish in a barrel.
Seattle buddy! You have been traditionally neutral in this conflict!? It's going to be over in a couple weeks. And then we'll find out who really wants peace in the area.
I think this is true and it what Israel is ding.

A Palestinian Gaza will cease to exist. Collateral deaths from bombings, disease, lack of medical care, and starvation. The youth are being decimated. There were around 3 or 4 million in Gaza to begin with.
Sometimes things seem the darkest just when they are about to turn. There is no peace possible as long as Hamas is in power. It also probably isn't possible as long as the Israeli far right is in power. I do think that Netanyahu's coalition is going to fall as a result of their unbelievable lapses leading up to this attack. I think that things will look better in a year or so.
I always tried to see both sides on Israel and Palestinians.
And that's your first problem. Pretending that there is some moral equivalence between Israel and the Palestinian terrorists.


Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose ...
Not that it maters in the grand cosmic scheme of things, I can no longer support Israel or military aid to Israel.
Luckily, it doesn't.
The Israeli propaganda is nauseating, especially commercials. I can no 5achNetayahu speak. The same with our secretary of state and Biden.
Palestinian propaganda is what's nauseating. Especially Pallywood. Check out Mr. FAFO. Btw, I saw him in the wild. I was watching war clips, and there was a clip of a bombing in Hamad Town, outside Khan Younis, and who should be in frame? None other than Mr. FAFO, wailing and gnashing teeth, no doubt gunning for Pallywood version of Oscars (should they be called Osamas?).
Over here statements are being interpreted promoting genocide of Jews and Israel,
Because they are. How would you interpret these statements if not as genocidal?

yet that is what Israel is doing to Gaza. The pictures of decaying infant babies in a hospital.
That's not "genocide". That's just war. A war that Hamas started, if I have to remind you.
2 million German civilians died in WWII according to this.
View attachment 44868
That's almost 4% of the German population at the time.

Do you think they had adequate food supplies in 1945? Medical care? Do you not think there were dead and decaying babies in Germany as the Third Reich was collapsing around them? Was that "genocide"? Do you yell "FDR, you cannot hide, we charge you with genocide!"? Or does that only apply when Jews dare defend themselves instead of meekly allowing to be genocided by islamofascists?
That's what irks me about these discussions. Israel is held to a different standard than any other country.
Gaza is becoming an apocalyptic waste land. Palestinians not killed directly will die from disease and starvation.
Disease and deprivation stalk Gaza like ... two giant stalking things. Apologies to Edmund Blackadder.
But whose fault is that? Who started the war? Just like Nazi Germany started WWII, so Hamas-ruled Gaza started this one.
Tunnels may be flooded. We are looking at the kind of contempt Nazis had for not just Jews but any individual or group labeled inferior, or an enemy or threat to the state.
Tunnels are for exclusive use by Hamas and other terror groups. They have no civilian use. Hamas made that clear.
Tunnels built to protect our fighters, not civilians: Hamas official
One side in this conflict is like the Nazis, but it sure isn't Israel. It's Hamas.
The Israeli brutality, is it a reflection of the true nature o Israeli culture? I am beginning to think so.
It's a reflection of realities of war. As General William "Tecumseh" Sherman said, "war is hell".
Israel is shooting at fish in a barrel.
More like shooting extremely dangerous fish that are hiding among and under other, ordinary, fish that it is not trying to shoot. But these fish that it is targeting are so dangerous, there is no other choice. 10/7 proved that.

The first cause of what is hang today was seizure of Arab-Palestinian land when Jews declared the stae of Isrel. It continues today in the West Bank. Israel has used several rationalizations and justifications. Palestinians never really owned the land they lived on for centuries. There were never Palestinians in the first place, same clam made by Putin on Ukraine. Ukraine and Ukrainian culture never really existed. The words of the Zionist Netanyahu, god gave the land to Israel.

Israel has been given a pass by the US because over here Jews have poitical influnce. Isreal has a well funded probgnda prgram in the USA.

By defintion Israel is racsist, of and for Jews. It is difcult to get Israeli citzenship if you are not Jewish. Any other country like that and Biden wiuld be all over it.

Since the 90s there has been a slow motion ethnic cleansing in hte West Bank by Israel.
The question is the degree of overlap which is something reasonable people can disagree without being disingenuous.
If the dispute were happening in a context-free vacuum, maybe. But the point of labeling Israel's practices "apartheid" is to cast Israel in the role of sole oppressor and misdirect the audience into not observing that Hamas and the other terrorists and their numerous civilian supporters are also oppressors. It's verbal sleight-of-hand.
For some reason, you feel that in a complex world with multiple motivations, there is single reason that motivates everyone .
Israel has been labeled an apartheid state about a million and a half times since Oct. 7. If, in this complex world with multiple motivations, there isn't a single reason that motivates everyone (in parallel with their other additional idiosyncratic motivations), then you should have no trouble quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity.

