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Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

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According to the Peace Now organization, which campaigns against the West Bank settlements, this is the largest designation of state land since the Oslo Accords in 1993, and follows other large designations of state land including 1,976 acres also in the Jordan Valley in March, 650 acres east of Jerusalem in February, and 42 acres in the Etzion Bloc.

According to the Peace Now organization, which campaigns against the West Bank settlements, this is the largest designation of state land since the Oslo Accords in 1993, and follows other large designations of state land including 1,976 acres also in the Jordan Valley in March, 650 acres east of Jerusalem in February, and 42 acres in the Etzion Bloc.
Netanyahu showed the world a map when he addressed the UN in September 2023, a month before the terror attack in October, that presented the West Bank and Gaza as part of Israel, 'from the river to the sea' since 1948.

Six months earlier, the current Defense Minister Bezalel Smotrich stood at a podium in Paris that was draped with a banner depicting all of Gaza, the West Bank, and the Kingdom of Jordan as part of Israel, and declared there was no such thing as the Palestinian people, that only Jews counted as Palestinian, and that David Ben Gurion should have "finished the job" of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

I have no doubt we could find plenty of instances where members of Netanyahu's Administration and closest political allies openly displayed their intentions to annex all of Palestine, to deny the Palestinians the Right to live there, and do whatever it takes to ensure Jews have an assured unassailable majority for generations to come, whether through brutal oppression, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, or genocide.

There are a lot of folks with their heads stuck in the sand regarding the outcome Netanyahu and his cronies are working toward, and plenty more trying to gaslight the rest of us about it.
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Meanwhile, the IDF openly operates out of Tel Aviv, so I expect to hear you condemning them for endangering Israeli civilians the same way Hamas endangers Gazans anytime now.
Last time I looked Tel Aviv is part of Israel and so I am not surprised that the IDF openly operates out of there.
As to possible condemnation we shall have to wait and see.

Meanwhile, the IDF openly operates out of Tel Aviv, so I expect to hear you condemning them for endangering Israeli civilians the same way Hamas endangers Gazans anytime now.
Last time I looked Tel Aviv is part of Israel and so I am not surprised that the IDF openly operates out of there.
As to possible condemnation we shall have to wait and see.
Last time I looked Gaza wasn't part of Israel. Hamas is currently in charge of Gaza and operates out of there.

You accuse Hamas of using human shield tactics for having its fighters embedded in areas full of civilians. You do not accuse Israel of the same even though it, too, has its fighters embedded in a city full of civilians. Not only that, you and others continue to ignore multiple documented instances of the IDF literally using civilians as human shields while you focus on the metaphorical and apply obvious double standards.

Are you, or are you not, opposed to the use of human shields?

Would you condemn Hamas fighters who found a wounded Israeli civilian and strapped him to the front of their vehicle, exacerbating his wounds and inflicting new ones as they drove around? Would you condemn Hamas fighters who forced an Israeli civilian at gunpoint to be their messenger boy, then murdered him while he was still their helpless captive? Would you condemn Palestinians who took Israeli children out of their homes and forced them to walk in front of Palestinian fighters as literal actual fucking human shields, at times firing weapons placed on the kid's shoulders?

If the answer is yes, then what do you say about IDF soldiers doing it?

Meanwhile, the IDF openly operates out of Tel Aviv, so I expect to hear you condemning them for endangering Israeli civilians the same way Hamas endangers Gazans anytime now.
Last time I looked Tel Aviv is part of Israel and so I am not surprised that the IDF openly operates out of there.
As to possible condemnation we shall have to wait and see.
Last time I looked Gaza wasn't part of Israel. Hamas is currently in charge of Gaza and operates out of there.

You accuse Hamas of using human shield tactics for having its fighters embedded in areas full of civilians. You do not accuse Israel of the same even though it, too, has its fighters embedded in a city full of civilians. Not only that, you and others continue to ignore multiple documented instances of the IDF literally using civilians as human shields while you focus on the metaphorical and apply obvious double standards.

Are you, or are you not, opposed to the use of human shields?

Would you condemn Hamas fighters who found a wounded Israeli civilian and strapped him to the front of their vehicle, exacerbating his wounds and inflicting new ones as they drove around? Would you condemn Hamas fighters who forced an Israeli civilian at gunpoint to be their messenger boy, then murdered him while he was still their helpless captive? Would you condemn Palestinians who took Israeli children out of their homes and forced them to walk in front of Palestinian fighters as literal actual fucking human shields, at times firing weapons placed on the kid's shoulders?

If the answer is yes, then what do you say about IDF soldiers doing it?
The Israeli soldiers were very wrong and wicked to use human shields. They need to be punished for their disregard.

Meanwhile, the IDF openly operates out of Tel Aviv, so I expect to hear you condemning them for endangering Israeli civilians the same way Hamas endangers Gazans anytime now.
Last time I looked Tel Aviv is part of Israel and so I am not surprised that the IDF openly operates out of there.
As to possible condemnation we shall have to wait and see.
Last time I looked Gaza wasn't part of Israel. Hamas is currently in charge of Gaza and operates out of there.

You accuse Hamas of using human shield tactics for having its fighters embedded in areas full of civilians. You do not accuse Israel of the same even though it, too, has its fighters embedded in a city full of civilians. Not only that, you and others continue to ignore multiple documented instances of the IDF literally using civilians as human shields while you focus on the metaphorical and apply obvious double standards.

Are you, or are you not, opposed to the use of human shields?

Would you condemn Hamas fighters who found a wounded Israeli civilian and strapped him to the front of their vehicle, exacerbating his wounds and inflicting new ones as they drove around? Would you condemn Hamas fighters who forced an Israeli civilian at gunpoint to be their messenger boy, then murdered him while he was still their helpless captive? Would you condemn Palestinians who took Israeli children out of their homes and forced them to walk in front of Palestinian fighters as literal actual fucking human shields, at times firing weapons placed on the kid's shoulders?

If the answer is yes, then what do you say about IDF soldiers doing it?
The Israeli soldiers were very wrong and wicked to use human shields. They need to be punished for their disregard.
I agree.

Obviously this is an on-going issue, so I would not limit censure to just the soldiers who get caught doing it. Soldiers in the IDF have been using Palestinian civilians as human shields for 20 years, if not more. The problem appears to be systemic, and the punishment for getting caught appears to be little more than an inconvenience for the perpetrators. It's long past time to hold the Israeli leadership accountable as well.

I understand that people caught up in a war have very little sympathy for those they consider their enemies, but those of us not living in Israel or Palestine should be able to recognize how evil it is to kidnap, abuse, and basically enslave people by forcing them at gunpoint to risk their lives on behalf of the combatants threatening them, no matter which side of the conflict they're on.
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