Saying “Israel is an apartheid state” is a description (valid or not) which is unrelated to any atrocity perpetrated by Hamas. So I find your challenge to be inane.
The question is the degree of overlap which is something reasonable people can disagree without being disingenuous.
If the dispute were happening in a context-free vacuum, maybe. But the point of labeling Israel's practices "apartheid" is to cast Israel in the role of sole oppressor and misdirect the audience into not observing that Hamas and the other terrorists and their numerous civilian supporters are also oppressors. It's verbal sleight-of-hand.
For some reason, you feel that in a complex world with multiple motivations, there is single reason that motivates everyone .
Israel has been labeled an apartheid state about a million and a half times since Oct. 7. If, in this complex world with multiple motivations, there isn't a single reason that motivates everyone (in parallel with their other additional idiosyncratic motivations), then you should have no trouble quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity.


"quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity"

Why must it be included in the same statement?
Your defense is an idiotic “whataboutism”?
I don't think it's idiotic or whataboutism to point out that the current disaster is a combination of Islamists like Hamas both turning Gaza into a densely populated military installation and then attacking Israel.
A Palestinian Gaza will cease to exist.
Will it? I doubt that very much. It would be a mistake for the West (US and EU mostly) to take in 2.4M of a population incompatible with Western values and ways of life. And nobody else is foolish enough to take them in, least of all their fellow Arabs. Egypt has dealt with Gazans from 1948-1967. They do not want any part of it.
Collateral deaths from bombings, disease, lack of medical care, and starvation.
Yes, war is hell. Let's not forget who started this war, however, and how.
The youth are being decimated.

What do you mean by "youth", because there are a plethora of definitions? Population overall is at most being centimated, as the death rate is just under 1% of the population. Those under 18 less than that. Among military age males (say 15-40, since Hamas and Islamic Jihad deploy underage fighters) the rate will be higher, since most Hamas fighters are from that cohort and Israel estimates it killed about 7k of those, but even that is not enough to "decimate", i.e. kill a tenth of.

There were around 3 or 4 million in Gaza to begin with.
About 2.4M actually, according to latest estimates. It was <400k when Israel took over in 1967. They are having a ridiculous number of children leading to exponential population growth, which in turn leads to things like overdrawing the coastal aquifer causing encroachment of seawater into it). All that because they want to use demographics as a weapon against Israel.
Your defense is an idiotic “whataboutism”?
I don't think it's idiotic or whataboutism to point out that the current disaster is a combination of Islamists like Hamas both turning Gaza into a densely populated military installation and then attacking Israel.
As details come out about all the weapons and the incredibly extensive cave structures under Gaza, I wonder what heck kind of embargo Israel put on Gaza for all these years.
The first cause of what is hang today was seizure of Arab-Palestinian land when Jews declared the stae of Isrel.
This is a complex history that cannot be summed up with a one-sided statement like this.
It was also 75 years ago. Note that Palestinian extremists refer to "75 years of occupation" or to Israel as "1948 occupied territories" in reference to this. They have no desire for peace with Israel, but desire to conquer and destroy Israel. And among them is the supposedly moderate prime minister of the Palestinian Authority. He referred to "75 years" just the other day.
Palestinian PM calls for sanctions on Israel
Star said:
Shtayyeh also urged the UN “to say that this occupation that was started 75 years ago must end”.
Shtayyeh represents the Palestinian Authority (PA) - which is separate to the Hamas government operating in Gaza. The PA governs parts of the West Bank that are not under full Israeli control.
In other words, he demands Israel to be destroyed. How is that different from Russia wanting to get rid of Ukraine? And launching an ill-advised war to achieve that goal?
It continues today in the West Bank. Israel has used several rationalizations and justifications.
One reason is historical. "West Bank" is really Judea and Samaria, the hill country that Hebrew people first emerged in as a distinct people around the 10th century BCE, long before any Arabs settled there. It contains cities (like Hebron, where King David is from, and the northern worship center of Shechem among others). The area of the British Mandate, or "Mandatory Palestine", contained trans-Jordan (now the "Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan") as well, and it would have been more logical to use the Jordan river as a divider between the Jewish Palestine and Arab Palestine rather than the convoluted borders of the UN partition plan or the somewhat less convoluted 1949 Armistice Line.
Palestinians never really owned the land they lived on for centuries.
That is true. Before the British Mandate, the area was controlled by the Ottomans who owned most of the land. Most Jewish settlers bought the land fair and square from the previous owners. And as to "lived on for centuries", that is bullshit. Just like there was Jewish migration into the cis-Jordan area in the 20th century, so there was Arab immigration as well. Even Fathi Hamad, the most honest and outspoken among Hamas leaders admits that much.

There were never Palestinians in the first place,
That is somewhat correct, given the use of "Palestinian" to refer to a national and ethnic identity. "Palestinian" used to merely be a toponym, rather than a demonym or an ethnonym. That's why you had the pro-Zionist newspaper called "Palestine Post" (now Jerusalem Post) for example.

Only in the 60s did the PLO invent the "Palestinian" national identity for the purpose of fighting against Israel.

It doesn't really make sense. National identity named after a colonial Roman named for the province, utilizing a sound "p" not found in their language.
same clam made by Putin on Ukraine. Ukraine and Ukrainian culture never really existed.
This is more akin to claims by Palestinians that there was no Jewish Temple and other nonsense.
Abbas disavows Jewish ties to Temple Mount, compares Israel to Nazis
Abbas puts a more moderate front for the western cameras, but he is in his core an extremist.

Israel has been given a pass by the US because over here Jews have poitical influnce. Isreal has a well funded probgnda prgram in the USA.
And Arabs have a lot of political influence in most other countries. They also benefit from antisemitism and anti-Americanism endemic in many cultures. There is a lot of pro-Palestinian propaganda out there, and you seem to have fallen victim to all of it.

By defintion Israel is racsist, of and for Jews. It is difcult to get Israeli citzenship if you are not Jewish. Any other country like that and Biden wiuld be all over it.
Second of all, I do not see anything "racsist"[removed] or otherwise wrong with seeing to maintain one's identity. There are plenty of Arab states in the world, but the one Jewish state is considered a problem that must be arabified and islamicized through demographic change. Really?
What I think is wrong is the liberal attitude that identity, at least western ethnic and cultural identities do not matter, and are not worth preserving, and that is it is ok for, for example, western Europe to become islamicized due to Muslim mass migration.

Since the 90s there has been a slow motion ethnic cleansing in hte West Bank by Israel.
There has been Jewish settlement into areas of what is called "West Bank", yes, but how is it "ethnic cleansing"? The Arab population is not being forcibly shipped elsewhere (across the Jordan for example) , and is in any case increasing exponentially, so how is it "cleansing"?

Just admit you have fallen for propaganda and have not researched this matter for yourself.
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his is a complex history that cannot be summed up with a one-sided statement like this.
It was also 75 years ago. Note that Palestinian extremists refer to "75 years of occupation" or to Israel as "1948 occupied territories" in reference to this. They have no desire for peace with Israel, but desire to conquer and destroy Israel. And among them is the supposedly moderate prime minister of the Palestinian Authority. He referred to "75 years" just the other day.
This is the problem when you allow unfettered immigration of religious extremists to your country.

Or so I've heard.
Your defense is an idiotic “whataboutism”?
I don't think it's idiotic or whataboutism to point out that the current disaster is a combination of Islamists like Hamas both turning Gaza into a densely populated military installation and then attacking Israel.
No one said it was.
I quoted you. It's right there.
I'm not sure what happened.

Perhaps you edited it out?
I suggest you read post 1668 and 1669 in this thread.

While you were missing my point, I did edit my post to tone it down.
There has been Jewish settlement into areas of what is called "West Bank", yes, but how is it "ethnic cleansing"? The Arab population is not being forcibly shipped elsewhere (across the Jordan for example) , and is in any case increasing exponentially, so how is it "cleansing"?
Educate yourself - Google "Settler violence in the west bank 2023" and check out some links. Or read West Bank Settler violence or
Heading toward a 2nd Nabka as samples.
The question is the degree of overlap which is something reasonable people can disagree without being disingenuous.
If the dispute were happening in a context-free vacuum, maybe. But the point of labeling Israel's practices "apartheid" is to cast Israel in the role of sole oppressor and misdirect the audience into not observing that Hamas and the other terrorists and their numerous civilian supporters are also oppressors. It's verbal sleight-of-hand.
For some reason, you feel that in a complex world with multiple motivations, there is single reason that motivates everyone .
Israel has been labeled an apartheid state about a million and a half times since Oct. 7. If, in this complex world with multiple motivations, there isn't a single reason that motivates everyone (in parallel with their other additional idiosyncratic motivations), then you should have no trouble quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity.


"quoting one of them who included in his apartheid accusation a forthright stipulation that what Hamas did on Oct. 7 was a crime against humanity"

Why must it be included in the same statement?
I didn't say it must be included in the same statement; people who say it can freely choose to include or not include whatever they please. But people's choices are evidence of their psychology. Someone including it in the same statement is what it would take to provide empirical evidence for ld's contention. Likewise, it must not be included in the same statement in order for the accusation to serve its apparent intended purpose, which is to propagate the misrepresentation that the relation of the Israelis to the Palestinians is the same as the relation of the Afrikaaners to the black South Africans -- i.e., a one-way oppressor-oppressed relation -- as opposed to the two-way mutual-oppression relation the Israelis and Palestinians in fact have with each other. Every time yet another person makes the accusation without the stipulation, it adds more empirical evidence to the already overflowing pile in favor of the hypothesis that the intended purpose is exactly what it appears to be.
as opposed to the two-way mutual-oppression relation the Israelis and Palestinians in fact have with each other.
Yeah, all those poor Israelis who aren't permited to leave Tel Aviv, and whose water, electricity, and food supplies are occasionally cut off by the Palestinians, must be truly miserable about the oppressive regime they're struggling under. :rolleyesa:
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